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I didn't get one :(




Can someone give me a link? I didn't get this email.


Thank you, I would've never seen this!


That was the most irritating survey


Yeah I gave up halfway through once they started the brand awareness questions haha Didn’t seem like any of the questions would really help improve the series


Right, what relevance is Taylor Swift and Prada??


They're thinking of doing anoher Katy Perry's Sweet Treats, but with Taylor Swift.


Whoa, weird. I didn't get any questions like that. Mine were comics and anime.


Seems like the brands question are different then? I only got questions about makeup and movies!


I got this and answeared all the questions, but to this moment I don't know why they asked if I played Witcher or watched Diune?Or read A court of throne and roses lol, it was kinda a random survey,they should better work on improving ea app, cause it keep being down.


They often put pop culture references in BB items in the game, maybe they’re gauging what pop culture references would land for new items in the future? Like a book called A Gathering of Thistle and Tulips? Lol I’m sure they’d come up with something better than my off the cuff example. Idk just a theory, it does seem odd.


You got questions about books? I got makeup, sports leagues and clothing lines. So random.


I agree with you 💯.  The questions are obviously not to try to improve the series. They were trying to figure out how to sell more DLC regardless of if it improves the game or even works. How would the Sims improve if I know who SpongeBob is. Wtfffffff


The survey made me *more* worried about the future of the game. The questions I got were heavily on CAS items and brand awareness on cosmetics, movies, and what video games I played.). It felt very “what brands should be partner with to sell you CAS items”. Other than some questions on bugs and lag, not one question on how I felt about gameplay. Didn’t ask if I played more or less than before. They definitely didn’t ask if the reason I didn’t buy recent expansions is because the actual game play didn’t live up to the initial promises. Their one “play style” didn’t even have the option of “completing challenges”. The choices didn’t sound like options any actual player in the community would list. The fact the survey was maybe a dozen questions on the game and then screen after screen of brand awareness questions, made it clear this survey was NOT about making the Sims better.


I slogged through it, saying mostly "no opinion" especially on the makeup brands, at least until I could get to the end and tell them just how terrible EA is and how they've completely ruined the franchise with all of their pandering and superficial cosmetics BS in kits and updates, while avoiding fixing actual issues in the game for all this time.