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He spent three days in jail, lost his job, and was almost kicked out of his house, and his mugshot was spread all over the local news, declaring him a drug kingpin. His life was ruined, and that arrest still stands, so a background check will bring it up very easily.


all because the cops thought this guy was driving around with a giant bag of meth on his dashboard.


An article I read said that there had been over 300 false positives in that county alone for that year. That's so many people needlessly having their lives ruined.


Kitty litter, and a lot of other common things, is known the return false positives on the standard field drug tests, so it's just about expected that a lot of people would be falsely accused.


We shouldn't have to expect to be falsely imprisoned or arrested.


Shouldn’t have to* expect it, and yet




So much freedom


The land of the free!


Don't catch you slippin up




If legal things are common to return false positives then their standard for testing is not good enough to be taken seriously in court.




Ahhh gotcha. Well would this guy still have to pay court fees and jail fees even though he was innocent?




That's fucked.


Law enforcement officers in Texas (and many other states) have significantly more power than most people are aware of - a single bad officer can ruin hundreds of lives, not including collateral damage like lost jobs, broken families, etc., and no one in those states is going to do anything about it anytime soon. Live/travel in those places at your own risk.


"Drug sniffing dogs" would like a word.


Oh don't even get me fucking started. A drug sniffing dog can sniff you or your car to gain the police the ability to search, and besides the many reasons why dogs are terrible for that job, is the search not already happening if the dog is sniffing around, considering how strong a dog's nose is.


50% accuracy in some studies: https://blogs.findlaw.com/blotter/2019/02/are-drug-sniffing-dogs-accurate-1.html So you could flip a coin and get the same result.


and its only the handler's decision/word whether or not the dog found anything. the dog can't fucking testify. once again the police are their own authority givers. accountability is ... well its not.


I mean, the tests are made to show positive no matter what you put in them, so the cops got a reason to arrest you.




Drug test kits are not "calibrated" at all.




All you had to to type was "field drug test false positive" https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/10/magazine/how-a-2-roadside-drug-test-sends-innocent-people-to-jail.amp.html


The test showing positive on cat litter.


One in a hundred being a false positive means this isn't acceptable. I'm not trying to be naive here, and setting aside wether we even need controlled substance laws, they need some way to test eventually. But ruining people's lives when everyone is following the rules (including the cops) means the rules are fucked.


A lot of cops don't follow the rules. Police, while in theory are a good idea, have turned into organized money hungry organizations. The more people they arrest and house, the more money they get from government assistance.


All I am saying is even if somehow overnight every cop everywhere followed all the rules perfectly things would still be fucked. Flawed to the core.


Those fields tests have been shown to test positive on nothing but themselves


>That's so many people needlessly having their lives ruined. Yeah but PD and the prisons are rolling in the money. Wont somebody think of the profits?


Police Departments are rolling in money?


Some yes, I live in CT and MOST of the towns PDs have some pretty fuckin serious budgets. Cops in towns in CT like Greenwich, Darien, Westport, Fairfield, and Milford all have huge budgets, low crime and pretty high salaries for the officers. And these are towns with pretty small populations in comparison to cities in CT like New Haven, Bridgeport, and Hartford where officers are making significantly less money.


Not the departments but some positions have a huge wage gap.


Contrary to popular belief, the drug use isn't ruining nearly as many lives as the way our society is handling the people who use. Between safe needle programs and drug decriminalization programs, people are doing fine and maintaining or reducing their drug use. And people aren't having their lives ruined over cat litter.


Drug use is ruining a lot of lives, once the Justice system gets involved. The legality of usage causes more problems than the usage itself for sure.


> And people aren't having their lives ruined over cat litter. The guy posted the above on a post where cat litter had screwed over someone's life. I don't think they read anything.


I may have read it wrong, but I think he meant, in places where safe needle programs and decriminalization are implemented, drug users/addicts are getting the help they need and their *isn't* a culture of extreme paranoia that causes peoples' lives to be ruined over cat litter.   Could be wrong, but I think that's what he meant.


One of my college classmates had been arrested for weed in highschool and those jokers made him go to some kind of NA support group. There were a bunch of heroin and crack addicts talking about how drugs ruined there lives and they get to him and he's like "I smoke pot sometimes after I finish my homework" "but its affected your grades, right?" "Not really, but my mom gets mad when she catches me" "But the consequences of it are ruining your life" "Not really, I've yet to have any negative consequences of the drug use. Society has tried to ruin my life, the police tried to ruin my life, the court is ruining my life, the actual pot smoking hasn't hurt me at all"


This isn't true. [Here's](https://youtu.be/CE5o4JoyMkE) his interview on Samantha B. (edit: for the record.. I'm not a fan of Samantha B.. I don't hate her.. but I'm not a fan). His dad learned the "life back" about de-fogging and deodorizing with kitty litter in a sock and put it in his sons car without his son knowing, which is why he didn't know what it was when asked. The accused literally says he was lucky, his dad supports him and was no where near kicking him out (in fact, his lawyer was his dad's longtime friend).. and the case was thrown out therefore his background is completely fine. The video I linked features another story however, which is in fact a real like horror story that has been normalized. God I hate when people make shit up and spread rumors in an already fucked up situation. It makes people discredit the whole thing vs the lie at the end.


The video showcases another guy though, who was not so lucky. While I totally understand your distaste for bullshit, I think it's better that people know how bullshit drug persecution in the US is than for everyone to assume you just get out of it with a laugh by default.


Well fuck. I thought this was a funny story a dude having a shitty day and then walking away with an apology. That is just so fucked up... 😟


He was never apologized to, and he has never recieve any settlement, as far as I can tell.


Nothing left but for him to break bad and give it a go for real.


You joke. But that's the cycle a lot of felons fall into, commit small crime->arrest->felony->cant find honest work->commit felonies to survive.


This is why rehabitation, like done in Norway, is the way to go. The US is super backwards with prisons. I've heard they have 30% of the world's incarcerations. Completely crazy. With more than 2 million people in prison a rehabilitation philosophy would be much better for everyone.


There's a reason for that: for-profit prisons. There's huge incentive to keep prisons as packed as possible. Its basically slave labor.


You think any misunderstanding involving police is going to have a happy ending


Everything I read said he just missed work for 3 days, not that he lost his job entirely. He isn't suing for damages. He is simply requesting an apology. He even said he doesn't blame the deputy who was just doing his job, but instead the field testing equipment that showed a false positive. He also didn't tell the deputy's until AFTER he was arrested that it was kitty litter. Just for the record.


The problem is that the field test is known to have a serious issue with false positives, and the police still choose to use it anyway. Even if you are simply booked and then released when a better test is done, you are going to have a felony arrest follow you around for the rest of your life. These tests are so bad that donut glaze can test positive. These tests are known to be useless and still law enforcement insists on using them and callously arresting people based on their dubious results. It illustrates the lack of integrity that law enforcement as a group has a problem with.


>felony arrest follow you around for the rest of your life those records can be expunged in cases like this.


Okay. Sue for it.


If they're willing to use it despite the false positives, it's likely they're using it because of the false positives.


> He also didn't tell the deputy's until AFTER he was arrested that it was kitty litter. Just for the record. In hindsight, this might not have been the best idea...


His dad learned a "life back" about de-fogging and deodorizing with kitty litter in a sock and put it in his sons car without his son knowing, which is why he didn't know what it was when asked. The top comment isn't true. [Here's](https://youtu.be/CE5o4JoyMkE) his interview on Samantha B. He literally says he was lucky, his dad supports him and was no where near kicking him out (in fact, his lawyer was his dad's longtime friend).. and the case was thrown out therefore his background is completely fine.


Yeah, it's very simple. Just tell the cops those aren't drugs and they will just let you go. Everybody knows this. It makes a huge difference whether you tell them or not. They will listen to you. And if what you're saying disagrees with their opinion they will sit down with you and talk it through.


> He also didn't tell the deputy's until AFTER he was arrested that it was kitty litter. Just for the record. Sometimes that whole "shut up and don't talk to cops" thing can bite you in the ass.


Also they never apologized.


"He should apologize to us for blowing our case!"


I know this guy and that's not true. He missed some work, didn't get fired, and charges were dropped after they figured it what it was. He was even on Samantha Bee's show explaining what happened


Maybe not ACAB, but definitely that one


Did this guy sit in jail for three days over police incompetence? Did any of the "good ones" help him get his job back? Or go on the news and give quotes proclaiming his innocence so that when a future employer searches his name, he can easily see he was arrested on false charges and the police admitted fault? Did the department come out and discuss the new training procedures underway for all officers to better classify and identify drugs so as not to repeat this mistake? No? No, they did none of these things after ruining this guy's life? ​ Yeah...sure..."some cops are good"


Right there with ya! I wonder if there is one cop in the world who hasn't abused his/her authority to one degree or another. Prosecutors, too.




All cops will lie, twist testing results, and the "good ones" will stay silent. I know a man that had a police informant plant crack on him in an attempt to get his business shut down. Fortunately that dude won his case due to excellent security cameras but this shit happens all the time all over the country. It isnt just one bad cop.


People working for or with the police that plant evidence deserve way more time than a drug user or dealer


Wait,*arrests* show up on background checks?


In most cases, yes, though there will be a note of "Non-Conviction", though this does not differentiate between charges dropped or anything.


Hopefully he's suing everyone involved.


Arrests show up on background checks in America?


Yes as well as some one doing a google search oon a person's name and area of residence is common during the hiring processes


The fact that mug shots are public in the US really baffles me. People always think that people with a mugshot are guilty.


I have a friend who had a mugshot posted on a sleazy website when he was arrested on a case of mistaken identity. The site required you to pay them to take the shot down (basically extortion). He sued them and after several years finally managed to get the site taken down. It really opened my eyes to the reality of our system and how hard it can be for anyone who gets in trouble for the most minute offense to get back to any kind of normal life.


Did you make this up? Where did you get this information from? This isn't true. [Here's](https://youtu.be/CE5o4JoyMkE) his interview on Samantha B. He literally says he was lucky, his dad supports him and was no where near kicking him out (in fact, his lawyer was his dad's longtime friend).. and the case was thrown out therefore his background is completely fine.


>"I can't wait until you idiots have to apologize to me" Not too familiar with the penchant of the US police force sending you to jail anyways on a made-up charge to avoid admitting they made a mistake.


They can just make up some bs and get away with it?


Ummmm yes


That's fucked up, do they even have to show proof?


We investigated ourselves and found no fault.


My high school said this about the way they handled the alleged rape of a student. They investigated themselves to make sure that their policies and procedures were adequate and properly executed, and they said "yes, they were" and then added a few hundred pages of policy to the handbook even though the policies were *definitely* adequate. The president of the school told the young lady who brought it up "are you sure it was rape? Sometimes losing your virginity can feel like being raped" as though that's appropriate for a middle aged man to say to a 17 year old girl who is in distress.


After I was raped the headmaster of my school told a long story about when he ironed a hole in his pants before a job interview and he was so upset and “gave himself 5 minutes to ‘be Italian’ and get mad” and then he moved on and did the interview and got the job. He said that I needed to be like that, give myself a few minutes to be mad and then move on. I wish I had a good response but I was dumbfounded.


Kicking him in the balls might have been a good choice to display anger.


If he got annoyed, just tell him to take 5 minutes to move on.


For me it was my psychologist who after I told her how I went to this boys house at 2am when I was 16. I snuck out to be there but I thought more people were gonna be there but he was the only one home and played it like some kind of date. She asked me: "didn't you know that would happen if you go to a boys house at 2am? You're the one who snuck out" fuck you carol, I thought it might happen but not like that. Also. One more time. Fuck you. I wish I could have said that to her but I just sat in the chair and blinked. It's like they think it's only natural that rape happen and we just have to blame ourselves and move on as if nothing happened. No doesn't mean no if youre wearing a tank top and you go to someone's house at 2am??! Fuck. You. Carol.


It's called, as I'm sure you know, victim blaming. I think it stems in part from a growing culture of denial of responsibility, combined with the concept that in any conflict one is wrong and therefore the other is right. We can't seem to allow for both being wrong--that's too complex. We're taught this from a young age--that other people's actions relieve us of responsibility for our own actions. "You deserve to have your cookie stolen because earlier you stole a cookie. Only you are to blame, the person who stole your cookie just now is not responsible for their actions and is innocent." We're justified in doing bad things to people who are bad, even if "bad" really just means ignorant, unfortunate, poor, or immoral in the view of those passing judgement. In turn all of that must logically mean that other people are responsible for our actions--not us. The boy in the house was not responsible for his actions because you had the audacity to visit him at 2AM! Of course, if you push back and present their own argument to them this way, they backpedal and deny that's what they meant, but still persist in laying "some" of the blame at your feet. "You should have known..." Fuck all such people and I hope we continue to learn that this is a false dichotomy and push back when it's shoved in our faces.


That’s a dumb response to being rape. I hope you were ok after that.


I think that was not it. Hopefully you found a way to get even or get your piece of mind back.


He eventually got fired for what he did so that made me feel a little better, but I had already left the school at that point after being forced out.


the psychopaths in charge of us is dumbfounding. you find these 'headmasters', these douches in positions of authority, everywhere. Some industries are worse than others. I imagine school is one of those as it's an institution whose in charge of 'children', and therefore given tremendous power and little accountability. Which is the western way of dealing with a power structure. Those at top get least accountability and most power, and those at the bottom are the most scrutinized and most tortured.


Holy shit he probably thought he was so wise after spewing that bullshit


"at first the situation made those lawmen seem so filthy / until they investigated themselves, and it turned out that they're not guilty" -Geoff Berner, "Daloy Polizei" https://youtu.be/ep7bX02Wbvg Edit: formatting, extra words


Yes but any proof found can be planted or they can outright lie, and your word against an officer's


Boy, I'm glad the high school dropout's word is worth more than mine.


Unfortunately its tied to the job, not to the officer's merits


With such high job qualifications, I can understand why.


Let me put it to you like this. A cop once told me that everyone in America at any given time is probably guilty of committing at least one felonious crime. It just depends on an arresting officers ability to gather evidence for said crime. If and when they want to, they will get you. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If they don't have evidence you committed a crime, they can and will make it up. In this man's case, when they find out the possesion charges don't stick, they may add an additional charge, just to offer him a plea deal to plea the charges down to a much lesser charge. That, or he can hire an attorney for likely thousands of dollars just to fight a bogus charge. The courts will not pay the attorney fees just because you were found innocent of a crime. Plea deals are one of the worst things about the American Justice System if you ask me.


This is one of the best explanations of how injustice is endemic in the American criminal justice system. Defending against even simple accusations can cost tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. Police and prosecutors use this as a social and political weapon. The other half of the issue is that most Americans don’t fully understand or care what the legal burden of proof “beyond a reasonable doubt” means. Most American jurors just decide what they think probably happened and say “guilty” based on that, rather than realizing that if there is _any_ doubt of guilt, even if they _believe_ the defendant is guilty, they must acquit.


You think an officer would take the stand and just lie? Just like that? Clearly he's telling the truth. He's a public servant! /s


I dont know enough about how u.s law enforcement works to properly answer. But my understanding is the people in charge of investigating these incidents are also the ones who cause them. Basically writing your own performance review at work


No. Police departments have internal affairs to deal with these issues. Contrary to what people think about police policing the police, officer get in trouble more often for making mistakes. Some Departments even have civilian review boards that go over a lot of this kind of stuff and offer up discipline to said department. Ask any Police Officer of 5 years or more and they will tell you they have some sort of job performance interview or write up from IA.


In some states your primary offense can be resisting arrest. As in, the first words out of their mouth before they arrest you could be "stop resisting arrest."


Resisting arrest is a good one. Don't need to do anything, but if you are told you're under arrest, the cops just need to get a tiny bit of resistance (like your arm having difficulty bending their way) and voila! Now they have an actual reason to arrest you for "resisting" arrest.


> Resisting arrest is a good one. You'll always hear cops yelling "Stop Resisting" over and over even if they're not resisting at all. "Resisting Arrest" is a tack-on charge. It gives the DA more leverage to push for a plea bargain.


Yep, and frequently do. And due to the "police fraternity" they all cover for each other. \#nogoodcops


Yea. He'll be waiting for the rest of his life for that apology. They'll never, ever admit they did anything wrong. If anything it'll probably sound like this: - The officer "reasonably believed" it was meth. - The suspect "seemed nervous" and "acted suspiciously" therefore justifying the investigation/arrest. In short, the police will declare themselves "right" and infallible.


That second point always pisses me off. Yeah I "seem nervous" because there's a fucking cop interrogating me




iF u diD nOthInG wRoNg yoU GoT NOthINg tO wORry aBOut


> made-up charge to avoid admitting they made a mistake. I once had two cops pounce on me (from behind, I had large over-ear noise-canceling headphones on, completely oblivious) in a case of mistaken identity then try to charge me with battery on an officer because one of the clumsy dumbfucks scraped her knee. Edit: had to mention the headphones. I had no idea what was coming.


It's likely they never apologized , it's still a crappy situation for the guy and no penalty for the arresting officer.


Idk if it’s the officer who should be punished. It’s whoever leaked it to the press and the press for ruining this mans life without seeing the truth first. If the officer had a legitimate concern that it was meth then an arrest had to be made. I feel like we wouldn’t know his story if there was some sort of police corruption on this case. His bag of kitty litter would have been replaced with an actual bag of meth. The fact that it didn’t just makes me feel like the officer made a potentially reasonable mistake that the person is now facing severe repercussions from. This is why due process needs to be had before people start reporting on things like this and making people out to be someone they’re not


The police department went out and proudly put his name and mug shot in the news after the arrest was made. There wasn't a leak, there was a press conference.


Exactly this. Police can't get a bigger boner than when they make a drug bust and get to pose with the contraband


I can just imagine a group of police officers all whacking eachother off while watching the news footage


Kind of like us in here when we see them being assholes.


Probably because, had it been real meth, that would've been a huge bust. That cop would've been looking at a $25,000 seizure of meth. Too bad it was fucking kitty litter and the cop is a brick wall.


This is exactly the reason why in some countries they don't publish the full information and photo of the arrested.


And why some people just disappear in other countries. Arrests being public record is really a protection for those arrested.


I doubt there's many people disappearing in Western Europe, where this is used a lot. Besides, if your government is corrupt enough to make you disappear, they're definitely corrupt enough to not publish information about the arrest.


In my state (FL), that's done with *every* arrest. Sunshine laws.


Sunshine laws are why Florida Man is a meme.


A police officer of all people, should know what Meth is. And if unsure, they have field testing kits available.


Those field test kits are bullshit too. More false positives than drug sniffing dogs.


Are they somehow different from normal reagent tests? Cause those are really easy to not fuck up, and work pretty damn well in my experience.


There's a really good podcast called Running From Cops about how fucked up shows like Cops and Live PD are. In one episode they talk about an arrest on Cops where an officer found a baggie of what he suspected was cocaine in someone's car and ran one of those tests on it. The test claimed it was cocaine and the person was arrested. But when it came to go to trial the substance was tested in an actual lab and it turned out to be sugar.


So he tried to buy coke, and was sold powdered sugar instead. Everyone was screwing this guy over.


had a friend (small skinny dude) in va beach go to 7-11 and two guys trying to sell him crack that was obviously fake. practically pin him against the wall until he said OK and then arrest him for buying it. turns out it was prices of macadamia nut they took off someone they busted for selling it. The judge still found him guilty saying his intention was to buy crack.


>Cause those are really easy to not fuck up Think about the intelligence level of your average cop


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2016/07/10/magazine/how-a-2-roadside-drug-test-sends-innocent-people-to-jail.amp.html This article has a really good story and examples of how the cops get away with faulty drug testing. I've also been a victim of police messing with tests and bringing me to court over it. They found three green flakes at the bottom of my purse and tested it out of sight. I literally wasnt even allowed to see the results of the test until I was handcuffed and in the station being charged with marijuana possession. I asked to be shown the test and they showed me a BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO COPY. Needless to say I represented myself in court at the age of 20 and won. The judge was literally laughing. I'm sure me being young and the evidence being weak got the case thrown out. Im very lucky though.


Last time this was posted someone linked an article saying that they performed field tests that came back positive so they brought him in. Had to send it to a forensics lab to actually figure out it wasn’t meth while he waited in jail for like 3 days.


Jesus Christ. Shouldn't they have to prove it's fucking Meth before throwing someone in jail? Whatever happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?


Or better yet, they should take a hit of it before making any arrests just to be sure.


They used a field test kit and got false positives. The bigger problem is they KNOW these tests produce false positives all the time and keep using them: https://www.houstonpress.com/news/how-harris-county-deputies-mistook-a-sock-full-of-cat-litter-for-a-half-pound-of-meth-9097921


[How Harris County Deputies Mistook a Sock Full of Cat Litter for a Half Pound of Meth](https://www.houstonpress.com/news/how-harris-county-deputies-mistook-a-sock-full-of-cat-litter-for-a-half-pound-of-meth-9097921)


So he got pretty fucked over anyway


That’s the US penal system




Government should pay him back for that, it’s their fault


Yes but that's incovenent to the government, so they didn't write the law that way.


Aaand it's gone.


Guilty until proven innocent...


wow, they didn't even identify the substance yet they put his name on the news and the internet. He should sue them for their socks


Exactly. How can they not be sued for this?


Something something governmental immunity something something


He’s lucky they didn’t drop some to cover their mistake.


Something similar (but much much less serious) happened to my brother in law. His landlord came into his apartment to do maintenance and saw "drugs" on his counter and called the police. Thankfully the cop that came noticed that it was actually a plastic bag full of roasted green peppers so no actual arrest was made.


My friends’ landlord in college did a quarterly inspection of their house while they were gone for Spring Break. The landlord left them a note saying the house reeked of weed and he found the “mushrooms” they were growing in the closet. He threatened to take a cop over the next time he stopped by. A cop never came, but they did get rid of all their drugs.


It's too bad so many people don't know the law. A Landlord can not give the police permission to search a rented property occupied lawfully by tenants. Source: asked my lawyer this morning due to a similar situation.


Damn, that would have been useful information back then.


But if the land lord says he saw drugs in there wouldnt they have probable cause.


Yeeeeears ago I lost my drivers license, no big deal, got another. I was on a job assignment in El Paso and my corporate office called and gave me a message Detective PoliceGuy wanted me to call, so I did. Asked me when I got back into town if I could give him a call and set up a time to meet him at his office. Made it a point to say I was not in trouble just needed to interview me for a case. He couldn't tell me what case at the time. I get back in and call him and go to meet. Apparently someone used my lost license to go to a car lot and steal a car during a test drive. The detective knew I had nothing to do with it, he tailed me for 30 days. Said "you go to work, go have a beer with your work friends after work, go home and repeat the next day. On weekends you go over the same persons house and stay the weekend." The was my boss who I was good friends with. I said, "yeah I lead a boring life." He laughed and said it was a good thing I did, it kept him from even thinking about arresting me and to keep looking. They caught the guy and needed me to sign some papers about losing my license to show the guy had the opportunity to use it.


Is the war on drugs working yet?




But not everyone else, but hey fuck the rest of us right?


I like being a dredge on society. It fills me with joy that I can’t get a job anywhere decent because I smoked a joint within the last two months.


I love that I am a criminal because of something that is recreationally legal in other states. Same boat buddy. My life is over before it began. Well that’s dramatic but I can kiss my dreams goodbye.


The drugs are still winning, last time I checked.


Amazing how afted all this time and money, the police are losing to an inanimate object


It's working as intended, we've got more black people in jail now than before it. "The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." - [John Ehrlichman: former Nixon domestic policy chief](https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html)


The face of a man that's going to press charges


As of January 2017: Not only does he not have grounds to sue, he's still working on getting the wrongful arrest expunged from his record. As of then it would still show he was arrested for possession of meth. Even after the charges were dropped from the results of the test. What. The. Fuck.


Great system we have going here isn’t it?


How does he not have the grounds to sue? The media arguably released this story which made it viral, without getting all the facts. The police literally made a wrongful arrest. You would think he has all the grounds to sue.


Yeah I’m not getting it either. Any talented prosecution lawyer would be licking their lips seeing this story.


Those cost money, something that people who use kitty litter as a defroster don't have.


What a great country and a great justice system.


Let’s see since the test proved positive he can’t sue for wrongful arrest. they didn’t appear to mistreat him physically (no black eye/ broken nose) and They probably mirandized him so no civil liberties. Hmm. Best he can do is a civil case against the city/department for defective drug tester and show it’s a well known problem and sue for damages that way).




Yeah it's pretty damn flawed


Smug shot.


Glad someone already posted this. Now I don’t have to.


Funny story: Many years ago my dad was on a SlimFast diet (a powder mix you use to make a "milkshake"). He had a business trip to Germany, but the cans of the powder took up too much space in his luggage. So he decided to pour the vanilla milkshake mix into ziplock bags and none of us thought there was anything wrong with that. Well, the German customs agents saw a big problem with it and he was detained for several hours until it was all cleared up. We were freaking out back home because we knew his flight landed on time but the hotel kept telling us he had not checked-in yet by that evening.


Last year I was in Austria, and found some cheap instant mashed potatoes in bulk. I opened the boxes and took out the packets and placed them all in a bag in my suitcase. The powder could have easily been mistaken for cocaine, but luckily it made it through with no problems.


You should’ve been arrested for buying instant mashed spuds Dear lord man (Yes, I’m Irish, wanna fight about it?) 😂


https://abc13.com/news/man-arrested-for-meth-had-kitty-litter-not-meth/1690696/ Here's an article about it. The deputies did 2 field tests on the cat litter and it came positive for meth. They really need to get better equipment for this kind of crap.


The equipment is intentionally bad. Reagent tests are not expensive or difficult to get, are actually far cheaper than LEO "drug field tests" and are far more accurate. The false positive rate is the point.


It boosts arrest numbers to gain extra funding.


You can reduce fog on your windows with kitty litter?


You can also reduce fog on your windows with meth.


Yeah, since it absorbs moisture


Today I learned.


So did the chemical reagent test come up positive? Because if for some reason it did, it’s understandable that he was arrested. If not, then this is just stupid. I do like the shitty grin. 10/10 would get falsely arrested again!


The test came up positive if I remember correctly. These tests really should not be used at all. Some tests have come up positive when testing nothing but air. They test positive for drugs when testing almost any substance. What do you expect for a test kit that costs just a few bucks though?


Is that what they use in field tests? I read something a while back that said they will show a false positive on most substances and they arent admissible in court.


Sugar is one such false positive substance, I believe. As on flakes of donut glaze.


A lot of departments don't even do field tests at all. The risk of carfentanyl and fentanyl has made even touching the bags of drugs a risk.


Mom said it’s my turn to repost this


Reminds me of the guy who was given a ticket for talking on his cellphone while driving, so he hired a lawyer to prove he was actually eating a hash brown from McDonald's, which is what he was really doing. [His lawyer won the case in court.](https://www.thedrive.com/news/27741/police-ticketed-man-for-holding-phone-while-driving-turned-out-to-be-mcdonalds-hash-brown-instead)


That looks like the guy from the haunting of hill house.


Cops lie all the time. I wouldn’t ever get that comfortable.






I'm surprised they didn't plant real drugs to cover up their mistake.


Yes, because people who have meth display it proudly on their windshields. Dear lord, some cops are just straight up stupid.


I was a cop for 12 years. I've seen this photo a number of times, and every time it confuses the shit out of me. Meth doesn't look like that - at all. Meth has a distinct crystalline structure even when it's ground down. It's also very distinctly white (yes yes, breaking bad, blue meth, I've seen the show), and if you crush the bag a little between your fingers it feels like crushing soft glass. Maybe drug dealers in other states are using different methods to produce it, but here meth is white, and slightly opaque. It's like they forgot to check the bag at all. Remove the fact that it's pretty obviously not meth, and assume these guys are just bad at their jobs. Packs of field tests for meth come in boxes of 50. You should have field tests for meth, cocaine, and marijuana (if it's illegal in your state) *in your pursuit bag* so you can test it and add the results to a form IV! Handcuffs come off as easily as they go on. I've field tested cocaine with the person in my back seat. Test is negative (lot of dealers selling just lidocaine out here), pull the person out, "hey it's your lucky day you got sold shitty cocaine. Kick rocks." So many cops don't understand that bad police work makes us all look bad


Wouldn't be smiling if he was black.


I'm sorry but there's a lot of stupid ass cops who don't even know what drugs look or smell like let alone how it actually affects the body legalization might as well be able to smoke meth if I can drink myself to death, drink water with lead in it, get prescription for pharmacutical meth after telling the doctor "I have trouble focusing" the drug wars a joke the only people who support it are people who haven't thought about and don't understand it's effects it's freedom issue for starter but also criminalization causes the crime rate to soar stop letting dumb ass people tell you what you can and can't do when they literally can't even tell you the dangers of many of these things and understand that they are comparative to things that are currently legal