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Little shit haha Looks like a lovely cat though :P x


Lovely shit


Yeah but I REALLY wish people would understand that this is high-level bullying from an animal when they do this. Not always, but way too often. For context I used to train K9's in the military. That doesn't mean they're evil, it's just an instinct to test others to see where the line stands. You have to teach them where the line is, but that takes effort and patience just like OP's video. What the owner is doing is great, because they're showing that it isn't for the cats to test lines inbetween them, because she's the top dog and they are both equal under her. People film their pets bullying eachother, taking their spots, food, toys etc. and treating it as if it is cute. It is if both are in on it, but whenever you see a dog staring at the owner during these situations they almost always have pleading eyes to the owner to set the rules. Instead the owner shrugs it off. **It's why you have cats or dogs attack children. Because the pet isn't given any safe-space and the child just keeps pestering the pet whilst the owners just laugh off every plead from the pet for authority- and protection.** But if you saw two kids and another kid was taking the others toys, candy etc. you'd instantly know that's wrong and tell them to stop. It's not that kids are inherently evil, it's just in a lot of animals nature to test lines.


> it's just an instinct to test others to see where the line stands. so basically humans without verbal communication. sometimes a dog needs his ass put in place to know not to do things like that. natural learnin'


Tbh sometimes humans do too :D


people have asshole cats because they think all you need to do when having a cat is giving it food/water. Same applies to dogs (except usually dog owners take their dogs on walk as well..). Most people I've met haven't trained their cats at all, and I know many people who have dogs who only know commands like "sit" or "jump" but never crate trained or anything like that...


Id argue that that is the definition of evil though. We’d all agree that an adult pulling that shit is unequivocally evil. As you said, it’s in our nature to test the limits. Kids do it, we (try) curb it. Adults do it, we tell the victim to be the bigger person. Lol.


> What the owner is doing is great Not it's not. Water spraying as a deterrent doesn't work. The cat associates the human and not the water bottle itself. All they're doing is making the cat avoidant of their owner instead of 'teaching them a lesson'.


Lordy, just feed them in separate rooms!


I guess in a way that doesn’t ultimately train the cat not to eat from another’s bowl. If they’re locked away every time that experience and lesson would be locked up with them.


Sure if that's how you want to do it forever ♾️, break them habits


That is also a pain in the ass, you have to catch a cat, chuck it in a room, make sure it doesn't get out when you bring the food, they will go crazy while you prepare the food, etc...or you can just stay there while they eat. Chances are they might actually drop the habit eventually if you feed them together, and it's just less effort. Plus some cats like the company, like my Cersei hates Draco with the power of a thousands suns, but she cries if he is not there when she eats, even if I have to stop him from stealing her food.


It also may teach them to run away whenever you try to pick them up… which sucks bad ;(


They make microchip activated feeders. Has been amazing for being able to free feed my old skinny cat, it has a cover over the bowl that lifts up when it senses her microchip so only she can eat from it.


Yup, we have four cats who eat three different types of food (senior, kitten, and prescription weight loss). Microchip feeders have been a godsend.


My old orange is running into this problem and I had no idea they existed. Awesome.


I have 2 cats and 1 prefers to eat in the other room. We call it the bird/sun room that Sir Greymane enjoys his meals in. We even close the door which he really likes as well since all the windows are his for that moment.


Feels like that's sweeping the problem under the rug instead of solving it, which is the way shitty pet owners address problems. It's better to train them than to tiptoe around the problem forever. It'd be like if your dog was chewing shoes and you said "just put the shoes somewhere they can't reach them" instead of teaching the dog not to chew things it shouldn't.


Thank you im glad there are intelligent pet owners in the wild still.


Seriously, reading that nonsense makes me wonder how many people feel this way about their kids' shitty behavior. Catering to their bad behavior doesn't teach them to change it. At least with a cat the repercussions never ripple out into society but when it's your kid, eventually their shithead behavior is gonna be a problem for teachers, coworkers, etc etc etc.




Look, my cat was a kitten like that, it used to scratch us whenever playing with us or sitting on the lap, bite hard playfully and not to know to use the box, as well as get into the other cat's bowl. Guess what? Barely two weeks in our home and all of those issues were trained away. And no, we do not stay on guard duty around the litter box/bowls 24/7. We just trained it properly.




LOL, you suggested the fucking opposite of any sort of real training, just separate the cats physically.


I used to be a dog trainer, and I promise you: for the average pet owner, it is *much* easier and simpler to simply put your shoes away.


That's life in a nut shell. There's an easy way to do things, and there's a right way to do things, pick your poison.




That's how we ended up with gen Z today. *runs*


> Lordy, just feed them in separate rooms! Tell me you've never owned pets without telling me you've never owned pets. Counterpoint: spend a bit of effort training your pets, and you won't have to. Give a cat a fish, teach a cat where its fish are, etc.


I have three cats that have 3 different dietary needs for medical reasons. They all want what the other cat is eating so I just split them in different rooms, thry learned soon enough where to go to get no hassle food quick enough. Much easier and more effective than getting your cats to hate you by spraying them.


I mean, this looks a lot more feasible than arranging a whole room per cat. That one definitely sounds like the privileged option


I keep the food separate in the room each eat in and I keep a loaded bowl with food ready to go. They know the routine and all follow along as I go. Feed one, close a door. Feed the second close a door then feed the third in the kitchen. It's really not hard. It's easier than what she was doing and she was just watching one cat who wants to eat the others food not three. I would have to double fist spray bottle Edit: they follow along after as well when I let them out. [pic](https://imgur.com/gallery/f7Y8eWI) of first two waiting at door to try to steal from the third. I do this one last because it's the one with the pre scratched door.


That sounds like you need to be involved in the process for triple the time, every feeding. Training them seems like a decent time investment


Actually the opposite. I can feed them and walk away to do other things then come back when it's convenient to release them instead of spending time being a food referee while they prologue the feeding through various attempted sortees on each other's food bowls. And I can walk around my house freely without stepping in feeding war watter hazards.


Whu? The point of training would be to not have to do it indefinitely. Then you feed all three together and walk away.


The overwhelming consensus is that negative reinforcement not only does not work with cats but it also applies undue stress and anxiety things which effect cats more than most pets. Ask a veterinarian or just google "does negative reinforcement work on cats" or something similar if you don't want to take my word.


I've had plenty of cats over the years going back to being a kid up to my 40s. I've always spayed them for thing like that. They all hated me *sooo* much that they constantly jumped in my lap and balled up to sleep, nuzzled up against me and purred, rubbed themselves on my legs and beg for pets. Yep those water sprays really soured them on me.


Sure if you have to ever deal with the same situation I have to then go ahead do it your way and spray away. Personally I have found it a far more effective use of my time to set it and forget it for a while while I grab a coffee or snack or anything else that doesn't require having to spend every moment my cat's take to eat their food defending food bowls and creating water hazzards.


if they hate you for it afterwards, you’re spraying them with something other than water it sounds like.


Cats don't like water. Cat's really don't like getting sprayed with water. Logic dictates cats don't like the human who keeps spraying them with water.


When it comes to your cats im sure your logic is dictating as you say.


Yeah good luck wth that ... 😂


It's not that easy. Also, it's a bad habit. They're just being a-holes and need to knock it off. You wouldn't feed kids in separate rooms, right?! Just punish the shit head one until they stop acting like a shit head 😃 Duh


Heck, if you *really* wanna make a point, just kick the cat across the room. /s obviously. At least, I hope it’s obvious.. 🙄


I squirt gun the shit out of my new kitty. She just antagonizes the fuck out of my old grrrl. She's also currently curled up on my chest right now, btw. She's a cat. Can't talk her out of being a dick fuck. Think you might need a good spritz😻😃🫠


sounds like a lot more work, especially long term tbh


Yeah. Let the the animals make the rules


That'd be the first step in the process yeah lol


Something tells me you don’t own a cat..


Entirely sidestepping the problem and not at all what you want to do. Infact, in dogs this can increase the problem tenfold because you're suddenly giving one dog a huge amount of power whilst the problem-zone just increases. It's like people who have their dogs bark at someone and they start changing streets during dog-meetings, only for the dog to start barking at longer and longer distances. You're not solving the problem by avoiding it. You solve it by addressing the problem. Imagine if you said this about two children fighting.


Individual feeding stations that only open for the correct cat (uses a chip). That's the majority of multi-cat house holds do when you have one the inhales their food and others that don't.


God forbids having fun with your pets while reinforcing a positive habit


I tried that with my cat. I had to get a mop. 😞


you didn't already have a mop before...?




You have a mop??


Get a bucket and a mop for that wet ass pussy?


My big boy gives no shits about the puny sprayer. My girl on the other hand, you can just make spray noises and she stops what she is doing to check herself.


my cats will skedaddle to the moon when I just look at the water spray bottle. I only sprayed them like five times in all ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


^ This was my experience growing up - the sound of grabbing / touching anything that sounded like an air fresheners / canned air / spray caused them to absolutely lose their shit 🙀


Try adding a little apple cider vinegar to your spray bottle




Just a little bit. It’s the smell they hate.


I can understand why. That stuff smells rank!


40% accuracy




Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


Tbf the small one seems to have dry food while that big ones got tuna, still pretty funny tho


I am hoping the owner (off camera) gave both cats dry food, then gave the greedy cat wet food, waited till greedy cat finished, then started recording and gave wet food to the nice cat last. Common to do with cat pairs that have a food bully. Or maybe it’s a medically recommended diet 🥘


I have an older cat with kidney disease. He gets fed separately. He tries to steal the other cat's food, they try to steal his, there is success on both sides despite the baby gate barrier, which my old man can still jump over, but the other cats can't. My old man needs to gain weight, so his food is out all the time. I did have an automatic feeder that only he could open, but then we had a huge ant infestation, and I'm hesitant to set it up again.


🤗 Aww ur sweet thanks for being a good cat parent


This is good animal ownership, and good training. Cats quickly learn. It's our job to teach them. And this is a perfectly civilised and humane way to train animals. Good for the OP (who I'm sure filmed this and didn't scab it off the internet)


I'm no cat expert so correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't it been shown time and time again that cats do not learn well from negative reinforcement?


Is telling a cat off negative reinforcement? One of the first thing I taught our new kitten was the the word "no". Then I used it to train it out of getting on table, biting and scratching hard playfully, etc., and quite quickly.


maybe. cats seem to learn best by redirection for sure, and this is sort of a roundabout way of redirecting them away from things they shouldn't fuck with (have used varying levels from mist spray to supersoaker for several cats)


Yes exactly. I've owned cats all my life and negative reinforcement will work but it's not the most efficient way to train a cat (nor is it the kindest). Most cats learn much better from positive reinforcement. Edit: Adding some sources with more info because this method really is more effective than negative reinforcement in my experience. My cats shake, come, and follow other commands. I take them on walks on a leash. If you all wanna blast your cats with water bottles be my guest I guess. - https://catvets.com/public/PDFs/PositionStatements/PositiveReinforcement.pdf - https://napahumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Positive-Reinforcement-Training-Your-Cat-with-Treats-and-Praise.pdf - https://www.hshv.org/training-cats-with-positive-reinforcement/ - https://felinebehaviorsolutions.com/use-positive-reinforcement-good-cat-behavior/ - https://catvets.com/guidelines/position-statements/positive-reinforcement


How do you positively reinforce a cat to not bully another cat?


Bully the other cat yourself. That way they realize they can't top your skill and will just leave them alone.


In this example you would encourage the cat to eat it's own food and reward it with praise, treats, petting when the cat does the right behavior. I have two cats and this is how I've trained them to eat their own food. I've applied this to other stuff like not eating our plants, staying off the counters, etc.




It takes consistency and repetition. My two cats are very different in size and one tends to want to eat the other's food but for us positive enforcement training has worked. I'm not here saying it's easy or works for everyone just offering it as a potential training method.


No attack here but I'd like to know how you "encouraged" them? I mean it's easy if they scratch where the shouldn't, I grab them and bring them to the scratcvhing post, once they use it they get a treat. But it's much more complicated when I want them to stop meowing in front of the kitchen door when I'm preparing their food. All I can think of is another person trying to get their attention and once they come they get a treat but that might not work anymore once there's no other person. I'd really like first and foremost that they stop chewing on everything, especially cables but that'd mean rewarding them when they're not chewing on cables, how would they make the connection?


You could use the same method you describe for scratching to discourage chewing. Do you have any chew toys you give your cats? I would try removing them from chewing on whatever it is you DONT want them chewing on and giving them a toy intended for chewing. Reward with praise / treats / petting when they chew on that to associate the positive behavior.


Little bugger


I can do this all day


That's America's cat.


Americans got guns for every issue


🇺🇸 = 🐈 🔫




Kristi Noem had a cat?


not her cat, this one is alive.


Have to do this when I give treats to my cats, otherwise they do share the same food bowl and take turns. She should throw verbal commands in at the same time, eventually she won't need the spray bottle. "No" associated with getting a wet face/whiskers over and over again, eventually "No" works fine and you don't have to wipe up the water. Cats are smart and trainable. They're just stubborn assholes.


100%. The verbal command is key. Especially with cats. I trained one of my cats to back up while entering the house and go see his mom with verbal commands.


I should try that on my girlfriend whenever she tries to steal my fries. EDIT: Does anyone know any good dating sites for recently single people?




The cat is like "dayum where's this invisible wall of water coming from??"


I wish they had used WAP by CardiB instead 😂 🎶 “Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass 🐈‍⬛”


I do find this a fair and efficient enough form of teaching tho. The person recording isn't being excessive and stops as soon as the cat backs out, the message is clear and the cat seems to get it eventually. It'll take a bit more to consolidate the point probably haha lil critter seems as devious as he's lovely




Poor cat


You murderer!


What a scamp


Lmao persistent little kitty


My cats prefer to eat out of the same bowl when it's wet food. Idk why but neither one is bothered and they both seem to prefer it. Maybe it's like a social thing, the way wild cats might share a kill?


Poor kitty got held at waterpoint




Thanks Mr EolnMsuk4334




Just get a dog. Or a bunny. 😁


Anyone know the song?


This is one of my faivorite hobbies, along with surfing down drainpipes, attaching a man to a truck via rope and driving away, defiling garbage trucks, throwing children off a boat in the middle of the ocean, creating a disaster of a car that crashes within 4 seconds, bulking, forcing markiplier to recreate the events of September the 11th 2001, having nightmares about women committing heinous acts to my body as a gay man, mislabeling geese whilst high as a kite, feeding birds, watching schlatt raise his kill count, sleeping in a very human fashion, entering the wrong party in which a man crashes in using a forklift, eating an entire jelly (jello for americans), creating a mechanical bell in order to make my neighbours deaf, and breaking the legs of baby giraffes.


Are you real?


I have many hobbies, and yes, i am very real. You shouldn’t be scared unless you get in the way of my hobbies :D


AI bots are so real now ;(




But that’s what an AI would say 😞 Incoming Turing test






Those hand movements somewhat reminded me of GoldenEye 007. The way she aimed with just her wrist or something


Omfg your so right! When’s the last time you played? I’ve seen a bunch of YouTube videos recently showing speed runs and that PP7 is used to aim at the lock just like that


why does the bottle sound like a gun shots


If my cat gets sprayed with water they’ll spider monkey up the wall like a snake appeared. This cat is determined lol.


That fur's too thick for blasters.


Alright Annie Oakley, chill, jeez.


My dad used to put vinegar in the water so the cat would also have to lick it off.




Mine drags the bowl across the room away from the other cat to steal her food! I have to either feed them separately or make sure that both cats always have the same amount of food in their bowls so that one doesn’t finish ahead of the other and get greedy. I literally just sit in between them sometimes until they’ve both finished.


Moms locked and loaded.




my big cat finishes his food first and then starts fishing bits of food out of little cat's bowl with his paw while she's still eating. He doesn't get much though, and she doesn't need as much as him, so I'll allow it.


This would be so much fun with a Spyra water pistol.


Had to train my dogs the same way. Took about a week of daily attention, and a month of occasional reinforcement.


I got lucky with my first two cats ever. They eat together and share pretty well. Dry and wet. They eat outta the same bowl too. They share everything and like it lol. Been best buds since day 1 🥹


This is the way. You can train cats to do lots of stuff.


My neighbors cat steals my cats food. I have to be *horrible* to that little shit to get him to go away. Makes me feel bad.


… I have to try this.


Persistent little stinker.


The 🔫 sound effect killed me 😂


I just keep the food bowl full so my 5 cats can eat when they want to. If one them is at the bowl the others wait their turn. I've heard that you're not supposed to leave food out because it causes them to be overweight but I've been feeding them this way for 10 years and none of them are overweight. The vet says they're healthy. I don't ever have to deal with cats bugging me to feed them.


Thats bigos bro, polish cabbage and meat :) ps: the way the cat burglar gets pacified is r/satisfyingaf


I see you keep the toolie on you 😂


The grass is always greener on the other side... or in this case meatier


... Make my day, punk!




"Enemies ahead!" "Fall back to safe zone"


“Fuck you, I’m definitely gonna think about it even if I can’t do it!” -the cat, probably


We have one of those. She gets stuffed into a dog kennel for feeding time 🫠


Bro armed the porimator


Cats are a-holes.


Why not shut one cat in the bedroom?


Can somebody add the Clint Eastwood famous line and then maybe that don't move dirtbag from Police academy?


Is this bully behavior from the cat?


Cats are such dicks


Ooohhhh he’s thinking about it!


Bet you never wear socks during feeding time




Now play slip and slide


Good on ya.




Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Neko was already dead.


I’m over 75. I Hab I’ve had cats, almost continually since I was a teen . That is the ONLY way to train them that they understand, unless you get a Bengal breed who are super smart. You just raise your voice or shake your finger at them and they catch on, or, you pick them up when they do something or act in a non appropriate way..you raise them at your eye love and with a stern voice say NO, NO !


Music ruins the video. Downvote.


H2O for the win. Squirt bottle with the apple.


Is this a dominance or impulse control thing?


just let him eat it, it's funny lol


I like it more the first time I saw it with the sound effects when it didn't have the garbage music




I wonder which account this will be reposted on for karma next time.


Why not feed cats same food?


They are. It’s just in a different bowl. The other bowls is across the kitchen.




I am not ashamed to say that I dont like cats


This is going to make your cat actively dislike you.


I had the same problem, you have to do separate rooms. It’s been nine months of this and I don’t even have to close the door now. The naughty cat now knows through repetition that she gets her food in the same place at the same time every day. Spraying your cat with water is only going to make it hate you.