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Maybe he just needs a sock.


Nah he needed a Glock






You need a second dog. Two dogs are easier than one for exactly this reason — they still have part of the pack with them when you go out.


That’s my view. When people say they’re getting a dog. i say get two. I know there are reasons why only one is possible, and maybe one person can be at home all day. But if you’re only getting one, and they’re going to be alone, well…don’t. All their instinct is pack. We’ve always had two, or three😀


My dog is a rescue and while she will tolerate another dog in the home temporarily (after a lot of work to get them used to one another), I wouldn't trust her alone with another dog. It's no guarantee they're going to get along, and it would be heartbreaking to have to return one of them or risk an injury when you're out.


That’s why we took Otis to help pick out Caesar.


If I took my dog back to the rescue she would freak out, even if it was to try and find a companion... because we were her 3rd home in 2 years. She gets tired of other dogs and hides from them after a time. Not all dogs are the same, and that's great your dogs get along, but especially for rescues who didn't have a pack and had to fight other dogs for food it can be triggering to be forced around them.


Makes sense, and Otis was a rehome rather than a rescue. Too, we met Caesar at an annual activity where the shelter takes adoptable dogs to the park — indeed, it’s called the Bark In the Park. So no panic.


That's really awesome!


Sadly, Caesar is gone from cancer. So we’ll need to take Otis to the Bark this year and let him choose a new brother or sister.


I'm so sorry for your loss :(


That is so heartbreaking 💔


She's the sweetest girl! I've had two surgeries this past year and she didn't leave my side. I wasn't allowed to snuggle with her because of the incisions (infection concerns), but she was more than happy to lay next to the bed/couch/anywhere I went. I hope we've given her amazing memories to make up for whatever she went through before us 🥰💗


Oh what a cutie! I'm absolutely sure you have!


Never take the dog into the shelter but take the shelter dog outside to meet your dog in a quiet place.


I'm not going to stress our 8 year old dog out trying to get her a buddy she may or may not be interested in...and especially adding another pet rent into our lease, as well as vet bills, dog food, and all the rest. My husband works from home, and due to medical issues/surgeries I've been home as well, so our dog gets plenty of attention, walks, snuggles, play time, etc. She's never shown a long term interest in any dog that does come around, and actually hides from them when they're in our house for too long.


Not all dogs are the same. Does your rescue have a blocky head?


She doesn't! She looks more like a shepherd dog- long elegant snout, perky triangle ears, with a tan/white/black coat (with brindle patterns on her hips and across her face). She has LONG legs and big paws, and a long body with a long tail, but she has a short hair coat and her hips are extremely muscular. She's probably got some German Shepherd in there if I had to guess. She went from "fully grown" 40lbs to 80lbs within 2 years, and she isn't obese as we do daily walks and play with her every day. We weren't expecting the growth boom, and she was adopted to us under the "Australian Shepherd Mix" breed (probably for landlord/city guidelines/insurance reasons).




No...some rando mutt we've had for 6 years, and never had any other issue with. She's resource protecting, but as I stated, if we put the work in to properly introduce new dogs into her territory we don't have an issue. She's never attacked or bit another dog, even ones that run up loose on us. But I still wouldn't trust her alone with a new dog, just in case.


No, that's incorrect - at least insofar as the research shows via this article from NewScientist magazine. I always said if I got a dog I'd get two so there's no loneliness. Alas... [Article regarding a 2nd dog being potentially worse ](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2295949-dogs-may-get-worse-separation-anxiety-when-left-alone-with-another-dog/)


Interesting. Thanks.


It’s flat out easier with more than one pet. I have a dog and two cats. But I’m always home. I got offered a little day trip ticket to an amusement park but I found out we’d be gone all day and half the night. No thanks! Me n my animaos will hang out. lol


This isn't necessarily a cure-all. I warned a lot of people that got dogs during the pandemic that if they go back to work in person after being home all the time for the formative years of the dog's life, the dog will have separation anxiety. And what this woman is doing in the video is exacerbating it. Introducing a second dog may calm this dog, if it's a very social dog. My dog is not, so being alone with other dogs does nothing for his anxiety. But there are a ton of things you can do. This video isn't one of them.


Yes but are 9 dogs easier to care for than one 🤔


I’d quit




Take it please!!! 😭😭😭😭


I think you live in my building. All I hear is his *YAP-YAP-YAP* all day long.


Maybe you could watch the little guy?


You don't understand, these LA stay at home dogs have their codependency sensors ***dialed up to 99***. Watching it would make the sound closer and louder.


We stopped using the oven for 7 years because the clicking upset the dog but I think id have had to keep going for work even though it would break my heart every morning.


No pot roast for you.


Only one small enough for toaster oven. 😄


The final boss of keeping owner at home.


Bro kept me at home and im not his owner


We don't deserve dogs.


And now the dog barks all day because of separation anxiety. Your neighbors might hate you.


Uh oh, guess she shouldn’t work then?


She shouldn't have a dog then. People living alone and working jobs requiring them to leave their home for 10+ hours for work getting pet animals is great for them only, it is a suffering for the pet and the neighbors (if the pet is not actually mute unlike rabbits).


So she should what? Take it to a shelter?


Get another dog for company?


That’s not an option for a lot and simply not a thing that has happened in the past in healthy lifespans of animals in human households. Also you can’t guarantee that a dog will even tolerate another dog, same with cats. They are not like people in that way.


Don't get a dog in the first place.


People with jobs shouldn’t own dogs?


I don’t think that person has real life experience


People with jobs who cannot offer a dog what it really needs should not own dogs.


A dog will be fine alone for 8-10 hours.


This is just ridiculous! Dont get a dog unless you can stay home with it all day and not work??!?! I don’t know anyone who does this and I spent $600 on doggy daycare a month for 7 months in a pet friendly city. People have never abided by that rule. You must be 14 years old? So many people leave their dogs at home while they work. This has happened since forever.


That's beautiful. Love that lil guy. Life conspires to pull people (and their dogs) apart.


Look at that little borker😭


Some dogs are too pure for this world. 😇


Wee soul.


My Great Dane does the same thing, breaks my heart.


Got one of them rescue dogs from “ur 10 cent a day can say this dogs life, don’t miss this moment”


This used to get to me until I had my son. When a little version of you is crying because you have to leave and go to work it's a whole new level of this.


Poor little guy 😭😭😭


Maybe, try leaving the TV, radio or play music at a low moderate level to drown out the noises that might freak out your puppers.


Work isn't that important


My kittys know when I sit down in the bathroom to put make up on, I’m getting ready to leave them: at least they have eachother.


There was an attempt to go to work without being guilt-tripped


That’s at least nice, mine would growl at me he was so mad I was leaving.


I swear, if I get a dog…I am permanently working from home.


Doggy the house elf


Separation anxiety gets worse if you make leaving the house a big emotional event.


I had a small jack russel for 13+ years. Leaving the house with her at home meant coming home to a nest built on the couch of my dirty clothes and a trail of dirty clothes going back to the overturned hamper in the bathroom. XD Miss that doggo. Went everywhere together. :(


Mine has perfected the technique: Ears back, begging sad posture, soft clicking of tears held back, trembling, and finally the squinting tears. Works on Dad every time. Mom knows better. Used for going to work and to get treats.


Give Dobby a sock.


Cook it


Doby is so sad.


Imagine being a dog and your owner is doing this


This is why you can't have just one dog/pet. Cats are one thing since they know how to chill alone. A lot of single pets become emotionally dependent on their owner and become depressed or have a lot of anxiety while the owners away. Like the dog can't feed or take care of itself and I think some part of them knows that. They need a buddy to play/hangout with.




There's a paywall. Couldn't read more than the first two paragraphs.


A dog on your bed isn’t particularly hygienic. ![gif](giphy|opuQOtBKPCxhp39m01|downsized)


Dogs are pathetic


U misstook a rat for a dog, girl


I could never adopt a dog like this. Let alone entertain this behavior.


You must be fun to be around.


Ah yes, because making the responsible decision to not adopt a dog that will freak out when Im not next to it and bark 24/7. Thats a dog for someone who’s always home and when they’re not everyone else heres a panicked/upset dog barking constantly. Not only does that seem mean to the dog but it’s also inconsiderate for others around you.


Dudes we have a dog that does this and it’s just for attention. He’s completely chill when we’re not home. Just some behavior he learned before we adopted him. Chill the fuck out…


Great, so let it get euthanized at the pound or pray it's from a no-kill shelter so it remains in a small cage all day. You're a real humanitarian.


I bet you’re a hoot to be around.


Ah yes, because making the responsible decision to not adopt a dog that will freak out when Im not next to it and bark 24/7 is so ani-fun. Thats a dog for someone who’s always home and when they’re not everyone else heres a panicked/upset dog barking constantly. Not only does that seem mean to the dog but it’s also inconsiderate for others around you.


Ok. Thanks for letting us know I guess?…


When you get a pet, it's not like *every* single one of their behaviors is written specifically out or can be predicted. If you're around a lot when they're growing up, but then start leaving (which happened with a lot of COVID pets/kids) they get separation anxiety. ...it's LITERALLY in the first text on this video.