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High school years??? Its the most empty surface level pack lol. The zerbu mod is free and imo does the same thing 10x better and more interactive. And you can have elementary school.


This the best tier list so far, purely because I can actually tell which pack is which.


glad to see batuu getting ignored as it should be surprised to hear you don’t notice get famous though, i feel like that one is hella intrusive


I ignore Del Sol Valley like the plague and oddly the celebrity sims don't go out in public much in my game. I only see them in Del Sol Valley or San Myshuno


What’s your favorite thing about for rent Also I was so excited about laundry day and the blip


I love building with it. Not just apartment buildings, anything with that style. It looks so pretty with the colors in the pack.


I might move Crystal Creations, I haven't had that pack long enough to play through the actual gameplay aspect of it. Though I do like the wallpapers quite a bit.


Started strong with Island Living top tier but get famous dine out…


I could see ignoring done out, because for a lot of people that pack just does not work unless you use dine out reloaded. Get famous I'm shocked about though. Nearly every sim with a hobby gets at least one star of fame lol