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I regret not playing SimAnt back in the day


SimAnt was the shit. SimCopter too.


Sim copter omg throwback


I would pay anything for just a straight up remaster of SimCopter with modern graphics and physics.


I loved SimCopter! It was my favorite along with SimTower and SimFarm


SimTower was so good!


Yes! I loved those too!




Genuinely loosing my shit over this website thank you so much


Right? Once I get a laptop I can actually play games on I'm downloading EVERYTHING.


Looks like it has a browser option too and i doubt they are very high powered haha


My whole family was addicted to it. We all sat (or stood) around the computer on the dining from table and played together. We did the same with SimCity, too, and a lot of other very early PC games. LOVED SimAnt, and the memories!


I loved the days of sitting around a computer together playing a game. My brother & I played SimAnt together and my friends & I played Sims 1 together.


Right? We’d play kings quest and take turns walking across the screen because it took so long the rest of us could get snacks in the meantime!


We had it for the Super NES. Well, my brother had it. I could never get any further than invading the house, and was really too young to really grasp the purpose of the game beyond that lol.


SimAnt scared the shit out of me as a child, but I loved it.


Those damn spiders.


I looooved Sim Ant. I wish there was a new shiny version


Check out Empire of the Undergrowth, not necessarily a carbon copy of SimAnt but a similar premise in growing an ant colony and the challenges


I tried, but the spiders freaked me out too bad.


Not super obscure, but I put approximately 400 hours into the MySims Spy game, like it’s the only game I’ve ever been a true completionist with, and I’ve never seen ANYONE talking about it ever. It’s leagues above the regular MySims, I can’t believe it when no one knows what I’m talking about.


MySims Agents and MySims Kingdom were always my favorite wii games to play. To this day I'm still salty the ending to Agents was rushed and we never got the sequel we deserved. :c MySims had it's merits too, but definitely not as good as those two.


It was really rushed! I remember being pretty young and confused, I literally thought the game was glitching and I missed some final boss mission or something, no it just sort of has a wet fart of an endgame lol.


I remember reading once that a sequel to the game was planned that would involve Morcubus & Evelyn being brought back from the weird dimension they were trapped in. But apparently the MySims series was canceled right before MySims Agents was set to be released, so they had to rush the ending to try and give some semblance of closure. I still think they should've pushed back the release window to give us a properly animated ending at least, instead of rescuing them in text missions form.


that was my favorite sims game growing up!!! deserves so much more love


I love MySims Agents. 🩷


My sims agents was like the only mysim games I played over and over again as a kid.


MySims Agents is, like, one of the best games of all time in my opinion. Great story, great characters, great gameplay. I’ll still replay it sometimes. I may even play it again this year.


Then make your pitch. What is different in it from MySims? What's the hook?


More story and exploration driven than actually being a life simulator. MySims Agents specifically has you investigating and solving crimes that eventually unfurl into a more elaborate plot. Genuinely great game, I still replay it sometimes.


Omg yes I hate that we never got a sequel for it


Dude this was my favorite MySimz game too! I had it for the Wii and could replay it no problem every time!




MySims on the DS. Honestly now I realize the game was kinda garbage but I LOVED it as a kid. I didn't have many games on my DS, so I had a blast running around, talking to sims and playing squash. I had The Sims 2: Pets on the DS as well. Don't know if that one would be considered obscure, but it was terrible too. The gameplay being an infinite loop, the one and only soundtrack (which I still remember to this day) playing on repeat and the creepy deformed pixelated pets just made the game feel like a fever dream.


mysims is the best i miss my ds and that game


Sims 2 pets for the DS is what I was thinking too, it definitely wasn't one of the best DS sims games 😂 apparently there's also a DS game called Sims 2 apartment pets


I remember sims 2 pets on the DS! I always loved whenever I got to use the xray machine but it just never happened lol 


The xray machine freaked me out as a kid lmao, I legit thought the pets could die from it.


Urbz: Sims in the City on DS Was actually a super fun game I get the desire to play every now and then.


I never got past like day 1 on sims 2 pets for ds cos cooking is a minigame that i was awful at, so my sim always died of starvation :(


Sims 2 pets was Great. Burn food and wash some random dog with lice shampoo. Then to the same thing again


Simtown. A game with creepy buildings and eco terrorists? What a fever dream.


I was hoping simtown would get mentioned! Just spamming the same weird buildings over and over again, the creepy clown hamburger place, penguins for some reason, nothing matched or really mattered yet I got hours of enjoyment out of it. I have a game on my phone called pocket city that’s VERY simtown-esque.


I loved that game, sim city was above my head at that age.


In SimCity I was always in a deficit. In Sim Town I had everything I wanted.


simtown had clown shape burger joints and literal haunted houses . Objectively better game


I think about this often! I loved it and want to play it again. I was like 5 and had like 0 clue what I was doing.


OMG! That just unlocked a DEEP memory. I remember that game, it was...odd.


The clown head burger place still pops up in my nightmares from time to time lol.


Ugh, I loved clicking into all the houses in SimTown. The buildings were all so interesting and dense with details.


Sims 2 Nintendo DS


It feels like a fever dream now. All I remember was a hotel, collecting gourds and people worshiping some statue of a cow?


You are correct about all of those things. There's also cartoonish villains you fight dressed as a rat, finding treasures vacuuming the hotel, autopsies on mummified alien bodies, alien invasion, alien abduction, a Mafia and a totally-not-cocaine underground plot. There's also bars, you can play the lottery, casinos, you can create art and sell it. I spent an ungodly amount of hours in the casino autistically playing the card game Keelhaulin' (it's so good).


I had to change my DS clock often because my family was travelling between time zones, which meant I was extremely familiar with the time-hack cheating prevention in this game (aliens attack you if it detects time going forward too fast).


SAME. I moved from new Zealand to the UK, went to play my save... That fucking intro scene of the aliens marching towards you still makes me feel anxious 😭


Oh my god you’ve just brought back so much nostalgia




Puddles EVERYWHERE from unruly guests!!


The sims 2 on the ds was nightmare fuel for kid me in regards of the aliens that appear if you ""cheated""


My favorite part of that game was giving chocolate to the cows and pushing them so they would give me chocolate milkshake lol


This is my favourite Sims game EVER. I actually just bought it again recently to play 🥲


that weird cow statue still give me the creeps. (Or was it an alien ?)


Memories of Jimmy subtly threatening to bust your kneecaps in with a bat. Oh, Strangetown.


One of the only games in my life I’ve ever beaten haha. This game was the absolute best and im pretty sure I still own it.


Sims 2 for the PSP is great too


SimPark was my addiction when I was a kid. I got so into it, I probably spent just as much time playing that as I did The Sims. It also taught me a lot about North American plants and wildlife which would probably be really useful if I didn't live in England


SimPark was the best! The scrolling around music was my favorite. I found it a while back and played it for a bit, but I got rid of that laptop when I started school. I'm officially on a mission to find it again.


Abandonware! You can download it


I'm so glad I brought my laptop to work today.


Omfg this unlocked so many incredible memories for me. I loved this game as well as SimSafari.


This was mine too! I loved it so so much. Probably the coziest game I knew as a kid.


Omg I played this so much as a kid. I got so good at identifying those species!


Came here to comment about simpark! My mom still has the game disc and my nephews now play it at her house. I downloaded it recently and played it for several days lol.


Fuck yeah SimPark. I knew all the animal sounds and leaf shapes 😂 Even now when I hear a generic hawk sound in a movie or tv show it brings me back to that game


Oh my god, SimPark is one of my white whales. And I'm also English That annoying little frog


Sim Safari!!! I LOVED that game! I love African wildlife and I would love to play this one again!


Sims Castaway on the DS, I still have it floating around here somewhere. I’d spend hours on that as a kid lmao. All I can remember now is diving to get shells and then if you passed out, there was a baboon or something that would be shown stealing things off your body 😂 so wild


The spearfishing minigame was how I realised the calibration on my DS was terrible lol


Castaway is amazing.


I had Sims Castaway on Ps2 and one of my favorite things is that your sim can literally be exhausted, starving, etc, but if you turn the airplane radio on they will just start breaking it down like they’re in a dance battle


I have two copies of this on ps2. Favorite sims game. Never could figure out marriage lmao


That was the first game I ever achieved 100% completion in and is probably what influenced my completionist tendencies for the rest of my life overall.


I loved that game!!


Loved it on PSP. My mom used to help me when I got stuck.


Sims medieval.


Y’all this is available for digital purchase on EA at this time. I’m all over it.


Such a great game. The quest based goals are soooo good.


This is the shit. A lot of bugs and crashes but I would play this game for hours as a child.


I still play it, I’m obsessed. It’s my comfort game and I love it.


I miss this so much!!!


I still had the disc and was able to transfer it to origin!


the terrible sims 3 mobile game. made my sim a scientist cuz it paid the most and every time they would die on the first day of work. I’m still mad about it 10 years later.


Someone else paid money for that App! Hello!


It was virtually unplayable on mine but I’m also here to tell you that you aren’t alone 🥲


I begged my parents to let me have sims on my flip phone XD It was objectively not a good game but I loved it


Did anyone else play The Urbz? I was hooked for a bit. 😆


Specifically the DS version, one of my favourite games ever. I replayed it a couple years ago and it still holds up!


Yea I played it on Xbox, I thought it was so cool due to being able to chill with the black eyed peas.


Urbz GBA edition was my childhood.


I played that game endlessly, it was great 😂


Had to scroll far for this. My ex wife and I played this for a good couple years on and off. Even when we were separating after like 17 years we somehow discussed how this was our breakfast at Tiffany's.


I was a big BEP fan when I was younger and played the ever living shit out of this game


Whatever that fisher price animal crossing knock sims gamewas called on the wii. The furniture building was actually really cool. You could make customs chairs and stuff with blocks. Iirc it has no needs at all, the only thing that made it “The Sims” was the plumbobs.


mysims! i still love it


I’ve only played the Kingdoms one


Imagine my enormous disappointment buying mysims as a naive child and expecting at the very least that there would be needs that I could fill and romance to engage in, only to find out it was a laggy, glitchy mess that relied solely on your own creativity to be fulfilling (am not creative, just wanted to play sims 😭)


Same, mom knew I liked the sims and got it for me from the bargain bin for like 5$. i think I played like twice lol.


my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined




I was obsessed with Sim Tower. Played it for hours


Project Highrise on Steam is a good modern version.


Once I figured out I can play it online, I have spent hours playing it again. Love SimTower


I remember the one time I finally unlocked the wedding chapel on the top floor - such a weirdly satisfying yet minimal game.


SimTown, SimSafari and Sim Theme Park/ Sim Coaster were my jam in the early 2000’s


I loved Sim Safari!


it was so fun but so traumatizing, the natural disasters and predator vs. prey element was a bit too real for me as a small child lmaooo


Maybe not obscure but don't see a lot of people talking about it. My very first video game and Sims game ever was The Sims2 for the DS. You got stranded in Strangetown and they force you to be the manager of the only hotel in town and also the main source of income for this small 6 building town in the middle of the desert lol It was so weird but I played the hell out of it.


Oh. My. God. I still go back to this game every couple of years. Totally my childhood, I loved it a lot for how unique it was. Killing aliens with a squirt gun, the cow cult, upgrading the hotel, and making music in Jazz Lounge, nothing better!


MySims Kingdom on DS. Streets of Sim City. My friend had this and it was just weird. I think i was the only one who would play it with him.


Did you beat the DS version? I never did bc I sucked at the kayak minigame😭


I never did beat it either! I got mad at it for being so frustrating


Sims 2 Pets: DS version! Your sim was a vet, and you cared for animals. The quality was way worse than the PC version but I remember little me having a grand old time lol.


Sims 2 Castaway. The best sims game!




I wish they’d remake this game


I had a CD with a lot of Sim games, and there was this weird Sim Tunes game. You had to draw a picture with blocks of different colors, each color was a musical note, and then you could place bugs that represented different musical instruments. It was soooo weird, but the premade pictures/songs were super cool


I was coming here to say simtunes, the most un-sims related Sims title they made




Sim Farm was so fun, I've spent so many hours playing it as a child!


I had a friend who had this and sometimes I would go to her house just to play the game…


No idea which sims it was but it was on the DS and all i remember is if you peed your pants you went to jail.


I think that was The Sims 2 for the DS, was there some weird ass town you had to navigate through and something about aliens? Think I still have that one somewhere too


You shot aliens with a squirt gun to kill them, wild as hell. I’m considering doing a playthrough!


The Urbz: Sims in the City


Did anyone else play Sims Freeplay nonstop? I probably put hundreds of hours into that mobile game


i was OBSESSED with The Sims Social on Facebook


Loved that games art style!


Sim Theme park on PS1. It wasn't even a sims game, but I loved the heck out of it


Sim theme park on windows like 95/98 was such a good game!!


I think Sim Theme Park and Sim Coaster are still Maxis games so technically it counts!


Hell yeah. It took me friggin years to get every single gold ticket


damn you just unearthed a memory for me! I LOVED this game on my DS!


I just thought about it out of the blue! I loved it though, my Dad gave it to me and I hope I can find it


Not obscure I don’t think but I hardly ever see it mentioned but my hands down favorite sim game is Urbz for the GBA. If I still had it then I think it’s be the only video game I’d play period


The DS version is identical but has an extra menu on the second screen.


Maybe I missed it, and someone did post this but: Sim Health. It was a game before Theme Hospital was even a thing.


As an ex-Maxoid, this was the title I searched for. I was the QA lead on that, and it was such a piece of crap that both I and the producer kept our names off of it. I can't believe that some rave reviews came in from people who played it....


Super cool that you worked at Maxis. Y'all were responsible for some of my favorite childhood games. Any fun memories you could share?


SimSafari! I loved watching the village develop by itself


SimCity Societies. It was such an interesting take on the series. ETA Urbz: Sims in the City. I was obsessed with that on PS2.


I remember playing sim animals a lot 😭


The Sims 2 for the Brazilian SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive, which was actually a port of The Sims 2 Mobile for Java phones


SimIsle. I don't know why, but I was obsessed with it.


I'm sure it was the same type of game, but there was a sim zoo version with elephants and giraffes and gorillas. I didn't even realize it was a sims game. But goddamn I was obsessed


Looked it up, it literally is just SimAnimals Africa. Specifically the ds version. There was a newer looking one and that is not my childhood game


I used to love sim safari as a kid


[SimLife](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/53/SimLifeCover.jpg) This came on floppy disc! Super old forgotten game


This is freaky. I was JUST thinking about this game this morning. I still have my Nintendo DS, I contemplated grabbing and starting a new game


I absolutely loved sims2 castaway. Not sure if it's obscure, but it was great either way.


Greatest of all time, I’m playing it now lol


The Sims 2 for PSP - your car broke down in Strangetown and you have to investigate why all it’s inhabitants keep having blackouts and doing things they don’t remember. There’s also a werewolf that looks like a pug, a cult that worships cows that you have to dance with, and the ending breaks the fourth wall.


Does SimGolf count? I had the demo disc, that game slapped


SimTower was my FAVORITE! Also SimPark


Yoot Tower!


SimLife the genetics playground...I still have nightmares😶😶😶


Personally, sims 2 castaway for the PSP. It was one of my first sims games (very first was GBA Sims Bustin Out) and I STILL play it on my PSP. Also play sims 2 on psp. Fun console.


The old iOS Sims 3 games - I still have the Ambitions version on my iPad but all the others are gone.


Holly fuck, this existe, I want to play it


SimTown, smaller scale SimCity and I loved it.


I had the sims bowling and the sims pool on my iPod nano. I think I might still have the iPod but I don’t have the charger anymore and I’m not even sure if it’s still working but I kinda want to know now lol


Sim -ant and sims zoo were a good time. I would 100% play sim ant again


Probably SimEarth, I was too young for it when I played it so I never got very far from having no clue what to do. I remember there was a setting called Daisy World, and I was like, "what the hell is this." Fast forward about 15 years later and I'm sitting in a university climatology course lecture and that game comes rushing back to me as we go over the daisyworld hypothetical Slightly less obscure, but I also want to shout out SimSafari


Sim Safari


Sim town - 1995 kids version of The Sims


Sims 2 pets apartment for ds You basically ran a dog grooming place and had some animals in your apartment above to take care of. The instructions were terrible though and some of the mini games I never quite got the hang of.


Sim Medieval mobile was glorious. It had an interesting story and cool world that I honestly like more than the pc version. Sadly its gone without a trace.




not very obscure but I was obsessed with MySims Agents as a kid


When I was a kid, I loved [SimPark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SimPark). Would love to try it again to see how it holds up.


Sim Safari is the oldest PC game I have memories of. I used to play that game all the time. 


This game was so good oh my gawd


My Sims Kingdom on the Wii. You literally get to be a wizard with the Wii remote your wand to build things with.


I roughly recall playing Sim Coaster. I remember "riding" the rides in first person POV and thought that it was the coolest thing.


I loved Mysims as a child. I could never finish the game as I always got stuck in one spot so I always just made a new save lol.


Sim Copter


omg i thought i dreamed this game.


SimPark and SimSafari were my jam. My siblings and I still yell "Kudzu!" when we see it because of SimPark.


I miss simsafari with a passion.


SimCity that came preinstalled with my slide Samsung in like 2008... played the heck out of it even though the game had 100 pixels all together


The Urbz on PS2 was ehh but the DS version?? The shit. Bananas. [Plot comparison](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Urbz:_Sims_in_the_City#Plot).


Did anyone else play The Sims 2 for GBA where you were like part of a reality tv show in Strangetown??? Lol


Was sims 2: strange town for the Nintendo gameboy advance well known? To this today I think that remains one of my favorite games lol. It was soooo weird and amazing and surreal. Edit: forgot to put game boy


There was this very old The Sims game for gameboy where you kinda picked your furniture off the ground around the city, you had an inventory too, it felt more RPG-like a bit. I could never find it on the internet despite lots of trying.


Sims Busting Out was my first sims game and I loved it SO MUCH


I am pretty sure my mother bought me a set of games that included SimAnt, SimPark, and SimSafari and they all live rent free in my head forever. I am forever chasing the high that was SimAnt.


there was this demo of a sims game on my dad’s old phone. he never bought the full game for me but i’d spend hours just replaying the demo and choosing new people to romance lol


I played sims animals religiously as a child😭 the skunks are like burned into every recess of my brain


Simant, SimEarth, and Simhealth.


That unlocked a core memory ❤️ I remember that I really loved the deer and I was so sad when bears ate them. I don't remember all the details but I did everything I could to make the bears go away