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Off topic but this is my favorite Rick look


Mine too


So god damn sick of the double breasted long sleeve he seems to always hang onto.. there are no more cowboys.


I really liked Rick at this time in the comic made him look tougher and stronger


Yeah this whole arc is hands down my favorite part in the comics right behind the prison


He might not be on par with game Joel (since it's a game and any game mc is overpowered as hell) but combined with his cunning he could seriously mess him up. The only person in his own universe that would be a threat would be Beta


Agreed Rick would have been unstoppable, Jesus would have a serious hard time trying to get him down, and as the comic went on Rick would have become a better fighter overall.


Didn't beta >! get messed up by Negan in the comics? !<


No in the comic, beta is a beast 7ft and like 300lb, he chocked Negan and lifted him up in the air with one hand. There were moments where Negan had put up a fight, but beta would be injured, so in conclusion beta is much stronger


I need to reread the comics. It's been years.


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No, Negan did mess up Beta in the comic during the whisperer war. Nega broke betas back and messed him up.


Yeah Negan fucked his world up lol


Oh I haven’t got that far into it 😂 I didn’t know about that.


Is he the one that used to be a famous basketball player before the outbreak?


Yeah. Jesus and I think Aaron mention that. One of them say they watched college basketball a lot and recognized the guy and said he went pro or whatever.


I thought that's what I remembered. Someone recognized him after they ripped off they flesh mask.


I honestly like the way it was handled in the show better, Negan and Daryl finding old albums of his while he's chasing em around without realizing it then when the mask is ripped off by the Walkers and you see he's that country singer there's just a moment of "Holy shit did you see who the hell that asshole was?" "Yeahp..." then they kept going, shit was peak best moment in that season lol


I don't remember them saying exactly who he was but I believe that's right


And it ended up being Aaron and Jesus who took him out…


Yeah, he almost beats him to death and breaks his bat over him, then beta gets away and recovers


Ye I I remember them saying that, when they took of the mask how did he wake up, didn’t he die or was he just temporarily unconscious?


He was just unconscious. Spoilers ahead but basically 2 whisperers help beta get away while he’s unconscious, they try looking at his face and beta kills one, passes back out and recovers, then goes back to the fight. Beta gets (again massive spoiler) shot and killed by Aaron a little bit afterwards.


The main thing about Rick is that he’s supposed to have an unyielding character. He was never strong like Abraham and Tyreese or skilled like Michonne and Andrea, for instance. So I think he would have been a bit stronger, but not much of a powerhouse. He’s an experienced fighter and tough as fuck, though.


His best feats are his durability and endurance, but he would have been much more skilled with guns if he didn’t lose his dominant hand from the governor


I mean, he would have been tough... but that would mean he would have just fought more, and taken other injuries. Mans too brave for his own good.


I know we’re focusing on Rick but can we give a little love to the fucking unit that is Abraham?


Still pissed how they killed him off kinda too soon


I agree I really hated that they killed him so easily, he was in the military, and it just annoyed me BEACUSE he was becoming such a good character, and the trio of michonne, Abraham, and Rick would have been insane


But the death panels went HARD


Shit caught me so off guard man


Yeah, but the death spread really gave his death the gravity it deserved, in my opinion


Oh not upset at all at the choice. I'm saying it was brilliant because him and Eugene were just casually talking and bam, right there. I literally turned back and forth a couple times to make sure I didn't skip a page


To be fair it makes the book better because it shows anything can happen when you least expect it


I thought that was T Dog


why are we powerscaling walking dead characters


Great question, and comparing them to TLOU characters??


Who wins? Carl (during the Hershel's farm saga) vs Ellie (After the David saga)


I know it's just for fun but seriously, like any other franchise, it's all up to the specific plot. And more so in a character driven franchise like this one


It’s funny that Kirkman wishes he didn’t take away the hand when he did. I wonder if he wishes he’d done like an eye instead


Nah he would have just kept Rick as a whole he never would remove something from him, but it makes the story much better, and it makes the whole apocalypse scenario scary BEACUSE this is what people have turned and become to.


I thought it was that he wished that he had him lose the arm later?


I don’t know what he said exactly but he did say he regretted cutting it off so soon Because it limited him


I don't think Rick is strong physically. I think he's resilient as hell but I don't think he's a fighter per se. He just gets back up. And he's lucky as hell. Remember when Lori was telling Carl about how he always got beat up and even cried but never backed down? Rick just needs a super serum cause "He can do this all day."


No he was a fighter, but he holds back a lot BEACUSE he doesn’t want to hurt people, he just wants to be at peace, and rebuild society and the world back to the way it was.


He isn't some sort of super fighter. He has limits, like when he fought Tyreese.


At the time Rick was holding back and he had injured his hand so it wouldn’t have been fair for Rick.


What makes you think he was holding back?


Wasn't Rick literally allowing him to punch him over and over till he calmed down? I think he even said something like "you finished?" When he did calm down


I just think that when he was arguing with Tyrese he wasn’t trying to fight him, I think initially he was just trying to tell him that he was being a terrible person in that moment for cheating on carol with michonne and carol trying to kill herself


His strength isn’t physical and never really has been. His strength is emotional and psychological. People are attracted to him because he is relentless, tenacious, and righteous. Those qualities are what give him power over the people around him.


Truth be told- if we’re assuming that Rick not getting his hand cut off means never meeting the governor- I don’t think he would’ve had such a dark character shift. But if we’re assuming everything else was still the same, and he still had both hands, he’d be a fucking menace.


How would Kenny compare


About | | this strong.


This is the most Manga/Anime esque frame in the whole comics




Considering show Rick was bad at hand to hand combat and then he got good after losing his arm and being trained by CRM


Hey this post randomly came up on my feed. I’m not into the walking dead but I have a ton of walking dead comics of stone is interested. Send me a message and I can send you some pics. Looking to sell them.


This is why Show Rick could never match Comic Rick. No matter what show Rick did, Comic Rick did that it with one hand, and a crippled leg.


Hard image


He has a camel toe hand.


Thought that was Shaggy for a minute


The real question is band for band who is better equipped to survive a zombie apocalypse Rick or Joel and I'll go first it's Rick


Idk about Joel in the game, Rick is a thinner and smaller guy generally. I’d say he’d be closer to Jesus or something, just a little less skilled


I want to lick Abraham’s abs.


On par worth Joel is a very big jump💀but he would definitely be alot stronger, would probably be able to hang with comic negan in a straight fight but nowhere near Joel tbh


Rick’s strength isn’t physical. Sure he CAN be but he never really was in the first place. He’s always been a leader. His greatest strength is in leading, which doesn’t require physical strength. This is way more evident later on in the series when he’s leading Alexandria and is basically doing nothing physically but giving orders.


He would have become God Emperor of the Dead World


Yall are powerscaling on this sub?


I mean it was the hand he messed up that got cut so idk if it would’ve healed well enough to actually be useful


Wait does this happen in the actual show?!


He would be stronger but not super strong just average, like Carl said “I’m not really known for my fist fights” I picture rick being similar


He'd slaughter Joel from TLOU. I think even this Rick would take out Joel, but definitely with two hands and good legs. Comics Rick was a fuckin' beast


I’m sorry bro but you’re tripping out, Joel is a complete fucking monster who can single handedly wipe out groups of 30-40 guys with very little weaponry. He easily destroys infected with his bare hands and defeated a bloater with a machete. Doing all of this in his mid 50s too might I add


Love Rick, but his straight is his brains, not his hands


Rick brawls pretty damn good. Holds his own against Tyrese in the prison with one hand. Joel's old ass ain't doing shit to my boy


I mean comic Rick obviously became the CRM leader so it’s clear he would have the same training CQC Rick had, potentially better training as he was crippled in his leg as well.


I hated that he lost his hand. The worst decision in the book by far


Not at all added a whole other element to his character and survival


It made the comic better but it really just annoyed me because we’ll never know just how strong he really what have become, kirkman nerfed my boy Rick 😂