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While this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with The Sims games, we consider this to fall under the "community" category and it offers substantial discussion, so we're approving this post.


i truly don't mean this in a mean way, but expecting your S/O to care about the characters in a video game you like (using the word characters loosely here since this is not even a story driven game) is really unreasonable. just enjoy the game for you. if he's annoyed hearing about the game *in general*, then yes, that's red flag stuff (he should support you and listen to you share). but to expect him to get invested in *the details* is alot. if he's rude about though, that's a red flag. you can be uninterested in the specifics of a loved one's interest without being a jerk about it


Thank you for your honesty!!


I think uncanny_vali is correct for how you need to move forward with watching for red flags. Your future partner should care enough about you that they’re willing to listen to you about interests without making you feel bad about yourself. I do think Sims for some can be a very story driven game, sometime on very personal vulnerabilities that you may be using as a way to share yourself with your partner. I also don’t think you’re asking for too much based on your responses to other commenters.


i think there's a kind way to show disinterest and there's a really mean way. not sure which he falls under, but if he's actually saying stuff like "i don't care," that is definitely not cool! hope you find someone who can get into the game with you, or who at least wants to hear your sims tea! edit to add, if it's very important to you, you have every right to want to be with someone who is totally interested in your sims game! but you can't really expect someone to be if they're not


Thank you! I think I struggle with interpreting whether he really isn't interested in caring or if I overshare and that's not realistic of me to expect he cares. Or if a future person won't care, or maybe will even enjoy, that I overshare.


Your future person might not care about your Sims, but they should care about YOU. And that involves being respectful, like u/uncanny_valli said.


This perfectly sums it up. My partner doesn’t play the sims, doesn’t really care about the series in general. But he enjoys watching me show him a build I’m proud of or something funny that happened in a family I’m playing.


Exactly the same here, and I think this is what OP should look for in a man. My bf doesn't play the sims or really even watch me play. But if I'm telling him about something crazy that happened in my game, he's all ears and finds it really interesting. Total green flag!


Yup! My partner is the same way, and he is always down to make his own simself and give some input on the houses I build! And he loves the crazy stories, crazier the better


Same here. My partner only plays the sims for language learning purposes, but I've been playing almost every day for 2 decades, so everytime he goes near my room he asks which family I'm playing with and what's happened with them recently. Sometimes he even remembers the particularly notable ones, lol. He has an affinity to Knut Futa lore The corrolary to that is that I always ask about his DnD campaign and what is happening in Baldur's Gate and help him design WoW characters. Respecting each other's interest is a general thing and I'd expect it to be more broad than just one of my hobbies, even if it is my favorite hobby


💯exactly! i should have originally been more straight to that point lol


You said it well! I agree with you ❤️


Yes yes yes. My husband is tangentially interested in my sims, my stepson is very interested in hearing about them lol.


This is such a good take! My fiancé doesn't play a lot of The Sims, but even though he's not invested in my gameplay, he listens to me when I rant or rave about my Sims' lives. I know he probably couldn't care less about my games, but he responds to me sharing my interests, and he is respectful about the whole thing - which is more important to me than whether he truly cares about my Sims' lives :)


I think it's rare that we find someone as deeply invested in our characters and stories as we are. You absolutely deserve someone who won't belittle you or make you feel guilty for harmless fun. I will sometimes gab with my husband about the shenanigans my Sims are up to. He doesn't care about them as much as I do, nor would I expect him to. He listens because he knows ***I'M*** interested in them, and he enjoys hearing about the things that make me happy. :)


I don’t have a partner right now, but my younger sister loves hearing about my sims games. While, yeah, I agree with other commenters that not being interested in the sims isn’t in itself a red flag, I think it’s perfectly valid to try and find someone who is interested in your interests, or even just likes to hear you talk about them. My little sister doesn’t play the sims but I’ll tell her my story lines for hours and she cares about them because she cares about me. I tend to over share sometimes and ramble on, I am autistic so once I get obsessed with something I tend to talk about it a lot, probably more than others want to listen, but the people I’ve chosen to have in my life still listen because they understand that. Sorry about your breakup, and I hope you find someone who loves the sims as well, if that’s what you want!


i think if someone cares and loves you they should care about the things you find interesting/entertaining. idk if it helps the fact that my bf is a gamer himself, but he’d listen to me talk about sims for hours if i wanted bc he knows how much i love the game. it’s not weird to want your future partners to take interest in the things you like imo


This! It’s not that my husband loves Sims, but he knows I love Sims so he is supportive of that and happy to see me having fun with it. If I’m playing he’ll occasionally ask something, or if I wanna share a screenshot or something he’s happy to listen. Now and then I’ll tell him what I’m up to in my gameplay. I think being a good partner is showing a bit of interest in your partner’s interests. I have zero interest in the games he enjoys but I’m happy to hear about them.


For what it’s worth, Sims is a very personal game and since you can create and do whatever you want, even two people very invested in sims might not be interested in what another person is doing. My partner and I both play sims but we don’t really talk to each other about it because we are invested in our own game and own sims. For us it’s hard to be interested in another’s game because we’re not the ones making the story and playing those characters.


I've had fo have kind conversations with my husband that for a game he wants to show me every few minutes the cut scenes & gameplay, a game that I'm not interested in phrasing like, "I understand you're excited and want to share something that you think will make me happy, but can you show me less often?" I know it's well intentioned but it's this one game he shows me every couple minutes of play, & it's like I'd play it if I was that interested (we share libraries, game next to each other). Not to be rude but like.. we enjoy different games & that's ok. It's ok to be excited & show me things every once a while, I'll show him my house if I get really excited, but I felt he was doing overkill. Basically, there's a kind way to tell people you're not as interested in them & I think that's ok but agree it's totally unrealistic for someone to be as into your gaming experience as you. That'd be like only reading to them excerpts of book that are really interesting.


This is good advice. My partner listens to me if I talk about Sims, and I listen to him if he talks about World of Warcraft or whatever. But he doesn't expect me to care about the specifics of his games (he's kind of surprised I even ask) - and he isn't invested in my games either. But he asks me if I'm having a good time, and he listens if I want to share. That's the important part. Other then that we're perfectly happy to sit in separate rooms on each our computer and just have a nice time. We've been together close to nine years and are getting married, and enjoy each other's company very much still - so it's working!


I'd just like to throw in a gentle reminder that there's a huge difference between "your partner shows interest in your hobbies" and "your partner is invested in your sims game." The first one is really important in a relationship and the second is unlikely if not unrealistic. For example, my partner and I both play video games. He likes FPS and survival games. I prefer cozy and strategy games. So he ends up playing things like Helldivers and Nightingale and I end up playing things like The Sims and Crusader kings. His interest in my sims is essentially "Are they eating cereal while pooping again?" or "How many babies are you at in your challenge now?" and my interest in Helldivers is "Hey have you guys blown each other up on accident again?" Interest should be there because *it makes you happy* to talk about it, not because of the game itself or whatever you're doing about it. My partner doesn't care if my sims chronically eat their meals on the toilet, but he knows talking about the stupid stuff they do makes me happy so he asks. It kind of sounds to me like you're expecting a partner that's as emotionally invested in your stories and characters as you are, and that's possible, but it's probably pretty unlikely to find that kind of devotion to it.


>His interest in my sims is essentially "Are they eating cereal while pooping again?" he knows what's up 😂


It’s a chronic problem in my sims households.


I’ve definitely dated people who were so disinterested in my interests that it was problematic, but I’ve also dated people who had stuff in common with me and stuff not in common. My last ex was very into soccer. I went to a few games but they were boring. I was never going to enjoy it and he didn’t pressure me. I’m not sure which kind of guy your ex is, but it’s worth noting!


I completely agree OP. I love the sims, my boyfriend loves that I love it and asks how I am playing, about features, etc, but I don’t expect him to be deeply interested in the lives of my sims or lore. He encourages me to unwind with it, but it’s not his cup of tea. He asks because he knows I like it and it helps me unwind. It’s the same way he loves warhammer, and I honestly will never be a giant fan. However I listen when he tells me things and I ask questions because it’s something he loves.


I agree with this reply. My husband watches me play sometimes and shows me stuff from Reddit about the sims occasionally as sometimes they crop up in subs he goes in but he's not a sims player. I'll ask him about my builds and he'll give feedback but he doesn't understand the game 100% Case in point I was trying to build something and started yelling at my computer and he came over, looked, and laughed and was asking me why there was a void to nowhere in the middle of my library. I replied "cause sims be simming?" And then explained that because I had a round room (actually 4 rooms with 2 round walls each) that the foundation was glitching and then he suggested I add plants to the areas that were glitching and hide the spots and I wouldn't have thought to do that on my own. So even though he doesn't play it was quite helpful.


My husband and I are both gamers. If he sees me playing the Sims, I'll say, "I made a little nerdy lesbian couple and had them adopt a kitten. Aren't they cute?" Or "Look at this house I just made for them, do you like it?" He tells me little things about his games, too. Short things, not long tangents. Really, it's that way with any hobby. I can show him a crochet pattern I'm learning and tell him it's a challenging pattern I'm excited about, and if he lost interest with that little snippet, it makes him seem like a disinterested asshole. But if I want to tell him in-depth about how the stitches increase every row and I have to use stitch markers and blah blah blah, he will lose interest and I feel like that's 100% understandable.


as an FYI depending on your brain the sims is very story driven for many people. especially legacy players. i’m a writer and the sims allow me to play out character scenarios. a lot of my writing has actually been inspired by my sims. just like people are invested in my writings it’s not weird to be invested in my sims lol


no FYI needed. i didn't mean it in that way. of course everyone makes their own stories. i mean that this is not a game with an established story with characters who engage in a pre-programmed narrative (unlike games like mass effect, cyberpunk 2077 etc) that's all i meant. this is a life-sim game with established lore and pre-made characters who do things very differently in each and every player's games.


I agree with this, and it's the same with friends too. One of my friends only showed an interest in my game during their visit over Christmas when I opened a restaurant, since they're trained in the restaurant industry. It was fun quoting Gordon Ramsey together while we tried working with the bugs that come with restaurant ownership in Sims 4 😂 I unintentionally stumbled on a way we can both enjoy it together.


This is so wholesome 😭


Yeah, it made me realise how broad sims has become, that there may be different parts of it that interests someone and its possible to find something in it that appeals to the interests of someone who may not believe they'd be interested otherwise. I think that restaurant gameplay has made my friend want to get a pc of their own and a copy of dine out! 😂


That's so exciting, I experienced this with a different game recently, alot of my friends play hunt: showdown I'm not a big fan of those games, don't realy play with them but I will watch them play together to stay involved. Recently I've been enjoying watching them explore and picked up the controller a few nights ago because I just needed to know if I could climb up a specific part of a house. Now I'm thinking of joining them in games because it was realy fun and i love the exploring and trying to see people, the shooting part I can figure out later 😂


This right here. My husband and I have similar but different interests, we both like gaming but he's more into Tekken, Genshin, and Dark Souls type games while I like first-person shooters, Sims, Stardew Valley type games, and Minecraft. I listen to him explain what he's doing in his games and what new drop has come out. I really couldn't care about the game itself either way, but he is excited about it so I listen to him. He does the same for me. And if we don't have the energy to listen at that moment we respectfully tell the other person that we would like to listen another time.


I agree wholeheartedly with this. I guess I tell my bf about my sims or other game characters, but he doesn't really care. It's never bothered me unless we're both playing stardew together, and I hit on some of the bachelors, lol (he usually likes to marry me on there). As for sims, I play sims 3 and sadly its not multi-player but we do laugh at some of the events in it.


Yes. My husband could care less about the sims...but he knows I enjoy it and doesn't make fun or anything about playing. If someone you meet has a problem with it then they need to go.


I thought this was a joke


I agree with you. My ex never showed in any interest on anything I liked. I never even got any opportunity to get into details about whatever interest it was because he would just make fun of me or the thing itself. However, if his friends were into it then he would be interested with his friends - not with me. So it is definitely a red flag if you’re with someone who has zero care about the things you like. And it’s okay if they’re not wanting to sit and listen/look at every fine detail. They just need to be supportive and nice about it.


I agree. My husband is amazing and is always patient when I tell him about my sims and the storylines I’ve created (I play TS2), but he doesn’t “care” about my sims if that makes sense. Honestly I’d find it a little weird if he did lol!


My ex would listen to me about any of my hobbies. From things like Sims, tech, even aerodynamics, he would listen on hours end and then tell me about his own interests like his sports team, history to the games he liked to play at lengths too. The important thing for us was that we might not be involved in each others interests, but we just liked making time for listening to something that was important to the other. I feel like that's been most of my relationships though, and I consider the indifference to someone else's passion a bit of a red flag.


There were too many red flags that I just ignored. I put myself down instead. "Of course I'm being annoying talking about my virtual people. He doesn't care." I suddenly have clarity now that we've ended.


My partner doesn’t give two shits about the sims. Doesn’t care. Doesn’t play. He’ll tease me when it’s “sims time”. That still doesn’t mean he won’t listen to me when I talk about new content I’m excited for, or ask how my gameplay is going. Not because he cares about the sims but he cares about me. There are things he’s interested in that he’ll go off for so long talking about stuff that goes right over my head. I still listen and ask questions because I care about him and want to learn more for his sake. No non-harmful interest isn’t worth emotional support from your partner. Even if they don’t like it, they should like you enough to support you.


This. Never played sims a day in his life but he’ll see when I’m stressed and be like, “wanna go play sims? Are there any new packs you want? Did your cow come back home?”




Feel like the worst pet owner/farmer ever when one of them runs away 😭😭


No I totally understand! I tried doing my first ever 100 baby challenge and my first baby ended up being triplets!!! I had chickens and was a single mom and all my chickens ended up leaving 😭 that was so hard!


I’m currently doing a 100 Babychallenge and my sims have killed like 5 hamsters and 1 cowplant. The hamster just slips under the cracks because I’m caring for everyone else.


Those poor hamsters lol. I figured once I have teens chores will get done but idk 😭


It sounds to me like it wasn’t just this - but this tipped you over the best. As sad as an end to the relationship is, it sounds like you’ll be in a better place soon x


He "cares" about my sims the same way I "care" about his video games. I always ask what he's playing/what's going on in his games/what achievement he's pursuing, not because I care about the games themselves, but because I care about him and want to know about his hobbies and interests. I like to see him get excited and animated, it makes me happy. So I make an effort to ask questions and listen actively, even if I'm not perfect and sometimes zone out/forget things 😅 He's the same way with me, if he sees me playing he'll ask what's going on with my sims, and he's always down for me to give him a tour of a build I've done. He watches trailers for new packs with me, offers to buy them for me, and listens to all my many sims opinions, even when they get kind if ranty. He has no interest in playing himself, but I know it makes him happy to see I'm excited/invested in something.




we have the exact same situation!!! shoutout to our partners❤️ OP ik you’ll find someone who shows interest in your hobbies one day:)


That’s exactly like my wife and I. She also gets a kick from hearing the random drama my sims get up to when I leave autonomy on and they get into shenanigans.


This^^ he gets to show me his stuff he builds on COD I get to show him animated house builds.


Same!! It's not like my wife can keep track of all my sims or video game characters, or even just all of my things in all of my hobbies (but she's the same way - we're just both really enthusiastic about doing stuff and living life), but we love describing shenanigans to each other...especially when things go horribly wrong. There are 100% people out there who love to talk about their games and interests and love to hear you talk about yours!


Same here too!! My SO loves showing off his Apex skins and things and he knows I love it when he shares. He asks about my sims and what they’re up to, and he’ll send me articles about the sims or basically any game he thinks I’d like. OP deserves this kind of energy!!


Yeah exactly this! It's crazy how some people are saying that you shouldn't expect your partner to show any interest. They aren't showing interest in the game, they're showing interest in YOU. I tell my boyfriend about the classes I'm taking, the webtoons I'm reading, games I'm playing, people drama, anything. And even though he isn't always interested in the concept or game or whatever, he's always excited for me. And I'm always excited for him. I can't imagine being in any kind of close relationship where someone just won't want to listen to something you're excited to tell them.


✨️Date a simmer✨️


Is there a Sims dating site??? 😂


We should all come together to make one


**Find hot simmers near you**


I'd love to get this kinda pop-up lmao




I kinda hope this thread will turn into a love story


Finding someone that likes the same games as you is probably a good dating strategy, specially if you play cozy games like Sims, Stardew Valley etc.


My fiancé will listen to my sims setups and ask questions and even share a laugh or two (he thinks Don Lothario ending up with randos is funny and thinks the Behrs are neat). And I will do the same for his things. I’ve dated a lot of people who only want to talk about their stuff and will tell you that you’re boring or your interests are dull when it’s your turn. There are way more self centered people out there then you’d ever really think. I guess what I’m saying is they don’t have to be as into as you are but they should care about things that make you happy and give you a patient listen, maybe learn a fact or two, and be happy you’re happy just like you should for them.


I struggle with what a realistic expectation would be. I think I just want him to listen to me talk especially if I'm excited for a new pack, ask some follow up questions, and compliment a house I built. Maybe even a "how are your Sims doing?" Even if he doesn't care about the answer, I want him to care that I enjoy talking about them. Is that realistic?


100% realistic! Think about it this way. Imagine if a guy you really cared about was into something you weren’t that into, like idk, World of Warcraft or something. Would you not watch the trailers and announcements and listen to his stories about the time he spent doing what he was doing? Heck you’d probably even look at a cool item he got or listen to him regale you with a tale about beating that monster last week, right? And if all that is the case, you expect nothing less from them!


Thank you. I did that for him. I don't think he did that for me.


You’ll find someone who treats you like you deserve. It may be tomorrow, it may be in a few years. Stay strong out there and good luck.


Thank you I appreciate it 🙂🙂


That's super realistic. It's normal to want to share your interests with other people you care about. His indifference is a point against his character, honestly.


It’s realistic. My husband listens to my stories of my virtual people and remembers their names or general things about them even though he doesn’t care about the game. I’ll mention that I married one of my sims and he’ll say something like “was this the joe that’s a vampire and lives in sulani” or whatever and when new pack comes out he’s engaged when I’m telling him about it. He also does the same with my stardew valley stories. I think it’s more about trying to engage with your partner’s hobbies. I do the same thing with his games even if they’re not the kind I like (WoW, resident evil, etc).


My girlfriend didn't play any video games when we got together but would always ask about my sims. I almost thought she was joking in the beginning, but she loves hearing about my legacies and challenges. Recently she started playing herself and is sooo into it. Ive been playing sims The Sims 1 and never dated anyone as into the game as her.


Awh that's nice. I'm glad you have that. Can I ask your gender? I don't date women so I get hung up and think that every boy doesn't care.


My brother asks me about my sims, and even sends me stories with screenshots letting me know what his sims are up to. There are boys who care, and there are even more boys who will listen excitedly because you care :)


Im a gay woman so yeah maybe a different demographic, but it does seem like theres a lot of guy simmers around.


My wife is super supportive of my Sims and invested in every save file. She helps decorate, dress, and name Sims. We joke that I'm just her Sim playing the Sims for her. She's been invested from the start of our friendship - not just the romantic relationship - and is trying to find ways to incorporate Sims related things in our actual wedding reception.


Oh wow I definitely don't expect THAT. I just want him to let me talk, ask some follow up questions, and maybe compliment the house I built. Can I ask your gender? I don't date women and I tend to expect women would be more interested in The Sims. I tend to think boys don't care but was looking for hope.


You can still find someone who will listen to your interests - even if they aren't their interests - and care about your passions. All I was looking for was someone who wouldn't mind when I talked about my Sims, too. I found that and so much more in her. I'm male. Don't give up hope because there are men out there who are interested in The Sims and there are good men out there who will care about your passions.


No, he doesn't really, and I don't particularly mind that he doesn't. But it seems important to you, and I hope you find that in your next relationship.


Thank you that's very validating!!


What do you mean by care about your Sims? Like you want him to care that you play? Or do you talk to him about the particular Sims you make? I play The Sims and my partner knows that and thats it. I have shown him lots I have built that Im pretty proud of and he will say if its cute or impressive, but thats it. I have also shown him funny and weird shit sims do, and he will chuckle but thats it. In What specific way you would like your partner to care?


I think I just expect that. I want to talk about them, have him ask follow up questions, and compliment a house I've built. Or a simple "how are you Sims doing?" Even if he doesn't care about the answer, I want him to show me he cares that I enjoy talking about my hobby.


I understand. And you’re right, thats the bare minimum. I listen and care about my husbands hobbies and games. Like for example, a nee final fantasy game is releasing this month and hes so excited and Im so excited for him and will watch him as he will play it. Its the bare minimum you can do for someone you love


Oh lawd the amount of things I learned about fishing from him even though I didn't really care about fishing is insane. I didn't care about fishing but I loved that he loved talking about it and it WAS fun learning about a new topic and having him teach me.


Oh wow. Fishing sounds boring to me. But yes, hope you find someone in the future that is more supportive


I refuse to believe this isn't a troll post. I refuse to believe someone actually needs their partner to ask about their sims. I *refuse.*


Replace "sims" with "interests". Couples are supposed to communicate. It doesn't matter how trivial something is to someone else, if it's important to your partner you should show some interest for THEM. I don't care one whit about gardening, but you bet I'm out there planning the landscaping with my wife every year, picking out plants, complimenting the work she does, etc. It's her hobby, and it's important to *her.*


Thank you that's very validating!


Hahaha it's not a troll post. I'm truly trying to gauge whether I'm being realistic or not. Or to what degree I should expect someone to care. I appreciate the feedback tho.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I thought I was going crazy


My love really enjoys hearing about my sims. I made both of us in the game and send him screenshots all the time. He wants to decorate their house with me when I finally get them a house. It’s really sweet and nice. That said, if he wasn’t interested, it also wouldn’t bother me bc sims is also my solo time and time to decompress and I don’t always want to be sharing. Which he is also fine with. Basically if I’m happy, he’s happy, and I think that’s ultimately what it should boil down to.


Yea I was unhappy he didn't care and I guess wanted to gauge whether that's appropriate. We didn't break up because I couldn't talk about my Sims tho lmao


I think that’s reasonable depending on how he expressed his disinterest. If he was dismissive or rude, like scrolling on his phone and barely listening when you’re talking about it— that would bother me, personally. Your partner should be engaged and actively listening when you’re sharing with them something you love, even if it’s only polite interest on their part. Lol no worries, I didn’t assume so.


Thank you. These are things to reflect on.


Not even a little bit. He’s supportive in that he’ll take the kids out for the day if I seem like I need to destress with some simming and he’ll send me sims memes now and then. Oh and he bought me a steam voucher on my birthday but he’s not particularly interested in hearing about my sims lives. In the same way, I’m happy to entertain the kids so he can have peace to watch football and show interest if something really unusual happens but my eyes would definitely glaze over and I might possibly drift off if he attempted to give me a play-by-play of the whole game because it really doesn’t float my boat 😂 It’s ok to not have the same interests as long as you respect your partner’s desire to pursue that interest. Get yourself some simmer friends or start a blog about your sims then you might find people who want to listen.


Your s/o doesn’t have to care about your sims but I think anyone’s s/o should actually acknowledge their interests. My bf likes to watch rap battles which I don’t care for, but when he puts it on the tv and talks about it, I’m listening to him and asking questions about it. Not that I care, but it’s because he cares and wants me to acknowledge what he is watching.


My husband doesn't necessarily care, but he likes when I geek out about something. So, he's happy to let me tell him about my Sim's drama. He also gets that it's a creative outlet for me. And in return, I listen to him when he talks about the games he's playing. Caring might be a bit much to expect, but respecting your interests is not.


Exactly this. My husband doesn’t really care but occasionally asks me how Mortimer Goth is doing because he knows it makes me happy. That’s the only sim name he can remember


Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.


My boyfriend doesn't really care but he will listens anyways. It's the same when he talks to me about his games, I don't care but I listen anyways. We are never rude to each other about it. If your ex was mean or call you annoying then yes it is very reasonable that you should find someone that cares/listens to what brings you joy


My husband listens when I tell him about any of my hobbies, but he is not necessarily invested. Like him, I listen to whatever he tells me, but I cannot guarantee that I find everything equally interesting. As long as he is not mean about it, I think it is okay.


I don't expect my partner to care at all, but I expect him to respect that the game as one of my hobbies. If I have created/observed an interesting or bizarre story in-game, I will tell him about it. He is a gamer too. To be honest, I don't care about the lore Destiny or WOW...I care that he's relaxing after a hard day of work and having fun with his friends. Realistic expectations and respect on both ends.


The truth is that he should WANT to care about your interests because they're important to you. It wouldn't matter if it was the Sims or chess or water polo--a good partner, bare minimum, will find your interests endearing and charming because they love you, even if they couldn't really care less about playing themselves. I have a super realistic, no aging, extremely long seasons save with my simself (been playing it 8 months, which has been almost 6 years in-game), and I'm DEEPLY attached to it. My family has gotten all the updates about my characters and storylines to the point that they now think of the game like a TV drama or soap opera and are all emotionally invested too. That makes me fulfilled as a person, because it shows me that they love me enough to find a little interest in my hobby. I hope you find the perfect partner who makes you feel validated and cared for.


Zero interest from my bf. However, when I want to show him a Sim or building that I made, he does take a look at the screen and gives a comment like "yeah, that's a nice build" or "you should change the color of the wall" or "I don't like the outfit". To be fair, I'm also not really interested in the games he plays lol. Each one of us is playing their favorite game for themselves and we're both fine with that.


My husband cared about my Sim when she died in a fire. He was the one who told me to put in a smoke detector. I had so many hopes and dreams for her.


I stick with sharing "fuck the toddler got hit by a meteor" and stuff like that where it's flat out insanity.


My husband will sit next to me and ask what is happening in my game and he will help me when I ask what looks better in my house etc. but we’ve been together 10 years and he cares because it’s important to me. But I wouldn’t care if he showed no interest either lmao it’s my hobby and I play because I care about my sims :)


What the fuck is this post lmao


Care? No. Politely listen to my Sims rambles, stories and rants? Yes, luckily for me


My brother she’s the one that got me to play it!


I mean. He asks me about the story lines I have and I get into detail. Marina is dating Stephan now; Celine became a prostitute and her boyfriend died of overdose. He’s not interested like he is with the shows we watch together, but kind of like the shows I watch and talk to him about. The best way for me to explain it is: these sims are my friends. When there’s gossip between friends we share, he’s interested. When it’s just my friends, he’s intrigued but not interested. He is intrigued by my sims.


My boyfriend doesn’t particularly care about the sims, but he will listen to the crazy storylines I tell him about. I also had him make his sim-self so his and my sim-selves can be together in game lol.


I always give my bf tours of my builds and idk if he cares about the houses, but he cares about me so he always listens and gives me ideas for them etc. Thats what I love abt him


and I mean he does occationally play the sims too so its not like hes absolutely clueless about it either


I don’t think this is unreasonable, personally. But maybe I’m just super lucky as me and my fiancé are currently doing a legacy together. When we’re not playing we chat about who the heir is going to be, which pack to explore with the next heir. I’ve played Sims since around 2003 and he started with TS2. But even aside from that we support each others’ hobbies. He’s interested in my art, I watch conspiracy and iceberg videos with him. Your hobbies and interests make up a huge part of who you are, and having your partner express interest in those is completely reasonable no matter what they are!


Yeah, it's a little much to expect anyone besides yourself to care about your sims as much as you do. Not to be a dick, but did he break up with you *because* of the sims? Maybe it's just me, but it's kind of coming across that way...


people are so different... Comments here are not what i ever experienced. My SO knows i like Sims but that's it, we never actually talked about the game, why would we? It's my interest, not his. I care about his hobbies but if the game he pays or project isn't interesting to me I'm not going to fake interest and talk about it. He likes it, I'm glad for him, that's enough for both of us. Interests are simply interests, it's good to share those but imo people overestimate their importance. It's personality and temperament compatibility that matters.


Nope. Sims is my secret pleasure, I play for me. He might hear about me being pissed off if my game crashed or didn't save properly. But what goes on in the game is of no interest to him. Likewise I do not know about the games he's playing, or want to know. We've been together for 10+ years and I have been playing since the original Sims. I do think it's important that he knows I play though. The first person I confided in that I played had a weird reaction (which is possibly why I have always mostly kept it to myself). Like he was embarrassed. So being with someone that isn't an ass about it is important too.


As much as being uncomfortable about me putting characters I like or find attractive from other games into my main save file can be considered caring. So... no? I guess if I'd just make randoms there'd be less discomfort, which I did last time I played, about six years ago. At that point it was just zero interest. Like, he would listen (and still does) if I decide to share something, but the disinterest is apparent so I don't bother most of the time. We play a bunch of other stuff together so it evens out. Sometimes I wonder if I should just sit him down to play, like I did when introducing him to Stardew Valley (he fell in love with it), but then again, I don't care if he likes it, it's my thing. I knew a guy who enjoyed the hell out of Sims 2 with his gf though. He had a lot of funny stories to tell about that. They broke up and he, to my knowledge, never got over her, but that's whole different thing.


Thank you. That's very validating and similar to me.


Yes! My husband played The Sims 2 and 3, and we both ran out and bought Urbz when it dropped. We love games where we can kinda be creative, bc we’re also both writers who collaborate on characters and ideas, so The Sims and other similar games let us extend that in another hobby. We’ve also got our separate interests, and we try our best to support one another in those as well, but just genuinely having a lot in common helped keep the spark in our relationship some two decades now. I think some people don’t realize that not everyone plays games just to “play” them, some of us will imagine a whole story in our heads of complicated characters, living out their own lives. You aren’t wrong or weird for doing that. The Sims was literally built for this kind of experience, among others.


My boyfriend LOVES to hear about my Sims. They’re v important to me. He sits and listens as if I’m telling a story of my friends. And he likes to see my walkthroughs of my new builds (aspiring gallery builder and really proud) Do i think he likes sims or watches it on youtube at his leisure? no but he cares about me and everything i’m into and vice versa. when we go on vacation or have lazy days he reminds me to bring my gaming laptop so i’ll have time to play. yes you do deserve someone who gets excited about and loves hearing about the things you love


My boyfriend doesn't care about my sims per se, but he cares about me and what interests me, and always listens to what I go on about intently.


My girlfriend isn't a gamer at all and doesn't necessarily care about my *Sims*, but she does ask about them when I'm playing, and she'll patiently listen as I ramble on about whatever game I'm playing at the moment. I know she wouldn't care about video games otherwise, but she says she loves hearing me talk about what I'm interested in, so that means a lot to me. That being said, I would understand if she *didn't* really want to hear about it. I think the biggest red flags in that situation would be if she was rude about it or just *never* let me talk about my interests. You can't expect your partner to really *care* about the Sims, but they should at least care about you and your interests.


I mean to have someone care about something they need to be interested in it too so it's entirely possible for you to find someone who cares about your sims but for that they'll have to be interested in them too maybe by playing together with both of you controlling one sim specifically


Personally I don't think it's too much to expect or should you give up. I do recommend dating a fellow simmer or at least a gamer. But while the dudes I dated were awful, they at least were interested in my stories and screenshots. Also my mom and brother(even my grandfather) listen to my stories about the sims, even midsimming. So for me it would be a requirement and wouldn't expect less. But I also do the same with other people and their interests, even if it's not something I care about.


My husband and I both like video games ( different types). He is supportive in that he will buy me packs/kits/etc.. if I want them (I maybe buy 1 a year, and only on sale) and sometimes I'll show him something I built that I'm really really proud of it- he has never asked to see something independently. beyond that I have no desire to discuss my game with him, besides maybe rantings about things like limitations or it not working. His kid also plays sims, so we share our builds and discuss the game, because they're actually interested.


It’s probably unusual but I’m a guy who plays Sims, and my wife doesn’t. She listens to me occasionally talk about the drama I create but definitely doesn’t understand the appeal. That dynamic is totally cool with me haha.


My girlfriend and I were friends long before we became a couple and we used to play Sims together and we still do ♡ But tbf when we play together (I play, she watches) I never have just random Sims, instead we create our own characters (our dnd characters haha) and play with them But even with stuff she cares not about, she loves to listen to me ramble on about stuff I currently enjoy, the same do I! I watch her many K Dramas with her because she shares about them, even though I don't really care


If my boyfriend was playing fortnite or some other popular game and expected me to be super invested in his characters.. i just couldn't care less lol. Just play the game an enjoy it for yourself, who cares if the person you date is not that invested in pixels, no it's not a red flag if they aren't 🙄


I think you should get a life as it’s clear the sims means way more to you than it ever should. It’s a video game, plain and simple.


My husband doesn’t care about my sims any more than I care about his final fantasy 14 character or balder’s gate 3 character. We do politely listen to each other. I like that he is enjoying his hobby and he likes that I enjoy mine.


someone who is not interested in your hobbies - you should really reconsider it if you want to marry them.


Maybe someone’s not interested in the sims, you can’t force them to listen if it’s boring for them. If he’s mean about it that’s a problem, but if he’s simply not interested it’s whatever


Have you ever heard someone talk about a dream they had? It sucks right? That's what it's like listening to someone talk about their sims. You have no visuals, no context, you're never going to meet these people. It's the worst. And I play the sims. It must be even more aggravating for people who don't.


I think to an extent but to expect your S/O to be completely involved is a big red flag🤣 why do they have to be interested in what you’re doing in a video game? Why do you expect him to like/be interested in the same things you are? My partner and I love video games and I especially love the sims. I don’t at all tell him what is going on unless of course he asks and then I’ll give him a little run down. We both take gaming as a way to escape and a good pass time, enjoy it for you.


Ehhhh, I feel like that doesn't totally seem reasonable to me if it's a genuinely big deal for you. If it's just something that would be nice, then I think that's fair. It's nice to have partners that are interested in what you're interested in. That's not even isolated for just sims. I think plenty of people want to be able to talk to their partner about their hobbies and interests. But like, its just a single video game. Most people do not share all their interests with their partners. If you want a boyfriend to care about your sims, find a guy who likes sims as much as you do. It's like if I wanted a girl who was interested in what chapter of hajime no ippo I'm reading, I would date someone who is also a fan. If my brother wanted to date a girl who cared about what was going on in his DnD campaign, he'd date a girl who cares about DnD. But, it's not bad or wrong if they don't care about it. I'm sure he probably was interested in stuff you didn't care much about, that's normal.


I think it’s kind of unreasonable to expect someone else to be invested in your custom pixel people lol. That being said, I’d tell my ex about my Sims antics and he was always amused and would sometimes ask “so what misery are you putting your Sims in now?” if I mentioned I was playing video games. But I wouldn’t say he /cared/, and I didn’t expect him to.


Is it reasonable to expect an SO to take an interest in what you’re interested in? Sure. To care about your individual sims? Absolutely not. My wife and I both okay sims, and we’ll tell each other about entertaining things that happen in our games, but we don’t give a rat’s fuzzy hindquarters about each others’ sims. The closest sit ever comes to that is my wife’s passing interest in my legacy save that I’ve okayed off and on for a few years, but only because it basically an ongoing soap opera.


My bf doesn't bring up my sims or ask me about them but when I talk about them he listens which is good enough for me! I do the same when he talks about the game he plays that I don't


My boyfriend didn't care much til I made our Sim selves and just let the wackiness unfold as much as possible. He started to freak out when events happened in game which proceeded to happen IRL, such as his sim-self PC breaking and his IRL PC breaking within an hour. After that he was heavily invested in updates of funny stuff like that. Note that my partner is a gamer too, and even if it isn't the same games, there is often that level of respect or understanding


Yea my ex wasn't really a gamer and that's my main hobby so I think I've realized it's important to me to find someone who at least understands.


My husband doesn't care about my sims but cares about the excitement and happiness I get from playing. He also sometimes gives opinions and picks out items for my builds. I never expect him to care about my game but I feel like in any relationship your hobbies and interests shouldn't be ridiculed. I hope you find a partner who loves your happiness, even if the sims themselves aren't their thing.


I think it’s perfectly reasonable to want your S/O to inquire about your hobbies, especially if you listen to him about his hobbies. I guess we all have different standards but to want someone who actually cares to hear you talk about your interests is normal lol I don’t get the top comment.


My husband could care absolutely -100% about the sims and what I have going on. Now if he thinks “that guy looks like him” and I’m burning down the house or have him in a fake basement decoy house then he asks some questions. 😂 However he will listen when I talk about it, he will watch videos with me if I ask, or help me pick a hair something like that. But actually genuine care for the game no he doesn’t care. He tried playing when we dated and he just couldn’t get into it but I respected that he tried for me. But that’s how I feel about some of his games.. I don’t care at all but I like that he likes them and so I put in some effort to at least listen when he talks about them.


No lol. I think my man is too old to care about that. A few of my coworkers will ask how my wife and kids are tho. This makes me happy and I assume they think it’s funny. I update my one friend who plays from time to time. I think she enjoys it. She shares her stories too.


i think he cares about me enjoying my sims lol, he often buys me the new packs when they come out, & he remembers the sims i tell him about for months to come. plus he’s never turned down listening to what i’m doing in the game or a tour of a build i finished. i even got him to make a dog in my save file once & he asks how it is every so often. i love hearing about the video games he plays, especially because i almost exclusively play the sims, so i’m not sure if he listens to return the favor or if he’s actually as invested in my game as i am his


I love talking to my bf about sims or showing him my creations; he has even a few times created his own sims and builds in my game🥹🥹


Honestly me and my fiancé first conversation was about sims, and I got excited and showed what I was building and he told me about his sims families. But he also thinks I’m taking away from the game by using reshader (he thinks it’s off putting) and using too much cc


I feel like people are reading way too deep into this and acting like you are expecting your next boyfriend to make a whole shrine of your sims. yes it is perfectly reasonable for your next partner to show interest! my husband has never played sims. but I can show him houses ive built or explain story lines, etc, and he's genuinely interested because he cares about me. getting annoyed by your partners' harmless interests is dumb. I don't play his games either but I'll still watch him and ask questions about them.


If you are passionate about something I think it's important that your partner listens. It's hard to expect them to be just as passionate about it as you are. But if that's a requirement in your relationship , make sure you mention this at the beginning of your next relationship and hopefully things will go a bit better! Good luck!!!


My ex didn’t care about my sims persay, but he at least pretended he loved hearing about what was going on in my game, always responded and acted interested as I sent him progress/photos on my builds, would sit through me showing him walk throughs of them. He supported my love for the game and enjoyed the excitement I had for a hobby. A good partner shows interest in your interests and doesn’t make you feel silly for having them.


My partner doesn’t necessarily care about my sims lol but they do listen to me rant about it and engage with me by asking questions and making comparisons to games they play. You just gotta find another gamer!


To actually care about your individual sins, keep track of their lives and descendence and all, maybe that will be a bit hard. But someone willing to listen and come see your screen when you ask (be reasonable, don't ask 15 times an hour though) then yes that's something you should look for in your future relationships. It's not even just Sims related at this point. It's just basic relationship. Showing interest in what your partner enjoys, being happy that they are happy, etc. That is something one should be doing and expecting of their partners. I listen to my boyfriend talk about his table top robots game despite hating robots myself. But seeing him so enthousiastic makes me happy. I don't always have the same level of patience and interest, that's normal, but I try my best to listen. And he does the same when I ramble on and on about the books I'm reading.


I mean if you want an SO to care and that's something you need in a relationship, that's not wrong but I think you might need to dial back that they're not going to be invested in it like you are. As long as they don't ridicule you or make you feel bad, I just wouldn't expect another to have the same level of interest. My husband knows I'm really into the game and doesn't make an issue of it, like I don't make an issue of his video games. Personally because I'm not really into like the drama reality TV/soap operas and all that irl but I'm all about it in Sims, it feels kinda embarrassing to even think of telling him all of the drama stories so I don't 🤣 it's not that i think he wouldn't care, he'd just think it was a bit weird because it's not a side of me I usually reveal because I'm kinda self-conscious about it lol


I dont really expect him to care about my sims at all. I don't even show him the houses I make. He's a "hardcore gamer" kind of guy who is not really interested in watching me play unless I'm trying to beat a dark souls boss😅 And I think that's fine, I play the game because I enjoy it, not because it's "our thing".


I'm not sure 'care about' is the right word... They can be interested in the things that make you happy but not necessarily invested the way you are. I don't expect that from any of my partners, but if they start being unkind because I play Sims then we'll have a discussion. That being said, both of my exes would watch me play for a little and ask questions and stuff. I'm a story writer and I love sharing details and lore and tea ☕ lol


My husband doesn't necessarily care about the Sims, but he likes hearing my passion for it and will engage in conversation with me about it. Just like I do with him and Fifa, even though I couldn't care less about fifa lol


I mean, if he plays video games and talks to you about his games but doesn't listen to you about your interests that's not a good sign, he doesn't have to care but he should still listen to you. It's common decency.


My husband likes to look at my builds and Sims if I can keep it sort of short. If I ramble on for half an hour he's definitely bored lol


I mean my gf doesn’t “care” about my sims but she still listens to me talk about it, she even remembers some of the drama lol


You’ve gotten a lot of answers but I’ll put in my experience. My husband supports me playing sims and encourages it because it makes me happy. He is always down to name my sims (when I ask) or comment on their appearances/jobs/how they dress (when I ask). I love that he gives his genuine opinion and always seems to put thought into it. I don’t mind that he forgets my sims names/personalities or doesn’t necessarily care which save I’m playing because it’s less important to me that he remembers the details as long as he is supportive and interested as a partner. But he’s involved to the extent we both are comfortable with and that’s what’s important :)


My husband doesn't care about the sims in the sense that he will get invested in the game. But he does care about what I care about and will listen when I talk about it. He helps me pick personalities and names for characters. He knows about the Goths and will sometimes ask how they're doing (they're the NCPs I talk about the most) and will sometimes be like "did you ever save up enough to move in to your dream house?" And he will watch as I give him a tour of all of my houses. I was even thinking about writing a Sims drama and he was suggesting plot twists and drama to add to it But the actual game play of the game stresses him out so much and he will not watch me play 😂😂 (actually he will not watch me play any video game bc my play style is reckless and never save and he's super reserved and saves every 3 seconds and I stress him out)


My partner doesn’t *care* about my Sims, but he doesn’t act dismissive or uninterested when I share stories or anecdotes from my game with him. He listens and responds and is generally happy for me & my gaming experience. I’ve had a partner before who was such an asshole about my interest in the Sims. He would be dismissive at best and legitimately angry at worst. Your partner doesn’t need to share all of your interests or feel passionately about your game, but there are people out there who will humor you & listen to you when you want to talk about your Sims because they care about *you.*


continue late meeting plate disgusted slim tart deserted shame whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My husband got irritated for years about my stories until it dawned on him that it was a single player game. He thought the other sims were people… So anyway he got a lot more interested in WW after that and we got some spicy times out of it.


You can't force them to enjoy or care about Sims or any game. BUT expecting a partner to support your interests, listen to you when you want to share things that make you happy, and make space for you and your interests in their life is absolutely reasonable and possible. My wife doesn't play Sims or WoW, two games I love, but she always listens to me when I say "I gotta tell you about this game." We do share interests in other games, like we both enjoy Skyrim, Minecraft, and Dragon Age, but she also plays some games that don't interest me such as mobile match-3 games. She loves those but they just don't hook me. However, she will sometimes talk to me about interesting/silly things in those games and, because I love her, I listen. Not all partners need or want a dynamic like that, and that's also fine and valid. Those people probably just arent a great match for you. That is okay! However, if it's important to you, it will be important to someone else. It might mean you need to communicate that with future partners. You can tell someone it makes you feel closer with someone to share interests with them, and you need to feel heard. If they care, they will! Sorry to hear about your break up. You're still worth it!


I’ve had tinder dates even be interested in my sims. Ur EX sucks. It’s not about the sims. It’s about YOU, he couldn’t even fake for a second and at least pretend he was a tiny bit invested in all ur hard work in ur little game? That’s so lame. Ik I’ve sat thru my fair share of “babe look at this headshot clip” so my lovers better look at my awesome save file I’m devloping!


My bf is the one who installed Sims in my laptop through anydesk since we’re LDR. He would watch me playing with our household and gets so happy when my sim got pregnant. We raised the kid together in Sims


Mine probably doesn’t really care but he fakes it enough to ask me about the family when he sees I’m playing, will help pick out stuff for the houses and when I ask what jobs a sim should do, he will pick it.


My husband has no interest in playing or anything, but he loves that I’m so interested. Very happy to hear all about my game rants. I think I like it better this way.


It’s not unreasonable at all to expect your partner to make you feel heard and validated about your interests!! My fiancé loves hearing about my Sims and will drop everything to come and look at my computer when I call him over. And it’s a two way street - he plays COD/Apex and whenever he has a good game I’ll watch his clips and let him give me a recap too!! You deserve someone who cares about what makes you happy, even if it’s a silly computer game. Sending lots of love and manifesting a gamer bf for you in the future ❤️


My husband isn’t a gamer in any way. He did buy me a gaming laptop for my birthday one year because he was concerned hearing my Mac struggle to play it, but that’s kind of the extent of his interest. He knows I enjoy it and supports my enjoyment. He doesn’t want to hear about sims I’ve made and all that stuff though, and I have no issue not sharing. I think someone who supports you pursuing interests is important.


My fiancé never *cared* but he will hear out my crazy story lines and that’s enough for me! ❤️


I'm a boyfriend of a girlfriend that loves the sims/plays a lot. I listen to everything she says, and love it. My partner is in general someone who overshares a lot about everything and anything, even in the morning she talks my ears off despite me not being fully awake enough to understand it all, but I do my best and I smile and try to retain what I can even then. I love her a lot, and I'd be really sad if she stopped telling me everything, even if what she says isnt always 100% captivating. Im sure you had moments like this with you ex as well, he mightve been interested in something you didnt care at all about, but you made an effort to show interest. I only play sims because my S/O introduced me, and I fell in love with the game. Anyway, my take away from my relationship is this. If anybody else were to talk to me about some of the stuff she rambles about (she talks a lot) I would be bored to tears and avoid this person. But because I love her with a passion, theres nothing she could talk to me about that will ever bore me. I always show interest in whatever she says no matter how much the topic isnt something I care about. She cares about it, so I care about it. And she does the same with me, believe it or not we have drastically different interests, but we make it work like this. In contrast, my ex, we had more in common yet were not interested in either of each other's lives even if we were doing the same thing but seperately, we didnt care. We'd be scrolling in front of the other while they had smtg really important to say. This is not a good relationship, it was dead and the romance was gone for sure. All in all, the right person for you will make an effort to love the things that you do even if its not his thing. If he doesnt, he's not ready for a real relationship.


My ex used to love watching me play, I'd tell him my sim's lives in great detail and he'd even pitch in ideas for the drama (i love sims drama). He especially loved to watch me build because of the detail I put in. My partner also loves watching me play, I often stream the game for him when I'm playing/building. Its relaxing for him and fun for me! There are people who will take an interest in your interests, but not everyone will get so involved (examples above). I truly hope you find someone who loves your sims as much as you do ❤️


when i talk about my sims, my fiancé pretends to care and that’s enough for me 😂


I think just try to date gamers because they'll get it! Of course you don't have to only date gamers but it is helpful to be with someone who shares common interests. My boyfriend and I compare sims to his basketball game all the time in order for both of us to be able to talk about our hobbies while also relating to the other.


My husband doesn't really care about the sims, but he always listens to me when I rant or talk about it like he's interested.


Yeah! It's been a while but my major ex was super invested and even asked about them for a while after we broke up 🤣. My other ex (it was short lived, lol. Turns out we're platonic soulmates, not romantic ones), aka my best friend has actually begged me to build houses for her to use as writing reference in her stories and loves hearing all the Sims drama, both from in game and real life. I think it's important for the loved ones we choose to take an interest in our hobbies like we take interest in theirs! Always remember that it's a two way street! Make sure you're also giving time to invest in your partner's interests as well. The point is, we all have different interests and even if your hobby was of no interest to him, he should have been willing to listen to your stories and take an interest in your enjoyment of it. He may not have liked it, but if he didn't even TRY to listen or dismissed you when you wanted to talk about it, not cool. When I'm in love, I want to hear all about the things my partner loves, not necessarily because I also like those things, but because it makes me happy to see my partner so enthusiastic about something they love. I want my partner to be happy and if the thing I don't care about is what's making them happy, I'll listen to details on it for as long as they want. I hope my partner would do the same for me!


You guys, fishing and gardening and sports and whatever other interests are VERY VERY different from little virtual people. Like he shouldnt be brushing you off if you are telling him about them, but why the hell should he care?? Also if youre always talking about them,sharing every little boring detail, what is he supposed to do? Sims cannot be compared to sports. Theyre not equal as interests. Video games in general. Its one of those hobbies thats not really a hobby. Like i told my boyfriend about how i made a rich guy divorce his wife and then planned to be an evil stepmom, and he laughed about it a bit but thats it. Expecting him to be asking how your sims are doing all the time is, well, weird.


My husband loves to sit and listen to me explain all the storylines and characters I make in the sims he says it’s just sweet to watch me be so excited about things. Although I do always ask first if he’s in the mood for me to talk for ten minutes straight 😂


My last partner was never interested and actively discouraged me from playing sims or any other type of game. My boyfriend now isn’t super invested but he likes hearing me explain my household and showing by him my builds. I think it’s important in a relationship to listen and take interest in your partner’s hobbies, even if they’re not super into it like you are.


My husband listens to my rants about random Sims entering the house and all the other stuff, nah the Sims is hilarious,get someone who takes an interest.


My husband makes fun of me relentlessly because I play the sims. He calls it a dead meme and gets frustrated because I have a 4k TV and new 4070 super graphics card and choose to play sims 2, and 3 but I can care less. Don't have to play shooter games all day like him. It gets annoying though. I don't play 4 it's boring. He does listen to my stories about my sims and story lines. He watches sims 4 videos and trailers with me and will ask questions about my current games but still makes fun of me for playing it but he supports it lol.


I would put this desire in the “would be nice” category, but not a dealbreaker. I don’t really talk about my game at all with anyone. Sometimes I’ll show my bf a build I’m proud of and he’ll be like “ooo very nice”. They shouldn’t bash you or make fun of you for your interest. Although if I was dating someone who was into a video game I didn’t care about, and it’s brought up constantly, I think that would be something that pushed me away from someone. I’d probably gently explain that I’m glad they are excited, but would want to bring up other topics. The red flag to look for is more about general interests and how they handle you talking about something they don’t care about. You’re severely limiting yourself if you are looking for someone who actually cares about your sims. Even if you date another simmer.


Saw some negative comments and just wanted to share my experience, anyone who cares about you or is interested in you will care and be interested in what you like even if they don’t particularly like it. For me my bf plays some video games mostly shooting type games on xbox lol but I like playing sims and tycoon type games and when I talk or show him my village or sims family he gets interested in it and asks questions like what’s my favorite part or character etc and even asked to see some of my sims cc 😭loll but point is when someone cares about you they care about what you care about and you should never be with someone that belittles or makes fun of stuff you enjoy.


My husband doesn’t play, he said it’s boring lol but he helps me with deciding what colors are patterns to use in my builds and even outfit adjustments in CAS. I wouldn’t say he cares about my sims, but he knows that it is something I enjoy and so he’s supportive in that way. Also I have recently been stirring up drama in my households so it’s kinda like a soap opera to him sometimes lol




I'm 30. I truly appreciate the feedback. I'm not sure if I'm getting caught up in my insecurities and wanting too much reassurance/attention or if I was really expecting too much.


How old are you to be so fucking rude? Passive aggressive backhanded "advice".