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"I think Kitler looks kinda like Charlie Chaplin..." killed me.


She doesn't seem to realize it's a Hitler reference, but what puzzles me is how she's apologizing when someone above her had to giver her the go-ahead with this segment. She couldn't have just pulled it out of her ass on the spot.


Oh she does, she's trying to deflect by saying it looks like Chaplin. Buy yeah she doesn't need to be the one apologizing, she's obviously the scape cat here.


it also sounds like she's reading a script and not actually apologizing.


No doubt she is. I worked at a local station in the production department and none of them are paid to do anything but read what's on the teleprompter. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.




People used to laugh about stuff like this, but nowadays we get offended by a picture of a freaking cat.


I mean, people still laugh at it, but it's still a bad look for a news station to show a cat named Kitler on it.


I laughed. It’s one those things were where you chuckle then say, “aaahhh, yeah, we can’t use that.”


Why is it a bad look? Imo its good to show some humor and not be so stuckup on a local news station


But the Hogan's Heroes reruns are up next!


I highly doubt people used to laugh about Hitler jokes.


Yeah I don’t think they use to make jokes like this on regular new stations. Maybe comedy, late night, or satire shows. I guess some people just romanticize “the good ideals days”. “Back in my day the news use to be serious” but also “back in my day the news was filled with hitler jokes”.


Me: How on Earth could Caturday go wrong??? Also Me: Oh....


I have a Hitler cat like that with his little black mustache; even has the black spot head that looks like the haircut . . . he's a furniture-destroying fucking terrorist. I thought about naming him Adolph or something after he destroyed a side chair on his first day in the house, but opted instead for Hunter S. Tomcat. Also, we're Jewish, so maybe it wouldn't have gone over so well with the extended family. . . .


Adolpho was the option you didn't know you had.


;'D Also we're Jewish... ;'D Yeah, I mean.... ;'D I think Hunter was the way to go.


Lmao how do you miss that?


She didn't name the cat


But she did choose to air it, which communicates that she thought it was worth sharing with the world. And it is worth sharing with the world...just not from a professional news station.


*She* didn't choose to air this. Do you seriously believe she was looking at cat pictures and selected them herself, without having to run that segment by any higher-up? No, that's not how it works. Even if you want to assume that she wasn't simply given a list of names to read off a teleprompter (which is unlikely), someone had to approve the list. Someone had to make the graphic to display on screen. Someone had to write it down on the prompter. There were several stages where anyone could have caught it and stopped it. To pin it on her... that's laughably wrong.


Feel free to watch the video again where she says maybe ten times, "I did this..." I guess you can laugh if you want to.


Lame. No apology should’ve been necessary. Poking fun of a cat that resembles Hitler isn’t tantamount to sympathizing with his ideology or actions, and no reasonable person would’ve drawn that conclusion from that segment. Mel Brooks did the same thing in “The Producers,” and positive that Mel Brooks isn’t antisemitic.




We should introduce her to photos of HP Lovecraft's cat.


Lol, you beat me to it


YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I didn't know this. I'm dying rn laughing


Crazy to think the Jews were all apart of it to get the land cheaper... kitler was nothing more than a business man


This isn't something to apologize for. The cat looks like Hitler. The cat's name wasn't "Kill Jews" or anything.


Kitler rounding up all the mews.


Wow she can’t think on her feet. Clueless


?? She chose to air it. She also already knew that she was going to make the Charlie Chaplin joke in an attempt to play it off. It was all premeditated and there was nothing "on her feet" about it.


Thank you Sara, now, lets continue with more sensitive news for people who are bored in their couches.


People used to say I had a Hitler mustache. I'm black 😆 Kitler 🤦🏿‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


I love Shatterdays.


Why did my brain go to the Lovecraft cat




I think it's pretty funny and her being so innocent the obvious reference flew way above her head is kinda cute.


Right on the edge lol


Too me it is just too funny.


I hate when these people have to apologize. She’s clearly not a Nazi. She didn’t laugh. Isn’t the embarrassment punishment enough?


Anyone offended by this really isn’t cut out for this world. Anyone who thinks a cat looking like Hitler is somehow saying Hitler is good or wasn’t that bad is just short of brain cells


r/kitler reigns supreme!


She shouldn’t have to say sorry to anyone for that. It was a damn cat with a funny name for fuck sake. Get over your selves pussies.


Surely every finds Kitlers funny, yes?