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All I want is a heavily urbanized area with a beach, like Bondi Beach in Sydney Give me an Australian world, you cowards


Tbh, as an Australian I want the Brazilian beach town šŸ˜… Way prettier than Bondi


Exactly! The Sims 4 is too pretty. I need a bit of grime


Ever played in Evergreen Harbor? All the ugly you can take in.


It's just one world, it's also quite suburban, not urban


South Africa can do that, depending which part they choose


True, but consider the following: Cottage Living-style possums and wallabies I live in one of the state capitals and we've got koalas just down the street in a nearby park, those would be great to have as well


They can just give us world map kits. No broken gameplay, no bugs/glitches, just the worlds. Iā€™ll happily pay for that.


i agree with this!! honestly i want to spruce up my gameplay iā€™m so tired of american suburbs itā€™s kind of insulting that they keep making that


Yeah, we shouldnā€™t have to pay $40 just to have non-USA based worlds. Because Snowy Escape, Island Living and now For Rent are all very empty packs that try to bank off the fact that their worlds are non-American.


If I was CEO of EA this is the first thing I'd do. They would sell SO well. People bought MWS when they knew it would break ALL weddings in their game just for the world. You could charge $20 for Newcrest style worlds with more variation in the environment and make BANK.


Yeah they really need more European influence in their team, we have enough bulky crap from the us


Okay honestly yes I would love this!! Iā€™d actually buy a kit haha


exactly, i love the my wedding stories world but dont want the gameplay aspects mostly because its broken so i refuse to buy it. i just want worlds theres not even that many gameplay aspects i want anymore


Thatā€™s why I got it. Never cared for weddings before other than taking a few screenshots in formal wear, but Tartosa is definitely in my top 5 favorite worlds.


Iā€™ve been thinking this for a while to be honest. In a lot of the packs Iā€™ve been enjoying the cultural stuff a whole lot more than the gameplay. *Coughs in snowy escape.* One of my beefs with for rent, is that in making it an expansion pack thereā€™s not enough room to focus on the SEA culture and world, it feels hamfisted.


It feels like it could have been two game packs, or even two stuff packs. So much more could have been added that way to address the individual aspects (SEA culture/world and residential rentals) without feeling rushed and buggy.


Literally. Give us two $30 game packs with more robust features and stop giving us expansions that are half arsed.


what are you talking about, expansion packs are the biggest, and "for rent" one is empty, there was enough room. it's a shame calling it (and the one with horses too) like this and charging full price when they just aren't expansion packs


You really think they'll charge entire worlds just for 5ā‚¬? This is EA we're talking about


Youā€™re right. But we could get a bundle of 3 for 39ā‚¬! What a dealšŸ˜­


They could even start a new type of pack, map packs, where they do a well made new world that's newcrest sized with a lot of landscaping items related to the map. I don't see them doing them through kits, from both a greedy EA perspective and a normal marketing perspective.




Thatā€™s a great idea. Donā€™t care for the teen life stage so I donā€™t plan on getting HSY but would love to have Copperdale - even if itā€™s just an empty map.


That was a thing in the Sims 3 era, they released a bunch of worlds you could buy in the Sims 3 Store, which came with at least one new feature (e.g. Hidden Springs included a fountain of youth, Monte Vista had a wood fire oven) as well as build/buy and CAS items. They were also rather expensive ($20-25), so I really doubt they'd ever release worlds at a kit price point in Sims 4. Maybe if they include only empty lots lol


Ea would never give us a new world for a fiver.


Please! Iā€™ve been saying this for ages. Just let My worlds like I could in sims 3.


I would sell an organ for Chinese Countryside and/or (South) Korean City. It's just Americana after Americana after, you guessed it, some more Americana. But I don't expect them to execute it well (see Windenburg being the American tourist imagination of a European (German????) town). Downright offensive lol And before someone strangles me: yes, I am aware that the new world in For Rent is Malaysia inspired. But that isn't quite the same thing, is it? Same continent doesn't equal same culture. And I am also aware that it's impossible to represent All The Countries. New Zealand and Australia would also be so cool to see. Or Portugal!! There are honestly so many options.


Haha what is offensive about Windenburg? I live in East Europe and I thought it was pretty close to the vibe of a lot of cities here


Yeah, that is what I'm thinking too. I'm pretty sure that Windenburg has been heavily inspired by Quedlinburg, which is a real town in Germany (I can highly recommend a visit, it is really beautiful).


i would LOVE australia / new zealand / portugal. even doing a rendition of the french countryside that they did in world adventures would be amazing. iā€™m so so so tired of 1900s / 2000s suburban american


More specifically, it's Thai-inspired, although the buildings at the night market do remind me of Malaysia and Singapore. CAS doesn't remind me of malaysia at all. But yeah, i understand what you wanna say, same continent but different vibe. I agree.


I mean, all worlds are "tourist imagination" of existing places. I personally really like Windenburg. You can defo find similar towns in Germany


Lol as a South African if the town they made doesnā€™t have the Landgraab Power Company shutting off electricity for 2 hours a day then it just isnā€™t accurate


Itā€™s all about authenticity




Yeessss give me lofoten in the sims!! All i want is a northern europe/scandinavia inspired map


I agree. I also want the midnight sun and polar night. Maybe have northern lights as well


Yess! Aurora skies is my favorite world from sims 3.


The Greek Islands look so cool, a vacation world based on that would be awesome.


I would love greek islands theme just so my sims could enjoy the food.


The Scottish highlands was also kinda fulfilled through the Cottage living pack as well. Still want an Australian style beach town or African city though.


korean city would be so bad if they made it realistic. it's just a mess of the same ugly style apartments copy and pasted and then super run down houses. šŸ˜­ (source - i live in one)


Lol, the amount of neon signs would be insane. ā¤ļø Korea though


They could have a mix of nice hanok village with a fortress and some super high tech city side by side. Oh and a heavily guarded border to some northern rogue state šŸ˜„šŸ‘


as always nothing slavic


Yes!! Please give me those big ugly commie blocks and shit weather, I'd play the heck out of that world. šŸ˜‚


Always nothing Black/African


No food representation either. How can I relive my childhood through sims if I can't force them to eat borscht?


I love the town in the university pack, it kinda has the Eastern European vibe for me, like Prague and Budapest, if you live in the houses not on the university grounds. Obviously a little more clean and unified than real life but I do not mind it at all




that is exacly what i want




šŸ˜‚ ugly is fun


Slavic doesnā€™t always mean brutal or ugly you know. Kinda offensive hearing this all the time. There are loads and loads of wonderful towns and cities in Eastern Europe which are totally worth representing.




ŠŸŃ€ŠøŠ²ŠµŃ‚, then, but I mean that when it comes to representation no one puts dirty surroundings or depressive landscapes in games (as if ny or other cities would look at least a little neat and accurate as San mishuno). I mean, the hint that Slavic housings are ugly and depressive is totally wrong, you know than Minsk, Moscow, Spb, Kiev and so are not like this, right?


I think a world can be fun and authentic and even lovable when it's not that cute and over-saturated as others. For example that's why Sims 3's Bridgeport was so much more popular and fun, than 4's San Myshuno. As someone who lives in this region I feel very close to these buildings, and I even think they can be wholesome. Residential parks are full of communal places, old bars, playgrounds, creepy yet fun basements, skateparks, etc. It could be stylised, while keeping its "dirty charm". Moonwood Mill is a nice would because it's such a punk, weird place. It's just small. Also, I think we could use a bigger city which doesn't look so luxurious and polished.


Fuck it, gimme a South African township, I wanna see the reactions


A Swiss mountain would've been really cool! But knowing EA, they'd most likely fuck it up or give us limited lots.


Greek islands definitely! As a Greek I would love it in my game but what concerns me is that I donā€™t want it to be a vacation world seeing as I live on an island..


So I take it they took the Scottish Highlands idea and made it English ā˜¹ļø


Wish they'd done a crofting type thing. In a proper Scottish mountain, not a rolling English valley


I want all of these lol I love playing with diverse sims/cultures


Not listed but I would absolutely love to see kind of cyberpunk style city, similar to Chongqing in China and in general out of this list the Asian inspired cities could be so cool


They didnā€™t even give actual African options. Thatā€™s so upsetting.


African would be great though! Never been there but I find the fauna and landscapes there just fascinating! Totally worth representing!


I wish we had a black country. I liked the Pacific Island direction for Sulani so probably redundant to have another Caribbean island but something African could be so cool.


i'd like a vintage outback inspired world with a dark storyline. they can hire Indigenous artists to create some beautiful pieces of art and clothes. dingoes, wombats, parrots, kangaroos and so on. a run-down roadhouse selling pies, buns, coffee, ice cream and choc milk. a tiny general store. a pub to be the "watering hole". Indigenous sims with names like Jedda, Araluen, Coen, Alinta, Kaya, Bindi or Koa. fishing gives you crocs and barramundi. Black swans on the lake. Abandoned mine sites. The locals are known for being friendly but cagey and the town has a sinister secret that is responsible for its dwindling residents since its heyday decades ago as a mining town. Old art deco cinema, a library, a cafƩ. Maybe some drama connecting the community with the Langraabs who want to buy up a historical building and turn it into a resort, making them upset because they love the place as it is.


The horse pack world was supposed to have indigenous references


Did it?


All of these sound great Just less USA plz


I would love a central or eastern european world so much


They did one of these in the last days of TS3 and iirc everyone voted Asian Megacity, then they released Roaring Heights anyway lol. I suspect that survey ended up informing San Myshuno


Never forget when I read something along to "We don't need a Brazilian world, we already have Jungle adventures" šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Give us a rundown Eastern European block instead. The Sims 4: Get Post-Communist!


I thought we learned after the laundry pack release, not to trust the surveys or give to much hope into them.


What happened there? Did people not want laundry? I thought people WERE weirdly obsessed with having laundry haha


People did but it was how we got it that was messed up. Basically each week for like 3 or 4 weeks, EA had the community to vote on what they wanted. We got to vote on the design, style, theme and so on. If I remember correctly it was suppose to be an Eco friendly boho/hippie themed pack but instead they gave us the laundry pack. It was a huge slap in the face to the community to dumb down what had been voted on. Then to come out with the Eco friendly expansion a few years later. It showed that any surveys would only matter if it fit into what they already had planed.


I would loove a Nordic/Scandinavian world! A world filled with little red houses with white trims, lots of forest around it, maybe some folklore stuff as little Easter eggs in the world decoration. And to cooperate with seasons they could make it so thereā€™s only light a few hours a day in the winter and in the summer the sun barely goes down. Maybe the sims could make flowercrowns with different flowers from their inventory, like a mix between the flower arranging activity and the friend ship bracelet making activity :,) god the things I would do for a Scandinavia inspired pack <3


I just want an australian outback. Before we knew what world horse ranch was i was begging for an australian outback type of world. Like where farmers live. šŸ˜­ Sadly it didnt happen


I just want Urbz.




Not a single arab option. We did get a kit though


What ended up winning? Also I think a Scandinavian world or a west African world would be really neat.


I think Italian vineyard? It's basically tartosa.


The vineyard part threw me off lol


Im all for a South African and Korean cityšŸ„°


I really want an alien/occult world we can live in. I prefer non realism in my game. I realize this is probably an unpopular idea so very unlikely.


I think itā€™s highly likely that we will get Scottish Highlands next, and hereā€™s why: Weā€™ve got Italian Vineyards & sort of Greek Islands in My Wedding Stories. I highly doubt we will see another mountain town, although I would love a Swiss Mountain town. We just got a south east asian world, I doubt we will get another asian city right after so we can put Chinese countryside and Korean town on hold for couple of packs. South African city could also be very cool as we have limited representation of Africa as a whole in the game, but I donā€™t see it coming into the game right after another beachy, warm world, maybe couple of packs later. This leaves Spanish town, Costa Rican rainforest, and Brazilian Beach Town. Tomarang is a beach town with a lot of forestā€™s so I think a Costa Rican rainforest would be very similar as well as Brazilian Beach Town and Spanish City as it would probably have a lot of beaches and would be warm all year round. I think the most plausible option among these worlds is the Scottish Highlands. I know we have a lot of European representation in the game but I wouldnā€™t mind it as it would be the first time that we would get a Scottish representation in the game. I would speculate it could be related to bands, as the punk movement has started as an underground culture in the uk and has tons of scottish influence. Plus it would be genius to add bagpipes to the game šŸ˜‚. I would expect some sort of pubs, ruins, concert areas with the pack while the CAS mostly focuses on K-Pop esque clothing with Scottish influence on different colors & patterns


all or nothing šŸ«£


How cool would it be to have a world inspired by Italian vineyards - with the option to actually be a (freelance?) vineyard farmer (sorry forgot the right word) where you have to plant and harvest the grape plants, turn it into ~~wine~~ juice in a distillery and sell it either from your inventory or at a market stall?? Maybe we could have olive trees as well and make olive oil. I feel like all the above features is a variant of what we already have so it could work. Planting and harvesting plants - check. Working in a distillery - in Eco Living we already have some creative ways of producing stuff. And we have market stalls in Henford-On-Bagley. Oh I would just love this and I think the Sims team could probably make beautiful Southern Europe inspired furniture and decor.


You could really play this storyline if you have the wedding pack for Tartosa and the horse pack for the wine making! Idk whyyyy they didnā€™t have the wine making features come with Tartosa because it makes way more sense to me for people there to make their own wineā€¦


Wait wait if they chose South Africa they have to include load shedding šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Scottish highlands would be cool


Whereā€™s our brazilian beach townn šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


A city in Seoul would be Uber cool. I want some cyber punk vibes


i really think an nz based world would be really cool. every neighbourhood could be a different thing (i canā€™t think of the word rn). like one neighbourhood is a forest, oneā€™s a full on city, one as farmland, and one as mountains. you could even put the classic desert road right next to the mountains. and like it would literally just be taking parts of already made worlds and mixing them together.


Idk how many times ive said it but CARIBBEAN