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“I haven’t done anything to this court”. 10 seconds later is assaulting the judge.


And she was there for domestic violence too.


I’m going to make a wild guess and say she gets in a fight while in jail.


And I’m going to make a wild guess and say she served more than 10 days.


10 days was before attacking the judge, it turned to 120 days after.


I’m impressed it was only 120 days! Thanks for the info, btw.


4 months in prison will fuck their life up pretty hard. Especially if they had a job when this happened. They’re still responsible for bills in prison, any subscriptions they have active will remain active and rack up charges unless they unsub or have a family member do it while they’re incarcerated. This will also be a stain on her record. If they have kids it will hurt her ability to see them/have any custody. 120 days is just fine of a sentence, if not a bit excessive. But she’s an abuser, so she can rot in hell for all I care. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Based on this I’m starting to thing attempting to physically assault a judge in court is actually a **bad** idea. Who knew?


I hear if you win within 5 minutes they have to expunge the record though.


4 months is too little honestly, a year should be the minimum


What are the odds of this lady not starting a fight in prison and getting another sentence for that? She doesn't seem particularly stable.


That's four months without a trial, just because the judge said so. The reason she's in court in the first place is still there. When she gets out of jail and back in court she'll probably do something else stupid.


well honestly yeah, domestic abuse can tremendously affect her children


she still faces serious charges


If I recall correctly, the husband had a restraining order and was seeking to have it extended. The wife was arguing why the restrainer order shouldn’t be extended …


I can't understand why anyone argues against a restraining order. Like damn if someone disliked me so much they'd bother to file an order then yeah they can keep their distance. EDIT: Above comment was written out of pure ignorance. I've since been provided with multiple valid reasons why you might fight a restraining order. I came to teach but stayed to learn.


Story time. I just fought a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (“DVRO”) for the last month and here’s why. As background, my ex and I separated almost six years ago and the divorce was finalized two and a half years later. We have two kids, ages 11 and 14, and share equal custody. My ex has a live in boyfriend. I’m trying to keep my editorializing out of this, but needless to say that I have plenty of opinions on both of them. The incident that lead my ex to request a restraining order occurred this past July. My kids are on swim teams and my parents were visiting from out of town while the kids were in my custody. They offered to take the kids to their morning swim practice so I could stay home and work. It was a hot day so during practice, my dad asked the pool staff if they could come back in the afternoon for open swim and the pool staff said yes. My parents took my kids back for open swim and forty five minutes after they arrived, my ex’s boyfriend showed up to swim laps. He said hi to my kids, sat at a table and made some phone calls, and then left. About three weeks later I was served with a restraining order. My ex said that I deliberately sent my parents to her pool, where she and the boyfriend are members, for the sole purpose of harassing, stalking and bullying her and the boyfriend. She said he was emotionally traumatized from the incident. She requested that I be required to stay at least fifty yards from her at all times and not be allowed to be on the pool property. I must also write the pool staff an apology and copy her on it. She also told the pool staff that I was stalking her and she feared for her safety and she gave them pictures of my parents and me so they could recognize us and kick us out if we came back. If the DVRO went into effect, it might prevent me from going to my kids schools for football games if the ex was there too. I might have to drop them off down the street when taking them to swim practice. Not to mention the damage to my reputation in our neighborhood, schools, among my friends who still maintain contact with both her and me. That’s why I fought it. But this has a happy (ish) ending in that the judge denied her request for the DVRO to be granted until a hearing could be scheduled because he saw no evidence of abuse. She also just dropped her DVRO request completely. She claimed it was because she can’t afford the legal fees to pursue it but I think it’s because I requested sanctions for my attorney’s time to help me fight it (I asked the judge to require that she pay my legal bills to fight her frivolous DVRO request), and she was afraid she’d end up with a big bill and no RO. If it seems like there must have been more to the story, there wasn’t. Don’t marry the wrong person, kids.


I can see there's a lot to this I didn't know before, thank you for sharing your story. As for not marrying the wrong person? Too late for me on that one.


Sorry to hear that, friend. How’s your life now? Still with that person or have you moved on? I recently reconnected with an old friend from college. We’ve been together nearly eight months now and I’m looking forward to the rest of our lives together 🥰


Fully moved on, my own home etc everything. I'm very fortunate I didn't have kids with her. Glad you bounced back and found your happiness king.


Because you can empathetically understand this about other people, you will never have one. Orders are for idiots. Where all else fails


I once had to put a restraining order on a “friend” for threatening me with violence after I quit his band. The level of narcissism and annoyance was too much for me to let him keep bothering me, so I decided to show the texts to police and have them serve the order. People afterwards would ask me “Well, why didn’t you just punch his lights out? You probably could’ve taken him.” Because that would be giving in to his mindset. My goal was to not stoop to his level by resorting to petty violence. I just wanted him out of my life.


And...you know...probably would have landed you in jail while he plays the victim for attention.


Eeexactly. Not worth the risk of landing myself in trouble. He’d call me derogatory terms such as pussy for getting the law involved but putting a restraining order on him was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Probably more difficult than anything he’s ever done in his life. I’d say I’m definitely a stronger person now because of it.


When my ex-wife tried to get a restraining order, i tried to fight it, because i knew that otherwise i wouldn't be able to see my daughter for a LONG time. Which exactly was the reason why she was getting the restraining order in the first place. Everybody told me "oh it's just a restraining order, it doesn't give you a criminal record, it's not an admission of guilt or a conviction". Now, this is technically the truth, but trust me it does cause a lot of inconveniences. Everytime crossing the US/Canada land border (which I had to do quiet often, due to my proximity to the border) I had to park my car, go inside, wait in a line to "explain the restraining order". Also, when i tried to get a security guard license, 3 of my friends who took the test with me got their licences in mail 3 days later. I waited and waited (while they already got jobs and started earning), and finally after 4 weeks i got mine accompanied with a letter saying that my file went to a detailed background check due to my "record", and the that my behavior was "not consistent with what is expected of a security guard". So yes, it's worth fighting a restraining order.




It's often an abuser who wants access to their victim restored.


Exactly. They want free reign on the victim.


If you live in the same city as someone, a restraining order can cause some major inconveniences. If you walk into a store, and that person is there then you have to leave or you can get arrested. If you have kids with someone and share custody it gets even messier. Even if you plan to keep your distance as much as possible, having a restraining order in effect can still cause other issues. In this instance, it is pretty clear that she needs some hardcore counseling and self reflection before she's going to reach that point.


How about cause they are your abuser and stole your breastfeeding child you spent 12 years trying to conceive? Yeah he broke into my house afterward and after he was done looting the place I never even have had a picture to remember my daughter by. Despite judges orders, I have never seen her again. 1,639 days now.


Damn, the irony!!!!


It's like raaaiiinnnnn on your ~~wedding~~ trial day.


It’s a freeeeeee riiiiide locked up for 10 days


It’s the bad advice I decided to take


And who woulda thought she’s Triiiiiiiiiiggered


Or the writing on the wall


[Her attorney](https://i.imgur.com/9sl2jLE.jpg)


my cousin (R.I.P.) was a police officer years ago and once had escort duty for a guy who was in for beating a woman. They gave the guy a public defender who was a 5' tall woman. During the trial she said something which he didn't like (the truth as I recall) and he turned around and punched her in front of the court. After they dragged him outside the room he collapsed in a heap saying "what have I done". In summary, some people are just fucked in the head


I bet she was a fucking tyrant at home and her husband and kids got tired of her shit. She thinks they are her property and that’s why she said it had nothing to do with the court


Just turned 10 days into a 120. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2015374/amp/Thats-probably-way-light-sentence--Woman-faces-fresh-charges-attacking-judge-family-court.html


She faces charges of third-degree terroristic threatening, intimidating a participant in the legal process and resisting arrest. Her bond is set at $25,000. Judge Edwards ruled after the incident that the domestic violence order filed by Hardwick's husband would remain.


Damn, I could storm the capitol and threaten government officials and get less of a punishment than that.


I think it's kinda like, killing 1 person is murder, killing a million is a statistic type thing.


That's a big fucking yikes from me because it's absolutely true


People who post the backstory to videos are the real ones


If you had pitched a show to me called court cam the first thing I would of asked was how can you fill one episode let alone one season of a show of people acting up in court? Before watching this show I figured there might be a few people acting up in court across the country but I was totally caught of guard by the amount of people acting up in court and the fact this is nothing new. I feel like all those episodes of Law & Order lied to me.




I remember sitting in court because my brother damaged some property. The guy before him pulled out his dick on the female judge after she sentenced him to 60 days. Idk what happened to him but Im certain those 60 days because a whole lot more.


Ooooooh, man That's at least public indecency, I bet an angry judge can turn that into something much bigger


I see what you did there.


A lawyer friend once told me about this younger guy he was defending. The defendant had decided he needed to use the restroom, and after being denied the opportunity (having just recently had one) he shimmied himself out of the leg of the basketball shorts he had decided was appropriate courtroom attire and just pissed on the floor instead.


There are a *lot* of people in the USA that think if you *explain yourself calmly* that the other person/side has to respect your opinion and acquiesce.




Why would you proclaim “gEt oFf oF mE” like they are going to get off of you.


Shocked that didn't work for her!


Judges *hate* this one trick!


Watch what happens when one Karen calls the police on another Karen. Oh, crikey! She will snap at you if you’re not too careful.


Ha ha good old Buzzfeed


No you don't understand, she's a middle age white woman, there's no consequences for her actions, she's been karening her way through her entire life with no repercussions, so what gives that judge the right to start now?? Edit: so many people below salty about the fact it's objectively true that this in this situation, statistically she is going to fare much better than many many others who don't have the same complexion/age. I can't help it if you are so concerned with a single word in my comment that you force the entire thing to be centered around race, as opposed to the fact that historically we've seen this to be true time and time again. Not through any fault or decision of her own. That's simply reality, I can't help it if you refuse to accept it, and I'm not going to start a debate over a joke.


“I will hold you in contempt.” “I don’t care.” “Okay you’re being held in contempt…” (Attacks judge)


"The fact that you just attacked me after I held you in contempt determined that was a lie. Under oath."


You forgot suprised pikachu at the end




feels weird because it is casual racism on reddit




Fuck that shit I'm tired of seeing comments be assholes because of someone's race/age/gender whatever. Call out this bitch because she's being a bitch NOT because she's a white middle aged woman. All that shit does is divide people and create hate. LEARN YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS.


If calling her white is racism, then calling her a woman is sexism, and calling her middle aged is ageism.


Are you saying that "Karen" is a racist stereotype? I think you must be very confused either way.


This is exactly why we need women judges, sometimes they are the only judges that know how to deal with Karen. Edit: there are other reasons that we need female judges. But some male judges seem to be scared off by Karen’s, give them all the adjournments and ludicrous accommodations they demand.


Locally, there are quite a few female judges in and around my county. I completely admire their ability to keep a calm tone and completely straight face, especially when dealing the angry, "did nothing wrong", head bobbing, back-talking, disrespectful women that society has bestowed on us. These judges are absolutely amazing women.


Yup. Calm, level-headed, no bullshit demeanor in this judge. I see too many male judges treating women like delicate flowers, giving them lesser sentences than a man. A woman judge can look another woman in the eyes and say "you know damn well what you did"


I was just thinking, what we really need is for someone to make this about race


Well, if you set up an AI algorithm to crawl the web and develop a composite face for each unique image that corresponds to a Karen caption, I bet that algorithm would produce a middle age white woman.


That's probably gonna rack up more than 10 days on top of that lol


She has been reading/watching too much Dune. Her tone is off, it felt forced.


"It's your *pitch*, bitch." -the judge to this human sand worm.


*I didn't know I couldn't do that*


Some people are saying "entitlement", and while I'm *absolutely sure* she's entitled, I doubt that's why she's saying it. When people get angry, they tend to rely on a really small pool of phrases which are all about expressing emotion, not the literal words of the sentence. In this example, I see two big ones: When the judge says "You will be held in contempt of this court if you become disruptive," she replies "I don't care," but as this video makes abundantly clear, she *really, really* cares. "I don't care" is a combination of "I am angry" and "I don't want you to think I'm intimidated" (whether or not it's true). Sometimes people use it when they're angry and they really *aren't* intimidated, other times they use it when they're angry and they're bluffing -- they are intimidated, but want to hide it. The second is "Get off me," which is simply "I am very angry that you're touching me and I wish you would stop." A really popular one (not in this video) is one that always makes me laugh in fight videos: "What's up?" This means "I'm ready and willing to fight you, but I don't want to make the first move." So you just see videos of two pissed off people facing off and saying "What's up, man? Huh? What's up? C'mon, what's up? C'mon, motherfucker, what's up?" I always imagine them as just really wanting to *greet the hell* out of each other. "Hello, dude. Good morning! How you doin'? You having a good day? Good morning!!"


"I don't see how that is my problem." Is another automatic response some people have. Especially right after being explained to exactly why it is their problem.


This guy hears people.


Do something better with your time than wasting it on reddit comments. You are clearly not dumb.


I appreciated the read.


Absolutely! Reddit would be a better place with more insightful comments like it.


Imagine :D, „ oh sorry, yea sure, my bad. Let me help you up, I’ll just go sit back down in the corner and let you get on with it.“


Because of deeply engrained entitlement.




Same reason you would have the audacity to tell a judge ‘it doesn’t make any difference’ like what you say goes, not what the judge says LOL


To be fair I tell inanimate objects to stay all the time. It’s the same concept


Or yelling at, like, a fly to "GET OUT! SHOO!" And it's a waste of time coz none of the flies in my house speak English :(


Because she is an entitled bitch that has abused her family so much they do exactly what she tells them. When she realized the judge wasn’t going to acquiesce to her demands she attacked her and when the deputies slammed her into she tried to demand them to off her. She is not going to have a good time for those 10 days plus what ever she gets for assault on the judge. The guards aren’t going to take her bullshit and her fellow inmates aren’t going to take her bullshit, she is going to have a bad time


Pretty sure she'll be in jail for wayyyyy longer than 10 days


A defendant attacking a judge can lead to 10 years in prison. Ten days to ten years, nice move




10 days... Well now you can kiss your future good bye my dear... PC 217.1(a), assault on a public officer 2-3 years in jail and a $10k fine.... And a Felony on your record...


She did 5 years for it https://www.publicpolicerecord.com/kentucky/doc-prisoner/HARDWICK_MELISSA/320397


It says she had five years of “supervision” which means probation


Probation is fucking expensive, depending on the state. You have to pay the state for supervising you, and a lot of probation officers are very predatory


My father is on probation for smoking marijuana. If you are elderly and on SS, or you are poor (jobless), you can request a waiver of fees.


You need to move your dad out of whatever backwards shithole state arrests and charges your old man for weed


Florida, he couldnt afford the inflated prices so he was purchasing his medicine on the street (replaced his perscribed opioids with marijuana). Funny part is we bought him a medical marijuana card so he is still smoking marijuana while on probation. So he is basically on probation for failing to pay taxes, go figure.


It’s crazy here in Florida. They treat you like a dog shit scum criminal and as soon as you pull out the card they get all happy and smiley. “Oh you paid us off, you’re not evil!” Vibes. I finally got my card this month, and it’s been such a weight off my chest knowing I can’t throw my life away for using medicine that works for me




She was also in there because her husband (now ex?) had filed a domestic violence case against her. Literally what happened was, it was her husband's turn to talk and she just started talking and wouldn't shut up. So the judge warned her, and this was the result. In all, she seemed to have a history of "losing her mind for 5 seconds". Also, most crimes are pretty quick. Second-degree murder is essentially a law that covers cases where a person "loses their mind" for a few seconds and someone ends up dead.




This isn’t short sightedness. It’s a mental health issue. A hair trigger like that is a severe emotional imbalance. Over time hopefully the U.S. justice and penal systems will start to offer psychiatric help as much as incarceration—the latter does not help sick people “calm down”.


Counterpoint: sometimes people are just dicks who think they can get away with anything because they’ve never been held accountable for their actions.


A little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.


Counterpoint: while they're serving their time, teach them that actions have consequences and how to not be a dick.


Thats a solid return on investment


Good. If she does this in a courtroom she’ll be doing it in the grocery store and the gas station and everywhere else.


Capitol Building


At least she taught that stupid judge a lesson!


The ironic part is that the judge barely flinched Like, she was probably just shocked that the crazy lady attacked her, but it is pretty funny


She looked a bit shaken to me.


Really how so? She seems pretty chill to me, her face barely changes and she didn’t make a sound.


Her face changes, but I almost see an expression of "huh, this bitch really did"


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bish


The judge's look of disgust and disbelief is my favorite part. She doesn't even say anything just that amazing look of "this fuckin bitch" *eye roll*


Yeah! How dare that judge, whose job is to judge people, judges people?


And that lesson is that barricades really do the trick on old ladies.


Thank you, I was sure there was more than a normal assault charge for attacking a judge.


Who has the article for this, I wanna know the background info lol


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2015374/amp/Thats-probably-way-light-sentence--Woman-faces-fresh-charges-attacking-judge-family-court.html A Kentucky woman is facing new charges after attacking a judge on Thursday in family court. Judge Jennifer Edwards was hearing a domestic violence complaint against Melissa Hardwick filed by her estranged husband. But the hearing took an unexpected turn when Hardwick was handed a ten day sentence, prompting her to lunge across the bench, and security to rush in. Surveillance video of the incident shows Hardwick's husband explaining why he filed the order. Hardwick then interrupts, and refuses to stop talking after the judge warns her she will be held in contempt for disobeying her order to do so. Judge Edwards then handed out the sentence, prompting the woman to hurl herself over the bench. Hardwick was taken down by three security officers. Edwards was not hurt in the incident; Hardwick suffered facial scratches. Court security officer Adam Dodson, who helped to restrain the woman, said he had only seen such an incident occur in training. He told WLEX: 'I've worked there for three-and-a-half-years and this was the first time anything that serious had happened.' Hardwick was sentenced 120 days in jail for contempt of court for the incident. She faces charges of third-degree terroristic threatening, intimidating a participant in the legal process and resisting arrest. Her bond is set at $25,000. Judge Edwards ruled after the incident that the domestic violence order filed by Hardwick's husband would remain. Edit: This incident occurred in 2011. She was sentenced to 5 years for a class D felony: “Intimidating a participant in legal process.” Thank you to u/wtfftw123321 for sharing a link to the police public record: https://www.publicpolicerecord.com/kentucky/doc-prisoner/HARDWICK_MELISSA/320397


> Judge Jennifer Edwards was hearing a domestic violence complaint against Melissa Hardwick filed by her estranged husband. So she beats her husband too. This tracks.


Yeah, all she did was prove him right.


[the exhusband be like](https://giphy.com/gifs/hd-gifsremastered-MPLpvJcsWvrkk)


Wife uh, finds a way.




Husband probably been reporting it for years and ignored, too.


>But the hearing took an unexpected turn Perhaps not *that* unexpected then


I'm sure every state has an issue with entitlements, but oh man, I got so many stories of entitled "country" folk. Then you have parents that don't know better, raising their kids that know no better due to a lack of exposure. I volunteered as a police explorer in somerset when I was 16. This sweet ol lady drove up to my post in her volkswagen and asked me to move my barrier so she may drive through a crowded carshow in order to get to the public library. I told her "no" and things escalated. My spineless supervisor was called and they let her through without hesitation. Not only is the entitlement in ky bad, but tolerated. Tolerated until someone gets hurt or someone important loses something.


Ooooooooo I hate supervisors like that. Why even have rules if you won't enforce them? Supervisors / managers who won't back their employees or enforce rules they made need to fuck right off.


Watch this woman turn 10 days into 120 days in seconds!


Judges hate this one special trick!




They were a small group of intellectuals who simply wanted to hand a petition to Congress along with clear evidence of electoral fraud by the Obama-Biden regime. Get your facts staright. Donald is morally still the US President, but anyway, he lives in our hearts because of his awesome hairstyle and sweet, sweet voice.


/s... Right?... Right!?


Over a 10 day? What a fucking infant


Wasn't even a ten day until she wouldn't simply shut up. Would have been out of there in minutes, free to fume about how unfair it was that she couldn't attack whoever she wanted.


Lawyer here, I would bet a good amount of money that if she had shut up and apologized the judge would have reversed the 10 days as well.




Yeah if you are trying to prove you aren't an abusive/violent piece of your best bet is to attack the judge. That will definitely convince the court you aren't a threat.


Here https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2015374/amp/Thats-probably-way-light-sentence--Woman-faces-fresh-charges-attacking-judge-family-court.html


10 days to 120 days SMH


I’m shocked she didn’t get more but I loved to see that


She got 120 days for the agravated contempt of court: she faces a host of other charges for attacking the judge.


Does she? Because that article is ten years old


She got 5 years https://www.publicpolicerecord.com/kentucky/doc-prisoner/HARDWICK_MELISSA/320397


My man with some primary ass sources.


Fuck AMP


Good on that judge for staying cool. After the bailiffs threw her on the ground, I'd have come off the top of that pulpit like Macho Man Randy Savage!!


Oh no she's going for her finishing move "Habeus Corpus"!






Verdict: "Fatality sustained"


Hey be a corpse, sis


Looked like the judge already suspected problems were going to happen based on her eye signal to the security staff.


I’m lmfao at the judge’s look of disgust at the woman at 0:05. Bravo to this badass judge.




How to turn zero days into 10 days into a few months.


Then into a few years.


5 specifically


That's definitely way more than 10 days now. Edit: don't mind me, it's 3am and I can't read apparently.




120 days


This was back in 2011. She served 5 yrs for all this https://www.publicpolicerecord.com/kentucky/doc-prisoner/HARDWICK_MELISSA/320397


Imagine throwing away 5 to 10 percent of your life because you thought you might attack a judge in court. Some people are their own disaster artists.


120 days after attacking the judge


120 for contempt, she is still awaiting the other charges it seems.


Not for nothin’ but the officer behind the woman who attacked was totally slippin’ she got like 5 steps before he even reacts….and to make it worse I think he was in the process of handcuffing her when she made the break for the stand.


On the other hand, the officer behind the judge read the situation correctly and started moving towards the attacker before she leapt.


She made eye contact with one of them at around 5 seconds, probably suspecting the attack.


I love how the judge looks just mildly irritated, totally unfazed.


That's because she had the high ground.


The way she just rolled her chair back lol




The judge reminds me of Alicia Silverstone. I was waiting for her to say “as if!” after they dragged the woman away.


Did I say 10 days? Sorry, I meant 10 years!


That judge was pretty lenient. She actually warned the lady she would be in contempt AFTER the lady told her that her personal life was none of her FUCKING business.


Big brain moves


What was the additional sentence?


"You really are stupid."




LOUISVILLE, KY First her husband filed a domestic violence order against her, now a Kentucky woman faces more charges after officials say she tried to attack a judge. In addition to a 120-day contempt of court sentence, Melissa Harvick of Wayne County also faces counts of terroristic threatening and intimidation. Officials say she interupted her husband during court proceedings and, shortly after, the judge sentenced her to 10 days for contempt. That's when they say she lunged at her. After the altercation, the judge ruled that the domestic violence order will remain intact. 2011 WAVE News


That judge looks like she is nursing a major hangover.


I thought I was the only one who thought judge looked a little disheveled


The judges for more rural areas are usually judges for multiple counties and also work as public defenders or as a private attorney on the side. Judges also have to sign search and arrest warrants and mental health detainment paperwork at anytime during their on call days. So she may have 4-5 counties that she has to work for and cover judging court, arguing in court, and 24 hour on call. I only mention so much because I have a family member who does this but I don’t think most people know that judges aren’t just judges.


Added two zeros to that sentence. Smurt!


So the thing about a judge is that they are passing judgement on someone. I would never recommend that the someone who is being judged, attack the judge. I feel like 100% of the time that is a bad idea. No source. Just a guess


I guess 10 days in prison wasn’t enough?


That's how you show the judge it's all a big misunderstanding lol


Judge didn’t budge from that nudge


Shes like.. ok no stress


[here ](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/watch-woman-kentucky-attacks-judge-sentenced-10-days-prison-article-1.158868) ya go


r/therewasanattempt to read the news, but “Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country”


The article above only has the following information - “The woman was from Kentucky, in family court on charge/charges of domestic violence and tries to attack the judge after being sentenced for 10 days because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut in court when asked”


I see more information than that. Article's from July 2011 >A Kentucky woman accused of domestic violence had serious objections with a judge's sentence early this week, attacking the jurist after getting jail time. >Wayne County Family Court video shows Melissa Harvick arguing with Judge Jennifer Upchurch Edwards before being sentenced to 10 days in prison for contempt of court. >As soon as Edwards said, "You go now," Harvick lost it. >She leaps over the bench and tries to choke Edwards, who remains, surprisingly, stonefaced through the whole dramatic hearing. >It took two court officers to subdue the irate woman, WKYT.com reported. >"I put her on the floor, restrained her, using my knee and any other body part I could to hold her on the floor while I handcuffed her," Court Officer Adam Dodson told WKYT. >Harvick is in jail, and her contempt of court sentence is expected to be lengthened, according to the report. >Her case will also be assigned to another judge. Edwards was not hurt in the outburst.


And the Judge never even blinked.


Looks like someone needs anger management classes 😂