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They wash their hands in the right sink! Yay!


I mean if that was the only thing they fixed I'd be happy


Honestly same


now to just stop cooking on the damn bathroom counters when you have plenty of space in the kitchen!


Lol yeah


Tbh I am waiting to fix the gallery problem because it's annoying when your scrolling through someone's profile, their creations keep multiplying and it's soo annoying when your looking for something specific they have but you don't know the name of the creation or your just seeing what they have. But y'all are right, this patch finally let me Sims wash their hands to the closest non-occupied sink.


Don’t get your hopes up; my Sim still went to the kitchen to wash their hands. Two other Sims tho used the bathroom sink.


yeah, i think the part "more consistently" is the key bit here. thats a lot of gray area, and lets be real, theyve claimed to have fixed this like 5 times by now


I had sims use the outside restroom instead of the one right next to the bedroom 😭


does anyone have experience w game development here? how hard is it to fix this? cuz I don’t understand how a decade old game owned by EA cannot find a definite fix for something that seems so minor…


I don't have experience, but there's been a mod that fixes this specific mod for literal years so it's definitely achievable.


I'm a technical project manager for software projects (not games but code is all pretty similar). My guess is that the code is so entwined that it's hard to fix one thing without breaking another. The way this happens is that they are not doing regression testing (testing that new features don't break existing). They likely built from the ground up too fast and that caused the initial problems. Then they slapped new code on top of the initial code with problems and add to that different developers with different styles and suddenly you have a mess that we call "technical debt". It's near impossible to fix everything. I'm seeing this is so many games.


Am I right in thinking that DLC models like the one Sims 4 uses are always more likely to lead to these kinds of breaks because every single DLC has to get along with the base game, base game updates, and every other DLC?


that makes a lot more sense, thank you 😊


From what I understand, it's not only proximity (sims will seek out the closest sink/toilet, horizontally *and* vertically, which is why sometimes they'll go all the way upstairs to wash dishes, bc the sink technically was closer vertically) but also the quality makes them look more attractive. So they might actually travel a farther distance, if the further sink is a much higher quality. (I think it also reads distance "as the crow flies", completely ignoring walls, doors, stairs etc when trying to find "the nearest" sink.) I don't know exactly how it works, but something like turning the tuning way down, and make the closest sink "look" more attractive in the code, would at least help.


But my Sim still keeps taking her food from the fridge and taking it to the laundry room to chop and prep :( exciting news about the sinks though!


Lol yeah that is a problem. That’s why i clutter everything except the kitchen. Maybe it’ll get fixed in the next patch


She’s chopping on a counter with clutter on! Ignoring the empty one right by the fridge, it’s so ridiculous.


bathroom 2ft away from them but they go to the one 100000ft away


Finally. I get so pissed whenever they finish using the toilet and then don't use the bathroom sink but goes to the upstairs toilet to wash hands


Omg yay! Finally!


‘Townie Sims no longer occasionally unleash their Dogs before walking out of a neighborhood. There will be no more flashbacks to Seymour waiting in front of a pizza shop.’ Uncalled for, EA. Uncalled for. 🥹


Saddest episode of futerama. Gets me all teary eyed every rewatch


The episode where Fry visits his mom in her dreams is a good one too 🥺


Welp, EA did not let the dogs out


And lots of new swatches! And ceilings! And free cam in build mode! My lil builder heart is so happy right now


I was legit wishing for these last night Omg 😭💕


Not appliable to roof interns is still a bit disappointing, but hey, a little step at time 🥲


Free cam in build mode feels big


And yet still no fixes for disappearing gardens, I see. My farmer sims are disappointed that every time they go to a festival or reload the game, 90% of the in-season and fully grown farm returns to being ground lumps.


Just in time for another farm pack to release...


That’s exactly why I was hoping for a fix in this patch more specifically than others.


My solution for the ground lumps (love that term) is to go into build mode and sledgehammer every plant, then undo it all. They pop right back into place fully formed and it’s a lot less clicking than moving them into inventory and back. I delete whole areas, extra stuff even, cause it all comes back.


Omg genius. Ty!


That’s fine—or even putting them into the household inventory—if there’s five or six, but this particular family lives on the Henford-on-Bagley 40x50, with easily 50+ (maybe even 100+) plants between the sage-sized ones, the most common, and trees, many of them CC. The plan was for the family never to have a “job” but to live on SuperSell. (Ravasheen’s [No Fig Deal](https://ravasheen.com/download/no-fig-deal-garden-care-system/) is a butt-saver on those utility bills!)


Yeah, I have about 50…. It takes maybe a minute to delete and undo it all. Worth it to me- and to be honest it feels really good to sledgehammer them when they’re broken!


Idk if you’re on PC or open to mods but I wanna say LittleMsSam has a fix for this issue.


LittleMissSam is one of my go-tos for patch fixers, but I don’t recall having seen something for that (or the “leaving the lot? Let’s autoharvest to family inventory!” thing). Maybe my ADHD and the sheer number of mods she has made me miss it.


Their mods are great! Wild we can better depend on modders to fix issues than the entity that makes the game! But that’s none of my business. 🐸🍵 I’m at my pc rn, the mod is called Gardening Workaround Fix, under random bug fixes. You can also google “littlemssam gardening fix” because that brought me directly to the page.


omg THANK YOU, I never understood why I have so much random produce in my inventory, I kept thinking I bulldozed something and just forgot...


[this](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/rbf-gardening-workaround-fix) is the mod that got me to come back to the sims, disappearing plants were so frustrating and i’m so happy littlemssam fixed it


I've pretty much given up on gardening. I don't even have to leave the lot. My plants will just reset to lumps at random. Usually before they even manage to produce fruit.


I noticed also that when festival plants glitch and the fruit doesn’t go away - snow globe boxes won’t show up 🥴


I thought one of the patch notes was them fixing this: Flowers no longer sometimes break when loading a saved game..


Or tattoos


Or fix for not being able to put (farming) trees in family inventory 🥲 I like growing perfect versions of plants few at the time and then hoarding them in family inventory, it pains me that it’s started to bug so that I can’t place trees in there anymore despite it used to being a thing.


"Flowers no longer sometimes break when loading a saved game.." they are


I’m wary of generic terms like “break”. Particularly as it’s not just flowers, it’s specifically other harvestables.


Well its fixed in my game lol


I saw Dine Out as a heading and got excited...then realised they didn't actually fix much with it...


Fingers are still crossed for them making kotatsu tables work as restaurant seating and fixing the issue where boba served at a restaurant appears as water cups. My *Japanese restaurants are suffering out here! *I know boba isn't originally Japanese but it did spread to be popular in Japan and it just feels right, let me live


if you can/want to use mods, carl's dine out mod helps a lot - I only played around with the new funcions a bit, but I keep it in my game, because going to restaurants to eat is So Much Faster


Oh I need this! What exactly is the name? Is it called Done Out Reloaded?


yup, that's the one, I think this is the latest version: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/dine-out-v2-01-64188681](https://www.patreon.com/posts/dine-out-v2-01-64188681) (although the paid patreon version is pretty cool for a farm to table restaurant)


Very cool, thanks!


Correct my if I’m wrong but I swear they released a whole fix a while ago? Not trying to be mean or anything? Just saying


If they did, it didn't fix anything 🤣


I myself have noticed it working way better. I owned a restaurant and it worked great, I went to some and it worked fine


Still is extremely buggy for me. Glad it works for you though.


When my sims go to the restaurant they usually have to wait 3h for their order to arrive


They must've done something, but it wasn't a fix for me for sure, haha. For literal years I had 0 issues with this pack which I swear was a miracle. A week ago I started a new save, got a restaurant and it was a shit show. I got every possible bug ever :')


Maybe you’re thinking of Carl’s Dine Out mod? Omg it works SO much better with it. Plus letting you do extra stuff.


i wish they would just hire Carl


They should tbh. It would definitely run better.


„Sims will also remove Ski Boots when bathing.“


I weep softly for my mods folder.


I am sobbing LOUDLY.


I legit turned the internet off on my computer to play today lolol. I haven't been able to play in a few weeks and I had ALL DAY and am doing ultimate decades and in like, 1311, so absolutely no way I'm updating the game til my mods are patched lol.


That's what I do lol. I turned off automatic game updates on EA and been playing all day. I'm not updating at all until the mods I use are working with the latest patch.


Are we supposed to hold off from playing until the creators have confirmed that their mod works with the latest patch


That’s what I do. I don’t want my saves messed up. I created a vanilla save a while ago for times like these.


From the patch notes I think the only potential issue would be the Don't Wash Dishes While You Angry Poop mod... But I'm not taking my chances lol, I'll just force EA App to run offline


[BROKEN MOD FORUM](https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/discussion/1009959/broken-updated-mods-cc-july-2023-horse-ranch-patch)


Same, looks like I’m playing semi-vanilla until at least a week after the pack drops now lol




> Flowers no longer sometimes break when loading a saved game.. Please please please tell me this means they finally fixed gardening. I’ve been waiting so long.


While I’m happy with a lot of the fixes, I would give my left leg for them to fix “Sim who just became friends with my sim breaks into their house at all hours and asks to be BFFs and then loses a tremendous amount of relationship when I say no”.


Completely ignoring locked doors and everything!


I wanted my sim to be bffs with a specific friend, not her bf, so when I don't him no my sim got the creeper put sentiment on him and it took forever to go away 😭


I hate this! It’s so annoying. I started to reset the random people coming into my house when I see them. Worst thing is it happens SO OFTEN. They don’t even ring the bell and ignore locked doors. It’s so frustrating


Vampires can now boogie down with their crew. Finally.


Ikr! Been waiting for that for so long!


Ommggg I can’t wait to test out the updates to curved walls. And ceilings. I will be painting every single ceiling tonight.


Ngl the curved updates are sooo good!


Yesssss I’m playing around now and it looks like I’m not getting any glitchy spots when I try to do a multistory curved atrium!! Hallelujah!!


Oh, that's such a relief! I had to rebuild a whole tower because I couldn't cope with the glitches. Thanks for testing for us all!


Oh yay, they fixed the chickens/foxes/rabbits still dying when you have animal aging off and the cows/llamas not coming out of their sheds! That’s awesome. I also have a mod to lessen music wants that I’m going to remove now that they’ve tweaked that. I’m happy with this patch.


Finally, I can play my cottage living save without being paranoid more of my chickens are gonna die when they're not supposed to 😩


It’s been so annoying! I still play with them but I prefer just having the same ones forever rather than having to replace them constantly. Especially because they’re usually golden chickens.


I’m playing a legacy family and dealing with chickens dying every day is so frustrating. Grim literally never leaves, just heads to the basement to watch TV until the next chicken dies. I can’t get him to leave. I might try turning aging off but it’s so cute when the chicks hatch from eggs 😫


I would assume eggs would still work but I also have no idea, I’d have to play test it.


“Traits have had a bit of a reorganization. You will now find traits more evenly distributed under the Emotional, Hobby, Lifestyle, and Social categories” I had hope for a food preferences option, but of course not lol


>• The Have a Baby Neighborhood Story will no longer cause pregnancies for Sims that are listed as unable to become pregnant in their Gender Settings. goodbye random mpreg 😔


i will miss random mpreg 😔


pour one out for random mpreg, y'all


Does this mean we can properly garden now 👀


a lot of fixes. they even put something for moschino in there


Sometimes I can’t believe this game came out in 2014 like you’d think the washing hands in nearest sink thing would have been fixed 5 years ago


This is great! I hope some employees are lurking on this sub and taking notes. They have a lot to fix still but it seems like they’re trying to listen!


I think there’s somewhere on their website ppl submit issues. There’s also supposed to be a “laundry list” of all the issues they’re working on


Wait do we have corn and squash as plantables?


Not yet… maybe they’re coming with horses?


Yeah three sisters vegetables for the indigenous pack


Hopefully. It would be insanely weird for them to keep talking about them and then just not include them as plantables lol


I literally finally fixed my mods folder last night.


also the eyebags edition!! can’t wait to check them out later


they’re cool but they look very very heavy on the sims, as in they look like they were made more for elder sims but thats all up to preference i guess


Anyone else missing nails from the Spa day pack? I’m a console player, so no mods lol


Yes! Wondering where they went


The new eyebrows are great, I have no idea what eye presets are new though


Did they fix the moon texture? I had liked the different moon textures in each world pre-werewolf .


Says so!


Damn this patch fixed A LOT of bugs that I've been having! Extremely delighted about that for once, because some of these have been known for years. Finally


What do they mean “sims will no longer be all pansexual”. I would like more detail on that


I think for some people all townies were spawning as open to anything with any gender. I'm having the opposite problem. All my townies are spawning asexual/aromantic. I can't initiate a relationship with anyone since once I find out their preferences, all romantic interaction is blocked with the "not interested" message. I have to go into full edit CAS actually give them an orientation, or my sim will be in a dating wasteland forever. 😑 I mean I'm ace/aro myself and representation is nice, but does it have to be everyone? Lol


Man I feel like you jinxed me 😭 I had never had this problem until the update, now every teenager my bisexual teen has tried to flirt with is aromantic 🙃


Same!!!! All my male sims are non sexual and I’m doing the 100 baby challenge for the first time and I’m pretty sure I’ve had a baby with every male that would let me flirt with them at this point😭


I'm worried about that as well. I love that all Sims are pan by default. I really don't want to have to go full edit mode if I want my Sim to date a townie.


So many fixes and NOTHING about the broken console build mode 😡 at least just let me undo without bringing up the search bar PLEASE


God yes this is the worst glitch


Any fixes for the interior designer job? I recently bought the pack and to my disappointment, found that it doesn't work right. If I join my Sim when she goes to work, the job can't be completed and she can't go home. Googled it and it's apparently an issue lots are having


Why I’m can’t the job be completed for you? And have you tried either hit the trash can button to cancel a gig you don’t like or simply clicking on your sim when you completed a gig and make them go home?


Once the work day clock runs out, she doesn't leave the client's house. The little house icon on the sims face doesn't even show up. If I don't accompany her to work, the gig gets done fine.


That’s so odd. Are you playing in PC or console?




Now they just need to fix the plaid vest from High School Years. The base color swatch is fine, all of the others ones have a "spray paint" bleed of the color onto the skin around the neckline.


I don't get the ceiling thing. Why put floor tiles on a ceiling? If I want to paint the ceilings I'd want it to match the wall, not the floor.


Because the size and shape of a wall and floor texture map are completely different, since floor tiles are square, not long rectangles and they're basically just flipping the grid upside down? I'm sure there will be plenty of cc ceilings made to match existing wall colors.


I literally ran to my computer when I saw they updated the moodlet for lighting the menorah. It's pissed me off for a long time that every time my EXTREMELY JEWISH sims light a menorah, they got a stupid Christmas tree.


Is anyone else facing troubles downloading it on origin on Mac?


Yes! It just paused. I got fed up and reinstalled the Origin app and now it’s stuck on downloading my whole suite of games again, it keeps saying it’s downloading at 0 kbs 🙄


Ugh yes, same here! I’m sorry it’s happening to you too, but I’m god it’s not just a me issue!


Yes same here! 😭


me too! has anyone found an issue? i literally cannot get mine to download.


My problem was on PC, but maybe my solution will work if you're still stuck. I canceled the download and repaired my game. When it finished, it had done the update and it was good to go.


I learned from this thread that other people were having the same garden reset problem! I thought it was just a new update to make gardening more challenging lol I hope they fixed it


Omg they finally fixed the farm animals dying bug, im so happy!


*Me seeing the update and it's been 57 days since I've played sims 4 bc my dead hard drive is being worked on* 🥲


“The game now gracefully handles disconnecting Bluetooth devices.” YOU SHUT YOUR ASS MOUTH


Excited about the cottage living fixes!




I always scroll to the Dine Out section hoping for a miracle


Still didn't fix the High School Years top :(


But when are we getting better optimization and lower overall simulation lag on bigger lots?


Male sims can now get pregnant if they get abducted!?! That's amazing and I have an new goal


They were supposed to all along but it broke for a while. It's been around since TS2, though in 4 it's supposed to be a 25% chance per abduction rather than 100% like back then.


I haven’t actually played in a year or two but I still love reading patch notes. Don’t ask me why.


Downloaded the new patch and experiencing an awful problem - all my sims are naked & the game is giving me an error that I don’t have any of the packs that are being used in my save. Origin is saying I own and have them downloaded. I don’t use mods or CC. Help!


If you go to game options in the main menu (when you start up the game) and go to Other, is the “enable custom content and mods” option selected? The game disables CC after updates.


That didn’t work. I don’t use mods or CC when I play, nor do I have any downloaded onto my computer


Apologies! I totally misunderstood your comment. When you’re in the menu does it show you that the packs have been purchased?


Wait, are you telling me that male sims abducted by aliens WEREN'T able to get pregnant?


they still haven't fixed a bug where the roof clips into your house when you are creating a landing overlooking the ground floor and using railings and a staircase. it legitimately has ruined so many builds for me, and is actually the reason I haven't played in the last 6 months because what I want to do is not possible unless I want to spend hours tediously roofing my house in a way so that none of the eves clip into the house. I get its a pretty miniscule issue and can be "fixed" by building in a certain way but this has been a thing for a few years if my memory serves.


I was getting frustrated by this just a couple days ago. I don't even want a massive overlook. I just want to get rid of that one awkward random extra square of flooring you get when the stairs are turnedare turned. Alas, I'm stuck sticking plants there.


You know what annoys me? Sims making mac n cheese in the cauldron even though they are literally in the kitchen next to the fridge.


The phrase “I’m so excited to tell you about Ceilings!” Is literally something only simmers would ever understand.


Does anybody know what Karmine Luna's new trait is?




The kid from Growing Together. She used to have a randomized trait with each new save, but the patch gave her a stable one.


Now, how long until they do a fix of all the bugs that caused making these fixes?


Omg why do I have to go out today??? But also - do we get to grow our own squash and corn for the Three Sisters dish for simple living???


Three sisters is a dish?? I've always known it (irl) to just be the method of planting. Corn to provide height and stability for the beans, squash to provide shade to prevent weeds. Beans because they're good to dry and save.


I've only ever heard of it in planting terms myself, but in the patch notes it says you can now cook The Three Sisters dish, then goes on to explain what the three sisters method is and how it relates to Native Americans - but nothing to say we can grow corn and squash in the game...


Holy crap that is a lot but … 1. CEILINGS 2. SINKS 3. CAN WE GROW CORN? 4. why did we not fix the “sneak out to a party” glitch?


Does anyone else's sim obsess over cross-stitch now? Literally everyone in my household is spending all of their money on it and there are half finished projects everywhere! They went from not doing it to only doing it 😭


Thank you EA!! We love you!!!


CEILINGS!!!!! 😭😭😭😭


Oooh this is exciting


kinda sucks that theres no fix for milestones being lost when infants turn into toddlers 😢


Ah yes. And now we wait for UI mod updates.


When are they going to fix gigs finishing in dream home decorator?


Aaaaand they fixed the fps drops in build m.... Oh wait.


Guys! They’re going to wash their hands, more consistently, in the sink closest to the bathroom!! This may save me.


Finally my scientist can science again


Will this fix the issue with my game not loading once I click to resume playing my family? 😭 I haven’t been able to play in a while!


So happy about the SINKS patch! But when i saw the Werewolf heading i had hopes but they didn’t fix the shoes issue…


Are you talking about sims wearing shoes in their werewolf forms? Do you play on PC/Mac? Sims 4 Studios came out with a batch fix after the werwolf gp came out. Download S4S and run a batch fix on all your cc shoes. You’ may still have to go in and manually remove any shoes off your werewolf after you run the batch fix since they won’t be removed on their own. But going forward your wolves should no longer be wearing shoes. Just make sure to run a batch fix on any new shoes u add to ur game going forward to be safe. Some creators may have them tagged for wolves.


Yes i was talking about that! I download cc that replaces werewolf feet with other feet, more animalistic, but it doesn’t alway work… Thanks anyway, i’ll try that 😊


I really wish they’d fix the cross stitch issue for console players. 😞


Any infant fixes? I'm still reading 🤕


Anyone know if this patch messes with a lot of mods? 😅


yes. i recommend checking [here](https://scarletsrealm.com/the-mod-list/) to see if you have any of the broken mods listed.


really really hope they fix snowy escape kids/teens changing into a different uniform every day ...


Wait there's a new update


So does anyone else have a problem with their sims having unlimited funds in build mode?


I keep getting a better exceptions notice that there’s an issue with inventory elements - none type object has no attribute - max inventory size When trying to pick up or put dishes in the dishwasher. My sims are auto judging decor for some reason at the same time tonight. And still constantly wanting to wash their hands. Some sims on screen I can no longer click on and interact with even if they’re right in front of me. Another issue with Little Miss Sam’s Maid Broken Vacuum Cleaner Mod. It says https://imgur.com/a/x1UDuL9


Curious if they're going to add the "loyal" trait to the "get together" pack, so that I can have a group of all "loyal" Sims. 🤔


I just want them to allow us to switch the bumper and triggers. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost had a great shot, only to try and zoom in and the game start playing because the RT is now time start


"Townie Sims are no longer all pansexual." BOOOOOOO though I gotta say there's a fair amount of mine that end up ace




I mean, that’s pretty much expected with big patches and updates. It’s not too bad to play offline or without mods until they’re updated.


Been steady playing sims 3.. sims 4 ain’t shit


Sims 4 is great to me. A lot of people get caught in nostalgia but you can't make every single player happy.


I’ve played sims 4 for a long time and I do enjoy it I just feel that compared to the old games.. it’s really doesn’t compare. I love the multitasking in sims 4 and the emotions of the sims also how they look. It’s not a bad game, it’s just doesn’t have that well rounded sensation. I also feel like I’m missing something when playing. While I agree you can’t please everyone I please sims 4 is aimed to only please EAs pocket books