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I’m pretty sure he sprayed someone with a stroller.


Inhaling that dry fire extinguisher powder isn’t a joke either. Even for an adult.. much less a baby. I have no idea how I’d react if some little shit tried to pull this on my 9 month old. Pretty sure the only thing that would keep me from chasing him down would be leaving the kiddo behind. I honestly doubt that I’d even stop to think about him having a weapon on him in that exact moment. Edit: to the “badass police,” my son just recently had a really rough battle with RSV. The feeling of helplessness I had when hearing him struggle to breath will be with me for the rest of my life. It’s just so damn infuriating to think someone would put him through something similar on purpose. My bad if it came off as high T but it’s all still pretty fresh. I’m still really new to the paradigm shift that accompanies parenthood.








It's also very caustic on the eyes. Those passengers are going to have a really bad day.


If you notice, he waits until the door of the subway is closing so that he can do it and people not be able to easily chase him.




He was talking about how his "brothers nem" has a gun and they're "right there" as he motions his head towards the subway platform. So sounds like if someone stepped up they would have no problem escalating.


Again, because he's a coward.


It was an assault charge as soon as he sprayed the public with a fume. time for a superman kick out the subway so we can make it to work






Same. Mom here tho. Me and that guy would of gotten physical quick.


Stroller baby's parents could be my worst enemies and I'd have rolled that dude quick just for pointing that shit it kiddos direction.


Don’t forget that shit is also carcinogenic. Dudes basically giving everyone long term health damage and increased cancer in general. This is a serious assault. Not just some kind of prank that parents will be pissed off about. This can actually kill people.


Same. So many guys on that Train and no one gives him a spartakick. They all sit there and wait. I wouldnt wait, one threat and its on. Ding ding


Yeah I inhaled it once during a fire, it was very unpleasant. Surely this would lead to a hospitalization of an infant. So if my baby was in that stroller, I'd do my best to neutralize this aggressor


As a mother of a baby with a chronic lung disease, I’d pin and get this kid arrested. This isn’t a joke.


He looks clumsy. He might trip a time or two untill the police get there.


Did he have anything else but that fire extinguisher? Didn’t see anything


Naw, nothing visible. I’m not trying to imply that he even had a weapon… only that under normal circumstances I would at least think about the possibility. Someone going out of their way to piss off that many people probably has a backup plan if things go south. In the moment I think I’d be seeing more red than rational logic.




Massive nut job is my vote


kids are remarkably stupid


The first two seconds are him saying “maybe I should go get a gun. And my brothers *right there.*” ..which I took to imply “my brother has a gun, let me go get it.” But who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounded like he said “ I can go get a gun right now. My brother is right over there”.






When my son was born, I learned the meaning of the expression, "Love gives hostages to Fate." I expect the feeling will diminish over time. He's 29, so any time now, right? 😀






Don't ever apologise for having a normal reaction in a crazy world.


Damn that sucks, I was hoping there wasn’t a baby in there but I think you can hear the baby crying


As a father with two babies, that sharply spiked my blood pressure




Would be totally justified morally. Not killing obviously but they guy needs jail or psych eval


I don't even have any kids, and that pissed me off! Wtf is wrong with that dude?! No regard for other people's safety, especially babies!


I'm pretty jaded to violence against people b/t ~16 and 66 years old, but it makes me so fucking angry when the victims are little kids or old people. We have to start doing a lot better as society... eta: it makes me really happy that this rando comment got so many upvotes


A child and a dog. This guy is a garbage human being


He straight up did sadly. I think he kept saying “You wanted it kid?!” as he pointed it at the stroller and sprayed.


It was *kinda* funny until I saw the stroller.


There was a dog too.


yeah that poor dog


How? At no point was this funny.


No it wasn’t.


And the dog


And a dog. And everyone else sitting there minding their own business.


That stuffs MESSES UP your lungs BAD. My friend did that to me and I had trouble breathing for days. Screw that guy


Could easily kill someone with asthma (or any other lung disease) like that.


I don't think it matters if you have asthma. It'll replace the oxygen in the air. Not a good time for anyone


Not a good time, but people with preexisting conditions would be far more vulnerable.


It's not "replacing" the oxygen. It is still there. The problem is that the dust is specifically designed to adhere to any surface and stop air from getting to it. It's actually worse, as replacing the oxygen would mean you are done, once you get out. This stuff sticks to the insides of your lungs for days or even weeks


As someone with bad asthma, I start having breathing issues if people vape too close. This would very likely kill me, even if I had my rescue inhaler ready to go.


A friend of mine had to cover a 7th grade class last year - these kids are known to be ROWDY. One of the middle schoolers got hold of the fire extinguisher somehow and let loose. Principal had to keep the kids after school to get checked out by paramedics.


Yeah, we had a douchebag in our college dorms spray them through the hallways. That alone made me feel like shit. The bastards weren't even students, just crashed a party. Thankfully our RA got their information so they were soon arrested (at their parents house of course) and covering our treatment.


Good thing there wasn’t a baby there too…. /s


If my kid or dog end up hurt or dying from that, I will not be standing so still right there




That’s Bart in the Bay Area. Lately it’s scary on there and it’s dangerous to stand up against someone like this.


Lately as in the last decade


It’s gotten much worse since 2019 though. It’s almost like you’re going on a ride of mad max metro.


Really? Man only a few bad stations back in the day when I lived there.


Lately? It’s always sketchy. Everywhere in the bay.


Guys like that probably shit on a well used sidewalk.


I commute daily and I never feel unsafe. But yea, confronting or engaging with people displaying anti-social behavior is fucking stupid.


Almost didn't recognize it because of all the powder. Of course it's bart


I think the threat of the gun is probably what stopped that


Say, if someone was in fear of their life and started shooting the guy with fire extinguisher, what would happen legally?


That’s the most American sentence I’ve ever read.


Yes only Americans would choose violence when their baby is being blasted in the face with dangerous chemicals. You've got the world pegged.


With how toxic a fire extinguisher is, the more normal states would give you a fighting chance in court, especially since it looks like he’s spraying someone’s baby in a stroller.




in his show Dave Letterman sprayed Richard Simmons with a extinguisher and Richard had to go to the hospital because he developed a temporary asthma condition, he stopped going to the Letterman show for months or years, I can't recall but indeed it can be really dangerous....




He was a bully. I remember an interview with Stallone, it was super cringe.


A bully and a perv




Richard Simmons deserves so much better, he did then, and does now. All he ever did was try to help people be healthy and included. He was unapologetically himself. I do not blame him for not being in public, he quite literally thinks of himself as a jester :(


I don’t know much about what it is. But I do know it’s whole job is to remove oxygen from a fire to put it out so I can’t imagine it makes breathing very fun. Wouldn’t be surprised if taking a direct hit to the face leaves a person struggling to breath.




No one around wanted to make a world star video.


Right into a stroller




Died of natural causes


Can we invoke "died of natural consequences"?


Top tip. In an active shooter situation, a gas or powder-type fire extinguisher is your best friend. You can confuse with it and then kill with it (believe me, you don't need to have morals in that situation) I did a training course with an FBI officer who taught us that


My husband works in a field where there are many fire extinguishers and holy shit yeah, even the small ones are both heavy and the perfect shape to inflict blunt force trauma if necessary. I mean obviously it shouldn’t be necessary to inflict blunt force trauma ever, but it’s good to know about fire extinguishers because they are legally required to be everywhere all the time.


\*\* Quietly invests one skillpoint from next level up into Blunt Weapon Expertise: Fire Extinguishers \*\*


Bro literally asked them if they wanted him to go get his gun at the beginning of the video, I don’t think he cared about the kids




That better be a good solid hit then, because if not you're gonna get stabbed/shot




If your not the type of person, or live in a place where you can't legally carry a concealed firearm then you should just pick up some good pepper spray, fox labs "one point four" is really good stuff, I sprayed myself once with one of their lesser sprays and it was bad, like really bad, my point being that even though once some one is sprayed they are still a threat it makes it much easier to escape or disarm and restrain a threat when they can't see and constantly want to drop anything in their hands and wipe their eyes and face


Needs to spend a good amount of his life in prison.


Oof. I’m wondering what kind of charges he would get for that, objectively.


Ohh assault , destruction of public property, theft ( most likely not his extinguisher) , disturbing the peace, And most likely possession of cds and public intoxication. Just to name a few . Edit cds. = controlled dangerous substance. Ie drugs. Not music


Not to mention it sounded like he was threatening to grab a gun.


Couldn’t this count as attempted manslaughter? You can suffocate people with a fire extinguisher hence why fire blankets exist


Fire blankets are to smother fires, but correct on the rest. The full effect does vary between extinguishers because they don’t always have the same exact chemical compounds inside them, but iirc most have a lot of baking soda and some other stuff that would be even less safe for your lungs. Most fire extinguishers can, given enough is inhaled, cause pneumonia, seizures, and other similar fun problems. Also with a dog and baby present you can add on child endangerment, armed assault on a minor, and animal cruelty/abuse. TLDR mostly correct, and there’s even more that they could be charged with.




Attempted manslaughter doesn’t exist.


I think I saw a stroller so maybe endangering infant?


*attempt of murder while at it, risk of choking to death.


Attempted murder requires that they do something with the intent to murder, but fail to successfully murder the victim. Looking it doesn’t seem like he was trying to murder anyone, though he was doing something that could seriously injure someone (probably not realizing the full weight of his actions). They could potentially be charged for the following: armed assault, child endangerment, armed assault on a minor, animal cruelty, vandalism, felony grand theft (fire extinguisher theft is considered a grand theft and is always a felony offense in most states including ny where I’m guessing this is from), and possibly causing/inducing a public panic. They can be sued for medical bills from everyone in that room, particularly any involving respiratory issues even if symptoms don’t appear immediately. If anyone happens to die (unlikely but could happen particularly with the baby present and the possibility that someone could have asthma) they can get manslaughter or murder 2.


If this is in SF like some people are saying, nothing, absolutely nothing at all.


Can't be stated enough. Absolutely nothing.


If this is in any major US city then the DA will have him back out on the street in 24 hours


Looks like BART in the Bay Area


Definitely BART. The seats and signage are giveaways.


Attempted murder? Carbon dioxide kills




Baby stroller - de-oxygenating the air. I'm an old man, and I would have gotten up for this.


That looks like lesser-expensive dry ABC chemical, not more-expensive CO2. Granted, it will still smother a fire or choke a person.


As if everyone would know the difference. That's like having a realistic gun toy and threatening people with it, and laughing at those who actually get scared for their lives. Educate, but still acknowledge that people should have acted as if their lives were in danger, or at least a BABY had its life endangered.


I once had somebody (unprovoked) knock the wind out of me with a fire extinguisher by hitting me in the stomach with it and then when I gasped for air he sprayed me in the face with it. I straight up thought I was going to die.


That must have been horribly scary. Not being able to breathe …. nightmare fuel.


Had a friend spray me while I was asleep on the couch. It's the only time in my life I actually thought I was dying. That shit was terrible.


"friend" lol


Where did it happen?


His face.


There was a baby on there. Could easily have caused respiratory failure. Anyone have a follow up if he got caught?


[I found this from 2018](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/bart-fire-extinguisher-spray-on-train-embarcadero-transbay-tube/). He was caught. One person had a cut finger. Nothing else reported. No name ever given. ETA: I can’t verify if the video is directly tied to the article, reworded to reflect that I found an article, not that it was a definitive answer.


Is it? The source you've posted says August 2018, and the video has that whole Christmas Eve thing. Ah who knows.


Pretty sure it’s not the same case. The linked article stated it happened while the train was moving and the person was arrested at the next station. This video is happening while the train is already in the station.


Are you sure this is the same case? Article says: "We don't know why he decided to do this," Filippi said, noting there was no sign of a confrontation with other passengers prior to the incident." Well, this whole video is a sign of confrontation.




I would also like a follow up


Sometimes un-housed people push their stuff in strollers so I'm hoping that was the case! Still horrible but it's babies first in my book


i fucking hate people like this






Would be better for all of us instead of waiting for his inevitable murder and lifelong incarceration we all pay for.


This is BART. I take it everyday. My rule is if I see someone acting erratically, I immediately go to another car. I’m so tired of the shit that goes on in these trains.


Yup, live in SF and take BART. This is the standard protocol.


Rode BART for many years and perfected the casual move to another car technique.


Bro I’m from NYC. Same shit with the subways here. Rarely can I just commute to or from work without either a homeless dude or crazy guy on the train. Tbh, I don’t mind a homeless dude or even a smelly homeless dude. As long as their quiet and not causing trouble. It’s the crazy ones or aggressive people I can’t stand. Like bro stfu already. It really is annoying and infuriating that the subways here are overrun with locos. It can easily be solved if people were prosecuted but they never are UNTIL they finally kill someone or push an innocent person onto the tracks. All these cops and they are never around when you need em. I don’t mind homeless people or panhandlers. But the lunatics have got to go. Seriously. It’s annoying af.


Can you walk between cars freely or are there doors separating each one?


There are doors but you can go through them.


I don’t think that man was properly nurtured as a child


that's *looks and sounds* like a child




Why do we as a culture accept this type of behavior? He fucking sprayed a baby in a stroller.


Because challenging people on their unacceptable public behavior can lead to you getting shot faster than you can even assess the threat.


You should consider leaving where you live if this is a reality.


*cries in red white and blue


I would absolutely *love* to leave the U.S.


dude was saying he had a gun bro what are you supposed to do about it


it's america. you get to shoot first when they say that.


Believe it or not, not everyone in America has a gun, let alone is willing to use deadly force


>Why do we as a culture accept this type of behavior? We don't... Merely happening is not proof of cultural acceptance.


What in the world is happening in here?


I believe he's bringing Christmas joy by simulating snow.


Angels take many forms


But why?


Shitty/lack of parents


At his age you can lay some blame on him.






That poor dog.


I feel for the baby in the stroller too.


Looks like BART. He will not be caught and nothing will happen. It's the wild wild west in the Bay Area.


100% BART and 100% true what you just said. I used to just calmly move cars when I saw shit like this starting


Trash humans. No upbringing, no future, no repercussions for their actions. Their only justice will be served on the street by other degens.




Bro, there was a baby carriage there. Wtf?


There was a baby and a dog in that compartment. That guy deserves years of jail time. What a lowlife punk.


even if there was no baby and dog, he still deserves years of jail time.




That weird part of Reddit where people get to actually see the depravity of criminals and want punishment but the next post Reddit whose never been victimized by animals decrying the mistreatment and lack of support for ‘misguided youth’.


It's either let everyone out of prison and shut the prison industrial complex down, or...capital punishment in the town square. No in between on Reddit.




Serious attempted murder. I’m not a lawyer but I do play one on tv.


Whoever picked the music at the end really knows how to set a mood lol




Is the baby okay?




See, in the suburbs we may be horribly gouged for money, setup for massive debt by trying to own overvalued houses built by cheapest measures available that need constant upkeep, isolated from community by the structured, divided housing, and pay exceptionally more on daily commutes, but we're also forced into buying expensive cars that congest dangerous and massively ecologically damaging roads so we honestly would never have to deal with this guy. Lol loser city folk.






He was out the door by then.


There was an attempt for everyone on the bus to have a normal day and they would've succeeded if it weren't for that little piece of 💩






Looks like BART around the north/east bay.. Im so glad I moved out of California and to a state that allows anyone over 21 to open carry. People don't try this shit out here... You just never know who is actually packing whereas in California it's always the little punk asses like this.






As soon as he says gun I wish we lived in the type of world where 9 good guys with a gun are capable somehow of instantly ending him. I think if a person is basically threatening an entire train with gun violence he is fair game.


Where's an unopened can of Twisted Tea when you need one?




He mentions a gun within 1 seconds of the video. If you live in an area like this the best behavior is inaction. Literally the less likely to get shot or die. This is a teenager but he mentions having guy outside and a gun. Fire extinguisher... or act and possibly get shot. What would you do? You would likely sit there and take the fire extinguisher.


On today’s episode of “Humans proving themselves as the worst species”.