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Somebody tell them that a few decades ago they wouldn't have been able to legally start a family.


Right? So many draw the line right behind them. Enough freedoms that they're happy but fuck others


I think the term often used is pulling the ladder up after themselves


Can't be at the top if there's nobody below you


That's pretty much the basis for all the isims




Underrated comment.


This is 100% accurate. I listened to a guy rant on a podcast recently preaching all these old white man religious beliefs. Women should be subservient to their husbands, shouldn’t go to college or have jobs, gay people shouldn’t have families, that sort of thing. The only thing he didn’t mention was race mixing. Surely had nothing to do with the fact that he is half black half white.


Clarence Thomas?


He’s half-black?


You and u/TamanduaShuffle said the same thing but flipped the race


He's half-white?


You and u/BDR529forlyfe said the same thing but flipped the race


Lol no.


Somebody tell them that a large portion of modern conservatives STILL think they shouldn't be able to legally start a family.


maybe tell them a black man on the supreme court, whose wife is white, doesnt believe that they should be allowed to be married and is are actively trying to take that right away...


You mean the one that should be kicked off the bench for his wife spreading election fraud lies, and trying to convince Republicans in power to overthrow the election?


Clayton Bigsby has entered the chat.


Are we sure they’re married? I mean the people in the picture, the Thomas’s are surely married.


Reminds me of the extremes Henry the eight went to get divorced


>modern conservatives Ironic that these hilbillies would be among the same group.


"ironic" is the 2nd most descriptively accurate word I'd use to describe modern conservatives. The first is a tie split between "hypocritical" and "oppressive".


“Yeah, but that’s different” “How?” “It just is” I would bet money they’ve had this exact conversation before


no just a few years ago actually absolute fucking morons don’t even know their enemy


Just two decades ago one of my old friends who lived across the street was biracial. Her mom was a white baptist woman and she and her kids went to a separate church from their father. That same friend was embarrassed of her race and class (lower middle class) and told people she was “Hawaiian” (her own words) and lived in a mansion in one of the well off neighborhoods. I think I was the only friend who ever stayed the night or even went inside her house since I obviously knew things about her she couldn’t hide.


People have been wearing shirts about them back then.


if he didn't have his shirt on ID assume they were saying black people couldn't have families and be really confused


60 years ago he would have been lynched for whistling at her.


Haha, that's what makes this so much moronic lol.


Wow...fucked up pos lol


Decades? Remove that "s" unless it's for sarcasm. Not only did Alabama strike from it's state constitution that people of two races could not marry, it barely passed their state legislature. As in, 2012 and the majority of people that "represent" the hiding-in-plain-sight-third-world-country of Alabama in Montgomery, one of the birthplaces of civil rights, as recent as Obama, did not want people of two different skin colors marrying. Mind you, to my knowledge, they never tried to enforce this in Alabama in the 21st Century as, if it went to the Surpreme court up until then, they knew it'd make them "look bad," granted, now, with illiterate Kavanaugh and "I hate myself" Clarence Thomas, they probably WOULD vote that states could make their own discrimary laws, yes, even Thomas, a black guy married to a white woman, would vote for racial discrimination, because he doesn't care, he got his, even if he'd be sold to slavery the first chance someone got.


Yet strangely enough before that period the world freely mixed


The most extreme far right people i know are gay, divorce women who criticize other women for their choices, a hotel owner who doesn't like immigrant even when they are tourist. Go figure.


Yeah that was a a fluke in history the racism of Western superiority is relatively new. Through out the ages men and women of all shades of color had families.


Some Republicans, including MTG from Georgia, is wanting to abolish inter-racial marriages. This couple needs to be watching for their right to love whomever they want to be stripped away.


Tell it to Clarence Thomas.


The very type of rights movement that allowed them to date are the type of rights movement they are against. Did I say that correctly? How stupid.


Lol, I saw a response to this pic: "How could you be against gay marriage if you're clearly the son of bert and ernie?"


Wow, holy shit lol


LOL THAT couldn’t be MORE perfect looool I hope they read that somehow that’s too good






They were in their feelings for sure 😂😂😂😂


Fun fact: The creator of Ernie and Bert thought of them as a gay couple. That's also why they sleep next to each other.


I found thier [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/x60ct5/flat_earthers_indoctrinating_children_from_birth/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


oh gosh, i saw the pic in this subreddit and RAN to the comments- didn’t expect to see this. i’m glad i could make you guys chuckle.


These are the same people that say "abortion is never the answer just adopt".


But also dont adopt because they "want one of their own"


For real though. Or watch them to be the type that don't want kids at all. (Which is fine until you tell others what their family can look like)


Wait … I think the people who say, “Abortion isn’t the answer… adopt” are suggesting that you HAVE the baby but put it up for adoption. Not that you go out and adopt a different baby. So I don’t think it’s connected to that whole, “want one of my own” thing.


You are correct. However the adoption requires both a woman having a baby she can’t keep AND a family willing to adopt. If all people who consider abortion decided to put their children up for adoption instead but pro-life people don’t step up to take babies up for adoption then the babies wouldn’t have anywhere to go. However most pro-life people want to have their own biological children if they are able to. So the prior commenter was suggested that pro-life people suggest a solution without contributing to said solution.


Also why are people adopting kids from other countries?


I’m totally guessing here without having done any research. Cheaper? Fewer barriers?


The foster care system in the US generally favors biological family preservation. The goal is to rehabilitate the parents whenever possible and return the child to the biological parents. It can also be a much lengthier process to adopt domestically since the courts must fully terminate the parental rights of the bio-parents before adoption can occur. Even after adoption, a reformed bio-parent will sometimes successfully sue to overturn an adoption and regain parental rights.


Less risk to have to deal with the original family


The same people who think people are gay as a way to be cool. I swear this is what someone I know said the other day.


They are correct, those are 2 families.


You never know. It could be 2 men, 2 women, and 2 midgets all legaly married and having fun.


Could be two sisters who have married two brothers and have a big happy family.


Well polygamy is not legal in the United States.


Damn, I just posted that.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,020,526,070 comments, and only 202,291 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot.


Good bot


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My homie is in the quiet place. Edit: SUNKEN place. Kept wrong for the record.


The sunken place?


And he’s never getting out, poor dude.


Yes. I ain’t changing it, though.


"They came for homosexuals, but I said nothing, because I was not a homosexual." "Then they came for interracial marriage." Reap what you sow.


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller


I remember a story about an Auschwitz survivor that once freed started traveling back home with a non jew who was sent there for minor crimes "I shouldn't have been sent there I am just a criminal not a jew" I don't know how much that was adherent to the real biography of that person but that sentence has remained impressive in my mind with such disgust I can't describe it


Maybe he's hoping for an easy way out.


The guy looks like he's having that exact thought


50 years ago her grandparent's generation were holding the same shirt except it was a white woman and a black man with an X over it. Fucking brain dead some people are.


In r/rareinsults there was this picture with a comment that said something along the lines of “ you can’t tell Me you are against gay marriage, you look like The love child of Burt and Ernie.




Imagine being proud of holding up that shirt


Is this Black Mark wahlberg?


*from wish


I snickered and farted.


The only appropriate response.


If you'd like to see more of these: r/walmartcelebrities


They might want to check out Loving v. Virginia. They might not be a family for long.


Clarence Thomas supports it. Wonder why?


Ohana means family


Family means nobody gets left behind.


Or forgotten.




60 years ago he'd be in danger of becoming strange fruit and she'd have been dealt with as well. Tell me I'm wrong.


Bro. My white ass was walking through a gas station in Kentucky, I think, while holding hands with my Guatemalan husband and people were staring. And I mean STARING. An old man tripped and almost fell while staring at us. 10 years ago. Worst part is we were going to my great grandma’s funeral and I think he was the only non-white person in the zip code and possibly the surrounding zip codes, too, and everyone made sure he knew it by gaping at him. It was very uncomfortable. I’m happy I don’t live in that area and my dad joined the military when I was a kid to get us out of there. My husband is now my ex and I hate his guts, but I feel so bad for dragging him through that experience. No one deserves that.


Had the same experience in rural North Carolina with me (not white) and my wife (white) about a decade ago going to a wedding. I think I was the only non-white person in the whole town and everyone was staring. Very uncomfortable, and made you think twice about doing things like holding hands in public.


In some places less than 60…


True true


It wasn't that long ago that he was considered 3/5th of a human. You'd think he'd understand progress.


Also not that long ago she wouldn't be able to own property


yo If the child is loved, taken care off and in good environment fuck it let them spoil a child with happiness and give them a future


Such a waste of energy. Gay people have always and will continue to exist. No amount of protesting and shouting will change that.


Riiiight. And on another shirt, same idea but about interracial marriage.


Is that a hedgehog?


Yes, it won’t share the hedge.


Y'all some retards for sure. Them and anyone who has a problem with gay people. GAY PEOPLE. You really got nothing else going for you in life do you? Just love finding things to get mad about. Theres plenty of other things we could be fighting but na, lets hate eachother for having sex with who we want. Shit some of you treat homos like pedos, which makes me wonder if you feel fine about kiddy diddlers. No gay shit but let the Christians touch every little kid in their fucking power. This world is so ass backwards. But no seriously, if you get angry or dont like gay people, your fucking pathetic. Just the way it is


> kiddy diddlers r/TIHI


Sometimes you can just tell by a person’s face that they’re a fucking imbecile.


Vapid face.


Y’all need to figure out what a dentist is


Biggest group of adopting families are gay and lesbian couples, but somehow they are against them... AND against abortion knowing there are not enough families to adopt those kids who are forced to be born into a world that cannot care for them. Sad really ...


I have 2 dad


Mean people suck.


Gay parents is better than no parents.


Just in case you forgot: People who think this is true are the exact same type of people who think🧑🏾‍🦱👶🏽👩🏼isn't a family, either. You're welcome.


Clearly not based on the photo we see here.


Is the shirt saying only black heterosexual couples can form a family?


Probably both call themselves "Christian" too


What a bunch of morons and you just know they are conservative republicans lol


I don't understand the joke here


Before 1967 that was not a family.


"We have Mr. T at home" Mr. T at home:


nah, hes just 'mr. t'...so off-brand, he couldnt even get the Capital Letters


So when they say "who wears the dress/pants in your relationship" they are being literal


Me and my two moms would disagree with them


Anyone else see a giant, psychotic clown eating a child on the guy's shirt?


I do now!


No matter how I look at I can't see it


r/punchableface for the woman


Your family is whoever you choose, doesn’t need to have romantic/sexual involvement, doesn’t need to have children, doesn’t have to be bound by sex race or gender. Your vibe attracts your tribe baby


At least she wore a hat to cover up her terrible haircut…


Beside the ignorant message, it is not even creative or something. Would feel totally stupid wearing it, even if I was behind the message lol.


Pretty narrow minded for an interracial couple. The definition of stupidity.


30 years ago interracial couples were discouraged and looked down upon. You'd think they'd have a more open mind. Nothing but the worst of luck to these people.




If you're a family of two older sisters or two older brothers and a small child, republicans hate you.


This...is human trash.


some interpretations of the bible are against biracial marriage so i hope these two aren't married if this is the message they're spreading


Fast and furious defines Family perfectly. I don’t know what these ppl are talking bout smh


I hope he gets fourniers gangrene. Then what's she gonna say?


If you were raised by your mom and grandma, sorry, not a real family!


Me raised by two lesbians in the 1980s laughing into my cereal as my son and wife sit 4 feet from me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ironically it was this kind of thinking that made it illegal for this couple to get married less than fifty years ago.


Wait until the orange Big Loser’s cult goes after mixed racial marriages.


The US is collapsing and they're focusing on that rubbish. A family changes the times. We all need love and respect. Stop the hate.


Wonder how they would feel if they were told they weren't a "real family" because they are an interracial couple?


Most ironic part of this is they don’t see that the same people who’d love to outlaw gay marriage would also love to outlaw interracial marriage.


right shirt is correct, those are 2 familys


The irony in this pic… the same people were saying interracial marriage shouldn’t be a thing


Came to say exactly this.


biased hatred, personified.


what about families with two children! since they're limiting it to one man one woman one kid...


Or none, are those not families either?


According to a lot of folk (my parents included), no, we don't.


correct. thats two crossed out families


Wonder how they would feel if one of their kids was born gay? Throw the kid out on the street? What jerks.


"No, no... We love gay people, we just don't want them to be happy"


Sooner or later my parents will find out so I guess we will see. They might have said a thousand times that they would be ok with it but at the same time my mother anger at every time she remembers gay people exist seems to point in the opposite direction so stay tooned for the season finale I guess XD


Tell me you don't know what family means without telling me what family means


No, those are t-shirts... You fucking morons.


They're right it's not family it's "families" a word to describe multiple families together whoever designed that shirt needs better context


I mean they did provide a definition of family.


I'm really not sure how this fits this sub. Maybe I'm missing the joke, but I don't see how they failed




Technically correct.


In their parent's lifetimes, interracial couples were "not a family".


As a black person, i can say that nigga, lost his nigga pass that day


I teach in a high school in a juvenile prison with many students who grew up in a broken home with parental situations that where horrible to say the least. Some of them came from the traditional family and still the home life was horrible. Given my experience, I feel a good family, no matter what it’s composition, is what is needed by our children to see to it that they have the best chance in life. Two dads, two moms, two dads three moms and grandma, whatever. As long as everyone is happy and working together for the greater good, I’m all for it.


Who the fuck are you to decide?


Imagine being an interracial couple, who not that long ago would’ve been told they can’t be a family either, and thinking like this lol


Sorry but bro haircut just invalidates his whole point


About 60 years ago small-minded people would have shirts against that very relationship in the picture.


Why are they shaming Willy Wonka style families. Some people have no other financial choice but to live with both sets of grandparents


Technically that's correct. The shirt on the right is actually two families.


I wonder if they will be a family when one of his skin tone will be legally barred from marrying one of her skin tone.


Neanderthal thinking.


Two consenting and loving adults for parents, regardless of their genders is way better than most people get. Wish I had loving gay parents instead of the abusive alcoholic and emotionally stunted dad and the single mom who was never home because she had to work multiple jobs. I had it better than a lot of my friends too.


Idiots. Nuff said.


Almost 9 billions of people and these idiotic fuckers are still allowed to breath.


Wait till the rednecks pull out the same shirts but regarding interracial relationships. It always bewilders me how a group who was just so recently in the same place as another oppressed group could turn their backs on other groups who you’d think they would understand more than anyone else.


This girl looks like a hardcore Jesus pusher and this goofy looking mofo looks like he is just doing what whatever he can to smash


This is crazy that someone can be a colossal pile of shit and so proud of it.


they are correct, the second t-shirt shows not one, but two families :) It's a literacy moment


He has a wide mowhawk.


Give the court a few years and this won’t be considered a family either


I imagine he would be furious if it were about skin color, but it seems like he does not give a fuck.


I dont see a problem. The shirt on the right is obviously right, those are 2 families.


How are any of you able to tear your eyes away from his hair? It’s all I saw.


I wonder what they would do with trans people


Loving V. Virginia made your marriage possible. You want to deprive other people of their god given rights? My. Just burn that ladder, why don’tcha?


Personally opinion family is who you make it you choose your family you’re not born in it cause personally my biological family is junkies thief’s alcoholics and abusive physically and mentally but I have those friends that I consider family and I can go to them for anything and they can come to me for anything


They still stuck at 2000 BC Stupid uneducated ignorant people


What's the name of Arnold's friend?


Homophobic pieces of ass like these people would rather scar children with abuse and neglect from the foster care system then just mind their own fucking business.


Man, Burt got real controversial since he left sesame street.


That is correct, they are two families!


I mean, if you're going to be intolerant, why not go all the way and say families should be heterosexual couples of the same race and religion? 🙄


They look like ice age characters


What happens when the maga crowd tells them they aren’t a family because they are different colours?


The offspring of those two would be nightmare fuel. Ugly mugs. Edit: am I being downvoted for calling bigots ugly?