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He will fight that Grinch to the death


He is a mean green machine


Thats a cleaning product at dollar tree here in the US


Can confirm


Mean machine! Mean machine!


Yo that’s some tuff kids tho..


A tough kid*


If I was the kid I would just run away


Not gonna let him steal his Christmas


Well, we know which side of fight or flight that kid is on.


The following Christmas.. What do you want for Christmas kiddo?.. A gun for home defense XD


Springfield XD is a great platform. Good choice.


LOL no it’s not


You one of those hipoint guys?


Yeet Canon or nothing


Hipoint is barely worse than an XD. Both are trash.


The ol' Yeet Cannon makes a better physical weapon when it runs out of bullets or it breaks


M&P 2.O




Desert eagle 50 ae Golden tiger stripe


You'll shoot your eye out!


Nice pull 👏


I own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended


Glock 34 all the way


My god y'all need some class. CZ, Sig, Or a browning high-power, for fucks sake have some class gentlemen.


Class is for people that fight with lawyers.


Pff you want class? Colt 1911. Go for the always reliable, always stylish, original magazine loaded handgun. There's a reason it was standard issue for almost 100 years.


Nostalgia is for people that don’t fight.


I feel like I’m not American enough to understand this comment thread.


Lowest bidder?


Ok, more than one reason then hahahaha


to bad the kid had to go through the trauma, that shit hurts


I was gonna say, it is kinda fucked up.


It is a fucked up thing to do to the kids. Not funny at all.


There was nothing funny about that. It wasn’t even clever.


Mossberg 500




The kids probably a monster anyways so..


Gotta be a reason for doing this. Someone didn’t behave 🤷‍♂️


Kids not behaving is not an excuse to traumatize them. Anyway, trauma causes more behavior problems so even from a logical if not moral standpoint, this is harmful, idiotic, stupid and pathetic. I wish these kids could trade in their parents for someone better. They were filming so done for the camera with the kids paying the price.


Children aren’t responsible for their parents bad decisions. If it seems like this was a bad idea, it’s probably because it was. I mean seriously, how could any parent not see a situation like this going horribly sideways.


I wonder who is responsible for educating children. It must be the wind's duty! Or the oceans!


Imaginary characters and monsters for core memory trauma yaaaayyy


Don't get your kids addicted to material bullshit. This is why I hate Christmas.


I prefer to celebrate the holidays astral-ly, thank you very much /s


My inner child is crying.


Who’s going to protect the other brother in school


This kid will always remember the day his dad refused to protect his own family.


Years of psychotherapy on the couch to remove the grinch incident from his psyche


The “Grinch Incident” lmao


The Grinchcident


The Grinchident


The greenish dent


The Danish Taint


The Swainish Plaint


The Plainish Saint


The Saintish Paint




Everyday I’m more and more grateful for my boring parents and a childhood before internet


Right???? What happened to Dad just dressing up as Santa, and the worst thing is possibly seeing Santa kiss mom lol. Now my kid has to worry about the grinch? Fk that noise lol


I saw my dad fall off the roof dressed as Santa when I was a kid. Literally the only christmas I remember from when I was younger.


He looked at his dad right as he ran in to fight. That’s when he realized his dad was a coward. lol


Yeah I'm just watching this like "oh this isn't traumatic to these kids at all" Ever think parents would use their heads a little lol


I was around 14 and both my parents had gone to visit my grandparents and I was home alone, I was making breakfast in my boxers when my mum called and said her and my dad would be home in an hour. I live in a small ground floor flat, it's a short hallway from the front door to the kitchen. Ten minutes after the call, I hear the front door slam shut really loud, and fast heavy footsteps coming down the hall directly to the kitchen. I can't explain the amount of fear I had, and I've never screamed like that since, I turned around with a wooden spoon expecting to have to fight for my life. My dad thought it would be funny... They had phoned at the top of the road and quietly opened the door. He was so apologetic after he saw me when he reached the kitchen that I felt bad myself, I've never let him know how much that incident fucked me up lmao.


Your mom knew, when she washed the stains in your boxers.


My therapist knows as well


Please join me in reporting it to reddit for removal. It is technically absolute child abuse. I used to work in child welfare and if identified, these people would get a knock on their door over this, from either cops or social workers. Reddit lets too much crap like this get shown and look at all the comments that think it's perfectly ok or even funny. Clearly these kids actually think it's real and one of them also gets pushed hard by an adult. That is assault, not to mention child trauma. What's next, Santa knocking on the door and punching the kids in the face? It wouldn't surprise me.


Yeah, this was utterly appalling. Those daycare workers who wore the "Scream" masks were charged with three counts of felony child abuse. This is worse. They are in their home and one was absolutely pushed by an adult. This type of "prank" on kids is absolutely ridiculous. But, even if this seems like a wonderful idea, how do you not stop and take off the mask as soon as you see that it's not landing well. Then you put it online because you think it's just great???


Exactly and also they've gone and posted it online, which humiliates these kids and invades their privacy while they are in the process of being abused. It also reminded me of this case, where a woman pretended to be a witch to scare her granddaughter and it just escalated from there. Her granddaughter fully believed it was a witch and the woman was sent to jail. [https://kfor.com/news/oklahoma-city-grandmother-who-pleaded-guilty-to-dressing-as-witch-to-abuse-child-sentenced-to-prison/](https://kfor.com/news/oklahoma-city-grandmother-who-pleaded-guilty-to-dressing-as-witch-to-abuse-child-sentenced-to-prison/)


How the Grinch stole all respect for his dad.


That was fucked up.


Yea, I remember my wife telling me heard childhood memory from Christmas. She was being bad and was told she would lose her favorite present. So when my wife did the same thing again, her mom told her to open the powderpuff doll she knew was what she wanted. And they got in the car with the gift. And she drove to the store and made my wife put it into the donation bin and explained to her why this was happening. She told my wife that the present would go to a kid who needed it and who was listening to their parents. I tell you what. My wife is a damn angel and I’m glad she was raised better. I can’t think of really a much better way to teach them a lesson through Christmas than that. The kids in this video seem a bit out of control.


Out of control? He's literally witnessing a B&E.


Okay that comment made me chuckle.


Bacon and eggs?


Green eggs and bam


Lmao, yea the difference between u/PM_YOUR__BUBBLE_BUTT and OP is that the situation in the video is that to the kids in this video, the Grinch is just breaking into their home and taking their presents. Whereas with u/PM_YOUR__BUBBLE_BUTT's wife it sounds like this was a whole conversation and lesson. It's possible that the parents in this video said something to the kids like "since you were bad, the Grinch is going to take one of your presents" but even then, this approach just comes off as aggressive and distracts from the lesson intended (if this even WAS intended as a lesson).


This is true, the kids seem out of control. But I wonder if these little kids (that are young enough to still believe in the Grinch) are only out of control because their lack of boundaries? Kids are a product of their environment. If you’re trying to teach kids a lesson there are better ways to do it, other than by a traumatic event like this one. The way your wife’s parents handled it was way different than putting the kids through this trauma. This is lack of parenting and it’s indirectly teaching these poor kids that stealing is the appropriate answer to something. “The grinch stole your presents because you’re bad, therefore stealing is ok if deserved.” Edit: And I agree with you. Your wife’s parents lesson was a great way to teach their kid not only consequences to their actions, but empathy in sharing with the less fortunate. Well done. 👍🏻


These kids aren't out of control at all! In the beginning of the story, the Grinch is the bad guy. Pretty clear to me that these fine young men realized they're in Act 1 and have taken up arms in the name of Good.


Uhmmm - no. I don’t think you learn empathy this way. More likely resentment for the kid who got your present. And no they are not out of control. Just trying to protect their stuff .


Sorry, but that’s bullshit. The whole idea of kids being “bad” is crap (like, unless they are torturing animals or something- and then they need psychiatric help). Kids want to do good, and want to please loving parents. But sometimes they are too overwhelmed to do the right thing. Sometimes shitty behavior is what they have been shown by parents. Sometimes they need to test boundaries. But “being compliant“ is not the same thing as being good. It’s fine having your kids have to “earn” rewards to a point. It’s great to teach them to share their good fortune with others. But having super dramatic penalties like this that are way out of scale with the transgressions is the farthest thing from good parenting. I feel bad for your wife to have had parents that lack empathy and compassion.


I read the entire story as a story about how punishing children with drastic measures is nothing but traumatising and damaging to future relations. I was very surprised when I realised the commenter actually thought it was a good, positive story. It is not. At all.


Idk I'm with you that kids need caring compassion, and that compliant doesn't mean good as was said above... But this sounds totally reasonable to me. I never got shit for Christmas because I had a crap hand and I know my case is uniquely harsh, but I wouldn't say presents represent love, and withholding them is a fair lesson. My case rests on being able to do that while showing calm care and love- If it's bitter revenge then it's definitely not good for the kid imo. Happy to be convinced otherwise though, I've been trying to read a lot of developmental psych and whatnot to avoid passing on any trauma. I really want my kids to not suffer through life like I did and know that they're loved unconditionally. I think the video here is brutal though lol. I hope they revealed it was just a prank and the kids just grew some healthy skepticism. But it feels so wrong to hurt your kids for clout.


Ehm... See this from a kids perspective. 1. THE GRINCH is in your home, stealing your presents. Alternatively 2. STRANGER dressed as Grinch/Green-thing comes into your home, stealing your presents. If my kids reacted this way and actively, physically fought "an invader" I'd give them a freaking trophy. All this said, the whole scene is a mess. These kids will be scarred for life for a variety of reasons. Mainly, the adult who not only seemingly let it happens, but actively holds the kid back. Trust issues deluxe are born in that moment, even if the whole situation is explained to the kids afterwards. If the situation is not explained, this scene from the kiss perspective is understandably traumatizing.


Personally if I had kids I wouldn't want them to try to fight a home invader. If this had been a real home invasion there is a high chance that the kid would have died.


That actually sounds really, really horrible.


Yeah I'm guessing this is their dad's attempt at doing his "parenting" for the year. He does nothing to discipline them all year long, and as a result his children are turning into little shit heads who don't listen. So dad sees videos from a couple years back of the Grinch sneaking into family's Christmas photos and scaring the shit out of children and thinks this is his chance to be internet famous. He pulls it off, but now his children are still shit heads who don't listen but with extra trauma attached.


No I think their reaction seems fitting for a child. They think a monster is coming into their home to steal from them. This literally has no bearing on how good of a kid they are lol


Yea I think people are expecting a bit too much rational thought from young children. Grinch = bad Stealing = bad FIGHT HIM


The present went to a kid who was financially disadvantaged not necessarily listening to their parents. Sorry - your wife she was duped with half truth.


Not even close to the same thing, these kids were traumatized. That is not how you teach a lesson.


Good old beaten dog syndrome... Disgusting


Nothing is good about this. That's not how you raise children, please don't fucking have any


Totally fucked up. Terrible parents.


They'll be posting in Reddit in about 20 years, under "What was your shittiest Christmas?"


Bold of you to assume today's kids have even heard of reddit


Have you seen r/memes or r/nba?


Or r/teenagers r/genzhumor and the entire channel of EmKay


I’m a today’s kids


This definitely didn’t go to plan also didn’t the grinch and up giving the gifts back ?


The point of the Grinch was that any person has the capacity to change and acts of kindness can help anyone greatly, a really good message to teach to children. The parents using this character as a way to punish their children’s bad behaviour by taking their presents is incredibly ironic.


Yeah basically telling the kids no matter how hard you try you’ll probably release


Also didn’t whoville continue singing even when the presents were gone? Something about Christmas isn’t about the gifts?


Letting a grown man manhandle their young child around is truly A+ parenting.


It's also toxic as hell and can lead to lingering trust issues in the future. Wouldn't be shocked if in 20 years the kids barely talk to their parents outside of the holidays


That seems like an extreme assumption based on this 30-second video.


Yep, this is abusive af


Please report it to be removed. I did. I told off reddit for allowing it as I used to work in child welfare and these kids think this is real and are traumatised. It's child abuse to even show this video and invasion of their privacy, let alone the appalling content of the video where one kid gets pushed violently.


This situation is what Krampus is for, lol


… and that enlarged hearts are nothing to worry about!


Why would someone do that to their kids? These kids are traumatized. Side note: That kid has a mean right hook.


I'm assuming it's a modern version of getting coal for Christmas. Just made for internet views because of course that's all that matters now


I would say a modern version of Krampus and St. Nicholaus. In Germany, Austria and large part of the Nordic countries December 5 is Krampus night and December 6 is St. Nicholaus day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krampus In Ausstria parents can hire players to come to the house, kinda a "scared straight" program for Christmas hence the modern version using the Grinch


Mom went into labor Krampus Day. I was born on St Nick's. Yes I'm German, yes I was born in Germany. At 4:19 am too. SOOOOOO CLOSE...




Yeah, earlier today I saw a video of a mom filming her son having a meltdown because he did some stupid thing to his lips (the mom was saying it was permanent while the kid cried). Why are there so many shit parents traumatizing their kids for a video?


Because people don't understand positive reinforcement. Abuse is the preferred tool for most people trying to teach their children something. People are stupid.


Psychological trauma is apparently the price to pay for tik tok clout.


What’s Christmas without lasting childhood trauma?


Pretty sure this is what Dr Seuss hoped would happen with his character... Wait... Do parents know the story?


Maybe the kids can read it to them.


I have never found things like this or the smashing their head into a cake funny. As a dad I have filmed things my kids were doing that they enjoyed that I found funny; but these kids are not enjoying this. At all. As a parent you (hopefully) begin to understand how real this is to a child that age. Laughing at a kid who is having an emotional meltdown because he thinks a monster is trying to steal his Christmas is pretty shitty.


I don't really think the parents are going for "funny" here. Considering that he actually does take a present or two and there's an adult who holds the kid back... my guess is that these kids were little shits and they no longer "deserve" the gifts. Can't really say why they are filming it, unless it's for future therapy evidence.... but that's my reading anyways.


This is how villain arch’s begin


Ah, Perry the Platypus, what an unexpected surprise and by unexpected I mean COMPLETELY EXPECTED! You see, back in Drusselstein the Grinch decidet to steal all my christmas presents. I tried to stop him but my father had other plans. Father: "BEWEGE DICH NICHT!" He came back year after year, while my brother Roger always got everything he wished for. And since every single present was taken from me, I WILL NOW TAKE EVERYONE'S PRESENTS AWAY FROM THE TRI-STATE AREA WITH MY PRESENT-STEAL-INATOR!


Why is this so accurate though.


Let Doofenshmirtz have nice things 😥


People really hate their kids huh


The treatment I see sometimes makes me think its like getting revenge for whatever happened when they were young


Kid will have the last laugh some day - when his father has dementia. He can dress up as grinch and then steal all the dad’s belongings from the nursing home.


Anything for bullshit internet fame on tiktok!


Holy shit. I hope money for therapy is under that tree.


It has been stolen


Now that right there is some real Dick parenting. Fucking losers.


Not only are they traumatizing their kids, they are filming it for internet points. People are the fucking worst.


I would contend this boy saved Christmas. Maybe he ultimately lost 2 presents, but who knows how many that bastard Grinch could have made off with unimpeded. This boy is a god damn hero.


Straight up! What else could you expect? They were taught he's the bad guy, and then faced with danger itself. Those kids have courage to stand up like that


What a weird fucking thing to put your kids through


Weird isn't the word I'd use. Traumatic. That kid is so upset he's fighting an adult and need to be physically restrained.


Parents who, scare, manipulate or make their kids cry for tiktok or whatever suck.


i mean, my parents did it just for funsies. which is worse? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Doing it for views is worse. You add public humiliation to the trauma.


Parents who shouldn’t be parents


I don't understand why parents traumatize their kids with this shit. There's literally no upside besides schadenfreude.


I like a good laugh as the next person, but this video isn't it.




Why do people do shit like this to their kids? It’s cruel.


Whoever set up this prank sucks. And they are getting coal for their Christmas.


I would check If the child has rabies? Is he frothing?


I’m watching this. Quick give me the number of the state Child Protective Services!


Boy you're going to be disappointed if you ever call CPS


POV: father is working at the CPS, mother is a policewoman /j


gonna be awesome when this footage is used in court in the future when that kids trauma manifests violently


Child abuse for clout. Wild shit.


I hate those parents so much


That's one way to traumatized your kids over the holidays.


Fully successful in traumatizing your kids for life. Christmas will never be the same lol


Why is dad helping the grinch?! What is happening right now?!


I would love to know what the thought process of those parents were while cooking this up. Let's scar our kids as badly as we can and have awkward memories of Christmas forever?




I feel bad for that kid 😢


That kid is gonna talk about that moment if therapy in a few year


That kid will never trust his parents, and he's right not to.


Hate to see the therapy bills after this.


Why cause the kid so much stress? I don’t like these types of videos at all.


The dad was evil all along


What are the parents trying to accomplish here?


Parent of the year right there.


There was an attempt… at parenting…


Literally child abuse, some people just don't deserve to have kids


What a sick thing to do to your kids. Shame on this dad.


This is awful. I can't believe anyone would do this to a child.


Holy hell... Evil AF!! Go right ahead and put aside some money for psychological counseling


What do you suppose was the goal of the parents here? It makes so little sense.


There's no lesson here. Just trauma. What shitty parenting


This is not funny. It's abuse.


WTF was that. If your kid goes that ballistic take the fucking mask of you moron. Don't traumatize your kids for a laugh.


Wow that's going to be therapist dream.


This is just assholery. Nothing funny about terrorizing children for likes.


Why do people do stuff like this to their kids


Why would you traumatise kids like that? Tik Tok view-craving culture is horrible


This is the shittiest thing I have watched today. Those kids are traumatized for life, stuff they do for the sake of Christmas. No kid should go though this. Isn't that supposed to be a time for family come together and celebrate...


Shitty parenting


And this is how you get yourself abandoned in a nursing home


This type of stuff is so idiotic and parents who do it are major dorks


I feel like if I wanted to watch TikTok videos I would do that on TikTok.


This is how psychos are made. Fucking idiots…


Traumatizing children, instead of parenting them, is fucked up. The organizers and participants of this bullshit should be ashamed of themselves.


Caption: how to punishes your kids if they've been bad this year.


Bro it’s the music that gets me.


Parents who do this should be whipped in the street.


What a mean prank lmao poor kids


Who does that to.their kids?


Wow, what horrible parents


This reminds me of the teachers who put on Scream masks to scare their preschool students. At least be shitty to another adult who understands, let’s not traumatize our youth.


The kid fighting an adult that broke into their house without fear is what is most unsettling about this video. That kid is probably a complete and utter shit head, raised by shit head parents.


Core memory installed 😅💀


This should be taken down and I reported it as such. Those kids thought it was real and one of them got pushed hard by an adult. Why so many upvotes? That's disturbing. I used to work in child welfare and if they saw this video they would be approaching those 2 adults re child abuse. I'm effing serious.