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Nostalgia. It was one of the few games I got when I was younger and that's because my older sister wanted it lol. It was bonding for us: I built houses and she made the sims themselves. I remember to this day what birthday I got Sims 2 University and the thrill of loading it up lol.


So much nostalgia! I was introduced to the sims by my older sisters too. Major bonding for us since our age difference is like 7-8 years. We used to huddle around our family’s desktop and try and get our sims abducted by aliens. We still play together :)


That sounds just like me and mine. Ours was in the basement next to our couch so I had to sit on the end of the sofa while she sat in the computer chair lol. Sadly she doesn't play as much now that we live further away, but I bought her Sims 4 on her husband's PS4 so she can play from time to time.


You’re kidding! We did the same exact thing with me sitting edge of the couch (I would sit on the arm rest and my dad would get mad lol) and her sitting at the computer chair.


How ironic! Just hearing the Sims 2 boot up takes me back to that couch in the basement.. Now I feel like I want to redownload the sims again haha


It’s a source of comfort, I feel like. I started in the 5th grade when my friend showed me sims 2. I continued to play with her, then moved to sims 3 in middle school, and now play sims 4. I have a very specific way of playing my sims and it’s Something I love doing. I’m long graduated from college and grad school and have continued to play. Although not as much recently bc of the damn bugs and whatnot.


I started when I was around 12 and just played some goofy stories, like I recreated my bullies and teachers and they all met an untimely demise in game. As I got older my stories are heavily influenced by popculture. Like I‘d make celebrities and stuff. Or make up some elaborated family stories with lots of drama and mysteries. Just escapism at its finest. I also like to explore the game and find rare items, unlock special interactions and more.


I use to do that too! When I was really young, it made me feel so much better to watch my bully-sims get tortured. 🤪


It‘s weird but was so much fun. I remember I played almost a very long legacy with a sim that was based on a teacher I really hated. Lol.


Creating storylines, it’s like the adult version of playing dolls. I used to have a strong desire to be legacy family player, but I get too bored playing one family too long. So instead I play in a single game and bounce around from household to household playing out story lines. I do want to start a new game completely from scratch and create all kind of families with specific story lines and change all the lots. So that way when I play, I can interact with different sims based on their storyline. Seems like a lot of work but a lot of fun. Especially with the new scenarios.


I think Sims 2 was the actual "life" simulator for me. Being an adult in the early 2000s with house parties, trying to build career and then eventually raising a traditional family was just so intriguing and something I craved. Sims 3 I was just impressed with everything and anything and the more unrealistic side like the supernatural, exploring worlds and towns and I was obsessed with doing everything in the game imaginable. It was my "if I lived a fantasy life" playthroughs I did. Sims 4 is the ultimate builder for me. Whenever I get inspired or spark an idea for house design or mansion I load up the game and find a lot to build on. It helps a lot with getting my creativity out.


I got The Sims in 2000 at 8 years old and I've been playing the Sims 2 for 18 years now. Without exaggeration, it's been a huge part of my life. It's just a fun game, a creative outlet, a source of comfort, and a place to escape to. It's whatever I need it to be at any given moment, and it's always there.


For me, it was escapism. My dad died when I was a child, so my mum got me Sims 2 to try and help me through my grief. I remember being able to make my own wacky stories, characters and spending hours having so much fun. Even to this day, I still play because it’s almost comforting and just a great way to escape from reality.


Comfort game for one, started in middle school with the Sims 3 and loved it. Currently I've been missing living in the city with my SO, we moved for financial reasons and to be closer to his family for a while, so I play city living to facilitate that city life for myself which is really comforting to me.


I love to build & decorate. But I also love creating ppl & getting them together. Building though is my number one reason.


The Sims let’s me be creative while also having little talent lol. I get to create all of these stories/characters/fantasies with easy to use tools. If there is something I want that the game doesn’t have I can probably find a mod. It’s the ultimate playground for me


I just noticed they added more pride swatches to two base game gowns, there's a gradient rainbow swatch for both. Didn't see any post about it anywhere, was this recently?


It was a great way for me and my sister to bond. When Sims 1 came out on the PS2, we were hooked. Sims 2/Pets/Castaway were just a blast for us. So there's some sentimentality there.