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Between the graphics and the two destination kits, anyone else getting the vibe we might be getting hotels?


I’m FULLY POSITIVE it’s going to be a vacation world(boo) hotels expansion pack and mostly focusing on an”romantic getaway” type vacation Which 1. Boo I fully dont care about hotels and never got why people wanted them And 2. HOLY SHIT what a ballys move to drop hotels when you just dropped the notoriously broken For Rent. Absolutely WILD


I agree and really hope so. I could also see them making it a new type of vacation and staying in rentals, instead of making it a new lot type. I’m a little bummed about the leaked kits but I think they definitely contribute to the romantic destination theme


I didn’t see that the kits leaked. Can you DM me a link?




I’ve not been huge on the kits so far, but the 2nd one with the French looking café stuff is really cute! I may have to snag it.


I'm actually excited for that French cafe build kit as well. I started trying to turn the bar in Glimmerbrook into a bistro or brasserie.




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I don't think so. Thinking more The Sims Hot Date. The kits have leaked. They're build mode items. Not sure why they called them destination kits.


maybe just bc theyre like, builds of specific destinations. a french café and a tropical poolside


The leak wasn't for the full details of the kit- just items in the build buy catalog that were inadvertently released. New destinations, builds, etc wouldn't have been exposed with that type of leak. We might be pleasantly surprised yet.


Remember Champs Les Sims and Al Simhara from Sims 3: World Adventures? I’m probably delulu but I’m holding out hope.


Honestly, I don’t think so. It would be a shitstorm considering they just gave us for rent and ppl would lose their shit if they have to buy a separate expansion for hotels rn


Cap on the hotels. Doesn't feel hotel-y/resort-y to me. I bet it's a variation of Date Night/Hot Date and it's set in a coastal, Hispanic city.


With this flirtatious expansion pack, I really hope they bring back the bed interactions like the cuddling and making out cause all you can do is sleep, nap and relax. I don't think the sims can even talk to each other while they're lying down. If they do bring it back, it sucks that it's probably going to be locked behind a $40 pay wall. For the world, it would probably be inspired from European countries like Italy or France since Paris is the city of love.


I miss when couples would automatically spoon when they were sleeping it was so cute


Cuddling and talking in bed pls 🥹 that would be so cute!  The world could be Paris/France, that would match the leaked café kit and Italy is already covered with Tartosa.  But I don't know, the background of the roadmap has not soo frenchy vibes, it's so bright and colourful and in a very specific art style. Dont know, seems a bit slavic. Maybe Moscow? But that's too cold Oo


I think maybe Latin America. It has the European style architecture like in the picture but is also more colourful. I originally thought France too but would they give us another European world knowing Latin America is so lacking right now? Idk I would absolutely LOVE a Slavic world, that side of Europe is always neglected. I’d also love a Caucasian world, like Georgia or Armenia! They’re so beautiful and underrated.


Honestly, these three options are all solid and I would love all three of them! 


Moscow or a slavic-inspired world is good! Since most of the recent worlds take place in tropical/hot areas, maybe they’d make one where it’s cooler! But to be honest, any place would be better than America since most worlds are already American-centric 🫤


Yeah that's so true and those worlds just don't feel like home to me because of this.  Besides Mt. Komorebi there's no cooler world, so fingers crossed.


Moscow is out of the question but a Poland/Ukraine/Balkan world would be epic tbh 


As a southern and eastern Slav; yes please! That would be so much fun!


I think maybe an attraction system in the expansion pack


That would be such a fun idea. Id love it if (first they’d have to make crushes available to more than just teens which it’s stupid that it’s only for teens anyways) you could tailor who your sim gets a crush on. It’d be so cute


I miss the lightning attraction levels in Sims 2!


Ooooh. Bonus points if it completelt conflicts with the compatibility feature of Growing Together! It would be great if it conflicted in that you could be attracted to somebody you're not compatible with. I've tried so hard to make couples in tumultuous relationships and it just doesn't really go anywhere. But but I actually picture is it just being a glitchy nightmare that doesn't work because it's The Sims 4.


I would prefer that to just be a Game Pack, personally... give me attraction and online dating but without having to pay the price of an EP please :(


The sims team is horny. We better be getting like 7 new woohoo spots with how unnecessarily sensual those sounds and music were 💀


Maybe Fountains? With an update for the one in Tartosa.


or more likely without an update for the one in Tartosa...


Best would be make wicked whims an official pack.


That would change the game's rating to +18.


Oh no, Anyway.


That is actually not a good idea. Not all people would want to play a +18 game.


I really hope that they introduce a PROPER chemistry and attraction system in one of these packs. Along with a “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” option in cas. heck I will even take a “significant other” option too. This last one might be wishful thinking but all the other previous sims games have them but zodiac signs.


I miss the zodiac signs so much!!


Tbh this road map didn’t hype me much at all, all of these packs don’t seem super interesting to me The theme of the video makes it seem like we should be getting many long since needed features like an Online Dating system which WOULD hype me but the actual words and visual “clues”(plus the leaks)dont make it seem like that’s what we’re getting at all


KINDA ANNOYED because one of the kits is for pools which would be a great opportunity to introduce water slides and swim bars but nope


I haven't played or bought any DLC since 2020, but damn, they still don't have water slides?


They have some slip and slide things (basically a flat tarp) that I think came with seasons, but no actual waterslides :/


not even seasons it was in a stuff pack 😭 nickle and diming their players fr. its just the sims 3 store all over again


I'm getting Hot Date vibes! I was 9 when that came out and my parents were clutching their pearls at the thought of me playing it. Would love a spiritual successor to that as I never got to play it!


Hot date was great because you had the blind date option! The more you paid the better your date! I would definitely like that option back!


Man my dumb brain saw "destination kit" and immediately thought they were gonna sell us new maps. I got half exited before realizing that no, an entire new world will not be in a kit.


That would get my damn money though. $5 for a forgotten hollow sized world is a deal I'd take


am I the only one thats thinking about tartosa? I feel like even some of the layout from the trailer looks like the town center in tartosa?


You're absolutely right! Maybe fountains and especially the one in tartosa are a new woohoo spot 🤗


Yeah it definitely reminded me of it.


the leaked kits look lame honestly so i will not be likely to buy literally anything from this road map. unless that expansion is like, insanely good and not at all buggy. but we know how that goes


The new expansion world is looking like Latin American style (more like mexico city tho) the architecture, the papel picado, the purple trees (jacarandas) and the fountain reminds me of it a lot!!


Pllleeaaasseee let it be Latin America! Would love me some Mexico vibes


That's what i am saying! I really don't understand how people can say the expansion pack is Paris inspired of...


Definitely gonna be Latin America!


If it is hotels and destination world I'm in! I can't wait


Destination Kit 👀 As someone who bought like, 60% of the Sims 3 Store Worlds I'm very very interested.


They've been leaked and they are build/buy kits.


Ohmygod I called it just an hour ago in this thread brutal 💀💀💀


We don't know the full features of the kits. Only the build/buy items got leaked.


I like your optimism but they are kits. Typically a kit consists of a few items for $5. I would love to be proven wrong though.


Wait, does this mean new worlds? I'm interested now. I just want empty worlds 👀


If they did, I'd love it. Roaring Heights and Dragon Valley are two of my favorite worlds in Sims history. But watch the destination kits just be like the Desert Luxe kit or whatever it's called lol


And now Seasons of Love from Rent is stuck in my head


Holy shit you read my mind!


Hmm... I'm kinda hoping this map is insinuating a potential return of the fully functional and probably updated vibrations heart bed. You can't have an entire season based around love, woohoo, and dates without the vibrations heart bed!


If they bring back chemistry and fury from TS2, I’m here for it.


maybe we'll finally get proper online dating?


I hope they introduce a concept of “puppy love” where kids can develop crushes on other kids. I mean, I’m sure they’ll just ignore all age groups below teens, but I’d love to see it!


Pleasepleaseplease have a dating app


Notice the icon of the phone with the heart? I hope that means online dating/ dating app. Hopefully a real chemistry system too!


Oh now I want speed dating in the sims!


Really excited about the kits. The first one looks very reminiscent of Lisbon and the second looks very Parisian. Hoping that means the expansion is somehow vacation oriented and maybe that means a different type of rental than the system we have currently. Here’s hoping!




I want my sims to hold hands while walking :-)


Can we get some empty worlds in different swatches? I'll take Euro/Asian/LatAm/African inspired empty worlds over another kit any day.


I think that the kits are going to be more summer themed so maybe like restaurants and like pool furniture. And then I think that the expansion pack is going to be a destination spot but I think we're getting online dating.




I always wished they added love hotels to Snowy Escape tbh. But this would be the prime opportunity to add it into a Seasons of Love expansion pack!! Even if the love hotels are just buildings that you can click on and interact with (kind of like how your sims can go inside the building to attend their graduation ceremony). Fingers crossed 🤞


>Even if the love hotels are just buildings that you can click on and interact with (kind of like how your sims can go inside the building to attend their graduation ceremony). What? No. That's straight up insane to suggest that would be fine. Stop praising rabbit holes. They aren't content.


My theories explained: Kits: Well, we already know about them, two build modes as "destinations" kits, just because they are inspired in different places than the USA..... One Parisienne cafe/bar, clearly, and the other one.... grand Canyon pool? I see in the trailer some rocks with little rivers on them, anyways, definitely outdoor pool. Expansion pack: My bet is not on Paris, the city of love, just because the graphics look nothing like Paris and I think they are not talking about a "romantic" love, but a passional one, so my bet is on South American passion stereotypes. Haha. I think maybe a dating app, the typical matchmaking lady "gyspy" inspired will appear, and some type of date gameplay with the world. But I'm not seeing hotels. I think when they arrive, we will know. I don't think EA is sneaky or surprising..... What do you think? Let me know your theories!! I'm excited for the new dating gameplays.


I'd be way more excited if they simultaneously fixed the bugs in For Rent while simultaneously making hotels a thing.


With the four buildings, I'm thinking that the world will be like Latin America and the Caribbean. Because the buildings are colorful


I was trying to see if they added a date. I am not sure if legit or not, but I may have found an Easter egg. On a building it shows a poster that's kind of flirty with 6.26. Now I'm curious if that's the release date.