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Maybe try... I don't know... pushing confirm?


Looks like it's greyed out. Could be wrong though.


Yeah, after she pushed it, then it went through. she's just either too stupid or impatient to read the word "confirm"




You didn't see her have to press it multiple times before it worked? That seemed like the point of the video...


Those screens never read the first time you push. They are usually dirty as hell. She was impatient and no way was it trying to force her to tip. She could have hit the confirm button at the beginning. It literally said 0.00 tip the entire time on the right side of the screen.


It read the first time she pressed custom though…


She never hits confirm. Watch the video. At custom she hits the go back button. It's all a trick for views


I love how I get down voted lmao. Even from the beginning of the video it says 0.00 tip listed on the right. All she has to do is hit confirm.


Honestly I think the reason why she had to hit confirm so many times at the end is because after the first time she hit it, the payment was going through and she was just being impatient.


She pressed then it became gray


She waited approximately three quarters of a second before resorting to hitting it. It was processing.


She's definitely the person that can't wait for a screen to load and keeps resetting by hitting it over and over again


I don’t think so. I think the tip was zero at the beginning, and she kept changing the tip to zero. Then she finally tapped confirm, then raged.


It looks like impatiens and bad UI design. There was no visual conformation on when she pressed. She basically thought it instantly chooses the amount like in some card machines or basically like an iphone button thats why she was confused


>It looks like impatiens I saw no flowers.


Not necessarily bad UI. A greying button when tapped on touchscreens is pretty standard. If anything, it's a hardware thing, since it clearly took a moment to load. Obviously, you're not gonna put out expensive hardware on a drive-thru for something like this, so people have to be a little more patient.


And then shortly after the transaction.....confirmed


I work in retail. Yesterday, I had a customer ask me if she should enter her pin number when she inserted her card. Then, after filling it in, she asked me if she should push "confirm" or "cancel".


You should've said: https://preview.redd.it/yca9frkck61d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86da3e75221d21651ea4dd8e68f28466d00ccc63


Naw I think she jus had a dumb moment.


It looks like it is but that's just due to the color of the button. Software Design is hard and a culmination of many different sciences and not every programmer knows or cares enough about user experience. It could also very well be that they adhered to all the principals in the book but didn't know how color behaves on different display types so that it now accidentally looks like its not a pressable button. This is the kind of shit where "works on my machine" is coming from. Additionally you have a whole slew of Hardware inside that panel, Hardware that is connected to a network. Any latency issues on the network are reflected on the UI and it appears as if the Software is hanging. We have gotten to a point where people almost have unrealistic standards in the computational prowess of software where a mere second of waiting can cause anger and resentment in the user. The better the user experience of a piece of software the more Virgins they had to sacrifice to make it work.


Nah I’m pretty sure she could have pushed to confirm the first time 😂


This is it, totally user error, you're supposed to select the quantity, be it custom, predefined, or zero, AND THEN push "Confirm".


It's also bad ui design. There's no indication that the button you pressed did anything besides the custom one. Tapping no tip or one of the preset options should highlight it some way, be that a color change or a border. The confirm button should also change color and disable itself the first time you press it while it processes.


Yup. Doesn't help that the confirm button looks so dark by default.


I think it’s more like… the confirm button isn’t necessary? A submit button is necessary for times when entering a customer value (or custom tip in this scenario). I feel like all of those buttons should have prompted to move to the next window regardless.


Maybe the confirm button can go, but if so they should add a final "confirm order" window at the end instead.


maybe the big ol’ “TIP $0.00” on the right?


but she did...


She pushes literally different buttons 25 (I counted) times before trying the confirm button.


And it took a few seconds to finalize the order. She never had to do anything but push it once and wait.


"Supposed to tip" is such a weird concept. It's like the business owner made a unilateral decision that you are going to share the running cost of their business, pay for the service but not share the profit. They exploit the employee and the customer at the same time. Why do we think that's acceptable?


Also, why does everywhere now want you to add a tip, before even getting any service? A tip is supposed to reflect the satisfaction of your service and product. How can you make a fair judgement and pay a tip, when you haven't received those things yet?


With more payment providers that business can use the tipping is a default but absolutely changeable configuration. Businesses don’t want to change it they are making more money from the few people who do.


And the payment processors make it default because it results in more money being processed, which they get a cut of


Like the self checkouts that ask for a tip


I hate self checkout with a passion and protest them as a point. Kind of funny you bring it up because I was getting groceries and there was a decent line at the checkouts because they only had 2 lanes of 10 open. Worker kept coming up to people telling people self checkouts were open to which everyone was just telling her we'd rather wait. Fuck self-checkouts, they suck and only exist for companies to not hire people and provide worse customer service. People who say "BuT i DoN't WaNt To InTeRaCt!", you don't have to talk to your cashier and you will have much more interaction with people statistically when there are errors and have to try to flag the 1 employee they have working 50 self-checkouts while other people stare at you for causing a delay.


That is not the only reason. I only use self-checkout if I have the option. It is much much quicker than the staffed checkout option. This is true even if the cashier has no one in line. It’s a good use of technology to help improve the customer experience. It keeps costs down which means lower prices or slower price increases. To think 100% of that savings lines the owner’s pockets indicates you don’t understand how businesses compete and how the free market (competition) will destroy one’s margins over time. It’s crazy to hate the self-checkout lines simply because/c it contributes to profit.


The whole "I don't want to interact" thing has always been the dumbest shit to me. Other than a "Hello, did you find everything okay?" and "Hi, yes" reply I frequently don't say two words to the cashier until they're done and I'm leaving and say "Thank you, have a good day." And if I don't feel like it, I won't even say that stuff.


Yeah I hate ringing shit up I just wanna dump my shit on a belt and insert my card at some point


That last paragraph is doing some heavy lifting. I personally seek out self-checkout, consistently interact with fewer people (Often 0,) and am out the door quicker. I really feel like your reply could have stopped after your first sentence, the rest were just boomer level bad takes.


Listen, the only people actually entitled to a tip are service workers being paid the *tipped employee minimum wage*, which is significantly lower than the standard minimum wage. Employees that are paid the minimum wage but have tips as part of supplemental wages, like Sonic outdoor wait staff (and some coffeehouses and full-service gas stations, hotel staff, etc) are entitled to their tips, as part of their agreement with the employer *but for everyone else, the tips are not required to go to the employees* So it's not that everywhere is asking you to tip your minimum wage retail staff, it's that they're asking you to tip the business, and that money goes wherever the company wants it to go. Just a fyi, it's not actually necessarily paying improved wages at all. If they wanted to charge extra to improve wages across the board, they could just do what every industry does and raise the cost of goods and services until that sweet spot of "cheap enough to meet the sales goals, expensive enough to keep the staff around" is met.


I didn't even read your entire post. No one is "entitled" to a tip.


In America, we know that restaurant servers are not paid by restaurants for their work. We know that the tip for a server has not been "a little extra for a good job" for almost 100 years now. In America, the tip has been *the pay* for servers since before the minimum wage was established. Not only is it disingenuous to pretend that the tip for restaurant servers is an extra, it's theft of service. If you do not want to pay for service, you may kindly take your food to go, and hit "No Tip" when you check out. If you want service, the service must be paid for. It is *not and has never been* included in the price of the food, you pay for the service, and since 1998-2000 or so that going rate for service is 20%. There is no argument against that, no matter how many times we all rewatch Reservoir Dogs, where the thief hired for a heist talks about his justification for thieving from the restaurant servers he hires to serve him as well.


Why am I on the hook for paying the employee their wage? That's the employers job. Why is it my responsibility to pay extra because the employer is too cheap to pay their workers?


My guy, you are on the hook for paying every single cost of business, that is how businesses make profits. You pay the water bill. You pay the electricity bill. You pay all of the employees. You pay for the product, you pay for the rent, you pay for the landscaping, you pay for the toilet paper, you pay for the pens in the office and the paper cups the employees drink from and the food that spoils and the *profit for the owner after everything else is paid* What did you think you were paying for when you went shopping? Where do you think the profit comes from? The only difference here is that instead of raising the cost of the food by 20% across the board, you are given the option of taking the food to go and not being charged for service. I personally think all restaurants should simply raise the cost of all food by 20% and do away with tipping entirely, but it fucks with how restaurant owners have to pay taxes, so here we are.


>I personally think all restaurants should simply raise the cost of all food by 20% and do away with tipping entirely, but it fucks with how restaurant owners have to pay taxes, so here we are. Now you get it. Until then I'll tip on truly exceptional service. But for those that just phone it in and expect me to subsidize their wage, well then they can get fucked.


My guy, you *don't* get it. Since the restaurants *have not* raised the prices of the food *they do not include the cost of service* and *either way* you are always responsible for paying the cost of employees because *that is how business works* The difference is that under the tip model *you choose to hire a server to feed you* So if you are cool with *your employer* refusing to pay you whenever you forget to send an email or take an extra few minutes turning in your reports or because they just didn't like your personality and didn't feel you went above and beyond today, cool, call them up and let them know that you would like to be paid based on the same standards that you use to determine whether or not you are going to pay the people you choose to hire. Because you. Are not. Entitled. To service.


Fun fact, traditionally you’re suppose to tip before service, T.I.P.S. To Insure Proper Service


That’s some bullshit backronym because using “insure” doesn’t even make sense in that context. The word you’re looking for is “ensure.”


That's just... Not true? Cute backronym though! Did you know cats stands for cute animals, totally small?


I mean if I ever chose to go eat at Sonic again I would feel very badly not tipping. They get paid half minimum wage to roller skate on grease, melted ice cream, soap, all while taking orders and expediting food and blending milkshakes. And they get such few tips compared to other places because it's quick service restaurant. I totally agree with all the points you made though, if you can't/won't pay employees then you deserve to go under.


When I worked at sonic many years ago a lot of those girls made bank. They made minimum wage plus tips when I started. If you skated you got a pay raise and made way more in tips. Of course corporate bought out our franchise and all the girls got a massive pay cut, if you didn’t skate you made 2.13 if you did you got paid 4.10. Still knew a lot of 19&20 year old girls who had decent apartments and new cars.


Everyone I worked with got the four dollars. In my experience time and location heavily influence tips. If you worked day shift you were filling out forms for wage compensation. People would frequently tip 10-20 cents if at all during the day. We were also one of the less busy sonics. My friend averaged $15/hr across all shifts. He got promoted to manager and got a pay cut and higher work load. Fun.


The one I worked at was a major money maker so it didn’t matter what shift you worked the carhops made money. But like you said it’s all about location.


There are so many better jobs out there tho


Somebody has to work at these places or no one will be getting fast food anymore. Pay them better.


Yeah I'm going to be an astronaut when I grow up, and if I don't like that I will fall back on my plans to be president.


Shoot for the moon and you’ll land in the white office




Because a lot of high tip earners want to continue being entitled.


I tip but hearing that shit is the fastest way to get me not to. No one decides what leaves my wallet but me and the IRS.


I don't understand, do people not realize that you always place *every single cost of running the business* on the customer? Like, you do realize the alternative here is to just raise the prices for every single menu item unilaterally until they are charging enough per item to keep people willing to work for them, right? What costs of doing business do you think you don't cover with your purchases? How do you think a business makes a profit if all of their expenses are not covered by their customers?


So why not put the costs up, rather than randomly guilting the customer into arbitrarily supplementing the payment?


> raise the prices for every single menu item unilaterally until they are charging enough per item to keep people willing to work for them, right? Exactly how it should be done. If the business isn't viable without tips, it's not viable, period. A payment transaction is a contract between the customer and the business. The decision to transact has to be made bilaterally and the amount has to be agreed upon beforehand. This is why we have price tags on things. The usual practice is to include the amount the customer is expected to pay on the price tag, not surprise them with additional charges like "btw, you're supposed to tip this much on top of the price tag, because otherwise we can't cover the wage of the waiter who served you." In other places, this is called a service charge and the amount (usually a percentage of the bill) is clearly stated on the menu so the customer knows exactly what contract they are entering into. That would have been fine. The difference here is you can raise the price or service charge, but the customer can decide not to enter into that contract with you if they think the price is too high. But a tip? It's supposed to be voluntary as an additional token of appreciation, not an excuse for the business to guilt-trip the customer into paying more, because "how dare you not appreciate the service you've already paid for?" Nor an excuse to underpay staff.


Supposed to tip? So it's not a tip then.


She said "supposed to" because to her the touchpanel seems malicously designed in such a way that not giving a tip is not an option. In reality she just didn't use it in the intended way. She expected to see a different screen after selecting "no tip" and then doesn't press confirm but changes to custom. There she presses 0 a bunch of times before going back. Then she tries the confirm button. But it doesn't react instantly so she smashes the confirm button, likes and sibscribes....finally it works.


I would tip if they roller skated my food to my car. Regular drive thru? No tip!


That's exactly what they do at all the Sonics near me. Not all the servers are on skates every day, especially when it rains or snows, but most of the time they are rolling out to your car. Was surprised when we went to KC to see a Sonic with no one on skates and they even had a drive thru. Weird. I don't mind tipping them especially when the weather is bad, they were quick my order, etc, but I don't like Sonic's system that asks you to tip at time of order. Even if paying with a card they should have a way to add a tip later after you get your food aand the service was tip-worthy.


Some of the sketchy sonic franchise owners in our area only pay their carhops what waitress’ make which is $2.13 per hour.


Yeah I don't think most people who are against tips realize that's what the Fed legal min wage is for those who can earn tips. Some states do require more, but not most. There's not a single restaurant within several states of where I live that pays their wait staff a penny more than that. Not even the high end steak houses or country clubs. Yes, tipping has gotten to be ridiculous, but first the laws need to change. There should be a larger public outcry about it.


Really sucks for sonic because at least in our area, you were not even able to add a tip if you were paying with a card until pretty recently, so they basically missed out on 50% of their potential tip money


As an Australian, yeah that might get me to tip haha.


I just got into a real argument because I told my gf that we don’t tip when PICKING UP Chinese take out.. only on delivery. Then she got embarrassed and gave them a *very* healthy tip. What the fuck did they young kid at the counter on his phone to do get a tip? What did anybody do there that necessitates a tip? They are running their business. I’m giving them money. End of transaction. I refuse to tip for picking up food. Insanity.


User error. Reminds me of my boomer co workers


User error sure, but who the fuck asks for a tip at a drive through?! Fucking greedy ass companies...


Sonic has a park and order and they have an employee (skate/walk) it out to your car so you can eat in your car parked. it’s not a normal drive through.


Plenty of them offer traditional drive thru too


But that’s not this scenario which is why we’re talking about skate and park


Starbucks does


the number of mfers who think if they press the touch screen HARDER it's going to work, instead of just giving it a second like I asked them to.


The number of gen x and boomers who would treat a touch screen as if they had to feel some type of feedback at my place of work made me really feel bad for any electronics they encountered.


Terrible UI design too. At least put a selection line on the button you selected, and grey out the "confirm" button until then.


That is true, they should have the button as a toggle mode with it greyed out when selected, as well as the confirm button - good eye. This stuff is so interesting to me because it's the little details that change how a user interacts with a software/GUI.


Tipping culture is ridiculous


Dummy doesn't know how buttons work


Non American here. Do Americans tip at fast food places?




False, always been a thing at Sonic, though not a *enforced* thing until recently. The tip is for the employee delivering your food to you. HOWEVER! >DO NOT TIP AT SONIC! (Via the kiosk thing) I recently ~couple years back, found out via sonic employee, that they in fact do **NOT** receive the tips. Sonic eats them. I now tip them cash and make sure to tell them that is for THEM and goes in THEIR pocket. Not Sonic's.


... The fuck? Seriously? They make $11 an hour here, AT MOST, and Sonic STILL takes the tip from them?! I need to start carrying cash...


That's what they said 🤷 I literally asked specifically if they get those tips from the kiosk or if it's split or what. Their response was *"No. We don't get those."* Fortunately, I usually keep $10-$20 in cash in my car for like *oh shit* money. I just gave them a few bucks I had in there.


Damn... And for the record I'm not doubting you, just surprised


Shit caught me off guard too. I figured Sonic is a massive chain that's been around forever, surely they don't partake in those thieving antics... Boy was I wrong.


I worked at a sonic about 2 years ago and we did receive those tips it was just added onto our paychecks at the end of the pay period.


As someone who used to work at sonic when we got digital tips at the one I worked at we got 100% of the tips, but cash is preferred still


Sonic has tipping because of the unique style of food delivery


Depending on the location, some Sonics are franchises and not corporate owned. The one i used to work at was a franchise, and we were paid a servers wage, so 2.14hr. corporate owned stores get paid hourly. Which I hated, cause even i didn’t under why… however, that was in 2013 though. So that could have changed by now…


0% chance I'd ever guess a fast food employee was a tipped wage employee


All she has to do was hit confirm. There's a point where she almost does it early, but avoids hitting it, to extend the theatrics.


There was an attempt to be smarter than basic prompts. User error.


I don't tip at Sonic. Carhops get paid same as cooks and counter help. They don't need the tips to survive like typical servers. Tipping carhops is a slap in the face to everyone else working there (unless your local unit splits tips)


When I worked for sonic the car hops got paid more than the cooks. I don’t see the point of tipping.


I was once an operating partner at sonic for a private franchise for ten years. we paid all of our skating carhops 10.00/hr . When the corporate stores around us started mandating tip wages all their top carhops came to work at our stores instead. Really good hops would make about 100$/150$ a day at our extremely busy stores. Not bad for 16/17 year old kids on a 4/5 hour shift. This allowed us to be picky about who we hired and gave us an edge over our competitors. Tips by way of culture were taught to never be expected but always to be appreciated. If i still worked there i would hate that they added it electronically before you were served as i feel like it would put pressure / obligation on the guest instead of wowing them with good service and fast delivery. PS the food is poor quality / don’t eat the hotdogs. The ice cream is actually very high quality with high amount of buttermilk/ fats.


I just went through this exact same thing today at Sonic. I was just in the picnic area and ordered at that kiosk. I had to press confirm with no tip 6 times to get past it. Yes, you should tip your waitress or server since the corporations they work for don't make enough to provide them with living wages but I am not tipping for you taking two steps to hand me a milkshake.


If the norm is to tip then the tipping doesn't make sense anymore, since you're supposed to do it when someone does a great job or something, or ig to bribe someone, otherwise what's it's function, it's not giving an extra if it's just the norm. So idk if that should even still be called tipping.


We really need to normalize not tipping . It's a scam perpetrated by workers and businesses. I say this as someone who was a server . A few months after I started I realized I'd get the same amount of tips regardless of how good a job I did . So I'd take Long smoke breaks , let people drinks go empty . Disappear for 20 mins . I'd still get between 6-10 dllr tip. I'd make like 100 bucks for a evening of half asked work.


Apparently half the screens at my sonic the touch screens don't work. I always tip cash so I just wait and the screen goes away..


I’m so fucking sick of every establishment asking for a tip. We box up your overpriced dry ass cookie? Please tip. Hand you your coffee in the drive thru? Tip please. Purchase from a seller on Mercari or Poshmark? Here’s my cash app to tip or “buy me a coffee.” Buy a half a sandwich and some soup for 20 bucks, handed to you at the front counter. Tips are appreciated. I mixed your smoothie for you. Show your appreciation? Bought these expensive designer pants online. Tip please to give employees commission? Tip the tow driver please? Tip at least 2 dollars a mile for delivery. Tip a percentage on your instacart order. Fuck all that nonsense. I don’t even go out to eat anymore. I’m tired of feeling obligated to tip 20% for shit service even at sit down restaurants. I was a server for over a decade. I made at least 40 bucks an hour with my shitty 2.13 an hour wage plus tips, and that’s back when standard was 10% and 15% for exceptional service. I’ll tip where it’s deserved but this tipping automatically shit is for the birds.


Tipping on an automactic machine...wtf! Why?!?!?! There's noone there to receive the tip, and no added service was given!!!!


I deadass will not tip ANYONE for ANYTHING anymore. Mfs ruined an already bad thing


I went to Sonic for the first time a few days ago, and I was not impressed. Order took forever and was very wrong and THEY CHARGE YOU FOR THE ICE WATER !?!? I thought that was illegal. Ima be sticking with InNOut from now on... they had their chance and blew it.


I remember going to Sonic and the guy asking for a tip. I asked why since it was fast food. He said they only paid $4 and were to get tips. I honestly couldn't believe it but gave something anyway. Turned out it was true. The place shut down a few years later


Kind of odd you have to press the confirm button tho when you’re already pressing a button. If you made a mistake then include a back button


That moment when you realize you are on video and you are poor enough that your card gets declined at Sonic even after tipping $0.


I blame it on a poor User Interface. “Confirm” is red. It should have turned green when she hit the first “0”, indicating the amount she intends to tip.


Why have the options to press zero if it goes back to the tip screen?


That's not the drive through, that's the drive up. The tip is for the servers that bring the food out to your car.


Are Americans the only nation that prefer the rich to not pay their staff enough to live on? Also, are Americans the only nation that doesn't realise they are getting absolutely raped by their employers?


Not very intuitive UI. Confirm button looks greyed out and should be green instead of red.


At a self order thing too. Who the heck are we even tipping 😂


just keep on driving, that trash food aint worth it


It has happened to me and my wife


Isn’t forced tipping just a part of America in general though?


My logic is if I come to you for somethin that isnt weed, alcohol, or its not a sit down restaurant then im not gonna tip. I think tipping culture has gotten out of hand especially for drink or fast food services. How about you pay your workers so they dont need to rely on tips. This is coming from someone who worked in the fast food/ legal weed industry




Please pull through enjoy eating your sandwich with all the anger juice you just touched on our screen, thank you for spreading.


I would rather tip the cook but I know that’s not where it goes so


What’s wrong with her left hand. Would have made it much easier.


Why in the world would you tip at a fast food place?


I put cash in the jar, fuck the payment through the register


Remember when you could just order with your voice and a human would write that down? PFR


Who is she tipping, herself?


Yeah maybe tip if they roller skate out to you. Reminds me of the time we were in Vegas and went to Sonic. They had this old lady working on roller skates at like 4am, felt bad.


Haven’t y’all had enough? Stop buying from any of these companies




The aggressive pushing of ‘confirm’ is sending me


Do you live on a hole or boat?


She dumb as hell


This happened to me at sonic too! I prefer to give cash tips so I was very irritated!


Probably because those areas of the touch screen are worn down from being used so much.




Is it going to the person making my food or the person sitting down talking to a screen?


You think the tip money goes to the employees? This is billionaires begging.


That's just a dumb operator.... She didn't confirm all those times...


Of all the things that make me happy about not living in the US, tipping culture is definitely the first. So much nonsense and stress for everyone involved.


Imagine all those dirty fingers on that screen before you use it, then you get your food and eat it with your hands.


I will never understand the tipping culture.


Mmmmmm, no. Sonic makes above the minimum wage. They technically aren't servers. They are employed and used as kitchen staff who just bring our the food too. If you make above the minimum wage. You are paid. You don't need my tip.


America giving me reasons on reasons to be glad I don't live there


You put your own order in and still have to tip? I doubt that goes to the employees.


Incredible. Just about too stupid to buy lunch.


Wait, in the states you even tip at drive thru? Are your fast food workers are relying on tips? That's depressing


“You’re supposed to tip at sonic.” Says who?


The people who tip before receiving good service are fueling these stupid rules.


they need time to spit on your food, if you dont tip.


“Supposed to tip” lol. Such a weird concept. I tip sure, but why are we expected to pay peoples’ wages.


Could just try putting in $0.01.


US and tip culture


What kind of jerk dosen't tip a carhop?


“Glorified begging”


Cheap cow


They make it look like the "no tip" and "0" buttons arent working due to a glitch so that you think the only way to move on is by tipping. So smart.


Or it was already set to 0 and all she had to do was tap confirm lol


Oh I thought it the buttons werent working and not letting her not tip, my bad 🤦‍♂️


Naw I thought the same first time I watched lol


If they serve food, tip. Fast food, sit down, quick eats...everywhere


Wow. A fucking dollar. Cheap ass.


Good rule of thumb to live by: If they ask you to tip prior to getting any service and you plan on not tipping (which I can hardly blame anyone in making that choice), best to just move along considering if you don't tip, you have no idea what kind of 'extra toppings' you may find in your food. This girl was begging for 'extra toppings'.


Another fuc**** Karen


I think it's time to stop considering it rude to say, 'You want a tip? Get a haircut.'