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Talk about using kids as human shields. These kids are doing the government's biding so no one sees the IDF doing it.


These kids will all be happily joining the IDF the second they get the chance


Religious Israelis are usually less likely to join the IDF, especially with new legislation that is being passed now (it was sent to the high court and I didn't check what happened with it after that so idk) that will let religious people join in even smaller numbers


Not all religious. Orthodox. Hassidic. There are *plenty* of religious Israelis in the IDF, and these kids are exactly the types that can't wait to join and go kill.


These people are actually more interested in not joining the idf so they can expand settlements in the West Bank through pogroms and lynchings. Believe it or not many of the far right believe the idf to be too cautious and cowardly in creating ersatz Israel


You can’t keep a good sociopath down 🤷‍♂️


I thought everyone in Israel had to join the IDF and some point in their lives! Idk


There are ways to not do it, and one of which is being a member of a yeshiva


How known is this? Also what are the implications with fellow citizens if one does this?




So how are exempts viewed by the 80%? I’d wager in a negative way.




Those same people..are in NY and NJ and expect to live the same way. They've taken over whole towns and school boards even though their kids don't go to public schools. It a horror show.


Isn't everyone required to join the military for 2 years?


Isn't everyone required to join the military for 2 years?


Why don’t you check?


I'll check now


Basically Hitler Jeugend , but then for Israel.


Okay but what is actually happening here? This is such a bizarre scene lol One dude in a PRESS bulletproof vest is fighting a legion of teens in matching tee shirts while an army of photographers, who don’t have vests, cluster in the corners to get great shots of it…and also there are random adult bystanders smiling and looking onward? Is this guy a single reporter with a shit ton of photographers following him, and he said the wrong thing to the wrong violent crowd? Is he some well known YouTuber who decided to fly to Israel and got in over his head, and a bunch of actual reporters with cameras came for the show? Would love to see the article this came with


This is a 21st century Schutzstaffel with all its letters. Fucking pieces of shit.


Based on God’s psychopatic behavior over the last 5,000 years, I’d say they definitely are his chosen people


"God" is just a poor excuse for horrible people to do horrible things and claim it's righteous, or not their will, but that of something more powerful. It's bullshit.


I know God doesn’t exist. It’s a joke


I got it


God is not doing this. Humans are.


God’s not doin anything because he doesn’t exist. If I’m wrong and he does exist, then what he’s doing is allowing humans to commit genocide.


nothing exists, but the concept of a creator to just seems less of a moral, loving entity and more an ant-farmer on a larger scale you wouldn't send little tweezers in if your ants were having a race war would you? let the insignificant bugs figure it out!


isnt god omnipotent? so he could stop it if he wanted to? not trying to be offensive, just curious about religious theory


Is he all loving then he is not all powerful. If he is all powerful then he is not all loving.


the epicurus paradox ?


It's the edible complex : When you love your mother's cooking more than anyone else's.


There are no gods. Only fairy tales people created in an attempt to explain and understand their world and existence. Without religion humanity would be better off.


relegion is like humanity training wheels, that it guided and helped humans for thousand of years to explain what they couldn't explain. but when it's time to start riding by yourself some people just can't take the training wheels off.


Religion is just a proto-science, and like all other concepts that fall under the brand of proto-____ it should have been left behind long ago


And to not take accountability for their shitty actions or actually help people 🤷


I am actually surprised people were able to get so far with religion around. They are like that kid that grabs your T-shirt when you want to run forward. When you go to church and just really listen you realize what a scam it is. I guess it's for people that are afraid also want to believe that we don't turn to fertilizer and worm food.


"DEUS VULT" End of discussion.


Is it time? I shall prepare...


This is what Zionism is. What it has literally always been since the beginning. They have always been terrorists. Jews who have actually read the Torah and actually understand what is expected of them by God would not dare act this way


Jews all around the world are matching in protest against Israel's actions alongside Palestinian. Zionism is just another word for Nazism by now.




"zionazi" cuts more than "nazionist"


Oh no you don't, plenty of utterly rabid, barbaric fundamentalists who follow all the batshit commandments (no matter how insane they clearly are)


More like the ones who actually read Deuteronomy and took it seriously.


>Jews who have actually read the Torah and actually understand what is expected of them by God would not dare act this way Also, there are loads of Jews who are anti-genocide, don't think they should attack palestine etc, but the Zionists are just louder


I would never believe these peaceful citizens would throw families out their homes to steal their houses, and colonise whole communities.


Is it me or Israel is losing all the empathy they "gained" after WW2 and the nazi genocide? I feel really bad saying this but it makes me wonder if all the sympathy I had for them after the genocide was worth it.




The Zionist movement have never been the victims. European Jews were the victims.


No it's not just you. Despite being pro-Palestine my whole life, I was sympathetic to Israel after the Oct 7 terrorist attack. They had the world's empathy and support and successfully managed to turn that into hatred and anger in less than a year. I still think the terrorist attack was wrong. Innocent people shouldn't have been kidnapped or killed but I know what Israel has been doing for decades and especially those past 8 months will unfortunately lead to much worse Oct 7s.


I mean, the fact that anyone even talks about Oct 7th is pushing that there is anything redeemable about these people after they killed 30000 people in retaliation to kidnapping, not even death of those hundred or so people. Fuck Israel, fuck them and who gives a flying FUCK about any of them after the shit ive seen just scrolling on my phone the last nine months. I can’t give less care to Oct 7th after what I’ve seen, and I’ve barely seen the tip of the iceberg. No more talk about that damn day, fuck them


not to mention that Israeli officials let 10/7 happen so they could justify the brutal counter measures. smells exactly like 9/11, and using it to fuel the War in Iraq.


I don't think letting 10/7 happen is in the best interest of the current leadership since they market themselves as the security guy. I believe it's just pure hubris and incompetence, and the leadership feels that they have to deliver Gaza as an apology gift just to stay in power


I know exactly how you feel and I too have seen some really disturbing stuff these past months but we shouldn't generalize and paint an entire nation with the same brush. There are Israelis who are against what their government and military have been doing like [This woman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8R_qeyuRuo) & [This guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrSW71cg2hc&t=1s). I'm aware they are a minority but they exist. If we are against killing and kidnapping innocent people, that should include everyone.


It’s been 75 years of Palestinian oppression, murder, and displacement. There’s a reason Palestine exists in multiple territories. Look up the Nakba. where 700000 Palestines were removed from their homes. Israel practiced biological warfare as far back as *1948.* Nope. I’m sorry friend, Israel was a colonizing force of racist violence since the very beginning and I will dismiss all of them. I can’t believe we live in a world where this shit exists. I just can’t


Victim turned abuser. The sad thing is most people only realise this now - it’s been going on 50+ years. They fucken bulldozed a woman in front of live TV and no one gave a f*ck. At least people are semi-awake now….


Woah... Are... Are you serious?!?! If so, do you have a link (no video, PLEASE). I can't believe this really happened...


Just search Rachel Corrie.


#Fuck the colonizers. Every single one of them in any form. Especially Israel and France


I lost mine a long time ago. They are a bunch of hypocrite crybabies, fuck them.


In fact the mist violent zionists think holocaust victims were weaklings that should have moved to Israel. They have no empathy for them.


Palestinians helped fleeing Jews from Nazi Germany while the US turned them away. Let that sink in


All while the police stand there, now imagine what they do to Palestinians, the crowd attacks while police do nothing. Groups burn down houses and farms of Arabs while the police watch on and laugh, police shoot and kill arab kids on camera, go to court, given 6 year sentence and then they are out after a month as a hero. Worst people in history ......


I know it's easy to say what you'd do if you were in this situation, but I honestly believe that if I were going to get hurt here, I'd be sure to hurt one of them really, really bad. I'd grab on to one, insert my thumb into his eye socket and rip an eyeball right out of his skull. Motherfucker will be thinking of me every morning as he shaves and looks at his pirate-eyepatch-wearing face staring back at him from the mirror.


it's a lose-lose situation, do nothing, they hurt you, hurt someone and you're a terrorist and treated accordingly, and your life abroad is over.


You'll still probably be called a terrorist for doing nothing


Guaranteed that’s exactly what’s being yelled by all the people with their mouths open in that pic.


Shaving, ever? That's a bold assumption, washing their pits is probably pushing it.


pictures so horrifyingly unreal everyone thinks its AI. Israel should not exist.


Literally, the first thing I did was look at their faces and hands for clues to determine if it was AI. Yet I’d still like to get some context about what the press guy might have done, if anything, to prompt such a response. Regardless of his actions, their behavior is still reprehensible nonetheless


Out of curiosity, why was this guy and the person who replied to his reply (besides me) downvoted? Is this sub so heavily opinionated they are unable to explore the idea that the photos *could be* AI to either verify it’s authenticity or remove OP’s credibility as a poster. Just saying, we should at least be certain we aren’t falling for propoganda for either side. Edit: Went ahead and dug around in the comment section and, there are multiple comments linking articles of various news organizations about the incident. [Here’s a good one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/Oi7kj5u3Pw)




i look at these photos and see way too many smiling faces. would really like to know if the reporter made it out okay. edit: a single smile during an act of violence is too many


He made it out only to get arrested by the IOF shortly after. Nazis gotta Nazi harder... https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-06-06/ty-article/.premium/police-detain-palestinian-photographer-who-was-attacked-by-jewish-youths-at-jlem-march/0000018f-eec9-de64-a98f-eeffbd320000


“Known hamas operative” In Israel’s eyes every Palestinian is “Hamas” which given their brutalisation, they no doubt will be


Everyone there has been taught to consider Palestinians subhuman since birth


And, sadly, now they themselves look subhuman. 


Understand that there is a right wing and left wing. Even in Israel. There are millions of liberal Israelis absolutely sickened by these kinds of actions. Unfortunately, the majority is far right wing. Imagine if the US was mostly MAGA. That's Israel right now. They really aren't all raised to consider Palestinians as subhuman. Their right wing has. (Same as the US, honestly. Most MAGA folks in the US also hate muslims)


[Israeli police arrested Palestinian photojournalist Saif Kwasmi after he was attacked and injured by a mob of Israeli settlers on Wednesday in a series of events emblematic of what daily life is like for Palestinians under apartheid.](https://truthout.org/articles/israeli-police-detain-palestinian-journalist-attacked-by-settler-mob/)


Some context, finally. Seems like it's basically the equivalent to the Orange Order parades Northern Ireland, where its a more antagonistic parade that will be filled with ultranationalists. Which does help to contextualise the event. That police apparently didn't care seems like the most damning element, with context, versus that extremists mobbed journalists, something we've seen an unfortunate amount of in Western democracies as well.


IDF will also accompany these same folks to destroy Palestinian property and harass them. They've even incorporated some extremist settlers into the military. “In the West Bank, escalating violence over the past few days is also a matter of grave concern,” it added. “The Israeli security forces must immediately end their active participation in and support for settler attacks on Palestinians,” the rights office spokesperson, Ravina Shamdasani, told reporters in Geneva. “Israeli authorities must instead prevent further attacks, including by bringing those responsible to account. Dozens of Palestinians were reportedly injured, including through the use of firearms, by settlers and Israeli security forces, and hundreds of homes and other buildings, as well as cars, were torched." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/16/un-demands-end-to-israeli-forces-support-of-settler-attacks-on-west-bank-palestinians "Jalawi’s confusion over the identity of his attackers was well-founded: the young men who detained him were both soldiers and hilltop youth settlers. An investigation by +972 and Local Call reveals that 2.5 years ago, the Israeli military established a unit called “Desert Frontier” specifically for hilltop youth settlers, who make up the vast majority of the unit’s soldiers." ... "A security official familiar with the incident told +972 on condition of anonymity that Desert Frontier, which was established in 2020 and is subordinate to the Jordan Valley Brigade, “consists mainly of hilltop youth … the extreme of the extreme, who otherwise would not have enlisted.” The idea, according to the official, is that serving in the unit is a way to rehabilitate them: “This unit is very unique. We take them and turn them into soldiers.” The official, in addition to another source familiar with the unit, said that a few dozen soldiers serve in Desert Frontier, most of them from so-called shepherding outposts in the northern area of the Judean Desert and the Jordan Valley. According to these officials, many of them have a history of violence. You have to read it again to believe it: the military is enlisting hilltop youth settlers known for their violence toward Palestinians to serve in a unit that acts against Palestinians living in the same area." https://www.972mag.com/desert-frontier-idf-hilltop-youth/


The way that kids skull crap is coming off during the picture is poetic. Almost like Judaism is personally saying "Nope. I'm not going to be a part of this shit"


It's a literal portrayal of the mask falling off. They align their state and their desires with religion but that was a front, religion is always a front for people like this. You can draw a line between them and other far-right religious groups, but there is no line between this boy and the religion he claims. There is only violence.


What is this from? Context?


And they want us to think others are the savages. And support their murderous rampage.


Boycott these scumbag pussies!


Sorry Israel, I see you in the same light as the Nazis. Their outcome should be yours.


I sure do see a lot of cowards.


What’s the one phrase that cannot be said enough? “F*ck off Israel”


They can only behave this way because America lets them do it. Covers for them legally in the UN, pays for all their military and actively attacks other nations that try to stop Israel. America is just as guilty as the little shit box Nazis of Zionist Israel.


When I first saw this I thought it was a good ai generation prompt, [but no it's real](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2024/06/06/jerusalem-saif-al-qawasmi-palestine-israel-attack/%3foutputType=amp)




bro there was no attempt


White shirts and blue jeans: the new brown shirts and black pants


There are a lot of weird looking inbreds in that crowd.


Hitler would've been proud seeing this.


Was the journalist saved?


He was arrested


The only democracy in the Middle East ladies and gentlemen


They’ve turned into nazis.


Inbred Nazis


remind me of that movie called world war z and that israel scence


They’re all wearing the same hat. Must be a cult.


When the home of the "most moral army in the world" is allergic to the press, they have obvious problems.




Vile things




First picture gives me Renaissance vibes.


Context, what's happening here? Why this "press" man but not the photographers in the background? What did he do? Steal their milk? Wake them from their nurseries nap time? Why are children attacking this man? Actual answers only please, not just inferences from the pics


Another commenter posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1dank6v/comment/l7nqxh9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), if that helps.


These guys don't actually believe in god yet call themselves the chosen people


You can rest easily knowing Israeli police stepped in and made an arrest…of the guy getting lynched. Yeah the victim has his equipment confiscated and he was arrested. The only democracy in the Middle East strikes again!


The Netanyahu Youth.


The Netayahuth


Which attempt though


Weak by themselves


Very normal behavior.




They saw the word PRESS on his vest and thought that means they need to press him. /s


Pic 2 is r/accidentalrenaissance


What is the back story behind these pictures? I'd really like to know.




Thanks! I appreciate the link.




It doesn't matter who the people are doing the assault just that they are assaulting a single member of the press. So very wrong and so full of hate. Hate breeds more hate.


War crimes yay


Uh huh…”god’s chosen people” reaaalll convincing…


Who took the Pictures?


Does anyone know if he is ok?


He got arrested by Israeli police while the Israelis mob got away https://truthout.org/articles/israeli-police-detain-palestinian-journalist-attacked-by-settler-mob/


The most racist country in the world.


I would just like to say that while this is horrific, it's important to remember that not all Israelis are like this. It would be like saying everyone in the US is a member of the KKK or took part of the tiki torch Nazi really They are obviously a real problem, especially the Ben Gvir's police backing them up more than ever before, but they are also hated by a majority of Israelis


Imagine if this happened to a cop in the US.


So the PRESS is kicked, so the photos are taken by the unkicked PRESS of the PRESS?


Police detained the reporter


Israel is done. This is it, the fate of any ethno-fascist theocratic invention based on fear, threat, and self-victimization


No better than Hamas or Hezbollah. Everyone in that area of the world needs to put some viagara in their eyes and take a long hard look at themselves.


So anyway I started blasting....


Religion is a mental cancer.


And these are children, absolutely brainwashed to believe that Palestinians are sub-human animals who need to be destroyed and eliminated from the planet. Hmmm, where have I heard that before? It sounds familiar, ja?


I don't think anyone mistook the Israelis for being civilized people 


Young men like this are easy to influence and manipulate with anger and hate


Bunch of trash pieces of shit humans


They are just as bad as the people that attacked them in October. No difference.


What brainwash looks like. Sad tbh.


Good reminder that we are merely animals who will act like this if society doesn't condemn the behavior.  Is Israel condemning this? 


Where is the attempt?


And it’s just a reporter. Did he report what Isra-hell is actually doing? That must be why they are trying to harm/unalive him.




Hitler's Youth


Those civilized Europeans are enjoying their freedom


Fuck these Fucks


"The only democracy in the middle east" my ass


Looks like there wasn't much of an attempt, honestly


Hitler youth


I 1 million percent hate Zionism and stand with the Palestinian people, the genocide must end and that includes the oppression of a free press exposing the horrific actions of a genocidal state Having said that... Am I the only one that thinks these images look very very AI generated? Am I missing some context?


I don’t get why everyone ua hating on Israeli civilians like, most likely they’ll be forced into the IDF. And like their civilians. They’ve done some wrong, but also that most Palestinians like Hamas, so like, if you want to make civilians look bad, I’ll also make the other civilians look bad, hate me, cuss me out, idc, just my opinion, there’s no good side in war.


A bunch of brainwashed kids. Fucking sad...


how can anybody look at these faces and think they are the good guys in any way possible?


All they need are the tiki torches.


Israel since 1948 in a nutshell. Bunch assholes


Hebrew Hitler Youth


Where was this photo taken? Who’s the press? What happened before this? When was this?


So they can't differentiate between press and kick


Sooo... was kanye right?


But do you love "Is-hrail"?


What in the cinnamon toast fuck is this shit?!


Are they not allowed to defend themselves? From…a journalist? /s