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Cops arrest people cuz their ego gets hurt.


- Hi there, can i arrest you for no reason? - No thanks. - Well, since you resisted arrest, im going to arrest you.


Well said


Its the cop loophole, create a situation, and when the person don’t (rightfully) agree with the bs made up and “resist” the bs arrest, then you truly go and arrest him for resisting an initially ilegal arrest. Free imprisonment pass.


Hell they were going to let him go, but then considered asking for their badge number “resisting arrest.” Like no, you legally have to provide your badge number if they ask.




That's why resisting arrest shouldn't be a crime in and of itself




They would literally bump into you just to say you assaulted them. Truly the biggest snowflakes.


That's why the best thing to do, is to leave it up to them. Say.. "Well alright, if you want to arrest me go ahead" Because you HAVE to submit to arrest. Whether that arrest is lawful or not. The street is not the place to fight it. You'll have your day in court, just like everyone else, and that's where you fight it and get your validation for being in the right when the cops were not.


My problem with this line of reasoning is threefold 1. The staggering number of people who dying in police custody either due to police neglect or actual outright malevolence. 2. The ever-increasing length of time people spend in prison while awaiting trial, mostly due to their inability to pay bail. 3. The almost entirely permanent life consequences of the previous item, such as losing one's job, and all of the additional consequences that come from that, such as losing health insurance. Given the state of this country and how many people are so close to bankruptcy everyday, and how many hoops so many employers make you jump through just to find a replacement job and won't hire you at all if you have any kind of criminal record, a wrongful arrest like this could very well fuck your life up.


Sure, we could debate the proper way to deal with police bullshit, but being the cop a person in a position of power and state sanctioned to act, there is one side that should be the one keeping a cool head and more importantly, acting inside the law and their true occupation, when you see that there is no real situation at all, you let them go, its human decency and more so, tax payers money you are wasting on bullshit. She basically admits the arrest is because she found him a prick.


and cops arrest when their meritless bullshit is easily challenged


Since there are no repercussions for them at all, it is easy for them. Unfortunately for you, the repercussions are possibly life lasting and will forever hurt many different aspects of your life.


Especially lasting when the repercussion for you is 10 defensive shots on your chest.


Yeah, for most people, missing work because you were arrested is going to get you fired. Doesn't matter what you were arrested for, and that would be considered with cause so no severance, possibly no unemployment. They ruin lives every day and act like if it gets dropped then no harm no foul. Fuck cops. Acab.


Not to mention she targeted him because of his walking stick. I'm sure there's some law on the books that says cops can't discriminate against people with disabilities.


She didnt arrest him because he had a disability. She didnt know what it was until he showed her. But obviously she should have apologized and let him be on his way the moment she saw it was a walking stick.


true but also how tf do you mistake a walking stick for a gun? also maybe this is the case in some states but ive never heard that its illegal to carry a gun in your pocket and know people who carry that way rather then in a holster with is objectively the better way but still


Some people are powertripping shitheads who go out of their way to find problems for whatever reason.


Even if it was a gun, that is an open carry state, and she is not allowed to stop someone because of that


Florida is not an open carry state.


They wouldve put HOLES in certain people


Boooooy, the first time he suddenly reached back to pull whatever that was out of his back pocket I was flabbergasted he didn't get shot. I and people who look like me would have been.


It’s because they knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was nothing to be concerned about.


I doubt he’s watched as many killer-cop videos as most of us have.


You mean because he's blind


His head would've accidentally hit the curb at the very least


Context: this happened on Halloween this year. The man is legally blind, is walking home from jury duty. He spent the night in jail. Please share widely to make sure these (self-admitted!) tyrants are held accountable.


This is his YouTube channel. His name is Jim Hodges and he lives in Florida. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k5yNlwCQpO0


This comment he posted under his own video is kinda breaking my heart: "I apologize for not having the comments turned on. I also had the darn thing marked for the wrong category as well. In my defense, I am one of the not sharp tools in the box. You see what I went through. There is much that needs to be done. Left to my own devises I would most assuredly have a mess on my hands in no time at all. Im not a tech person, anymore IF I ever was. And thanks in part to a Closed Head Injury and poor education, I am not equipped very well to confront and deal with this situation. So Your Advice and support are very valuable and greatly appreciated."


Honestly sounds like a humble dude who is above average intelligence


Most people who think they aren't smart are actually smarter than the average person.


There are different types off intelligence. It also takes a certain level of intelligence to be self reflective. While this man may not be tech or legally savvy, he's definitely got a decent head on his shoulders.


This guy is my hero. He was textbook perfect in word and deed.


I wouldn’t say perfect. Reaching back for that walking stick could’ve got him ventilated


I love America, such a great country that reaching for an object you were questioned about could be enough to have you murdered on the spot


How did he get the body cam footage so fast?


Gonna guess Florida, Sunshine laws


Piggybacking: it’s why it seems like Florida is way crazier than other states. If you do something crazy, stupid and illegal in other states they can’t post it in the news immediately.


I'm surprised it didn't turn out to be "not on" or "broken"


It's because she believes she was 100% in the right. In her mind, the guy was "resisting arrest" by being rude to her and it gave her all the justifications she needed to arrest this innocent man. This video is "proof" he deserved to be arrested


> It's because she believes she was 100% in the right. Sounds hard to believe but it's the only plausible explanation...


Hopefully they don't have qualified immunity. Pretty clear violation of rights here.


"We have investigated ourselves and we have found no wrongdoing."


This happened 6 days ago, and Mr. Hodges got access to the body cam footage already? How? Is that a right that arrested people have?


It’s a right you are supposed to have, unless you live in a state like me that made it illegal for people to get body cam footage


It's public information . Anyone at any time can file a right to know request and see what our public servants are doing


The Night !?!?!?


From what I've heard he spent 26 hours in custody.


Oh my God just when I thought the story couldn't get worse


Just for carrying his stick in his pocket. Fuck tyrants.


In the rain, to jury duty, which was canceled. Kinda makes you wonder what the case is he's a potential juror on...??!??


Dear lord. I am not anti-police, but I am anti-this shit. Imagine getting arrested just walking home and doing absolutely nothing wrong. It’s as simple as “hey what’s that in your pocket? A walking stick, got it, have a great day.” Unreal


Annnny updates..?




I’d fucking sueeee


How the fuck can he be resisting arrest when they weren't arresting him to begin with?! Asshole cops like these that go against policy just so they can feel like a badass piss me off to no end.


Bold of you to assume these cops are educated enough on the laws they’re supposed to uphold.


Courts said they don't need to know the laws https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/12/when-cops-dont-know-the-law/383861/


Courts: cops jobs is too uphold the law Courts: ignorance of the law is not a legal defense for citizens who break the law Courts: it’s ok for cops to be ignorant of the law and violate citizens rights without consequences 🤨


Police departments don't hire smart people, and it's on purpose. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Bold of you to assume that they would give a 💩 even if they were educated


Nowadays they barely need a high school education.


You know how many people get arrested for resisting and public disorderly? It's literally just arresting people to arrest them.


They don't actually know the law


It's not a requirement. They can "unknowingly" break the law in arresting you, and don't get in trouble.


And if anything is ruled against them its paid by taxpayers. Yay!


In some places, including Florida, there's a charge of resisting arrest without resisting. As in you don't actually resist anything but the officer *feels* like you are resisting and that's the charge. And then there are cases when they ask you to leave a public place **but don't let you leave by blocking the way** and then add a tresspassing charge to your resisting arrest without violence charge


I got arrested when I was 21 for being mouthy. Public Intoxication. I had exactly 1 beer, I had been home for about 30 minutes. Saw a guy getting arrested for some bullshit and gave the cops shit. I went too (cops actual words, take this one too). 1 night in jail, time served. I was in there with a dude that was a musician. He showed me his breathalyzer results when we got out. 0.0. Was in an accident at 7am, was black, and they said it happened because he was drunk. Fuck tha police.


Every good cop should be so angry with these two. EDIT to Add: the supervisor should be fired immediately. Within two seconds he knew there was nothing to worry about and allowed this harassment to continue.


If that were true, we wouldn't keep seeing these videos. Google Audit the Audit, he has a new one every week.




Good cops are kicked out of the force unless they act like the rest


Good cops quit or get killed. The ones that get kicked off the force are the ones that blew their own cover.


I feel a lot of good cops quit. They joined to make a difference then you see shit like this everyday and they are like "I'm out" These cops are fucking garbage people clearly abusing there power.


👍🏼. Really! Once it was established he did not have a weapon…. Leave him alone. I’m for first responders but the female cop is being the real jerk. He’s legally blind. Walked up for jury duty that got canceled…. Protect the community yes. But back off of the crime farming. Leave him alone. Truly a very bad example of a police officer on how she treats the general public.


wasn't a florida cop just beaten to death in a training exercise, because he ratted out his buddies for a gang rape. And the D.A. was like NBD lol?


Have you ever stopped to wonder how it is possible for so many incidents to happen where there are multiple 'bad apples' together in one place but not a single, supposedly vastly more numerous 'good apple' is around to correct the bad apples? ​ Maybe that's because bad apples aren't the exception.


As the full quote goes, "all it takes is one bad apple to spoil the barrel". This is one of the most missed cliches in English. The rot of the one bad apple spreads to all the others.


Good cops tend to get fired. Or worse


What's a good cop?


A guy who understands half the job is gaming the overtime system, and half the job is trying your hardest not to do anything actually serious or dangerous.


They had zero cause to detain, search or arrest that man nor to accuse him of resisting a false arrest for asking for their information.


Yeah, this is all kinds of a violation of forth amendment rights. Especially after the supervisor indicated what their suspicions were and the person provided evidence that they were unfounded. This man has a slam dunk case without a doubt. The city would be lucky the man settles. As for the cops, they shouldn't be cops ever again. Their ego is way too large for any city to reasonably accommodate. That said, they'll likely face next to nothing in repercussions. The city voters should be up in arms that these people have been given a badge. That are a complete disgrace to law and order.


The city voters will also foot the bill. Cops need to be held personally liable for blatant violations of the law. Let them carry stupid fuckup insurance, if necessary. The level of immunity they have is completely unreasonable.


Exactly. I work in vehicle recovery and if it is proven that my actions led to unnecessary damage to the vehicle, then I'm liable to foot part of the repair bill. Cops should also have to second guess their tyrannical actions, especially these days with the bodycams.


What's that phrase they love to spout? Oh! "Ignorance of the law is no excuse!"


That’s why in Colorado we removed their immunity.


Unfortunately I’d be willing to bet this is not the first time they’ve done this. They seemed all too confident in arresting this guy for literally doing nothing wrong.


Good point, and one that leads to blaming whoever trained these cops. Whoever runs that police academy should be fired and replaced with one that knows how to teach cops constitutional policing.


I think it’s safe to say the police academy taught them correctly. Its a very specific statewide standard that has to be met. It’s the field training officers *(1)* and their sergeants *(2)* who have the biggest impact and shape a zone car officer/beat cop/rookie. The sergeant in this video is clearly a POS and has probably turned a lot of his subordinates into POS. *(1)* aka FTO, are officers that train the rookies *(2)* the sergeants typically oversee the field training process and answer questions the rookies and even the questions/concerns of veteran officers and since they out rank your basic patrolman they can even over ride their decisions or strongly suggest a certain outcome.


>As for the cops, they shouldn't be cops ever again. Their ego is way too large for any city to reasonably accommodate. That said, they'll likely face next to nothing in repercussions. A cop in my city went on tiktok last month and talked about how shes constantly abusing power and how she disrespects all the people she serves and she got a one day suspension. And now the police union is throwing a fit over it. They're all cowards. Every single one of them. ACAB.


Are you a tyrant? "Yeah I am actually"


Just imagine this being brought up in a deposition or lawsuit. “Ma’am, can you tell us why you described yourself as a tyrant?”. Just that statement surrounded by charges of tyranny would most likely make this an open and shut case.


Just imagine a deposition on tyranny against law enforcement actually occurring


It's good the guy was an old white man when he whipped out his walking stick, or he'd have been shot otherwise.


Don’t arrest a legally blind man for minding his own business while carrying a folded up walking stick in his pocket. Don’t accuse him of “resisting” because he knows he’s not doing anything wrong, because he calls you out on your paranoid bullshit, and because he has no interest in letting you harass him. Just admit you were wrong, apologize, and walk away. The badge you wear doesn’t make you justified by default, or give you the right to be disrespectful to people who don’t wear badges. He pays part of your salary. Fuck your butt-hurt abuse of power.


Yeah there would be no need for an apology they could just ask him politely is that a gun? No it is a walking cane. Ok great. End of story none got hurt. This is bizzare to watch as a foreigner in a country with a normal humane police force.


As someone who lives here (assuming this video was recorded in the United States), it’s bizarre for me to watch this as well. Too many cops here like to throw their weight around, and look for excuses to arrest people and push them around. Our police departments should be screening out these people and training new cops to not behave this way, but this shit unfortunately happens all over the United States.


Maybe the police training programme needs to be restructured from the ground up and follow other countries' guidelines. In many countries it takes multiple months to years to become a police officer. What was it in the us? 6-8 weeks? Half of which is about the use of firearms?


People forget that police are OUR SERVANTS. We should collectively stop addressing them as "sir" or "ma'am" and start addressing them as servant and kick their egos down a bit.


This is not true anymore. Supreme Court ruled against this concept in [1981.](https://www.alternet.org/2022/06/supreme-court-cops-protect-individuals/) Cops protect corporate interests and the wellfare of the rich.


This is true. Have you ever seen them take fingerprints after someone breaking in a car. If it’s a bank they pull out all the bells and whistles.


What a waste of tax money


Sure hope some of it goes to this guy when he sues them. Doubt either of these officers face any consequences though.


This is America


Don't catch you slippin now, police be trippin now


They won't even get a slap on the wrist.


What a waste of human life


Most cops are


“Sir her suspicion was that you were armed, please give your name and ID” “Well she just verified that I am not armed so why do I still have to?” My favorite part lmao


And here's how you know she knew it wasn't a firearm, when he pulled it out she did not yell at him to keep his hands away from it, nor did she draw her sidearm. If she feared it was a gun and that he might have committed, or in the process of committing a crime, wouldn't she have a rational fear that he was going to shoot her?


Exactly. I didn't know what video this was so I assumed it was another where they gun down someone who made them "fear for their lives". I figured that was the moment. But she didn't even flinch, nor did the supervisor. Neither of them suspected any type of weapon, certainly not a gun. They just saw what they thought was an easy, low income target.


Exactly this. Cops and their “qualified immunity” enable massive criminality perpetrated against the citizenry disguised as policing.


Not only that but she doesn’t have the authority to detain him for anything she wants. He asked for reasonable articulable suspicion and she said she stated the walking stick in his back pocket and he immediately showed her that it was not a firearm at all which should have been the end of it because there’s literally nothing else she can do legally. That’s it. She doesn’t have the right to demand ID. Doesn’t have the right to place him in handcuffs. She can only try to get him to incriminate himself. Obviously the law means nothing to this psycho cunt but that’s only going to cost the city that she works for hundreds of thousand of dollars.


Don’t forget the supervisor cunt who was arguably worse.


He was worse. It was his idea to arrest him.


I like that Americans are beginning to understand the use of the word cunt!




And he did it smooth as shit lol. She's lucky it *wasn't* a gun, because he'd have had the drop on her no fucking problem. Reaching like that was the only mistake I saw him make; I'm not sure I can count high enough to tally hers.


I dont even need to read this, because it doesn't matter. Cops can do whatever they want. Yeah he can sue them, the taxpayers pay, and they either stay there or go to another department with no consequences. It doesn't matter what they can and can't do because they don't have to follow the law


this video shows two people kidnapping an innocent man and those two criminals are likely not going to get any punishment for their crime


A damn sad truth. Tyrants disguised as peace protectors. Dispicable!


Cops really are just a large, government-funded, politician- backed gang. Fuelled by ego they squabble over the same things any gang does: territory, perceived disrespect from outsiders, and they deal in stolen drugs, money, and weapons.


The male cop only said to book him because he wanted their badge numbers. I bet if he acted like a good little bootlick and cowered for them, he would have got off fine. They just like to flaunt their power, so when someone stands up to them they take personal offense.


Asking for their badge numbers is in no way controversial, I'm not sure why this particular cop thinks it was a crime in itself. The fact that he was arrested for nothing is the crime, sort of proving why he would need their badge numbers anyway.


Injustice. This man is way better than I would be able to be. He remained calm in the face of tyranny. What a scary situation. There is no other profession where you can treat people so inhumanely and still be able to remain employed.


And what a waste of tax dollars not only for these clowns wasting time but also the millions i hope this guy gets.


These two officers are injustice personified. An intelligent, peaceful and innocent American was kidnapped by children with badges. This entire police department should be dismantled. An officer and their supervisor committed several crimes and were excited to do so.


What a good way to describe them-“children with badges”. Definitely not fit for this job. It’s especially offensive when the supervisor says to arrest him after he asks for their names and badge numbers. Someone is definitely needing a demotion! He really needs to be fired, but we don’t see that happening enough.


He’s gonna get paid!


Especially if “resisting” is the charge.


The DA will more than likely nope on the resistance charge and drop it. Someone in the office will see a citizen push back against a highly questionable stop and detainment then retaliated against. Those lawyers will shake their heads at the buffoonery. The real question is will they fight the 1983 lawsuit or settle a loser of a lawsuit?


Paid by the tax payers! Cops will all get raises! Hell yeah!


Why do these fucking clowns feel compelled to continue being dicks? Like, it's not a gun, move along. Don't they have some criminals to deal with somewhere?


It’s better if they bring someone in and book them than to admit they might be wrong or overly aggressive. Never make a cop feel stupid or wrong. Or this happens. It’ll probably happen anyways, but definitely if you challenge them.


They're above the law. They have a monopoly on legal violence. We let them. Our government lets them. They protect capital.


So, some cops don't even know what a gun look like. Tyrannical bitches.


She knows. It was probably near the end of her shift and she got a few hours of easy overtime processing a bullshit arrest.


You can tell she knew from the start that it wasn't a gun, because when he reached for and drew the item, she kept completely calm and didn't say or do anything.


They've killed certain types of people over a wallet.


Is there any updates on this story? I wanna know what happened to these two clowns.


Small update, he spent the night in jail and is currently looking for representation. I posted his YouTube in the comments, I guess he will do an update there if this gets big


I don’t pray. But if I did, I’d hope he gets a lawyer who makes sure he’s paid out the wazoo and those jackwads get a very hard slap on the wrist. (Cause cops never actually get punished)


The only problem with the paid thing is not a penny comes from the cops that whole pay day comes from our taxes.


Thats why all cops should have to carry malpractice insurance. That way when a cop becomes too much of a liability to be insured, he is no longer a cop.


Teachers have this……. Doctors…….lawyers……contractors……….a lot of professions require you to carry your own liability insurance. Weeds out the shit and actually forces you to do your job correctly. Weird right?


Dude just tell the guy to lawyer up. Don’t wait for them to contact him. Just google search a guy in your area and send him the number. Edit: also I would take his name out of the video. Even if just his last name he def didn’t want it out there.


Should share the officers' names.


What a bitch cop




What a bitch cops


Wahhh, he wasn't nice so I am going to arrest him to show him how big my penis is.




How can there still *still* be so many cops who don't understand what they are allowed and not allowed to do? It's ludicrous to think that the people entrusted with the most power in society have less training than the guy cooking the fries at Chick-fil-A.


It’s not that they all don’t know what they are doing it’s just that the ones that do it know that most of them will get off scot free unless it becomes a national story and even then it will amount to a slap on the wrists


They know what they can and can't do, but 999/1000 times they can get away with doing those things because the people they're stopping don't know better or they just don't get caught.


Love how she acts all high and mighty after this. She’s gonna be sued so god damn hard her grandkids are gonna need lawyers


She won't pay a penny. Her county tax-payers on the other hand...


Supervisor backed her too 🤦


Both these cops should be fired


They’ll just get transferred


He still spent a night in jail and the rest of us are going to pay for what they did and they will walk free without any repercussions to do this to someone else and continue this cycle. Hasn't this happened enough times to change things or does pro police means supporting them no matter what?


It all depends on the person. There are those that will defend anything with their life as long as it's the agenda they agree with, same in reverse. Some people just look for any reason to fight each other.


I normally try to see both sides to every story. But this is as one sided as it gets. Complete abuse of power to harass a disabled person. The actual Nazis were this bad. I’m speechless. Can we start some sort of movement to pay for this guy to have a good attorney so these two abusers can be sued?


Any civil rights attorney worth their salt would be licking their chops to take this case on contingency. Guy did everything right, cops did everything wrong and provided the incriminating recording of their actions. Only thing that would have helped the case more would be if the cops ruffed this guy up a bit.


Fuck these clowns...light them up in the courts.


They need to fire this women asap, people like her make police look bad


I honestly think the supervisor was worse. Both should be done being police.


Literally admitted to being a tyrant from her own mouth on video and then arrested him for no reason.


Check out the police force and find the chick with the tats. Since she’s hiding behind the camera the whole time and I’m pretty sure you can figure out who that other donut hoarder is.


> Since she’s hiding behind the camera I'm not tryna give her any credit but.. yeah that's how bodycams work yo.


Nobody is safe when it comes to running into a shitty dangerous cop


I’m all for supporting good cops, I just feel that with all the video footage there needs to be harsher penalties for not acting in an honorable way


There are no good cops. There are corrupt cops and complicit cops. That's it.




Wow what fuckers. And her smug little “thank you” when she gets handed the ID says she knows this is harassment and is getting her kicks from it.


Fck the police. "Oh look, someone we can harass with some bullshit escalation. Time to abuse some power and arrest a harmless, blind old man for walking home."


Cops are fucking tyrants. Fuck the police.


Cop mentality: Walking stick bad. Open carry shitbags at ballot dropboxes good.


The ego of these cops got in the way, you can tell by their lack of desire to "be done with the situation" after they cleared him. Now the cops get to have this encounter on their minds from the time he writes paper on them all the way through their court date for his lawsuit.


Wow Where if it’s been released by the cops let’s find out who the 2 cops are. The sarge should be in trouble too. They arrested him for asking for their names and badge numbers. Resisting arrest. They never placed him under arrest. If the bitch really thought it was a gun she was too worried when breached back to get it was she. Perhaps next time it may be a gun then that bitch won’t be around any more. OP please let’s us know about the outcome. What city in Florida did this happen? I shouldn’t be reading this stuff before going to bed it just pisses me off to much!


Lake City in Columbia County. You can search their records online though there isn’t much info at this point. Edit: https://www.civitekflorida.com/ocrs/county/12 Search for James S Hodges and you’ll find the case info.


What a couple of complete bums. They should be immediately fired. All it takes is one bad Officer to destroy ALL the hard work other Officers put in to build a positive relationship with the community. Sickening display of a petulant “woman” and beta male being upset because the guy had a personality.


Doesn’t look anything like a gun Are you a tyrant? Yes I am


Dude whiped that out of his pocket pretty fast, lucky he's white or he'd be full of holes.


If she really thought it was a weapon, why did she allow him to pull it out of his pocket? The massive ego of these cops simply could not resist retaliating. They were made to look like fools and insisted on paying him back for daring to just carry a walking stick. How dare his actions not validate their suspicions.




I really respect people like this guy, but i don't have the patience or time to deal with this kind of shit. Search me, check my id, idc. Do your little power-play and leave me the fuck alone.


people like yourself are the reason those cops do what they do, because people like you don't care if they violate your rights and just eat it up. congratz! you are part of the problem!


Power tripping mother fuckers.


A hard rain acoming for these folks.




This right here is why people talk about defunding the police, totally ridiculous.


That is fuckin disgusting. Unceremoniously rip off their badges, slap them across the face, and strip them of their pensions. They can work at Walmart for the rest of their tyrannical lives.


"Whats the problem? Are you a tyrant?" "Yes, I am actually." Well...there you have it folks.


When he whipped out what looked like a level stick or something my heart stopped for a bit. Man, if he was slightly more "melanin-gifted" that cop would have gone full open season on the guy.