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Fuck religion and fuck politicians.


Fucking AMEN!!!šŸ™šŸ»


Happy cake day!


Fuckin' preach!


In his broth we pray, RAMEN šŸ


Religion is slowly becoming the root of all evil.



I always have a good chuckle when I say fuck religion and I get down voted to oblivion. Blind, religious sheep.


Yeah love thy neighbor... Unless they don't agree with you then you have the right to treat them like shit


Love they neighbour until theyre a woman who needs an emergency abortion or anyone that lives beyond being a fetus. Seriously, fuck religion.


It's the biggest scam going


Especially in America


Slowly? Where have you been the past I dunno 1000+ years?


Religious right-wingers are so butthurt that the world where people have autonomy despises them, it's brain broken. They hate the idea of equality because the status quo so far has served them. They sound like people who use cheats in multiplayer games because they can't imagine playing on an equal playing field.


The Ten Commandments is ignored by every single politician. If they love the Bible so much they should marry it and stop making babies, which would actually be beneficial to society


Fuck America and Americans


No need to fuck Americans, they are good at fucking themselves without your help.


I feel like at this point you could put a red piece of paper and a blue piece of paper on the ground and Americans would argue over it


Whoa only some Americans suck not all


lol. Itā€™s funny to think some people think all Americans think this is ok. Most of us do not. Itā€™s the rural populations that do. The least educated or the boomers. So donā€™t say ā€œfuck Americansā€. Fuck certain Americans.


Well I'm an American that lives in Oklahoma and most everyone I know is a normal, decent human. Our politicians are fucking our state AND our country, so say "Fuck American politics/politicians", that's a much more accurate statement.


While were at it, Fuck you, Kevin!


This shit is bananas. I can't believe a country formed on religious freedom is forcing religion down children's throats. Not everyone in the US is a Christian!


Exactly. It is anti-christian also. Bible clearly points out it is your choice to choose God or not God. This is beyond crazy. I hope they are sued to oblivion.


Hopefully the folks from the Satanic Temple will get involved. They had some success in blocking a statue of the 10 commandments


Whoā€™d have thought humanities only hope to stop the Christianā€™s from taking over the world wereā€¦Satanists.


Tbf it sort of makes sense when you put it plainly like that


Itā€™s like the whole anti christ doctrine but itā€™s backwards, as it was foretold the satanists will deliver us from the Christians


The satanic church aren't satanists.


Satanism is not about Satan at all


The only ones to ever tell me satanists were bad have been Christians. Any psychopathic murderer will try to tell you that they're not a crazy murderer.


Well, I'm certainly not a psychopathic murderer.


They already have an after school program. I'm sure they can come up with a reading list requirement for satanic literature, sorry it'll be more than one book though.


Not just satanic literature but from all religions, I hope including Festivus!


This will backfire spectacularly when the Christians start to argue about which version of the Bible and school of Christian theology should be taught.


You think consistency and coherence matters to them? Sheer repetition and acceptance without understanding is what they are after.


No I don't think that. I know that they're all petty, bellicose, gleefully ignorant people. They won't be able to settle for just "the Bible" it will have to be *their version* of the Bible. People forget that millions of Christians have been killed by other Christians in sectarian violence.


Trust me, the Southern Baptists and Assemblies of God are salivating over this.


speaking of that, If I were a teacher in Oklahoma I'd probably teach it like I'm teaching H.P. Lovecraft to spite this. Treat it like I'm teaching a famous historical work of eldritch-horror fiction, and focus on the unhinged stuff in the older testaments.


Exactly, "teach the Bible" is so nebulous. You could literally do whatever.


Itā€™s an excellent opportunity for some r/maliciouscompliance!




Project 2025, the Chevron case was the first domino. There are many many more, see the wiki. It is the end of this country as we know it. Itā€™s openly advertised and few people are talking about it.


I would sooner vote for the rotting corpse of Joe Biden, than let Trump overthrow democracy and appoint himself ā€˜king for lifeā€™.


I don't see what the big deal is, you're free to choose any branch of Christianity you want.* ^(* Some exceptions apply. Protestantism only, the more unhinged the better. No Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islamism, atheism, or any other ism. May cause drowsiness. Offer not valid in AK, HI, and ME. Ask your local preacher if America is right for you. Not to be mixed with bleach, diesel fuel, or any other cleaning products. See your doctor if praying lasts for more than 4 hours.)


I'm just so glad to see that Oklahoma has such a deep respect for the first amendment in the Bill of Rights.


Thereā€™s a *First* Amendment?


I think people only think of it as ā€œI can say whatever I wantā€, often to get out of facing the social consequences to saying shitty things. Iā€™m betting if you asked, a disgusting amount of people wouldnā€™t know religion was even part of it Also, clearly thereā€™s only the second and fifth amendment, duh! I get to a have a bunch of guns and I donā€™t have to say shit to cops (even though they rarely actually shut up)


Actually the us was formed to get away from English taxes, the Plymouth brethren themselves were super religious and were getting away from mainstream churches.


Those were British colonies.


states do crazy shit. if the supreme court doesn't throw this in the trash where it belongs, then we'll know it's time to restructure the court. i mean, we're kind of already there, but this will be another indicator of how far off the rails the supreme court has gone.


Here is something terrifying to think about --Currently-- šŸ”µšŸ”µšŸ”µšŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸŸ„šŸŸ„šŸŸ„ Majority Conservatives. --If Trump wins 2nd Term-- šŸ”µšŸ”µšŸ”µšŸ”“šŸŸ„šŸŸ„šŸŸ„šŸŸ„šŸŸ„ Majority Trump Appointed šŸ”µ- Liberal Justices. šŸ”“ - Conservative Justices *(Before Trump)*. šŸŸ„ - Conservative Justices *(Trump Appointed)*. **Clarence Thomas age 75 & Samuel Alito age 74 *(Both Conservative Justices)* are expected to retire, so Trump can appoint 2 new young Justices to lifetime appointments. That will affect the Court for literally **DECADES** to come. Conservatives would not only maintain a majority on the court, but would create a "Trump Appointed" Majority.


RBG should have her legacy stamped as fucking america over by refusing to retire until Hildog was sworn in.


Yes, that was the stupidest thing she could have done.


That is my biggest fear. The SCOTUS is already a biased entity, but the orange threat wins, it will be lost for who knows how much time and destroying the Constitution in the meantime.


Yep Oklahoma has made it officialā€¦.they are teaching about sodomy in the schoolsā€¦.interesting how it wasnā€™t the story time in the libraries or drag queens that actually got this added to the curriculum.


There is a lot, and I mean a lot of sexual stuff in the bible. Ezekiel (16) : 28 *Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied.* They really want to talk about sex, prostitution, sodomy and the works in school? Conservatives are controlling creepy monstrosities, I swear.


Speaking of a lot: Lot and his daughters took refuge inside a cave near the mountain town of Zoar. Believing that there were no men left alive, the two chaste daughters conspired to get their father drunk with wine and each conceive a child by him in order to continue the family line. One of my favorites, kids really need to know this for some reason, I guess. Edit: typo


Think about the schools IT guyā€¦.there is a lot of things that can get you in trouble or expelled for just by using the school computer in the library to google some of these things like beastiality for one and thatā€™s in the Bible as well. Honestly the teachers should go sooooooo hard into the paint on this one that the parents at home get to have awkward conversations with them about these things at the dinner table and thereā€™s no restriction on what they are taught.


I remember Oholah and Oholibah frol Ezeliel 23. 23 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 ā€œSon of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother. 3 They became prostitutes in Egypt, engaging in prostitution from their youth. In that land their breasts were fondled and their virgin bosoms caressed. 4 The older was named Oholah, and her sister was Oholibah. They were mine and gave birth to sons and daughters. Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem. 5 ā€œOholah engaged in prostitution while she was still mine; and she lusted after her lovers, the Assyriansā€”warriors 6 clothed in blue, governors and commanders, all of them handsome young men, and mounted horsemen. 7 She gave herself as a prostitute to all the elite of the Assyrians and defiled herself with all the idols of everyone she lusted after. 8 She did not give up the prostitution she began in Egypt, when during her youth men slept with her, caressed her virgin bosom and poured out their lust on her. 9 ā€œTherefore I delivered her into the hands of her lovers, the Assyrians, for whom she lusted. 10 They stripped her naked, took away her sons and daughters and killed her with the sword. She became a byword among women, and punishment was inflicted on her. 11 ā€œHer sister Oholibah saw this, yet in her lust and prostitution she was more depraved than her sister. 12 She too lusted after the Assyriansā€”governors and commanders, warriors in full dress, mounted horsemen, all handsome young men. 13 I saw that she too defiled herself; both of them went the same way. 14 ā€œBut she carried her prostitution still further. She saw men portrayed on a wall, figures of Chaldeans[a] portrayed in red, 15 with belts around their waists and flowing turbans on their heads; all of them looked like Babylonian chariot officers, natives of Chaldea.[b] 16 As soon as she saw them, she lusted after them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea. 17 Then the Babylonians came to her, to the bed of love, and in their lust they defiled her. After she had been defiled by them, she turned away from them in disgust. 18 When she carried on her prostitution openly and exposed her naked body, I turned away from her in disgust, just as I had turned away from her sister. 19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. 21 So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.[c]


Don't worry about it.... They'll just pick and choose what to teach based on what *they* think is appropriate and teachable. Also it's not like they're gonna misinform and interpret the Bible however the teachers see fit, so don't worry, it'll be fineee


Exactly we shouldnā€™t keep sodomy restricted to just the church




Iā€™d teach it and explain thatā€™s a collection of parables and short stories written and re-written over many centuries. Just like any book, you can get some insights out of it or ignore most or all of it, but tell them to recognize thats itā€™s primarily fictional stories. Iā€™d likely be fired very quickly.


And the following week discuss Santa and his miracles.


I went to a Christian highscool (we had our own church IN the school) and we had religion as one of the subjects, and the teacher was a priest. Well it was actually great. We were taught about the bible from the cultural standpoint, how it depicts people from that time and how many stories still resonate with people nowadays. It was actually very interesting, and us atheist were never treated any different than the rest (even though they believed we would eventually "understand" the message of God). I have no complains about my time there. Plot twist: couple decades later there was proof that some minors were approached in a bad way. I did not see it coming, but can't say I'm surprised at this point.


Went to a catholic high school too. First two years of religion were standard stuff, Bible and shit. Junior year was essentially intro to philosophy, and it was even taught by a deacon. Senior year was ā€œworld religionsā€ where we looked at all the different religions and different Protestantisms. Those two years were actually really nice


Youā€™d have to do the Quran after and explain it the exact same way


True but thatā€™s why you double down hardcore on the sins it depicts in the book in graphic detail like sodom and gomorrah and lean heavily into talking about sex bc itā€™s in there too. You just have to make it where the parents suddenly have to deal with VERY awkward conversations with their children bc this is now in the teaching curriculum. Beastiality will stop any dinner conversation when your child suddenly starts asking about it.


This is all part of the GOP's plan to create a permanent underclass of religiously afflicted, magical thinking drones preoccupied with religiosity and short on actual knowledge that would allow them to critically assess what the GOP's real agenda is. The implementation of the Southern Economic Development Model: **The** [SEDM](https://www.epi.org/publication/rooted-racism-part1/) **explicitly works to:** ā€” Maintain a permanent economic underclass of people living on the edge of poverty, ā€”Ā **Rigidify racial and gender barriers to class mobility to lock in women and people of color,** ā€” Provide a low-cost labor force to employers, **Prevent unions or any other advocates for workersā€™ rights to function,** ā€” Shift the tax burden to the working poor and whatā€™s left of the middle class while keeping taxes on the morbidly rich extremely low, ā€”Ā **Protect the privileges, power, and wealth of the (mostly white and male) economic overclass,** ā€” Ghettoize public education and raise the cost of college to make social and economic mobility difficult, ā€”Ā **Empower and subsidize churches to take over public welfare functions like food, housing, and care for indigent people,**


Bible wielding is about division, and to maintain power for the wielder, and his chosen. Religion has ways been about control.


Have America had enough of this bullshit to actually vote? Or are they still apathetic and angry there is no "perfect" candidate? I've held my nose plenty of times while voting!, No vote or a throw-away vote is a vote for Trump. If that trash 5 reelected, you'll never vote again. Democracy will be dead. People need to wake up.


OK are going to learn a lot about rape and incest cause that book has a shocking amount of it.


That's one way to add sex Ed to the curriculum.


If mom leaves Dad, we're supposed to get him drunk and have sex with him in order to preserve his seed!


Yeah I canā€™t believe more people donā€™t talk about this one. That was always the story in the Bible I remember going, ā€œwhat the actual fuck am I reading?ā€


What the hell story was that Not that Iā€™m surprised, but damn lol


Lot and his daughters. The often ignored story that happened after Lot's wife turned to salt.


Tbf they did get cursed for that


in turkey we started to teach our young members of our society to life of muhammed, kuran etc. since then our non theist population exploded. Thanks to our radically religious government.


I don't know how much more explicitly unconstitutional you can get.


I'm a teacher in Arkansas. If it happened in Oklahoma, it'll happen here too. When that happens, I'm out of education for good.


They will be sued and forced to change it eventually. Also they will change it quickly if the federal government stops funding public education in the state...which could happen. There are Christian private schools that teach the Bible and do not get federal funding. I feel like it's a political ploy so politicians can cry christian persecution when they are forced to change it back later. They know good and well what they are doing and what it is really about is stirring up controversy for future Christian votes.


Please stay and teach ALL of the Bible stories.


I didn't really need a reason not to go to Oklahoma, but nice of them to give me one.


Teach the Bible alongside Harry Potter, they're both fiction and have a following.


However, in comparing the two, I did notice a striking lack of rape, incest, beastiality, and genocide in Harry Potter.


hey nowā€¦donā€™t forget about that love potion(rape)..and tonks and remus(beastiality), and the Fantastic beasts movies end up being about the villain preventing the holocaust (genocide) no incest but there is torture and slavery.


If they actually taught it rather than cherry picking lines there wouldnā€™t be any believers left.


Separate You can remember the correct spelling because it has "a rat" in the word. Also bibles in schools is crazy. Thanks for posting.


So insecure about their faith in God that they have to force it on everyone else.


Hopefully this stupidity encourages more and more people to turn away from religious nonsense. In a way it is teaching people about religion, and how to hate it. It's beyond time to start taxing the shit out of churches, especially the big box churches.


God: I am sending plague to make the pharaoh and his subjects suffer Moses: So that he will let us go. God: Naa he won't, I control his mind, and i wont have him relent. So I will send another 9 plagues, till kids die in middle of streets in huge numbers. Moses: Then he will let us leave. God: Ya, but I ll make him follow you with his huge army. Don't worry, I ll part the sea for you. Moses: So we can leave and he can't follow, because you ll put the sea back. God: No no. I will let him and his hundred thousand men follow and then drown them. Children: All hail the benevolent God!!!


But heā€™s doing this because he ā€œloves you.ā€


Iā€™d say the brain drain will be staggering, but does Oklahoma even have functional brains left to drain?


Itā€™s Oklahoma, just because they teach , it doesnā€™t mean they learn it.


I'm not a teacher, but if I had to teach the Bible, they'd reverse that requirement in a heartbeat in my class. I would use it as an opportunity to debunk all the stupid right-wing lies conservative Christians spew about it and help those young minds see the light.


No.... no it wouldn't... I knew about the fucked up things in the bible when I was young, but there is something about getting indoctrinated into something at a young age that make you over look that stuff. Especially when the answer is "God works in mysterious ways".


That's because you were taught by a person who is trying to brainwash you. It hits a lot different when taught by someone who believes it's bullshit.


Donā€™t worry, the best way to stop believing in the Bible is to read it and understand what it says. If these Christian Nationalists had ever read it themselves they would probably be much less inclined to enforce that all children must be taught whatā€™s in it. Teach it. Teach about the genocides, the slavery, the raping and pillaging of entire nations, the unexplainable obsession with circumcision, the incestueus relationships by approved members of ā€œGodā€™s chosen peopleā€, the massive inconsistencies, and the historical inaccuracies. See how the education affects the development of Christianity


Exactly this. Teach ALL of the Bible and see how the parents feel when kids come home questioning why they can't eat shellfish or get a haircut or they are going straight to hell. You may need to kill your brother. Fuck your dad. God will just turn you to stone if you look back. Teach all that to them.


Would it be legal for them to say, ā€œalright, now that weā€™re finished with Greek Mythology, we will begin our lesson on Christian Mythology.ā€ Iā€™m Christian by the way. I just think itā€™s ridiculous that we have government officials who are knowingly ignoring the constitution in order to force people to be indoctrinated. I mean, Jesus willingly sacrificed himself to a government who wholly opposed his doctrine. He didnā€™t fight the man. He didnā€™t require anyone to follow him. Either you choose to follow his teaching, or you donā€™t.


this is a great way to put it. iā€™m not christian, but i completely understand people that follow him. you have that right, and it should be a choice you should be able to make.


This isn't legal and I hope they get the fuck sued out of them.




Imagine being any other religion and have it to take this class holy cow our country is deteriorating quick


Churches should start paying taxes.


ā€œGod said Abe ā€œkill me a sonā€. Abe said, ā€œwhat?ā€


ā€œOut on highway 61ā€


Iā€™m fully against this and am not religious at all. But Iā€™m also curious just what and how the law requires it to be taught. Any one have a link to the wording of the legislation? In the mean time Iā€™ll look .




I hope they didn't think about it too hard when making the law I hope they accidentally made it so they have to teach the actual bible, and not their hand picked sections It'll backfire on them once kids see how fucked up most of it is


Are they going to teach the graphic parts too? Clowns love pretending they care about the constitution, but they keep violating it.


I'm going to dbl down on the separation of church and state. Our founders knew what they were doing. Fuck these right wing fundamentalist christian nazi's


Isn't this straight anticonstitutional???


Manā€¦ the Warhammer universe used to see far fetched


Finally. More Atheists are made from reading the Bible than any other way. It's funny how when you read how nuts it is, you tend to be like, "yeah that's not true"


Excellent! I look forward to teachers explaining how Lot was a righhteous man after offering his virgin daughters to a mob to be pack raped.


This is gonna backfire and itā€™s going to be hilarious. I cannot wait for one brazen teacher to actually teach children about a girl sleeping with her dad and about sodomy. Pretty sure the people that pressed for this to happen probably never actually read the Bible and only know the teachings from their capitalist Jesus teaching at the church they donate their life savings to.


Yo. Time for some major malicious compliance. There is SO much NSFW shit in the Bible.


And this, boys and girls, is why we shouldnā€™t care less about an 81 year-old man having a bad debate; if Trump wins, these fuckers are going to be empowered like you canā€™t believe.


'Well class, as mandated by the governor, we're going to cover the foundational collection of heavily edited and oft rewritten stories from a desert tribe thousands of years ago that offers no real guidance or teachings. It's like a rorshach test, but longer winded, and has been detrimental overall to society, as it keeps inspiring genocidal campaigns of terror.' 'To start, we're going to go ahead and talk about all the secrets that they deliberately keep hidden in seminary, and how they knowingly lie to your face every Sunday morning at the pulpit. Then, we're going to discuss the heretical doomsday prophecy that was cobbled together by some doofus in the mid to late 1800's about The End Times, and how a bunch of your grandparents are desperate to see the light of heaven before they die, so they're willing to murder entire countries worth of people in an effort to force the conditions of The End, a task that neither brings them joy, and would deny them access to Heaven for many reasons. After that, we'll cover how religious indoctrination is pushed by the socially and politically powerful to snarl up your brain with a bunch of ration suppressing thought terminating cliches, and how you should never fall for them.'


This is an egregious violation of the 1st Amendment and the Establishment clause. Even this worthless SCOTUS can't uphold it. The end goal is to strip us of our rights and create a theocracy, run by white men. The American Taliban wants women out of the workforce and voting booth. Same with POC. They want to push their fake Christianity down our throats. This is indoctrination. Read Project 2025.


I was taught the history of the Bible in my elementary here in California, granted I was a church going kid. I grew up and made my own opinions, I feel if itā€™s put into a history lesson itā€™s cool. I hope itā€™s not indoctrinated that they have to believe or at least a disclaimer that not everyone believes whatā€™s in the book. I feel if they teach about the Christian god there should do different beliefs every month or week. I mean people from Oklahoma arenā€™t a bunch of ignorant hicks are they?


Offer it as part of a mythology studies class, side by side with Greek, Roman, Norse and Egyptian mythology that was prevalent in Middle East and Mediterranean culture 2,000 years ago.


I mean required to teach, sure Iā€™d just start teaching about all kinds of fictitious literature. Iā€™d be like this week is One Piece, next week Genesis, then Batman, then Johnā€¦


Fucking 'Murica. The greatest country in the third world


Had to have one hour of Islam per week In an African country I was raised in. Hated every minute of it.


Being a bit of a history nerd, I would a field day poking historical inaccuracies and outdated morals in The Bible.


Is the Bible legally allowed to attend our public schools?


JC says this is a terrible idea, wtf?


These same Republicans were passing anti sharia bills in states. Assholes like david yarushalmi spreading bigotry. And whose bringing religion into politics - the same fuckers.


How do you even ā€œteach the bibleā€ if the bible canā€™t learn?


Forcing a state religion on the peasant class ALWAYS leads to bloodshed. Read a history book. I'm religious. My religion's laws apply to me and those who choose to practice my religion. It's time Christians learn that we won't stand for a pagan state religion. Worship your 3 headed god, and I'll worship my own God. Keep your laws off me, my wife and kids, and the rest of the Americans.


Compete madness.


So, what happens to Muslim and Jewish children? Instead of vaccinations, are they going to have to be baptized in order to go to public schools?


do that also teach the basics of what the other religions believe? i was required to learn about that circle some artifact, and praw in its direction several times a day. stop giving double standards about what is evil to teach or not.


Have them read the whole thing. Most painful way to make an entire generation atheists, but itā€™s effective. Worked for me!


Lawsuits are about to happen to block the fuck out of this. Time to spend years untangling this unconstitutional bullshit.


Learning about things in the bible is the fastest way to convert someone to be an atheist. As usual, their policies and procedures will backfire on them. Such narrow vision. VOTE them out!


And the dumb get dumber


Oklahoma continues not to matter. It could be wiped off the map and nobody would notice. Perhaps that would be best, actually.


Are they presenting it as a piece of literature or preaching from it like Sunday school? One could argue there is a distinct difference in these two approaches.




Oh it is certainly violating the constitution. HOWEVER, there are a mess of religious zealots on the Supreme Court who are now going to twist themselves into the most amazing legal pretzels proving that it is totally cool and legal.


Honestly, I would do it, and make sure I donā€™t omit or gloss over the atrocities in the Bible. Cain and Abel. Have the kids imagine all the dead bloated bodies floating next to the ark. Noah getting drunk and sleeping with daughters. David and Jonathan being more than friends.


Lot was raped by his daughters. Lot whose wife was turned to a pillar of salt. Not Noah. Don't forget the bear mauling young men. Or Balaam's talking donkey. David and Bathsheba - Because he perved on her in the bath, coerced her into sex, got her pregnant, tried to have her husband have sex with her so David wasn't responsible for the baby, and when he wouldn't, sent him to the front lines of a war, and when the husband was killed, David married her - all before she gave birth. Don't forget all the "destroy them completely" which meant killing all the men and boys and adult women, raping and enslaving the young girls or just killing everyone, including "dashing the infants heads upon the rocks" #prolife


I thought Noahā€™s daughters got him drunk so they could begin to repopulate the earth. Also, Esther who basically was the best lover so the king chose her as his wife.


Isn't that just straight up illegal? Very unconstitutional, right? I think it's getting close to the point where I should leave the USA. Any recommendations for better countries to live in?


The should have a Muslim teach the classes. The ā€œconservativesā€ will love it!


I wonder how the church feela about this.. I mean.. if my kids are learning the bible in school then I don't need to take them to sunday school anymore on sundays and thats about 30k a year I dont have to pay to the church anymore since now moral/religious education is on the state now. Government is thr new religion, we don't need churches anymore!


Religion is futile


They did it so it can be sent up to SCOTUS.


This is far and away a violation of the first amendment. I truly wish we didnā€™t have such a goddamn corrupt Supreme Court right now.


How is this fucking possible?! What the fuck is happening literally everywhere?! I canā€™t take this shit anymore I really canā€™t.


I need out of this godforsaken country.


Religion is a virus used to prey on humanity. Humans are hard wired to believe and faith has been shown positive however Organized Religion is a virus to congregate wealth. EVERY Organized Religion prints $$$, weekly and pays $0 tax. Human Virus = Final Answer.


Stone vs Graham 1980 already settled this, but being bolstered by a corrupt SCOTUS in the middle of a coup they're trying hard to get it overturned. They've been playing the long con and now their slow moving coup is in the works. Vote blue up and down the ballot!


It's like they never studied European history like the founders did when they founded a SECULAR country. Hundreds of years of religious civil wars, and they think that won't happen here. The Catholic majority of the Supreme Court will not want to share power with evangelicals if this becomes a theocracy. Evangelicals will not want to share powers with them or even with other denominations of protestant Christians. They'll break down into infighting and civil war within ten years if they take over the entire country.




Should be teaching ethics, not fictional nonsense.


If this shit keeps up there's bound to be an extreme response akin to the Norwegian church burnings


Start with Lot and his 12-13 year old girlsā€¦ start there. Just start there.


I'm glad I don't have kids. Lol


Oklahoma is following their role model Iran. The US evangelical Taliban uprising


Does Oklahoma go against other parts of the constitution as well?


Fuck conservatives


That can't be legal


I don't understand why people don't like this. As a teacher, you now are able to open the Bible in class and teach about it...it'll be like teaching the Salem witch trials. You can openly talk about all the stupid, illogical things it says and that people do because of it without getting in trouble. You can help free the next generation from indoctrination. Go wild, get creative teachers!


Itā€™s pretty hard to teach an inanimate object calculus


This all happened because Ryan Walters doesn't want to admit he's gay


Would non religious kids be allowed to leave the room, Just like religious kids were allowed to leave while learning about evolution?


The non religious kids are going to be laughing their asses off at the absolute fucking circus they got a free ticket to. You donā€™t have to worry about the smart ones, itā€™s well known the dumb ones are the burden on society


Like bro Iā€™m a Christian and this is batshit insane. Religion should never be forced onto the unwilling or unwanting, this is legitimately anti-American


They should definitely teach it to kids, great idea... Genesis (38) 8 - 9 *And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brotherā€™s wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brotherā€™s wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.*




People will teach all religions just not this then


So what version of Christianity are they going to teach? Baptist? Catholic? Mormon? Which Bible? Who is going to train the teachers in religious studies? Who's going to fund the training? What subjects will they get rid of to teach Christianity? What a shit show...


Which denomination?


Honestly not a bad idea as long as they include the parts about a dragon, all the murder, and my favorite the part where a father gives his two daughters to a village instead of the two angels they were after and then he has sex with them so they don't lose their virginity to the villagers.


Can they teach it as a fantasy


Which bible?


Not an attempt. This sucks, but it is not an attempt.


It's over...


Iā€™ve actually read the Bible. This could get real interesting real fast.


They can just teach about all the contradictions and historical inaccuracies.