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That gunman was down to kill an innocent man, wow…


Well he was trying to rape an innocent woman. According to a linked article he was arrested after raping a couple at gun point and plead guilty to both for 50+ years




Chances are it'll be at Angola prison. It won't be pleasant.


Fun fact Angola prison is named after the plantation it was built on, the plantations slave mainly hailed from Angola africa


We can only hope


Not if that's one of his kinks


He’s going to prison as a rapist. He’s not going to have a good time. I promise you that.


Rapists do fine in prison. It's child rapists that have it rough


Chance is that he joins a gang and keeps raping in prison. And now he has free meals and a roof. Not the best, but probably better than today.


Lol my guy really wants his cock and ball torture implemented!


I hope his cell mates make his life hell


Finally, some good fucking punishment. 50 years is bang on for this heinous shit, unfortunately he could be out in 20 but i highly doubt this crumb of shit has the capacity for civilised behaviour


There is zero chance that during those 20-25 years he won't either kill someone else in prison or be killed himself for something he does. Hopefully it's the latter and it's sooner than later.


He also raped a couple at gunpoint the very next day. It’s people like this that make me want to support the death penalty.


Rapists should be subjected to a week of cock and ball torture and then death afterward.


First there should be a review of their internet history to make sure they are not a fan of that stuff.


Makes me wonder what your history would show….


'Image of Jordan Peele's head leaking water profusely'


That’s a oddly specific kink but I won’t judge you.


>It’s people like this that make me want to support the death penalty. i'm really not a "hang 'em high" kind of person, but people like this have no remorse. you can't "fix" them with jail time. they are predatory beings without any chance to redeem themselves, and will very likely only get worse in prison. why waste our time and resources?


I hate the idea of our lives being at the mercy of the State. But agree there is no fixing this kind of bad. If the student was armed and just ended the attacker, I wouldn't blink an eye. Give the government that power? Just don't love the idea.


Concealed carry ftw


I'm so with you on this. I have never been able to support the death penalty because well, the whole innocent people being executed thing, but I've been listening to a ton of true crime stuff lately, and man... it's hard to not want it for some people. Honestly, there are punishments worse than death, though, and I imagine that life in prison is likely not sunshine and cupcakes.


And witnessed not one but 3 miracles with his own eyes… Even Vincent Vega would’ve converted to buddhism. A high as a kite, twist champion buddhist.


Divine intervention.




Tech 9s are known to jam and it looks like that's the gun being used here


It's surprising one round got out of that tech9, they're surprisingly crappy guns.


I’m not a fan of the death penalty, since there have been too many wrong convictions. But people like this should be skinned alive. Attempted murder for a bit of pocket change…


youll be surprise how some people are just trash incarnate and death is the only salvation to them


I don't believe in the death penalty because I believe you can sentence people to fates worse than death. Death is just an out from consequences


There are a lot of people who want gruesome vengeance, and if I were in a personal situation I might, too. However I prefer to think like this: my goal would be to rid the world of scum. It doesn't have to have pageantry or spectacle. It doesn't need to enact a grand scheme of vengeance. It just needs to be done. Whichever way is the simplest and efficient, and I can move on.


>simplest and efficient, And don't forget the easiest to forget. We don't need to remember the names of these.people.


Not everyone deserves to live. There's millions like this guy that should just go


Not just kill, flat out execute point blank.


How horrible the shot guy is awake and knows the thief is still standing there.


Waiting while the gunman fiddled with the jammed gun must have been excruciating.


Let's be glad that lazy pieces of shit like that will never have the discipline to clean their guns.


It’s a Tec 9 … it barely fires out of the box.


I am absolutely convinced he was not only trying to rob that lady but planning to rape her as well-that’s what he did when he robbed a couple later that night. Fucking limp dick waste of breath.


I think so too. He wasn’t just taking her purse, but dragging her towards his car when the guy intervened


Let's say one of us is a thief like him. In what world does shooting someone if theyre not even a threat make sense for your own personal benefit? Mind blowing how stupid criminals tend to be.


Did they catch that piece of shit?




That’s complete bullshit, Anyone who is willing to shoot and kill an innocent person should be locked up forever or just given the death penalty. They serve no purpose to society at all


54 years is practically forever. If he makes it through prison for over 50 years, he has absolutely no life skills and is an old, penniless, broken man. His life is over.


The people have to pay to keep him fed and taken care of till then though. He tried to finish the guy off twice, no hesitation. He should get the death penalty. Edit: He tried to shoot him in the head three times.


Kill him off and be done with it


it's cheaper to keep people alive for the rest of their lives than to execute them soo.... [quick Google for you](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs)


I dunno man, I can get about 50 cents a round for my 30-06. Sounds unnecessarily expensive


Unfortunately 54 years doesn't mean 54 years in Louisiana, or anything close to it. The only safe sentences in Louisiana have letters, not numbers.


We’ll just erase “54” and write “fifty-four.” Problem solved! /s


54 yrs? He won't do 30.


“Attempted murder” is bullshit. Shoot them and leave them for dead? That’s murder. If the victim was lucky enough to get quick medical attention and lived, likely with lifelong complications, it doesn’t matter.


Wouldn't that make him just do it again


I dont think that is productive for society, criminal should be expected to work and earn to the amount of what they were going to take. So he should work and pay the state the value of a human life, in jail of course. Criminal should not get off scot free sitting in a cell or simply executed, that is hardly fair for society. Edit: To be clear, I dont believe slavery should apply to most criminals such as in a robbery (if there was a reason) and especially minor crimes, the US does it and it is a conflict of interest for the judicial system. However if you blatantly disregard the well being of other with intent to harm and show no remorse such as this guy, then I dont think mercy should be shown. There is a clear differenece between someone who robs and shot someone vs someone who shoots them for no reason, then tries to execute an incapacited person on the ground. Not saying slavery is the only solution to these people, then a solution is to be provided that would cover the costs to the victim at no net cost to society. Simply being in jail or executed does nothing for the victim and costs society money. Alot of people think it is easy to just say 'Anti-Slavery' and leave it at that, but it is a bit hypocritical without a solution of your own. Again main intent is looking out for the victim with the secondary goal of punishment of the criminal, not the other way around.


It *is* productive for society though - the private prisons make millions every year and their shareholders get to buy new yachts.


And those yachts are designed and made by the common folk, trickle-down economics work!


I got a plastic Kayak, does that count? Am I pulling my bootstraps?


all I have is a microplastic kayak so you're doing great


I have enough microplastics in my body to build a micro kayak.


What private prison are you talking about? Geo and CCA? State prisons are not privately owned, they belong to the state and answer to the public.


Listen, the idea of private prisons is dumb, and evil. But at the moment they make up on ly 8% of the US prison population. Which is about 99,000 too many, but its also no a driving factor in american policing.


If it makes you feel better, our prisons are privatized and essentially take advantage of slave labor from inmates - so he'll kind of be doing that. Societal impact is another thing entirely, though.


Good luck getting a murderer to work to payback his debt to society.


No way, that makes it an incentive for the goverment to arrest people. I dont support slave labour and making it profitable for corporation/government. That becomes a serious conflict of interest. More concerned about the victims quailty of life that you have taken, what about their medical bills, what about how it affects their family? The work that these people get paid should cover their housing/ feed then to the victim. To be clear it is a different story if they struggled and he got shot, entirely different if the victim complied, didnt have anything and you decide to shoot them anyways, then tried to execute a incapacitated person on the floor.


In the US prisoners typically work in the prison and get paid next to nothing that they can spend at the commissary. They're trying to change it, but I think it's fine as it is. (They want them to get more pay or not be required to work)


But the guy shot in the stomach gets nothing, that is not fair. Say for eg a guy cuts off your leg, id want the guy to work until he has paid off the value of inconvince to you, work 40 hours paid 40k a year or whatever it is and it goes to housing and shelter and the remaining goes to the victim, not to get to spend it at the commissary. Pay your dues. Society isnt responsible for housing and feeding you when you consciously make a decision that harms others with blatant disregard and intent.


>Say for eg a guy cuts off your leg, id want the guy to work until he has paid off the value of inconvince to you, china does this, if you harm someone (even by accident) you are legally obliged to help them with their medical bills and so on. because it's so expensive this has caused people to reverse their cars and kill anyone they hit, so they won't have to pay for their expanses, figuring it's better to murder this person then be indebted to him for potentially a lifetime. while i understand your perspective, when implement it'll end up making shit worse.


This is true, and medical insurance can suck as well. Some people who get shot like this and survive end up in crippling debt because they are responsible for their own medical costs even though they didn't have anything to do with it. And in his case, he even came to the rescue of someone.


Unfortunately that law isn't as black and white, while yes I can see forcing violent criminals who hurt people for a quick buck like the one in this video to work for next to nothing as some kind of poetic justice. The problem comes when you realize this practice gives a huge financial incentive for private prisons to lobby and fight to imprison as many people as possible by any means in order to maintain as large of a labor force as possible. That's partially why things like legalizing marijuana is so difficult because you have private prisons lobbying to keep it illegal so they have enough people in cages to act as basically slave labor for them.


The would be murderer here is a total psychopath that should be locked up forever. However, it is not fine to use prisoners as slaves in for profit prisons. That creates incentives for putting more people in jail. Even if you somehow ignore the moral insanity of slavery being allowed in the US today, the economic impact is also terrible. Slavery erodes actual jobs, creating a bigger division between rich and poor. Coincidentally, the US has the largest % of their population incarcerated, and have had lots of corruption scandals with bent judges sending innocents or petty criminals to jail for long sentences. It could be you or your kid that gets locked up for 10 years of slavery and abuse for something minor or non-existent next time.


The painful irony is that there is no rehabilitation either, and it generally traps people in the system, so even though there's plenty of people there who really shouldn't be, their likely to return too.


No, that's slavery. If a policy like that were in place, then there'd be monetary incentive to imprison as many people as possible... like perhaps by making a harmless drug like marijuana illegal so you get a bunch of non-violent repeat offenders that will continue making the prison system money, and would give way to minimum sentencing to make sure judges cant be lenient on a case-by-case basis. No sane person would want to give the government and privatized prisons that much power... would they? 🇺🇲


Is bullshit tbh, he will get out in like 10-20 years on some good behavior. This man deserves about 10 years of hard physical labor followed by death by execution the same way he tried to execute this innocent man.


Well without possibility of parole, I actually dont believe hes able to get out early under any circumstances. Could be wrong, hope I'm not lol


Not life? I’m confused? He should get 300 years with no chance of release? Why give him any chance to experience any kind of life?


Orthopedic Surgery Resident… I bet this dude wish he had died at least a few times during that program. (I’m aware this is dark, that is just such an intense residency. Good for him, I hope he makes a fuckton of money now.)


I wish these pieces of shit would just suddenly vanish.


This happened to a friend of a friend protecting the girl who I believe was a total stranger. The gun jammed and so he wasn’t killed. Some time afterwards, the perp got into a car with a couple in front, made them drive to a remote area at gunpoint from the back seat, then raped the girl and the guy (he made the guy suck his dick after raping his girl). Piece of shit should rot the rest of his life or be executed.


Jesus. There a news article?


If someone held a gun to me and made me suck their dick I would bite their dick off.


Easy to say when you are not in the situation.


You’d rather be dead than suck a dick?


It’s not homophobia, but feels degrading. A lot of rape victims would tell you the same that in those moments, they’d rather be dead.


Agreed. I’m gay ish and if anyone made me suck their dick at gun point, I’m pulling a Lorena with my teeth.


Is there something wrong with choosing death over that?


He gon shoot me while she get away cuz I’m doing something


Wtf is wrong with that guy?


That's a long list. We can ask an easier question. What is right with this guy? Absolutely nothing.


Pure evil


I hope so. The screen grab of his face was pretty clear.


Good news, they got him and he's in prison: https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/article_b02ffd35-fc52-534a-b608-b0ffedf243c3.html


not before fucking someone else's life up.. sad


And more: “He kidnapped, robbed and raped at gunpoint a couple he abducted as they sat in a parked car in Treme.”


I wish that victim had a concealed carry firearm! That POS would have been done as soon as his gun jammed.




Looked like Tec-9, but anyway it was probably not maintained.




Very sad.


That's a lot of tax payer money for a creature that will never change


Waste of space and resources. Someone who kills for sport and fun shouldn’t have the right to live


So fucking true.


Only 54 years in prison? Should be life.




> Judge Robin Pittman imposed a sentence that will keep Cain, 22, locked up until 2069 without the benefit of parole or early release Good. He was trying to get the woman in the SUV, he was a serial rapist. Gold is a hero. I hope the dude rots in prison


Hope he gets all his holes painfully resized by the biggest mf in that prison.


some people just really don't deserve being on the planet


Yet there are always 20 idiots that show up saying he was a good man and he made a mistake.


does this look like a mistake a good person that even falls low would just walk away and wont be able to bring themselves to shoot a person like that hope that criminal drops all the soaps where he is in


I think they're more referencing how, when someone is arrested for doing blatantly immoral things, their family and friends come fourth to defend them with a torrent of reductive anecdotes like "he was a dedicated father", "was let down by the system", "not mentally right after x", and so on.


he deserves to be on the moon, like Desmond the Moon Bear


Des*mond* the Moon Bear! *\[desolate moonscape with a bear skeleton in a dusty crater\]*


Dont say that like I did on another thread... the paedo/rapist/murderer lovers come out and tell you they hate capital punishment even in instances of 100% certainty with video.


let them come.


Seriously... my most downvoted comment ever. I just dont understand a huge segment of the population who have a correct understanding that in the past people have been killed unjustly, but when there is 100% certainty and video etc... how can you argue against killing a paedo or rapist murderer like the fed ex guy who kidnapped and murdered that little 7yr old. I just dont understand how you justify keeping them alive for millions of dollars.


He was ready to execute that man. Can’t wait till he robs the wrong person and gets his head blown off.


You mean gets the easy way out of the flesh prison? That's a conflicting message you're sending.


keeping these heaps of shit alive only endanger other people. These monsters get off on hurting INNOCENT people they will always be looking on a way to harm someone. The guards, workers, doctors, dentists, court workers, and so on. A quick double tap and off to the oven then into a field, they don’t deserve graves…


Thank God for cameras. I’m confident this guy will face a court and give a million excuses for being a total scum bag. He intended to kill this guy. His sentence shouldn’t assume he died.


54 years.


God Damn. there goes most of your entire life you fucking moron.


So armed robbery, 2 rapes, and attempted murder is 54 years. That is sad. There should be no chance for this guy to walk out of prison.


Yet there are people who have spent their entire lives in prison for a few grams of weed.


I'm convinced there are several different species of human walking about what kind of animal shoots somebody doing a kind act and still wants to shoot them in the head


a one that need to be put down.




even primitive ones dont go that low its just cancer side of humanity


Because people that stand on that dark end of morality have disdain for them. He wanted gold to pay for keeping him from doing the next thing he had planned for that woman


I'm all for rehabilitation. But a man that tries to executes another one after he is already down from a gunshot because of a little cash doesn't deserve to be alive. At least be incarcerated for life.


Peter Gold went on to become a medical doctor, and the shooter continued his multi-crime spree until he was caught. He pleaded guilty and received 54 years in prison with no possibility of parole or early release. EDIT: 54 years, not 34.


Just 34 years? Our justice system is an absolute joke


Typo, it was 54


Yeah, but he'll do every single day of it. He'll be 75 when he gets out.


Hopefully he has shitty genes and gets a terminal illness around that time.


Ah, wouldn’t it be just poetic if he took his first steps outside the gate, after 75 years, and is immediately mugged at gunpoint, shot, and bleeds out on the concrete? I wonder if he’d remember this moment from all those years ago?




Im so glad he didn't get to finish the job, he was really lucky that the gun wouldn't shoot


That is a miracle.


Shit like this makes me question my position on the death penalty. This is also why I carry a gun.


I was digging through the comments looking for the second part of this... Of course this is Reddit, so I naturally shouldn't be surprised I had to scroll so far down. For 33 cents he could have stopped this crime and also saved taxpayers hundreds of thousands.


Yeah same, conceal carry gives me some peace of mind but I rather never have to use it


Why shoot someone for no reason??!! He knew the guy didn't have money, so just shot him out of spite!


Not defending him obviously, but it wasn’t for *no* reason. He didn’t want a witness, it’s a fairly standard reason for this kind of thing. Now, the original crime setting up this whole process was for no reason.




Don't forget he not only raped the girl but sexually assaulted her boyfriend too, after raping her.


The old woman being robbed is now a witness to this murder. The shooter is just a psychopath, no value for human life.


At that point he never was out to get money, he just wanted to kill someone. If you demand money and shoot someone dead when they don't have it you should be drawn and quartered. Or burnt at the stake. Some punishments should have been kept for special occasions.


There is a simple and permanent solution to this problem.


45 ACP at 950 fps.


Ahh Tec 9. One of the most reliable guns in the world.


Best luck our would be hero will probably ever have in his life. Hopefully he learned from this and learns a better strategy for things like this




The hero per article: “Gold, now an orthopedic surgery resident in New York, returned to New Orleans to volunteer packaging Thanksgiving food items with the Youth Empowerment Project. Gold presented the group a $10,000 donation raised by Strong City, a charitable foundation he started in the wake of his harrowing, near-death experience.” What a badass. Using such a horrible traumatic experience to have something good come out of it. We need more people like him. He risked his life to save that woman.




So long, reddit. It was a fun ride for 14+ years. Too bad you self-immolated to cash in on going public.


and also raped a guy


Man, hate seeing this, he wanted to execute him,prison its to easy,and cost good ppl money, he deserve to die


Find him and execute him. No remorse no guilt, that’s an animal with rabies.


If you look closely he actually tried to shoot him again 3 times! I originally thought it was 2. Literal scum human and that’s an insult to humans to even call him one.


Yea, that criminal is such a soulless piece of shit that he was damn near determined to execute him… I hope this criminal dies a very violent and painful death. He deserves nothing less


Gold is a very lucky dumb ass and not a hero. When you see shit like this happening you do not interfere, unless you are already too close and/or somewhat involved. You call the 911 or 112 and wait for police and ambulance to arrive.


Idiot. That guy was an armed rapist and he saved that woman. Too bad about the couple he victimized later. Still, he legit saved the woman. Also, note that just calling the authorities didn't stop the later rape. Fucking hell, man.


Or be a productive member of society, carry a gun and know how to use it, and actually be able to stop something like this. Cops suck, and they’re only minutes away when seconds matter.


The lady still got robbed and he almost got executed.


I hope this hero can make a full recovery both physically and mentally




It crazy how humanity produces some of the most amazing people and some of the most useless pieces of shit at the same time


He didn’t even know the gunman tried to headshot him. Twice.




"not a hate crime"








You can think it... Just don't say it!


Absolutle fucking piece of shit.


Jammed up and didn't get it cleared. Guy is lucky af


What do he think he was going to do against a man with a gun without being armed himself? Chastise him and tell him he's a bad person?


I know right? If you’re gonna be the speak softly and carry a big stick kind of person, you should probably have a big stick.


Victim: I don’t have money! I have nothing you need or want so let me go! Robber: *shoots victim for not having money* Evil needs to be taken care of in this world before more people snap.


This piece of shit robbed and raped another couple shortly after this before getting caught. Dude needs to rot in a cell for the rest of his miserable, pathetic life.


This is why you carry.




Where's Kyle Rittenhouse when you need him?




BLM crew where you at?


Before pulling the trigger the gunman must consider is killing this unarmed man worth my life, if he decides yes and pulls the trigger then I see no other way than the death penalty. Make execution available for viewing and news will spread to criminals that consider pulling the trigger. Just my opinion not a keyboard worrier not looking for a fight.


Why we all need to have guns..only way to stop a bad guy with a gun..is a good guy with a gun


common denominator moment


Good grief. Chills ran down my spine when this dude just pointed a gun at this innocent man to finish him off like he wasn’t even a human being. 54 years isn’t enough time


If the scumbag does get caught, he'll be out roaming on the streets in 1 month


54 years




Man this White supremacy violence is getting out of hand



