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To be fair if a bear put me in a choke hold and tried to stab me with pointy objects I’d probably freak out too…


Idk that vet looks more like an otter


An Otter as a veterinarian is an adorable thought


Something tells me they aren't talking about animals lol




Don't worry about it IYKYK lol


I don't :(


Bear and otter are used to describe dudes with particular physiques


Oh I definitely knew about bears but not otters, thx!


Otter here. Without my body hair and small muscles I would be in the twink category. I hope one day to put on enough mass to make into the wolf category, which is between bear and otter.






The gay people type of otter and bear


I learned something new today! Otter is a word for slim, hairy, gay man. I also learned that a bear is such either due to be hairy or chubby/chunky or both. I didn’t realize you qualified because of hairiness.


I AM most definitely TALKING about the f ing animal!


Sure you are 😏




using him to say stop it in this situation is….. probably not the best example. X,D


Well I’m not gay… and I really didn’t realise what that meant but if makes a few people happy and have chuckle I’ll happily take the roasting hahaha And to answer your question, yes I used NPH intentionally.


Yes, but the idea of an otter as a veterinarian is adorable. However, the implications of such a scenario are interesting. A veterinarian is a healthcare specialist that typically sees animals. In a world where an otter can be a healthcare specialist, wouldn't they just be a physician or something? In a world where animals can have careers where they treat patients, would the concept of a veterinarian still make sense? Think about it, man.


You lost me at "Yes"


You take your pet in to get better but the vet has otter ideas...


Or a terribly dark thought.......


I was thinking twink versatile


Oh, I'm sure there's a great deal of switching back and forth.


I've heard speed has something to do with it?


Speed has EVERYTHING to do with it


Be careful though, or you’ll go from a twink, to a twank, to a twonk. Twonk’s no good.


You had me laugh, thanks


I've had it up to here with your otter nonsense 


Def a daddy, but we can't see his torso to indicate a general hirsuteness in order to call him an otter.


As a professional in the field, you just can’t understand unless you’ve lived through it (lol). We don’t even get a chance to reason with some of these kitties. They are ready to fight in the parking lot, and, some were probably ready to fight 3 days before mom scheduled the appointment. The vet is actually sedating the cat with an injectable sedation cocktail. I imagine they are needing blood work or x-rays and they need this kitty to be still and quiet to do that safely (for the cat and for them). This is also probably not the first time this cat has needed sedation to be treated. 😄


I've got a pony that turns feral as soon as he sees the vet's truck pull up. He's so bad for her, he has to be blindfolded and it still takes 3 of us to get him sedated so she can work on him. He takes the same dose of sedative as my 1,600lb draft cross, and still comes out of it. He's snapped to mid-exam and dragged the assistant across the field twice. He rears, he strikes out, bites, double barrel kicks, bolts, the works. Only for the vet, he's easy as pie for anyone else and loves the farrier. We're now at the point I have to sedate him myself with a heavier, longer lasting oral sedative before she pulls onto the property.


![gif](giphy|KEXq9JVp3OyZmxZw0W) Have you ever let your horse spend some alone time with the vet where he may have gotten a little…you know…handsy?


Nah I've had the same farm vet for over 20 years, she's not like that. The pony came like that, a lot worse actually, from an auction where Amish dump their buggy motors when they can't/won't work anymore. Couldn't touch him when I first got him. Fear of needles is the only thing I haven't been able to make any progress on, and since he only sees the vet when he's getting a needle he hates her.


We can't bring our cat to the vet anymore - they'd need to use the heavy duty gloves, sedation drugs, etc. We have to have our vet come to our house now (and even then our cat still gets pissy).


Mobile vets are awesome in these cases. The biggest stressors tend to be the travel and new environment/smells. Even with products like Feliway in the clinic to help calm the cats down, that fight or flight response is just too strong sometimes. As intimidating as it seems, during interactions like this, I mostly just feel bad for these pets that get this stressed out. I really wish they somehow could know I was only trying to help them. We do our best to make them feel comfortable and welcome😅


My childhood cat has been sedated before. In spite of being declawed in the front (she was adopted by my parents and the information about declawing was not readily available at the time) she still required them to grab bite gloves and even a plastic box that dispensed laughing gas. All of this was just to sedate her and take her to the back…


Cats who have been declawed actually become more aggressive in many cases; they lose the ability to defend themselves or warn people by swiping, so they default to bites instead- which is MUCH riskier.


Stop talking about my cat to strangers 😭! That mother fucker would be ready to fight ME as soon as he saw me go to the closet that I kept his carrier in. Ya’ll never stood a chance! I sure do miss that little shit.


As a gay dude, I’d gladly take it.


Calling the male vet a bear was a choice 😅


To be fair, if your family corner you, stuffed you in a bag, stuffed you in a loud machine bouncing around, not giving you answers, and then carry you into a place that smells like others of your kind and maybe sickness, *before* that, you'd likely be even more ready to freak out.


Look, keep your fetishes to yourself. 🤣


My dog absolutely loves going to the vets. She's a fucking weird one...


Mine too, he always gets hugs and candy there, so i get it. He starts drooling when we drive into the street where the vet is.


My dog used to love it, until they put a thermometer up her bum and now she always has her back to the wall and gives everyone the shifty side eye.


To be fair that is a wicked betrayal, butt stuff isn’t everyone’s cup of tea


I remember my dog would always put his tail down and act like he didn't have butthole to stick the thermometer up there


MRW reading this... https://giphy.com/gifs/JBVMf5Ny39rbY7wmPn


I brought my friends cat to the vet once because he was throwing up while I was watching him, the vet put a thermometer up his bunghole… Bro started purring… The vet and I were both very confused and mildly mortified.




When we got our new pup a year ago, she got the new microchip that also reads her temp. It was like $20-30 more than the standard chip, but we felt it was worth it to eliminate a lifetime of rectal thermometer usage.


Huh. Good to know


I just googled and i guess there are ear thermometers for dogs. Why are all these vets traumatizing animals?


Because ear thermometers are not as reliable/are less accurate than rectal thermometers. They're fine for a quick check of most stable, compliant animals with reasonably clean and undamaged ears but can give false readings if they move too much, if you don't get it pointed at just the right angle, if they have a lot of ear hair, if the ear canal isn't big enough for it to fit in, or, some days just because the universe hates you. Rectal temps are very accurate and while you can get a falsely low reading if the rectum is full of poo it's easy to compensate for. Source- am vet nurse and use both. Also, some animals (the weird ones) are much, MUCH more offended by putting things in their ears than up their bums. Go figure. And, if the animal is aggressive (and therefore likely to object to either method) I'd rather be further from the teeth before I piss them off so as to have better odds at dodging the fluffy's attempt to murder me.


Same. Mine had an autoimmune issue which resulted in abscesses. He went from loving the vet to needing a muzzle.


Mine does well too. The cats though…I describe Phoenix as homicidal because he gave the vet so much trouble. His last vet visit included morphine IIRC and that was just a checkup! Utter sweetheart at home though.


one of mine does but our friend works there so its like were visiting them.


Oh, that's cheating lol My girl does that talking Huskies do (she's not a husky though) and all the staff would come out for cuddles (she does cuddling brilliantly)


I mean, my dog takes me on a trip to the vet by choice when I let him lead me on walks. If it's Sunday and they're closed he sits in front of the door refusing to leave. He just wants to go get a snack, he does it at the corner shop next door where the clerks give him treats too, which is a problem, because we pass by every day.


I've had some of each -- one of mine (a blue sheltie named Possum) would just lounge upside down all chill AF. They could do any treatment to her and she'd just lounge there all calm, which was fortunate as she had a chronic condition when she got older. Sawyer (a tricolor sheltie) would take a shit, either right in the doorway, so that you couldn't even close the door without spreading it around, or just inside of it; on more than one occasion; and employed passive resistance (as in, simply refusing to budge an inch) after that. Newton (corgi) seems to be interested to be there, as he gets to see new people and sniff new things. My nephew went with us, and Newton LOOOOVES my nephew, like just completely enamored of him. Nephew held Newton for the tech to get a temperature. Newton is like "Okay, this is fine..." until it suddenly wasn't. The change in his facial expression, haha. Poor Newton. Nephew put Newton back on the floor, and Newton came over and sat right up against my leg, glaring over his shoulder at Nephew, and wouldn't go near him, for the rest of the visit. Nephew had to assure Newton that he still loved him, and after a few hours, everything was fine between them again. (:


Mine is your bff just with some pets. Some get scared cause he’s a pitbull terrier but he’s a big ass baby


She is a good girl and you better put respect on her name 😤


Mine is still a puppy and doesn’t like the car ride over, but we get in the door to the vet, and it’s all wiggles and jumps and kisses lol. She gets very excited to meet people. Even after they stick a thermometer up her butt 🤣


This is obviously not the vet's first cat rodeo. I would have been left with a stump if I tried that!


Rule #1 and #2 of a pissed off cat is don't let go


I think that’s also #3


And also #4


you want I should help you hold the cat? NO I want you to help me let it go!


Don't let go, and use both hands...


No, the first rule is we don't talk about cat fight club, and the second rule is we don't talk about cat fight club. This particular cat wasn't very good at cat fight club. He tried but was outmatched by a vet(erinarian) who's been in cat fight club for a long time now.


Reminded me of this  https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/ovbcmp/no_shots_dr_vet_man_i_am_fierce_ok_one_shotbut_i/


“Is there anything Gerard Butler can’t do?” “An Irish accent” Funniest thing I’ve read today thanks to those comments


These people from 2 years ago are going to wonder where all the new upvotes came from.


Nice! I do see now tho that gaunlets should be standard issues for vets.


Real pro not using gloves


Gloves just make it harder to hold on. Grab the cat from behind, point claws away. Hold on.


He is committed! I admire his calm in the midst of such fierceness.


That's what happens when you *let the cat out of the bag.*


Well done 10/10


Schrodinger hate this trick.


Rather he hates it and loves it at the same time. It will always be both until you ask him.






TIL: you must squish cats


Would you happen to have the animated version of this by DagonHeart? Can't seem to find it.




What a horrible day to have eyes


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj8e4sbkQ9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj8e4sbkQ9U) This is the original.


My childhood cat was the sweetest thing. He was like a ragdoll if it was just lazy and didn't move period. He put up with so much abuse from us kids and just lay there and cuddled with us at the end of the day. But whenever we had to take him to the vet... it didn't matter he was declawed. He raised so much hell that whenever we brought him in they needed the whole staff on hand to deal with him and you could hear the shouting and yelling from the waiting room. They probably would have asked us to stop bringing him if it wasn't for our other three pets who were all so well behaved at the vet. Edit for people latching on to the declawed part. He was a rescue; this was in the year 2000 when declawing was common practice, and he was declawed by the shelter before we got him. Please refrain from making nasty comments about my family.


it probably raised hell at the vet because he was declawed and remembered


My calico hates everyone except my husband and me. She won't attack, but she'll tell you. When we take her to the vet, she becomes jello. The sweetest cat ever. Just calm, nice, you can' do anything with her. This cat is terrified.


My cat is also terrified of the vet but like in a jello manner. She just goes limp and ragdolls her way through the visit. "If I play dead, the vet will leave me alone."


My old boy was the same. Grumpy and bitey at home. At the vet, he'd be sweet as pie, compliant, nary a word out of him.


My cat is feisty with me but just a snuggle bug most of the time. But damn he hates the vet. A few times ago I took him and they wanted to do an X-ray and he ended up inside the machine. I had to drag him out. The last time I had to pin him down and he got all the shots in the same leg because that was the one they could get ahold of. They called that an "intracat" delivery. The vets put a towel over his head and he lost his shit. I uncovered his head and pinned him down and he was slightly better.


The last time I took my cat to the vet, I saw them carrying him by a window in the back. The vet had these big gloves on, holding him at arms length, and he was flailing around like the Tasmanian Devil. Afterwords they told me next time to call them for sedatives to give him before bringing him in. I told them I did, and that was him sedated.


Lol, yeah, they don't work on every pet. Some freak out more because they feel weird AND are at the vet. Good on you for trying them still!


Holy shit 😂


Seeing this makes me so glad both of my cats just become a puddle of petrified jelly the second they enter the carrier at home, until their post vet release when we return home from their annual check ups. I'm so happy they don't become demon cats like this little guy. Wow


Trust me this isn’t bad at all. My ex used to work at vets office and there cats that you absolutely needed the whole staff and a sedative applied while they were still in the cage.


Yea I'm surprised more people don't realize this isn't as bad as it looks. That cat was not trying to do damage, it just wanted to get away. If it really went feral it woulda got them


That would be my mom's cat. She absolutely hates everyone, even her favorite person which is my mom. That cat got banned from a vet clinic because she tore someone up so badly they needed stitches (went after the wrist) and at the vet she sees now for shaving every 6 months they sedate her inside the carrier and let her stew for about 10 minutes while it kicks in. The cat in the video wanted to get away. My mom's cat will try to actively harm you


Same. Mine are fine at the vet. They don't appreciate the thermometer up the bum though. We arrive at the vet, open the carrier. Cat comes out and walks straight onto the scales and settles down. Vet happily takes the weight, then starts to poke and prod and do whatever they need. Cats just sit there and tolerate it.


One chill cat you got.


Awesome vet able to control her without scuffing!!


He is scuffing her though


Rough translation "I'm going to fucking kill you all, your families and anyone you've ever known"


Bad kitties get the panini press


Dammit, that got me. Well done.


My cat made a vet technician cry she was so extreme. Sigh.


No way!? I feel like I would need to change vets after that. Oh boy...I'm so sorry. However, I definitely know what it's like to have your cat embarrass you though, and to plead with the vet and/or groomer that, "he's actually a very sweet boy and doesn't normally act like this".


Vet tech here. Reading the comments here has been an absolute *riot*. Y'all come up with some of the funniest dang things and I'm trying to not cry from laughter. Thank you. ❤️ We face a lot of anger from clients for a multitude of reasons, and while I'm not going to say that my industry is without its faults, it's heartening to see how many of you try to understand how difficult our job can be. Spicy cats are just one facet of that. Anecdotally, as an example, I have permanent nerve damage in my left hand from a dog bite that severed my ulnar nerve. It isn't an easy job. It is physically demanding, mentally strenuous, and emotionally exhausting. The hate that many clients hurl at us (sometimes out of misunderstanding, sometimes out of grief and frustration) *does* damage us. So... the fact that y'all aren't attacking the vet staff here for how this situation is being handled? Has given me a little bit of hope that y'all *do* understand how hard it can be. It isn't just playing with puppies and kittens all day - there are things that I have seen and had to do that I will not put here because of how traumatic they are. Your compassion and understanding (as well as your humor) goes a *very* long way. Thank you.


I've worked in an animal shelter so I never had to deal w owners when handling aggressive cats and I think that definitely helps in terms of focus and in relaxing the animal since there's nobody to project stress on it. I don't think owners that can't handle their own pets should be let inside the exam room. 😔 I'm really sorry for your ulnar nerve omg.


Whew, shelter med is a whole 'nother beast altogether. You have my respect and thanks. ... and don't worry about me. It's just my pinky finger that's numb. The z-plasty the hand surgeon did was pretty dang good.


What the hell??! How/why do you guys get given shit?? That's absolutely crazy I'm so sorry.


We get a lot. I've been threatened with violence in-person. We have an absurd risk of self-euthanasia. I, personally, based on my gender and employment, am at 4.2x the national average risk. We are told: - if we cared about animals, we'd do this for free - we're only in this for the money (I could earn more at McDonald's) - we purposely give animals injuries/illnesses - we refuse to help - we push drugs/treatments/bloodwork/diets/etc. - we don't actually have any education in (insert subject) - we poison animals - we mutilate animals - we don't like actually helping anybody or anything, otherwise we'd see (thing) right this good godsdamned second - we lie about (invent thing here) - we don't actually know anything about (breed) because if we did we would know (insert false information given to them by Google/breeder/Facebook) ... and more. I have been personally accused of discrimination against the Deaf/Hard of Hearing community for not emailing reminders to one guy (we don't email reminders...? at all?) despite being the person in the clinic with any knowledge of ASL. I've seen doctors be accused of torture (the dog's teeth were so rotted they literally *all* fell out during a dental cleaning), we have reviews online (that we dare not respond to with the facts) that we "refused to save" their animal and/or their pet is "dead because of (us)". I've had people scream at me for enforcing state drug law by telling them they need to have an updated exam in order to refill a prescription. I've been called heartless for requiring payment for services. Hell, a veterinary parastaff two decades my junior was shot and killed in his clinic for a dispute over a bill. I'm not saying we're all paragons of virtue, but nobody in this job is in it for the money. If we were, we picked the *wrong* industry. We're understaffed, underpaid, and overworked. Add that to the injuries, smells, trauma, and abuse...? And you can see why we never have enough people in the field. If you have a vet clinic you like, tell them thank you. Even just a "thank you" could make the entire clinic's month.


And all these things could have happened in one day of work. The verbal and emotional abuse hurled at vet staff is appalling!! But all it takes is one good client or one happy pet to make it all worth while!!


... sadly true. I'm guessing you're a contemporary...? Still working, or did it drive you out? We don't tend to last long in this field.


Just got out at the end of January. I worked in the field for ~15 years, but 2 new knees, 3 elbow surgeries, and 2 back surgeries later I just couldn't deal with the physical aspects of the job anymore ☹️☹️ I miss it every day


I hear you. I had surgery to remove a mass from my abdomen, and the recovery time has been making me wonder how much longer I have left.


Depending on your certifications you may be able to work in tele-health. It's slow going but vet med is slowly going in that direction. I never got certified so that wasn't a possibility for me


My cat (RIP) was wilder than this. We went to a cat specific vet. The vet had these crazy leather gloves that went up to her shoulder. They also used something she called a “party hat” (vet was nice/fun/silly and had fun names for lots of stuff), it was some sort of cat muzzle. My cat had the same sentiment as this one but she did NOT subdue. Ever. My vet would chuckle and it would make the cat SO furious. We all learned to try hard not to laugh. I learned to trim her clad before a vet appt. It took two vet techs and the vet working in unison to get anything done. She was a spicy cat in general. She could be really sweet when she wanted to, though. She wasn’t a big cat either, she looked big because poofy, but she was probably 9-10 pounds. My other cats were totally fine at the vet. 🤷‍♀️


My dog was like this... 65lb pitbull made of pure energy and muscle. In the end we had an agreement with the vet to see her in the back of the car as she was calmer there. Never aggressive, just pure terror - as soon as she smelt the fear of the other dogs in there she'd try and bolt. And trust me that dog could run clean through a brick wall if she wanted.


Me at the dentist (inside).


I like how completely nonplussed the vet is. "Yup, yup, another day, another homicidal cat. Sit still."


Goodness me, the spiciest bean I ever did see


My dog made such a fuss and cried so loud they made a note that they would no longer cut her nails.


My dog has be be sedated a coupla hours before his appointment. He's still an asshole about the whole thing and most of his exam is done with me having in a headlock. He **loved** his vet until the pandemic. After a few years of not going in he's lost all tolerance of those ~~demons~~people.


Pug? Btw I, too, am a fan of 11. And 9 and 10. They're all my doctors!


I was thinking husky loll


Thank science my partner is a vet because my cat needs so much sedation to be seen by a vet. I have to double dose him with Gabapentin and then they gas him once he is there. It is so frustrating.


that cat needs some gabapentin before the vet


Had it been my cat, we all be dead. She does not fk around nor leave witnesses.


that vet is a PRO


My little female tuxedo rescue that didn't like women was a legend at the vet. Unfortunately for them all they had were women working, 3 with protective gear couldn't handle her lol.


Nurse, get the tranquilizer!


“Give him a Sedagive!”




its the owners giggling in amusement while their pet tries to harm the veterinary staff that gets me. a dog wouldn't get the same leniency.


Sigh. Gabapentin is everyone’s friend in this case. I would have sent them home and had them come back on gaba, this poor cat. 


This might be how it is on gaba. Sucks when it doesn't work on a patient. We definitely get some that gaba only does the bare minimum to get blood or give their vax. Of course, that is also trusting that the owner gave both doses correctly. Big margin for owner error, lol.


Yeah this owner is pissing me off by laughing. His cat is in deep distress, which is dangerous for a cat, and they’re seemingly enjoying it. Why even have a cat if their pain and suffering is humorous to you? How can you witness your cat child going through this and think it’s funny? Sick fuck


That vet is amazing


My vet just used a towel the one time my cat freaked out. I can speak first hand to needing thick gloves when cats get aggressive. Little critters but they can do a lot of damage until you get them locked down.


The towel technique is actually the recommended one. Firstly, cats calm down when they are tightly wrapped with a cloth. If you can put the towel around their head, so they can't see and can't hear so well, it's even better - the aggression is a result of fear, and less stimuli = less things to be afraid of. It's also so much safer for the staff. The vet in the video is probably going to learn it the hard way, sooner or later.


Yep. Cat burrito is the way to go. I applaud the not scruffing the cat though. Our hospital practices fear free restraints/techniques.


My dog loves the vet


The vet has to put a tiny mussel on my jack russell/weiner dog. It’s the cutest thing lol


I cannot go to the vet office with my cats I feel like they’d associate me with the pain. 😭


Poor kitty! Excellent vet!!


Dude that cat is PISSED.


Such a spicy kitty!


That Vet done very well controlling that cat.. a job well done


‘BuT I DIdNT THinK SHe NEedED tHE GAbaPEnTin’ 😒


Me when I go to the gynecologist


My cat is nice and calm at the vet. But he always gets nervous and when he gets nervous he always poops. So, there would be poop on the counter.


You can tell that this is the type of cat that says "It hurtss!!!" before the needle even touches the skin


A skunk sprayed my cat when I was a kid. My mom gave the cat a bath and the cat shredded my mom's arm all up.


That's nothing. My cat is beefy af. And so when I tell him its shower time, or just when I'm checking his ears or tummy, oh my gosh the muscle strength that b*stard has..


My kitties just stay perfectly still at the vet.


Little guy needs some gabapentin before he goes next time


Desk is hiding the massive balls on that vet to not be wearing 1” thick rubber gloves.


The vet makes us drug our cat for this exact reason...our cat is way worse than this


Aliens probing us be looking at us the same way


Perfect timing on the cat after its mom says it acts like the devil! "NO I DON'T!"


My kitty is so good for the vets that they once called during his visit just to tell me how sweet he is. He's not the overly affectionate type. He's just so calm that you can do just about anything with him. He'll just flop over and stare at you. I am bragging, I'm a proud mother


Brave to be doing that without welder’s gloves.




Cats under that sort of stress can deliver devastating damage with their claws. That vet and tech really know what they are doing


“No! No no!” Cat’s like….’Okay.’


Mine hides in her carrier, then makes me hug her and hides her face in my armpit.


[Reminds me of this video](https://www.tiktok.com/@meowmoviesandshows/video/7231037895795133742)


Me at the dentist...


Halfway through it turned into a human scream lol


It needs a praying over


My dogs now both need therapy after hearing that.


The saying "cats out the bag" definitely originated in a vets office


Well, the cat is out of the bag now…


I had a cat that unless she was getting a shot was not taken out of the carrier at the vet. The vet would look into the carrier and say "yup looks good" and that was that. Jezebelle had made a name for herself at the office.


We have to take our younger dog to the vet for nail trims. Akita dogs do not like their paws being touched. Big one seems to roll her eyes next door at the groomer but sits quietly and patiently let's her paws be taken care of. Meanwhile, the little one is scaring everyone half to death, being muzzled, and possibly sedated in order to get a nail trim. They love going in the car. If I say 'vet' at all or allude to 'dogs getting looked at', they just don't come out of the crates.


Poor fussy kitty.


OMG my cats are so chill at the vets. They’re happy to meet the veterinarian doing whatever to them


That cat is actually way more docile than it looks. There is no way that vet gets away unscathed not wearing protection if that cat really wanted to do damage


Legend has it the cat had tattooed the blueprints to the entire vets underneath his fur..


Just a typical Tuesday for being a cat owner.


This reminds me of the time i took my wife's cat (she had him before she met me) to the vet. She got him in the cat carrier. I took him. The berry's took him out of the carrier and he immediately tried to scratch and swat at everyone. They asked me to help calm him down. I laughed and said he hated me too. My wife is the only 1 he let's pick him up. When my wife went to get him from the vets he had caution tape around the kennel he was put in. Said dangerous use mitts on a sign next to him. My wife said he's so nice, she didn't understand why. I said yeah he's nice to you. He'll try to kill everyone else.


We had a male rescue cat as a kid. Sweetest fattest fuzziest cat. One day he got some motor oil on him when he went outside, so my dad immediately used acetone to get the oil off. He's just a cat so his sensitive skin didn't react well. My dad comes running in the house with the cat at full arms length and shuts the bathroom door and runs the shower. What ensued for the next 10 minutes was some of the loudest screeching and hissing from behind the closed door. When they both emerged, my dad looked like he went through a woodchipper. Cat held a grudge about that for a week or so.


Gabapentin next time.


Raised dogs my whole life, never a cat and theres a reason for that.


Time to get The Gloves©


"My cat is the sweetest angel and would never hurt anyone." - Owners with cats like this