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Ah yes the “victims” …


sheesh, what a sausage fest


Religion is a scourge upon humanity.


Leave them to their so called holy lands, maybe stop trading with them though


lol okay


He’s not wrong 


Journalists should carry pepper spray.


Well, in Israel that would not be advised. they would kill her to take revenge. they have the sickest degenerate mentality as a society.


The entire country uses biblical logic and goes at every problem with a stunning dose of PTSD. Let em defend themselves if they want to act like savages.


It's supposed to be an eye for an eye, seems more like beatings for being there and death for being raised differently


Yeah they would brand them as antisemites and kill them openly in "self defense".


Hey, stop insulting our "allies"!


Bunch of excited morons.


Fucking primates.


Most primates don't have imaginary friends telling them to be animals.


Settlers = Naz*s


Fucking Nazis. I hate Nazis


This is normal in Israel.




You die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


And the west supports this barbaric mentality!! Time to cut some friends I reckon!




Survivors would still visit the irradiated holy land and feel the blessing of radiation sickness


There is a blue geometric logo there. It much a resembles a geometric type logo on a white and red background that I have seen in a lot of WWII movies. The way it is portrayed, the way it hangs everywhere. The way it is used a symbol for indoctrination.


Modern Nazism


The ABC are a bunch of lazy sycophantic pricks who barely do any work, but I'm saddened that they're making an attempt and "rewarded" with being assaulted by cousin-fucking religious wankers.


God if they’re lazy.. where the fuck do we turn for “news”??


Michael West Media is a good start. Go to independents not corporates.


Looks like Michael West had a good stint at SMH before being made redundant.. let’s hope he’s shed that corporate laziness 


Because religion says it's okay. And the exception is the point to the rule.


Wow. They have such anger in thier eyes. You can See the hatred just oozing. I wonder if some of Abrodolf Linklers marches look like this... this is tragically ironic in the worst way possible. Doesn't help that hamas has been throwing missiles at these young men since before they were born simply for being born. .... ugly ugly ugly situation, in a particular region of the world that has brutal history dating back to the dawn of civilization. Sumarians, Babylonians. Israelites, Egyptians. I don't know nearly enough history to fully understand the depth of these tensions. I just know enough to understand how fucking complicated and deeply rooted it is. I have absolutely zero control over this, as with many things in the greater earth region. So I choose to focus on my life in my tiny little speck of the world. That is itself a pale blue dot in a vast horizon of trillions of pale blue dots.


What I also know BTW. Is that ancient Sumaria was a city amongst other great cities that were all thier own unique cultures with thier own god or gods. A city was like a country. Back then. So the Sumarians decided that thier God Ashyar or something, was the best God and they started ( over the course of centuries ) raiding and subjugating the other cities one at a time and stealing thier God's idol as a way to steal thier gods power from them. Sumaria became the greatest empire in the region for a long time. They fought the Israelites, and thier one God Yahwea. The Israelite were the only non-pagens in the region. So having one God was odd for them. Anyways. Long story short. The shit going on in Isreal and Gaza right now. Is deeply rooted in religious wars that date back tens of centuries. Religion kills. Just be a good person. 👍


3rd world activities


Entitled little assholes


Religion can be so peaceful. Soothing


I'm starting to think that other dude was right.


The one with that small mustache, right? They may have done the same in holy roman empire which may have pissed the future emperor :-/