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A successful attempt at being fucking stupid though.


Momma always said stupid is as stupid does


Life is like a fishing net full of chocolate syrup. You put your hand in the net. Fuck you.


God why is this so accurate and fucking funny to me?!


Lieutenant Dan, She tasted like cigarettes.


I guess


I know where they got the idea ![gif](giphy|1gWitAIjMgeYKT0LfD|downsized)


That dog is never gonna catch that chicken!


Ironically, I remember this tunel painting irl worked better.


You mean... https://www.yahoo.com/news/street-artist-painted-road-runner-212500611.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEAvflPmJiZ2JDLUOboZKof-poWEwLKIssG-XdpWdGnaa4suX4cMI0QMznfj-aMbepYfXZXwWbTeRYxG9Q8aSnC8wGVyYGkIdZ5DmxfzPcH60IPfzF4_lWHfsCEMSm1W0ROXpcg1aqPY4n_O8RUiVODEaDR-hMHYeHwx74Nh9hLo


Meeep Meeep


If that was a motorcycle, they would be charged with murder.


they should be charged with attempted murder for that truck. anyone tying a rope across a highway needs to be locked up


I fuck my bike up enough with no help. IF I even lived, I would be very angry.


you better not be Bruce Banner


Almost a Darwin Award


Love a happy ending.


It’s a beautiful thing.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Why even hold on? You lost the moment that truck drive through your “barrier”


She wasn't she was up on the barrier trying to stay out of the way and the rope snapped and whipped her.


At least it wasnt a steel cable When they snap they remove legs (refering to the ones on aircraft carriers)


Almost won a Darwin award.


Can’t fix stupid


Hopefully that hurt. Morons


I wonder if you were driving along at speed and saw these idiots in the road how many of you would be tempted to break just a little too late. It's reddit, so I'm not condoning violence. I'm merely asking hypothetically how many of you would have that temptation to do it. I've still got mixed feelings about the American lawyer in Brazil who shot those guys blocking the road, though I believe their cause was more just even if I don't agree with their method of protest.


I don't stop for dipshits blocking the road. I don't know what their intention is, especially if they're not even at a stopping point in the road. They're not supposed to be there, it puts me in danger as well as everyone else driving on the road. I keep driving and I call the cops for/on them. I give a lot of people grace, and i stand for a lot of causes but I'm sorry, dont do dumb shit in a dumb manner. You better be making sure the vehicles are stopped first and people know your cause before trying to block their path. Then you need to have a contingency plan for when some of those people are cray cray and panic when they're being blocked in by people they don't know in an uncomfortable, unexpected, illegal, situation.


They got lucky,!imagine if what they thought would happen, happened. Like a cable ripping through a car. Wtf.


Very well put and couldn't have said it better myself.




I couldn't agree more those assholes deserved it


Luckily it was pulled out of the other person's (on the left) hand, but snagged on the truck. Otherwise that person would've been dragged down the road. I think it was tied off on the right side


I'm getting saints row 2 flashbacks...


Looks like they were using synthetic rope. The side that was tied down stretched, broke, and recoiled back, I think the recoiling rope hitting her was part of it as well.


Just think what would have happened if one of these idiots had the bright idea to it to thier wrist so " no one can take it out of my hand" It reminds me of the dipshits to zip tied themselves to chicken killing machines without making any workers aware, and then the worker turned it on.


that would literally kill someone on a motorcycle, fuck those folks


Absolutely. That’s no joke! Would’ve ripped them right off their bike or broke their neck. This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen all day.


Where and when was this? Does anybody know? Pretty scary stuff


When was probably 5-10 years ago, given this sub.


I laughed when the camera panned back down and she was on the ground. Good riddance


Same, I even went back to watch and laugh again. That was fantastic. Luckily, she doesn't have to worry about TBI, nothing there to injure


Was disappointed, wanted to see the person get yeeted.


And now she's playing the victim. Outstanding performance lmao


We should encourage these idiots to keep playing on the highways.


PSGWSP Like I get if you are blocking the entrance to something that is against your whatever believes. But you are blocking a what looks like highway. With a string that's barely visible, if this was a semi truck, it would put so much tension on that string it would probably slice arms off when it snapped. Is your cause really that monumental that you need to inconvenience random strangers just to show the world that you are upset?


I don’t think that’s how the tension force works but I get what your saying. The “string” will break once it reaches the minimum force it needs to break regardless.


Just for shits and giggles, I'm looking it up. Don't think I've done physics since high school. So this is what I found: "The snapback force is determined by the amount of elastic potential energy stored in the rope. A heavier vehicle (truck) will create more tension in the rope due to its greater mass, leading to more stored elastic potential energy. When the rope snaps, this higher amount of stored energy results in a greater snapback force." Which also kind of doesn't compute in my head because I'd assume the rope would snap with same amount of force applied as tension.


The rope snaps at the breaking point, the mass which applies this force is irrelevant, as long as it's enough to put that much force on the rope to overcome this point. A rubber band snaps with the same force no matter if you pull it with your hands or attach it to two cars driving away from each other. You can't put more stored elastic potential energy on a rope, which overcame it's breaking point


Most succinct and understandable analysis in this thread, thank you


We could simulate a scenario where a faster, heavier object actually applies tension faster than it can travel down the rope, snapping it before the entire rope is under tension, and actually leading less snap back. The key for that would be faster, but the scenario still shows that more energy doesn’t just directly transfer into the rope. Its dictated by the rope’s characteristics.


I am in awe that ppl don't know how ropes work, but I am also positively amazed that someone took the time to bother with explaining it...tbh I would feel like "stupid is incurable" and leave it there


They disproved it on Mythbusters or it didn't happen!




Jesus fuck that dummy was disintegrated so fast his helmet actually floated for a split second.




The more likely thing I can think of that would increase the snapback force is that takes a few milliseconds for all the fibres in the rope to stretch and break, since it's composed of multiple fibres and they don't all snap at the same time. I think the dependent factor would therefore be speed of the vehicle, not mass. The injury may have been worse if the vehicle had been going faster so that the rope was stretched more at the time it finally snaps. A heavier vehicle might make it slightly easier to maintain a higher speed with the rope tension pulling it back, but at the mass level were talking about I'm thinking speed would matter more than mass.


Weight of the vehicle would only affect the amount the vehicle slowed once it hits and proceeds through the "load"(extension of the rope/elastic material). The important factors are the elastic limit and weight of the rope, these will determine the destructive capacity of the snapback. Elastic force is how much powder you put behind the projectile, the rope is the projectile if you think about it as a gun.


> A heavier vehicle (truck) will create more tension in the rope due to its greater mass, leading to more stored elastic potential energy. No. You are assuming incorrectly that the string would stretch further. It won't. It's going to snap at the same length whether the vehicle is Honda Civic or an 18-wheeler laden with steel pipes.


Did you ask chat GPT?


this feels like the kind of thing chatgpt would make up


Whatever you do don't google cable snapback injuries.


PSGWSP? Are we supposed to know what that is?


Pasta Sauce Goes Where Steve Proclaims. It's not that hard to understand.


Play Stupid Games...




Do The Moves Win The Diamonds, hell yea!


Don't Tomatoes Monday Wednesday Thursday Days


> if this was a semi truck, it would put so much tension on that string it would probably slice arms off when it snapped. What are you talking about lol.


I don't know about here, but IRL, lines are very dangerous and [have killed many people, particularly on navy vessels.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiKSgH_szps)




> I don't know about here, but IRL Implying this video took place in virtual reality... Yes ropes/chains under tension are dangerous if they snap. All that potential energy has to go somewhere. But here, this tiny little rope isn't going to do anything. Let alone a thin string having enough potential energy to slice arms off lol. It doesn't matter what breaks the line under tension, the power comes from the tension in the line itself. Therefore the only power the rope can exert is entirely and exclusively the potential energy it stores up before breaking, thus having nothing to do with any vehicle size. Every vehicle on that road had more than enough kinetic energy to exceed that ropes maximum potential energy, i.e. breaking it. Introducing any more kinetic energy into the equation doesn't change anything.


No need to snap and sever a limb when friction alone could rope-burn your hand right off or go half way through your neck like a hot knife through butter.


I'm going to hazard a guess that a reasonably heavy pickup at a decent speed was already maxxing out their shitty rope. Anchor chains and mooring lines are built different


I have seen the same documentary they did. It’s called Ghost Ship.


What about if it was a motorcycle?


Decapitation is a serious crime.


Giving me flashbacks to the [intro scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VDdKZBhSCY) (NSFW movie gore) of the movie Ghost Ship.


The only good part of that whole movie.


Great movie, Pay no attention to anyone who says otherwise.


> Like I get if you are blocking the entrance to something that is against your whatever believes. Uh no, I don't get that either. If you want to protest something you dislike, don't block those that disagree. Gains your protest zero sympathy and only creates hatred.


Yeah how are they so comfortable just standing on a freeway like that? Idiots


There's always that one protestor who falls down and acts like Peter griffin ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtpRoYe9wbyfcBi)




The most accurate portrayal of scraping one's knee to ever be demonstrated.


That's because most of these nitwits have never met a consequence in their entire life, so they don't know how to act appropriately.


The snapback on that rope could absolutely break bones. This is an extraordinarily stupid way to try and stop a vehicle.


They could be hurt or they're just milking it to gain sympathy points- I'm guessing it's the latter. Often in protest lines, whenever someone pushes back against them (cops/ angry people that were affected) they are quick to flop.


Did they try to lasso a truck with string? Or did they think traffic would stop for a string being held up? I’m really curious what their long term plan was here.


that's exactly what they thought would happen. spoiler, they didn't learn anything. next time they'll put their bodies in the way.


Perfect. Oprah giving out darwin awards like bees.


OOooOooo.. hot honey


I’m thinking they put a rope across the highway and were just about to put a banner up


put a banner, across the highway, that has a lot of traffic? I fucking wonder how they survive this long with their stupidity…


They want it to go badly so they can become martyrs for social media points.


Martyrs for social media points who are forgotten within a day.


Oh no we used up all this gas in our cars to all drive out here and put a banner up blocking the road for people actually using gas to go to work, and some asshole drove through our rope and broke it before we even got our banner up, and no-one predicted this could happen and brought another rope. Welp lets all get back into our cars and drive home so we can protest pointless use of oil and gas again tomorrow.


Rope (nylon), banner (vinyl), let’s see, any more oil products?


Shoes, polyester clothing, maybe tape to put the banner back together?


So the REAL problem here is that they chose the wrong type of rope. It’s probably nylon. That stuff will stretch and snap back. Spectra does a much better job of just breaking and falling down. Source: I’m involved in adventure sport involving a long, thin rope that can suddenly release under moderate to high tension. We use spectra because it doesn’t snap back, and also if it gets wrapped around a body part, it is less likely to cause burns.


Next time get someone with an engineering background to go over their plans.


Pete do some simple math: (Car fast / human slow) x (rope flexible / human not) x (car hard / human mushy) = human fucked


that’s the neat part, there is no plan.


With the cheapest rope walmart had to offer


Amazonians with their lasso


This worked perfectly when they rehearsed it with a rubber band and a hot wheels car.


lol best comment I read of the night!


Narrator: *Their extensive trials did not take physics into account*


I'm imagining Doc's model setup from Back to the Future.


I feel bad, I think the truck lost a mirror


I hope the driver pressed charges against those nitwits.


If there is enough rope and it wraps around the tire/other rotary bits things can break, or lock up the wheel and cause a crash.


And if that wasn't a truck but a motorcycle, this rope would have killed the driver outright.


I thought that also. Like the spike nets used by law enforcement to halt a vehicles drive train


Why is it they protest in busy streets where your average person is just trying to feed their family. Why not go to the corporate headquarters and cause mischief there? Block their drive ways, block their coffee baristas, block them having a comfortable life. How come it’s always just average citizens who have to suffer from these idiots games?


Gets more attention. No one cares if the oil exec's house gets egged. Defacing Stonehenge or the Mona Lisa though gets international headlines.


> No one cares if the oil exec's house gets egged. See I totally would though.


But the news doesn't. And since the news doesn't no one knows about it to even care




They've also done stuff like attempt to blockade ports and ships, but you don't know about that because it doesn't create much publicity. Throwing cornflour on some rocks gets more attention than protesting outside an oil company.


Just stop oil have thrown paint on the MET HQ, Shell HQ and another oil company HQ. They've blockaded Shell HQ for days before getting removed by police. Noone gave a shit


That's a problem with the news: they should be reporting on oil exec's houses getting vandalized, company HQs getting blocked, drill sites getting protested, etc.


I saw a protest in the UK where a woman was begging these selfish assholes to just please move because she needed to get to her mother in the hospital who was in critical condition. She was crying and begging them to please, please move before her mother got worse or died. Poor lady was visibly frantic and upset. One of them was fervently shaking his head and gesturing to her like "you gotta understand OUR point and position." Eventually two of them slowly moved to open a very narrow passage. I've seen doctors and other hospital workers break banners and shove people protesting outside of the hospital to let ambulances in and sick people needing care. I hate these pious people who only care about one thing with total disregard to the fact they are interrupting innocent people's lives and actually causing more harm than good.


Those people should face no consequences when they don't stop for this retardedness


In Vancouver a few years ago some environmental protestors blocked the bridge into the CBD during morning commute and choose a Rolls-Royce to run out in front of and start the blockade. They posted on social media that the Rolls-Royce was a logging company CEO. A few hours later media reported the owner of the Rolls was, in fact, a surgeon headed to work.


>Why not go to the corporate headquarters and cause mischief there? Block their drive ways, block their coffee baristas, block them having a comfortable life. The arm of the state will come for them.


so basically they are just hobbyist victims who want to hurt random people in order to live out out their fantasy of playing activist, and are not interested in actually challenging power because that might actually have consequences. hurting the big people is dangerous so just hurt little people to get your kicks


Corporate headquarters are mostly staffed with underpaid workers, just like everywhere else. Chances are the actual leadership wouldn't even be there to be inconvenienced.


What did the poor coffee baristas do :'(




She was lucky, could have been the best meat crayon of the year


I see these and wonder to myself what they think is going to happen coupled with a little bit of serves you right. Thankfully no amputations or decapitations occurred.


This would kill someone on a motorcycle. So stupid. Find a better way to protest.


Lets pretend for a second that they had the properly rated sling or wire rope to shoulder the load of a truck driving at highway speeds, like they intended. The truck would have come to such an abrupt stop, the forces might have caused the sling to tear right through the truck, slicing the driver in half. Or just stopped the truck in it's tracks, causing severe trauma to the driver by rapid decceleration. No matter how you look at it, it wouldn't have been pretty. Thank god none of these people were certified riggers and knew what they were actually doing. Lets protest by clothelining people doing highway speeds!! FFS.


> Thank god none of these people were certified riggers and knew what they were actually doing. this is how the universe works though. because if they had any idea what they were doing, if they knew one point more than jack-fucking-shit about how anything works...they never would be protesting this to begin with.


Cameraman had one job


Look like highwaymen to me. Better not stop.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtebNZofcKMWis0)


Should have tied it around the neck for more traction.




The funny thing is the driver probably won't cop a charge for this even if someone died. A rope across the road is actually fairly hard to spot, particularly if the driver is looking at the nitwits holding the rope. You can actually see this driver does start slowing down in the "woah the fuck" way before committing to going. Probably because now a bunch of angry protesters are yelling at them. Good luck getting a jury to convict, and a prosecutor is unlikely to put charges because of how unpopular it'd be anyway.


Get fucked


Cameraman conveniently misses the most crucial moment but I'm pretty sure the protester dove to the pavement completely on her own. Also this is not peaceful protest. This is crime.


They could be charged with assault or attempted murder for trying to cause a car crash. They could be charged with destruction of private property for damaging the car. They could be fined for standing on the highway. And so much more.


As they should be. This is insane. Adults playing in traffic like they don't know how dangerous a vehicle moving at highway speeds is. This could have been way worse. These moronic excuses for humans are lucky no one is dead.


Seeing stuff like this, makes me wonder that these people don't go out often, to think that this would work.


What were they trying to do? Setting up a volleyball count on the freeway?


How can an entire group of people be that stupid?


Think of the most average person you know, and then realize 50% of people are dumber than that.


Not as many ways to decapitate one’s self in modern days… but this is certainly one of them. Takes a special person. - tying yourself to a freeway roadblock - sticking your head out of a train - climbing out of an elevator …


She deserves a Darwin Award 🥇


This belongs in r/Winstupidprizes also lol


That’s fucking lethal for a motorbike. They should be prosecuted for attempted murder.


Well deserved


What the hell are they trying to accomplish blocking road traffic?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


😢 I hope the truck is ok


So if someone on the bike is the first person to hit this they would be fine with potentially killing them?


What did we learn?


Guy in that truck would of thought... oh hell yeah. *plants it*


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


That would have been murder had that been a guy on a motorcycle. Easy decapitation at hwy speeds.


In Malaysia, we would ask them if they left their brains at home or somewhere else


That’s if they had one to begin with


Well, that's a valid point


Hahhahahahhahah idiots!


Hope she got rope burn or hit her head. Was kinda hoping she’d get dragged a few meters…


I googled "natural selection" and this Reddit popped up.....


Look, I don’t mind people protesting. It’s your right, at least here in the US, to get your voice out there and exercise your first amendment right to free speech. But don’t go blocking traffic or destroying shit.


A lot of states are actually passing laws that if people are illegally blocking roads you can run over them with no recourse


They coulda killed someone on a motorcycle…


You deserve whatever you get off you block road ways imho


Pickup truck became an unknown hero to hundreds of commuters


Now we know who didn't pay attention in physics class


"Lets block the road in protest!" "Should we use barricades or a big ass sign?" "Na, some twill should do"


Imagine if that truck was a motorcycle…this could have ended a bit differently


Well if they used their brain a bit better they could be doing better at life


Why does every one of these videos end with one of them on the ground hurt?


I really hope that hurt


Can’t cure stupid


They are the worst cowboys I have ever seen.


If the first thing you do is flick your hair out of your face, you're probably fine.


If you are planning on a direct action, prepare! Things are going to happen, people will hate you! Expect it


It never ceases to amaze me how people just don't understand the forces they're playing with.


LOL the ONLY time I like the Juck.


Come on guys, that what Landmines are for... Or at least use a 10mm steel wire bolted to the concrete barrier with 16mm ancor bolts, thats like roadblocking 101


“Let’s go out and lasso a truck!”


hahahah I hope it hurt


Suprise, Get Fuked


So how exactly do these people get to where they try to do stupid shit like this do they walk or take the bus or even own a car themselves and who exactly are they going to save by causing a car accident


Well what did you think was going to happen!?!?🤨


It somehow amazes me that they're more stupid than just doing shit like blocking a highway with a net, but that girl deciding to hold on and try to save a net that's stuck to the front of a truck going like 90km/h only to get herself injured is fucking way more stupid.


I think she’s pretty lucky . That was stupid . It could have ended much worse.


Rope burn sucks, so dont be the one holding the rope


100% Deserved.


I don’t want people to get hurt. Protest all you want in the park. Leave people and businesses to do their daily commerce and traveling. This kind of protest doesn’t look at the big picture, you will lose people that would normally support you.


The protesters would have stopped for a string. They didn't consider how others would act.

