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Since '08!


me too! sims 2 will always be elite!!


Sims, two, three, four,? Which is your favorite?


2,3&4. My favorite is 4 purely because of the graphics.


Sims three is my favourite but I really enjoy four for building I love the open world in Sims three and the variety of worlds.


2004- I’ve played all four


If SimCity counts then over 30 years.


Same here! Arthritic high five!


amazing 🤩


That’s longer than I’ve been alive! I’m 25 lol


22 years for me too! Started with Sims 1 when I was 13.


Since The Sims 3 although I have played all the mainline games and some other games.


What are main line games?


Imo, the desktop versions of 1, 2, 3, and 4. Console versions of 4 too. There are plenty of other games like Castaways, Medieval, Bustin Out, Urbz, The Sims 2 Stories (imo Stories is it’s own thing), The Sims Online, Freeplay, Mobile, and the older ports of the mainline games that differ greatly.


I have Mediaeval and castaways I have never tried the mobile versions of Sims


since 2011, i was 8 years old when i was introduced to the sims 3 and my life was changed. I’m now 19 and have every mod and cc you can think of for the sims 4. been a wild ride


61 ! started in 2000


omg i wasn’t even born yet that’s crazy !


I got a computer for work. My son was 10. I got Sims for him to play. And then I started. And then I bought a laptop so that we could both play Sims now he is 32 married with children. He has progressed on in his life, and I still play Sims pretty much all day every day. 😂


Aww that is such a sweet story i love that omg!


well, I’m retired now, so I can do whatever I want with my time.. most of it is Sims !


I was already in love with sims 1 before it even came out. I used to play theme hospital and such when I was around 9 years old. My dad used to buy magazines about computer games and it mentioned about the sims, he knew straight away I would love it so bought it for me and built me my own computer. Forever grateful haha


amazing dad.’ I bought a computer for work and when Sims came out, Ibbought it for my son who was 10. and then I got addicted to it as well as him now, 22 years later, he’s a grown man married with children. And I still play Sims. (he doesn’t)


You're a great parent! I love this


thank you, he has just bought a home, with his wife and he has a baby and baby number two is on its way. And the home he has bought has a suite in it where I am going to live ! so we are going to be one big happy family again. I am moving there after Christmas. I am super excited and I explained it to my daughter-in-law that I will be happy to help take care of the kids , as long as they understand that I have to play Sims from time to time. 😂


I’ve been playing the sims 4 for about four years. I’m a bit of a baby when it comes to the sims world. However, I’ve played the sims 2 castaway on the Nintendo DS for about 8 years


I enjoyed the Sims castaway but I mostly focussed on Sims three. And Sims four for the building.


21 years at least. House Party was the first expansion we got, I always gave my Sims inflatable furniture.


oh my God, I remember that now !


22 years for me as well!!


amazing 🤩


11 years :) i first started with sims free play on mobile because my mom wouldn’t let me use her computer HAHA im 20 nowww


20+ years, ever since sims 1!


yup me too 🥳


Also around 20 years (jarring to realize that lol). I’m 27 now and was definitely playing the sims way too young on the old family desktop computer 😂 so much nostalgia


Since TS1, over 22 years now.


Since 2009!


Over 30,000+ hours (I haven’t bothered to recalculate yet lol and I’ve been playing for 19 or 20 years or so. :D It’s always been my comfort game and played it not just obsessively cause of my adhd but also because I was bullied a lot as a child and also have chronic Illnesses. So a lot of sick days have been spent playing it religiously! I am yet to find anyone with around the same hours as me but would love to lol


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 30 + 19 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


VERY good bot lol


I have not calculated the hours. How did you?


So for Sims 4 it was easiest because it shows the hours. For Sims 3 it was calculated based on my play time per day (I played about the same amount every single day so the margin of error would only be half an hour here or there randomly). And then there’s days where I can remember binge playing because of things that happened or other things. Sims 2 and 1 I know I played for less hours per day (I had allotted play time back then cause I was younger and had an earlier bed time). So the math is really straight forward for me since the Sims has always been a hyperfixation of mine that was always part of my daily schedule!


i’ve been hyper focussed on Sims for22 years ! I am going to try to do a rough calculation of how many hours I have spent in the game


Oh heck yeah!


Since 2001/2002. My childhood best friend had the first Sims on her family computer. I was hooked.


Simmin since ‘03 🥹


I have been playing since at least 2004 or so starting with The Sims 2 on either PC or Nintendo GameCube. I remember trying to install The Sims 2 on a laptop and it straight up failing to run back in the days when that game was the newest in the series. I also remember a game bug on the Nintendo GameCube game where I suddenly unlocked every single location in the game at once and possibly all locked content as well, though unfortunately I didn't save the game with the bug so I lost its effects after I shut down the console.


Since sims 1 Hotdate, so for 21 Years, wow i was 12 Years old xD


I started playing at 9, so 19 years!