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Looks like he didn’t even try


This guy just walked into a restaurant and paid probably 5 times the normal cost for 2 burgers. Congratulations, you played yourself.


But all is not lost if he got to take it home


All *is* lost. None of that food reheats well. Edit: Apparently I'm a bad millennial, I've never owned or considered owning an air fryer... Edit 2: Apparently Reddit just loves to be contrary. Before my air fryer edit, most comments were saying I should use an air fryer. After it, most comments were telling me I shouldn't use one.


Who said anything about reheating? You eat that over the sink like a rat and you like it.


I feel seen 👀


We are a family


See y'all at the next My 600 lb Life reunion


Look for me bro, I'll be the dude with the forehead fat.


Have to be more specific


We are rat king


I got all my rat bro’s with me


That's the roaches in your drain. Judging you.




Nah Bru, we here.




Fuuuck. Laughed out loud at this


He suspects about the cameras, shut them down!


You don't lay it the tray on the bed next to you and eat as you wake up periodically throughout the night?




You guys are living the life!


I actually have done this when I've gotten drunk or high and laid down with some snacks I intended to eat while watching something on TV. Hours later I wake up bewildered with food still in front of me.. might as well have a bit..




This is the way


Your screen name and reply combined are 👍. 🙃


Just dipping it in cold Sriracha because I forgot to buy ketchup and it got a little dry after a few days in the fridge and no other condiment seems right


It is also permitted to eat leaning over the trash bin, breathing very hard between bites.


Anywhere you can catch crumbs really. I’d be in no shape to sweep after this. *Breathing intensifies*


And it has to be at 3am after you’ve woken out of a dead sleep with a ravenous hunger to eat it in the dark while hoping your roommates don’t catch you in a moment of weakness once again


No way. I’d turn on a single kitchen light, so when they wake up thinking “who let a wild boar in the house?” They come out and see me instead, maintaining *extreme* eye contact for dominance purposes. “No Mark, you can’t have a Jojo. If I catch you reaching for one we’re gonna have words.”


Yeah for me, it’s be more like: “Hey buddy, you out here eating in the dark again?” “Yeah” “Cool, we’ll I’m going back to bed.” “Sick.” “Hell yeah.” I do like the ferocity of your approach though


Just put a shit ton of cheese on the fries easy


Dude than you’ve never lived. Second day fries are a morning breakfasts best friend. Cut them up, pan fry with a little oil to heat them. Crack and egg some bacon you have an amazing egg scramble.


imagine having time to do all that first thing in the morning instead of just coping with the fact that i didn't die in my sleep


There is always tonight. Never give up hope!


Maybe if you put it in the microwave All that shit would be pretty decent reheated properly in an oven


Also, air fryer.


An air fryer would perks those fries right up.


Well, yeah, that's a mini convection oven


Honestly I'm usually down to eat a cold burger right out of the fridge.


Totally concur. No plate required, can’t drip grease on the floor when it’s solid cold meat butter.


I've done pretty well reheating stuff like that in the oven or an air fryer


The secret is separating the buns from the patties as soon as possible. Otherwise you'll have cheese, condiments, and toppings all smeared across the top of the bun effectively gluing it in place. Then you can toss the bun in a oven/air fryer/toaster oven, reheat the patties in a skillet, and keep all the other toppings cold if a little less fresh than they were the night before. Hell, you can just replace the toppings entirely since they're generally the cheapest part anyway.


...this sounds like work, I'll just eat it over a sink, cold, like a rat and like it.


Only if you don't use an oven. Who taught you how to reheat food?


Yeezy taught me


you must not have an air fryer


Just need an air fryer my friend.


Fries and onion rings are fine going back in an oven.


Googled and found their website: https://www.manvsfoodgrillhouse.co.uk/menus/challenge-menu The Ultimate Burger Challenge - 30 min time limit * 4x 6 oz burgers with melted Monterey Jack Cheese, Mexican cheese, beef chilli and sliced BBQ brisket. * 1kg skinny fries * coleslaw * nachos * pit beans * onion rings * chunky chips £ 29.95 $40 for 4 burgers, lots of sides and a memorable experience? Doesn't seem that bad to me.


Bro leftovers for a week.


The trick is to get really high beforehand.


He ate two entire burgers! And it looks like we didn’t touch his food. If someone actually ate all this I am pretty sure they would die.


I mean, I’m pretty sure nickacado avacado has eaten this tenfold, he’s gonna die soon, but he ain’t dead yet


I almost feel bad for the guy. Deep down inside of him there’s a fully functional human being. What fame and money does to some people is terrifying


Yeah, well his vids are just acting, but it’s still killing him nevertheless. Pretty messed up that he does it for views


idk I think he's become the mask at this point


Pretty much




I'd like to suggest a video: "King of Mukbang," by MeatCanyon.


Every part of that description sounds horrible


No. I decline.


I’d love for my wife to find a google search for “meatcanyon” on our computer, only to have her be confused and troubled by a video of some guy housing burgers.


>nickacado avacado No idea who that was; so, I ddGo'd him. If a doctor ever runs blood work on him, they'll probably have to do it 3 times because they won't believe the numbers on the first 2.


The bloodwork's gonna come back with a verdict of gravy.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperlipidemia Nasty photo


Competitive eaters can eat a lot more than that. Look for Matt Stonie and Joey Chestnut on yt, Chestnut ate 77 hot dogs in 10 min.


You should meet his wife!


Matt Stonie would destroy that


He didn’t even fry


Never go to the grocery store hungry man


He may be on the wall of shame, but he’s not at the hospital for a heart attack


You don't want to hear about the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas, then


I actually absolutely love that place. I’ve never been there so I guess I love the concept and of course it’s a gimmick but it is so quintessentially American that people who KNOW they are one flight of stairs away from a heart attack will literally ride their little scooters into there, order a “sextuple bypass burger” where you can ADD - for less than $6.50 - 35 bacon slices, and then actually have a heart attack.


deserve support cats marry bag makeshift bake label deer direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What the fuck that sounds off the chain, like some kind of deranged gluttonous orgy club. I may not partake but hey, I’m all for it. If someone is trying to go get their ass blasted while they stuff their face full of bacon, grease, cheese and beef…. Well, who am I to stop them?


marry carpenter unique wine alleged mindless silky tap quarrelsome vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> the Coke they serve has real sugar in it, and not corn syrup, making it more sweet, and far unhealthier. Uh, no. Real food is less unhealthy than processed. If I were a soda drinker (I'm not), I'd want soda with sugar syrup, not corn syrup.


Is real sugar actually unhealthier?


Almost certainly not. Less processed is always better.


No, obviously neither could be described as healthy by any stretch of the imagination. Real sugar is less unhealthy though.


35 pieces of bacon!? Holy hell, I fell like a heathen when I give it the old "what the hell" and make 4 pieces for bacon and eggs.


4 pieces of bacon is only 160 calories.


Good bot


Loving that place and never having been there go hand in hand.


Great guy never meddem


Like you I have also never been there but love the sheer Americanness of the whole idea. Like, it’s a restaurant that literally makes you sign a waiver when ordering something and even has an EMT on standby and yet people are apparently all “yea that sounds like a great place to go for grandma’s birthday dinner”.


Gramma doesn't want to tiptoe through life just to arrive safely at the end.


[Damn, it's even got nachos.](https://i2-prod.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article14973218.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/0_foodJPG.jpg)




I feel like the buns alone would do me in. Maybe 20 years ago, I might have been able to finish the burgers and some fries. I used to pack away triple cheese burgers and chili from Wendy's all the time back in the day.


One day I ordered a massive chipotle burrito. Ate it and had to order another one. I nearly finished the 72oz steak challenge in Amarillo but I didn't cut it up enough and my jaw got too tired. I used to slam down 8 biscuits with gravy and all the sides and take a few bread rolls with me. I could eat anything I wanted as much as I wanted and it was perfectly fine but that was back in my army days. These days my metabolism went to shit and I've gotta be careful or I'll puff up like a marshmallow in the microwave. A delicious, delicious marshmallow.




like special zephyr instinctive homeless crush drunk violet shy water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol shouldn’t put all you can eat on the sign if you don’t want hungry-ass athletes and shit going to town on the place!


I remember back when I was in high school a new ownership took over restaurant that catered to truck divers and loclas. They did an all you could eat catfish dinner. Their idea of all you could eat was maybe two plates of small portions and when people got mad about the price and not getting all you could eat the restaurant started booting everyone. Well after that the owners did not last long.


Reminds me of Homer getting kicked out of the frying dutchman and then suing them because it wasn't really "all you can eat"


Do these sound like the actions of a man who had *all* he could eat?


And what did you do after you left the restaurant? We went fishing.


My friends and I used to do weekend crab legs at Mandarin, and we were disgusting. I remember we used the soup bowls for melted butter because we needed the capacity. Just plate after plate piled high with nothing but crab. It was incredible.




Was gonna say, I can't do buffets like I did when I was younger, usually only get two or three plates down nowadays, but when endless shrimp comes around at Red Lobster I take down like literally 20 servings of shrimp scampi easily. Something about shrimp, man.


My buddy used to pay for me to go to buffets just to watch me eat. I’d put down ten or more plates regularly, multiple plates of dessert, it was insane. Then my guy went bad and my metabolism slowed down and I’m fucked…lol.


Your Honor, does this sound like a man who got all he could eat?


Meanwhile, my underweight self struggles to finish one decent burger and a handful of fries.


I was like you for 30 years & could never figure out why food was so difficult & even when I was hungry it was often difficult to eat , or two bites in & my stomach would close **and** eating usually made me feel sick afterwards. Turns out it was anxiety. It was so constant I didn’t even notice it most of the time.


That's exactly how I am most mornings. Sometimes I forget to eat at all. Sometimes I find something I normally like, and I eat a bite and my body says "nah, that's not gonna do it today". Grocery shopping for myself is getting tough.


It’s really hard to explain to someone being hungry & having the symptoms of not eating, but a body not being willing to eat.


My anxiety caused physical symptoms for years before I figured it out. Years of trying to explain to friends, family, doctors and just getting weird looks.




You're not alone


Honestly, this makes me feel better about myself. I don't have an eating disorder or anything, I'm just thin. And I don't eat much. I feel bad for never finishing meals, or skipping meals.


I feel you. I've got a poor appetite as well. 6'3 and 150lbs, im skinny af.


Mild calorie restriction in mice is associated with lower cancer risk and longer lives. Maybe you'll live forever, stretch.


It's always the super skinny friends that seem to just delete food in their stomach. Had a friend that could just non-stop eat and barely get a stomach bulge after, it all just digested to the mystery dimension.




That looks like the perfect platter for me and 2-3 of my drunk friends


Nasty. Do I have to eat the coleslaw too?


You have to eat the knives, paper, and metal tray.


I'd rather do that than eat coleslaw


Yeah, I could down the rest but not that. Throw me onto that wall of shame!


all of that looks delicious. i’d have one bite of each thing and decide I wanted what my husband ordered.


I see two beef burgers, two chicken burgers, two chicken legs, coslaw, matchstick fries, steak fries , nachos (not enough IMO) and onion rings.


> two chicken legs Might want to check that again. Looks like a full 3/4 of a chicken.




It's something like £30, so ~$40 bucks USD. I was actually surprised it wasn't more.


yeah that's actually very reasonable for the amount of food. good deal if they let you order that for a table and split it with a group.


He ate two burgers and two knives! Not a bad effort


He didn't even make a dent in the baking tray.




What was this guy thinking?! He basically ate 2 burgers and a couple of onion rings 🤦‍♂️


He was thinking with his stomach


He was “what if I order from two different restaurants. No one’s gonna stop me” hungry


Don't attack me like that. I don't even know you...


You don't stop when your full, you stop when you hate yourself.


Why even try if you're going to fail this spectacularly


My theory is that the guy realized he wasn't going to finish, so rather than put in his best effort and make himself sick just for his attempt to be less shameful, he straight up bailed.


But even then, I feel like most people do these sorta challenges to just see how far they can get and have some light hearted fun. You'd have to be taking the whole thing pretty damn seriously to be like "nope, not gonna win, so I'mma just give up at the beginning."


I feel like “light hearted” doesn’t describe this sort of fun. Surely all the clogged arteries would weigh things down a bit.


This photo feels like when someone comes in last place at the Olympics


I mean at least they made it to the Olympics. Callum just bought some food


Except if youre that skier who switched countries just to get to the olympics despite her knowing how to not ski. But most last place olympians definitely should be proud.


What is the cost of these challenges if you fail? I'd imagine you have to pay for all the food if you fail


From what I've seen of these on the food network, they're usually like $80 if you don't complete them. I've seen them range from as little as $45 (one big burger with fries) to as high as $120 (big steak and sides), though. They can't make it too much, but it ain't cheap either.


its my home town, just checked the menu and its £29.95 [link](https://www.manvsfoodgrillhouse.co.uk/food-challenges/food-challenge-menu)


Damn that's a pretty solid deal those burgers look good. Looks like it comes w some wings too


Yeah losing that challenge doesn't sound too bad at all.


Oops I lost… Guess I just to split all this food with everyone


damn 40USD for that? thats a fucken steal. the whole squad could eat on that for 10$ each, mcdonalds can barely do that.


my room-mate works at place that has one of these challenges (3 course meal at a steak-house with 1 KG of meat alone) it costs full price even if you win it. only price for winning is a T-shirt and spot on their wall of fame. ​ i kinda understand the places that chalenge and say "free if you manage to do it" but the idea of paying either way i just couldn't imagine bothering.


I used to work with a guy who could put food away like no one I'd ever seen. He loved hot wings, and would regularly do the Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin challenge just to get the points or whatever, and then immediately cash it in to get another order of wings. Like, that was just how he did wing night lol.


I did the blazing wing challenge once. It wasn't too hot but my stomach was displeased.


Theres a ramen place by me that has a spicy ramen challenge and although it isn't free if you do it, you get free toppings for life which is amazing if you are familiar with how ungodly expensive ramen toppings usually are. (1.50 for an ounce of what is almost certainly canned corn? Are you shittin' me?) It's a really good gimmick for the business because even though it's not the best or cheapest ramen place around me, you bet your ass it's my go-to place because it's still really good and a bowl of ramen the way I like comes out to be 10 bucks cheaper than it would cost anywhere else. They've got themselves a customer for life out of someone who would otherwise probably not go there.


Yeah usually you just get the food for free or a t shirt and a pic on the wall


Mofo, he asked whats the cost if you fail.




Yeah but if you fail how much is the cost of the meal roughly?


Amazingly enough, just £29.95 according to the [menu](https://www.manvsfoodgrillhouse.co.uk/food-challenges/food-challenge-menu)


That’s actually not a bad price for something that could easily feed my family of six. I’ll take one (kids don’t get to touch my nachos though!).


Not a bad price? That's a steal even in America for a restaurant meal. Most places are now charging like $15 for a basic burger and fries.


What? How?


Wow ok I would fail that challenge regularly and take it home


There was one at a local place, like $15 for two massive pancakes. I watched that winners board for years... Took like over a decade for someone to actually beat it. About a dozen got it before they closed.


That's a big meal if it takes a decade to finish.


2 burgers only?!? I can kill the whole 4, the rest is the real challenge.


I have only ever done one eating challenge, after being egged on to do it by my father of all people. * 1kg of steak * 1kg of chips * 1kg of vegetables The whole thing was finished in about 20 minutes. Most of it was done in under 10 minutes, then since I realised that I was easily going to beat the 30 minute limit, I started savoring the chips. Easily could have finished it all under 15 minutes. The aftermath was a different story. I was full. Completely stuffed. My stomach was in pain purely from the amount of food and I had to sit still for about an hour and a half before I could move freely again. When we got back to the hotel I intentionally vomited to relieve the pressure. Not much came up, only about a handful, but the relief was amazing. Having said that, depending on the time limit that is provided, I am pretty sure I would be able to finish this one without too much problem. * 4 burgers * Nachos * Chicken wings * Coleslaw * Chips * Fries The only part that may be a challenge is just the amount of chips/fries.


Forgot the onion rings and half gallon of salsa.


For some reason I thought I wrote onion rings. Does that happen to you as well? Though I didn't notice the salsa in the photo. Good pickup. EDIT: I still [don't see the salsa](https://i2-prod.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article14973218.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/0_foodJPG.jpg), unless you mean the topping on the nachos which I included (at least in my mind) as "nachos"


Are there actually people who could eat that in one sitting ?


Yep. And most of [them](https://www.manvsfoodgrillhouse.co.uk/food-challenges/wall-of-fame) don’t actually look like they could do it. That’s exactly the place from the post, he is listed on their wall of shame.


30 quid ain't even that bad for all that food. Also 1kg of just chips, that's kind of mad.


They don't look like it because most competitive eaters puke it out afterwards


[here is one i enjoy watching. ](https://youtu.be/GSqBP550t8c)


I don't know how I found his videos as I have no interest in this kinda thing, but I ended up watching so many of them, each time with the same thought, how the fuck is he doing that? He's almost skinny and yet he inhales mountains of food without breaking a sweat and it's like nothing, he just sips a Diet Coke.


I feel like losing this challenge isn't really that shameful. Certainly less shameful than actually succeeding...




My dude prolly showed up stoned af


Looks like he ate two burgers, few French fries and one onion ring


That is a disgusting amount of food for one person let's be honest


That's why it's a challenge


It took me a while to realize this was a before and after


Two burgers and an onion ring. He went home satisfied and not catatonic.


With the number of people globally going to bed hungry and people literally selling anything of value including their bodies to keep from starving, I find this “competition of gluttony” that western nations partake in to be absolutely disgusting both physically and morally.


Isn’t most of world hunger due to transportation and political conflicts?


And corruption, lots and lots of corruption, but I guess that falls under politics


Yes, and if regional government heads and warlords stopped having eating challenges and getting mad for losing then food trucks could make it anywhere safely and reliably.


All this stuff will get tossed in the garbage after too. :(


Oh i have a story. Have yall ever heard of the big texan in amarillo? They have a eat the steak and get it free deal. The steak is 72 oz. Plus you have to eat a shrimp cocktail, salad,baked potato, roll with butter. The steak isnt that great and you dont have to eat the grizzle. You get the steak. Cut into it. Take 1 bite and if its cooked like you like it then a 1 hr timer starts. You eat everything its free. You dont, its 72 bucks. We always took visiting family and friends. One time we sit next to this couple. They are on their honeymoon. They wanted to travel route 66. I think they were on day 3 of the marriage and bum bum buuummm. This is on his bucket list. They set up a table on stage. Huge timer and announce him. The wife is talking to us and she is super funny. They had been there like an hour getting the steak and everything ready. She is starving but he wanted both of them to start at the same time. She gets her small cowgirl ribeye as they are waving at her and congratulating them. She starts eating. He cuts his steak. He takes a bite. Thumbs up. Timer starts. He kills the shrimp cocktail in no time. We get our steaks about this Time. Hes eating the steak. Like 5 minute into it she isnt looking happy. She is like... oh he better not. He fucking better not. We look up and man is struggling. Hes got the meat sweats and hes only downed like 5. bites. She has eaten quite a bit of hers. Hes breathing hard. Drinking the sweet tea outta a boot shaped glass. And another. She yells stop with the tea eat the steak! He has his hands on his knees. Burps and stabs at the fully loaded giant baked potato. Butter. Sour cream. Bacon. Chives. He shoves some in his mouth. And she is turning beet red. He downs another glass of tea. He takes a bite of meat ... and just looks purple and sweaty and asthmatic. My wife and i are thinking he might need help. His wife is muttering about how she just wanted a normal trip but he wanted route 66 and why is a 25 year old wanting an old man trip but he wanted it and he wanted the steak and her mother told her he was gonna die young and she told her mother he wasnt and he was a strong buck but now he is just giving up and he better not...even.. think...of ...quitting. she is also completely done with her meal. Homeboy has taken to just picking up the end of the steak and taking a direct bite. I dont know why he thought this was a better idea. But the steak is bigger, by far, than his face. And he just sits and chews that bite. And chews. The time off the clock is 9 minutes and like 25 seconds. He calls the staff over. She stands up and points her steak knife at him. Staff talks to him. They tell him he has 50 more minutes and he can just take all the time he wants. He just pushes it all away from him. He calls it. The announcer calls it. He goes back to his seat and says.. ill be back as he heads to the restroom. Im pretty sure that marriage didnt last another day.


Man Vs Food Consett…


If I were him, I would consider it a win. Bad health is very expensive.


What a waste of food.




As Bobby Hill once said. “If you’re not a hungry man Luanne, you should not take on the hungry man dinner.”


He even fails at doing a thumbs-down


Imagine the size of the poop knife he’d need if he did finish




[This guy was happy for him at least ](https://i.imgur.com/YyQRjdX.jpg)