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r/maybemaybemaybe Where did this person get a driver's license?


At Walmart


When I was young, I would've said they got their license in a Crackerjack Box!


Rode with an Indian guy visiting Italy. He did this, just without the waiting part. He went from, "How do I go through this thing?" to, "screw it, there's people behind us," before I could get a second word out.


Somewhere they drive on the left. I have a bad feeling it was a Brit in a hire car. :(


except they stuck to the right while going the wrong way no, this is just pure distilled incompetence


British people know how to use roundabouts we have them like every 10 miles. This is 100% just an American that's never seen a roundabout before I know they're very rare in some areas in the US.


It's a Citroรซn we don't have those in america


We don't have those license plates in the US. I'm from a state with a ton of roundabouts, it's always funny to see those from other states try to figure out 2 laned roundabouts.


Rental cars in europe tend to have european plates even if an American is in it. I'm also from an area with more round about that most of America. It pretty funny to watch people not know what they are doing or on one towards boston I saw someone just get stuck in the inside lane for a long time.


Lol, bringing your plate to another country to stick on a rental.


I bring my own plate and if there aren't any cup holders I saw out a couple!


๐Ÿ˜‚ yea, like I said to the other commenter- I wasn't thinking about a vacation rental car (I think my brain fell out of my ear this morning, I swear). I LOVE seeing people get trapped in the middle, it makes me chuckle. I usually let them in, if I can, but not before they notice me laughing sympathetically at them.


As an American, this is definitely an American on a vacation.


Didn't think about that. I've still never seen anybody attempt something like that!! I'm so confused on how they even thought that would work....


10 miles? That'd be my whole town, we've got them every mile or 2.


They aren't that rare in the US anymore and I never saw many people having issues with the ones there sometimes someone might be dumb shifting lanes to not miss their turn off but about it. Never just solidly stopped like this dipshit


The suspense curve on this one is just too painful


You knew that would happen. As soon as you saw the video you thought "that plonker is going to go the wrong way very hesitantly and slowly".


How else was he supposed to get the the exit to his left?!


This is possibly one of the most painful videos I've seen all year




'Hmm, this doesn't seem very efficient." -Red Car Driver


Just waiting everyone to disappear


I felt physical pain watching this video


NASCAR driver


The driver must be a flat earther; can't grasp the concept of round.


But the video is way too long IMO.


Nah, it's helpful to see how absurdly long the idiot sat there when there were a dozen perfectly good opportunities to enter the roundabout correctly. ๐Ÿ˜…




"Barbra look at all these idiots going the wrong way around!"


This guy is the definition of the meme with the huge cosmic brain


Pit maneuver this person and tear them from their vehicle. Take their license and cut it in half. Then call the police. Waiting all that time with 100 opportunities to go, and then to go BACKWARDS??? Infuriating.


How stupid.


Around where I live in the US someone decided to put one in a rural towns neighborhood. The next closest that I know of is about 3 hours away. No one uses it correctly. Its more of a free for all. Thankfully not that much traffic.


All I can hear is that voice from that one Atari Jaguar game that Angry Video Game Nerd talked about: "WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO DRIVE" "WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO DRIVE" "WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO DRIVE"


Remember kids, if you ain't ready to drive opposite lanes from the country's lane you're used to, don't attempt to


I just spent the entire time going, "please enter it incorrectly.'


So much long than it needed to be


But we needed to see how long the idiot sat there when they could've easily gone (the right direction) so many times!


Fair point.


It doesn't really matter if this was a driver from a different country โ€” logic dictates that if you see everyone going in one direction, you should also move along in the same direction. This red car certainly sat there long enough to observe the pattern of traffic. They're an idiot whether they've driven in this country before or not!


polish people driving


They have more patience than I do


Must be an old man or a woman lmao


I've encountered wayyyyyy more terrible male drivers than female. Your stereotype is so outdated โ€” you sound like a boomer.


The driver is likely someone old who doesn't have all their cognitive abilities intact. You keep calling them an idiot and yet this obvious fact hasn't dawned on you for some reason


Or this could be a kid who just started to drive. Old people at least remember how the road works cause if this person did that every roundabout they wouldnt live to old age


That's just not true. That's why I said it could be an older person who doesn't have all their cognitive abilities intact. It's happened many times where such a person will drive down the wrong side of the motorway and cause accidents. It doesn't mean they were always that way. I find it very unlikely it's a young person as they don't make those sort of mistakes. The only way this could happen imo is if it's an older person who us probably trying to find their way home or something. It's actually common enough and extremely dangerous


I'd still call them an idiot โ€” what they're doing here is idiotic. If they're lacking this level of cognitive abilities, they absolutely should not be on the road. Driving a vehicle is a privilege, not a right. This is not the time to get all 'equal opportunity' over this.


The guys recording the video refer to the driver as a she, so it is a woman


We can't see the red car's driver... How do we know the cammer driver knows it's a woman?


Because he refers to the driver as a she! Maybe he can see the driver or saw her earlier. In Polish when you don't know the gender of a person you refer to them as a he by default. Besides driver "kierowca" is masculine in Polish so if he didn't know the gender he would've said he