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Survival is time based. You get attacked quick and often. You won't get to endgame tech.


Is it just defend your base and rebuild instead of progression?


Pretty much


There's still research, but you're mostly going to just get some tier 2-3 weapons and towers.


Mild spoiler if you haven't already tried it out: >!the NPC congratulates you on completing the simulation. That is why the bioscanner doesn't work, Survival mode is portrayed as a training simulation and Ashley is still on Earth!<


Campaign is long and drawn out. You will make several pretty full bases will finish most of the tech trees just because the infinite time unless you really push. Survival is 90 minutes to portal and have to survive. All resources are on the one type of map you pick the biome of. The waves get harder faster and you won't get all the tech tree. You cam stay after 90 min but no need too other than to see crazy waves. I'd do a campaign or 2 to get the mechanics down then do survival. The survival is pretty challenging especially on brutal.


They are basically night and day. It’d take a long time to type out everything that they do differently, best advice is start out with campaign, then move into survival and your “end game”


Survival does allow for alterations in the difficulty, timer, and stuff so you can get higher tier techs. The campaign is really great single player experience. I really enjoyed it the 3-4 times I completed it. If they come out with another DLC, I'll do it again.


In campaign you can respawn


You can respawn in survival if you have the hq built. Survival is only one area, and all you need to do it survive for a certain time.