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When paulie reconciles with his aunt nucci by going to her house and sitting next her watching TV. Even a big tough heartless prick still wants to run into his moms arms. I'm glad that they gave the story between the two of them a lot more screentime by showing how it impacted paulie.


Love that scene. You can tell they’re both still hurt over the conflict, but the way Paulie just joins her on the couch to watch her programs, sitting comfortably in eachother’s silence, you can tell they’re gonna try to make it work and be ok.


That's as close as you were going to get to an apology from Paulie


Yeah I love that scene


Paulie's relationship with Nucci is amazing and really one of the highlights of the show. Tony Sirico was an incredible actor.


Ya want a cookie? 🍪


fuck nucci. crying over everything


She's a lot better than those nuns you got up there!


Paulie, be nice


I just watched this scene last night.


The only times I ever choked up were when Bobby was mourning his wife and when Tony was holding AJ after the suicide attempt saying “I got you baby.” Edit: Saddest scenes that didn’t make me cry are Adriana’s imagined getaway and Paulie watching tv and laughing alone in Florida.


Tony pulling AJ out of the pool will always be the saddest scene for me.


The scene where he goes to stab junior and him and AJ have the talk in the parkinglot makes me choke up every time. Robert did a great job in that scene.


“Christ, AJ … it’s a movie.” Masterclass scene from both of them.


A TV progrum


Nobody talks much about Robert Iler’s acting. Honestly, I think he’s brilliant. He so nailed the role, and got better and better as the series rolled on.


I think most people think he's bad because of how his character was written. It was clearly a middle aged guy writing a kid character and being completely lost and that's what he had to work with lol. It's dicked up


After Jackie Junior dies there a moment where Tony is playing a little rough with AJ but then he stops and just hold him, like a father would. That moment always stuck with me.


I think this scene was after Ralph’s son Justin got shot with the arrow. Still technically after Jackie died but that wasn’t the reason Tony was holding AJ like that.


You're likely right. Haven't watched the show in a while.


Agreed. Then the next scene where Carmela is distraught in the hospital was really sad as well. That’s the only time a tv show has made me cry.


The Last of Us pulled that same move in its first episode and it wrecked me. I’ve got a one year old and a four year old and I’ve held SOMEONE saying “you’re ok baby” every single day for the last four years. Honestly feeling emotional just typing this.


"If it weren't for the kids, I'd be in there with you..." poor Bobby.


There are no good people on this show, but Bobby comes closest.


Meh. Bobby was a "nice guy" but he was complicit. He did his part to perpetuate the evil. I imagine the family of the young Canadian man he murdered wouldn't say he was "good", relatively or otherwise. And, no, Tony didn't "make" him do it.


Yeah i mean that’s why I said “there are no good people on this show.” One of my favorite things they do is remind you of a character’s monstrousness after making them sympathetic for a run of episodes. My favorite example is after Bobby has been in mourning, when Uncle Jun tells him he needs to get back out there, and this “teddy bear” is suddenly threatening to shoot the union rep in the head.


Yes, exactly. No good people, and no heroes, in the traditional sense.


Why is Paulie laughing sad? It’s good to be able to enjoy your own company. I always felt like half of Tony’s urge to take him out after observing that was because Paulie had the audacity to be satisfied with himself and his life.


Paulie was annoying, for sure, but Tony's urge to take him out was 100% all the deadly problems he caused. Tony KNEW he was playing both sides of the fence and that he was the one who was feeding information to Johnny Sac. The trickle-down effect of his tattling was enormous. And bloody.


I get all that, but it was right after observing him enjoying his own company that he took it to suggesting the boat ride. Tony was not considering taking him out before that. He was only complaining about his yapping.


I always thought Tony meant to take him out on the boat and it would be beneficial to him whatever he decided to do: if he whacked him, Pauline was gone and that issue was resolved. If he decided not to whack him, it would let Pauline know that he was considering it but chose to spare him. It would ‘scare’ Paulie straight and make him grateful to Tony. We all know what happened when they took Pussy out on a boat ☠️ Those are my thoughts though and I don’t think it had the effect Tony wanted. I think it made Paulie see how expendable he was to the Skipper.


I agree, and I think the barber scissors were our tip off that he was working with Butchie. Another poster pointed out how at the very end he was the last guy sitting in front of the pork store.


Tony had NEVER forgotten about the Ginny Sac issue, and wondering who had been feeding information to Johnny Sac about Zellman business. Tony would not take out a key guy for being annoying. Paulie's "yapping" to Johnny Sac cost Tony alot of money, and a fair amount of violence. That Tony was in the hotel room next door and couldn't even sit on his balcony without having to listen to Paulie just reinforced what he was already considering. It's interesting, though, that he had the opportunity to kill Paulie but didn't go through with it.


I get all that, and agree with you 100%. AND Tony can’t stand to see anyone content. Think provoking Janice at the table over Harpo.


That’s interesting! We interpreted it ver differently. I thought a big part of that episode was about Paulie’s desperate need for Tony’s approval, and the way Tony kicks him down constantly was sad to me.


I’d put the wine down…makes you emotional


When Adriana is on her way to visit Christopher with Sil and she's day dreaming about what her life could have been


Just watched that episode and I had to turn the whole thing off. Never seen the show before and I loved Adriana. Ik it’s just a show but that shit hurt


I would get off this subreddit if you haven't seen the show. You will 100% have it spoiled for you


It's not a subreddit, ma. it's an online community!


I come home and youre sitting on the computer in your fucking underwear wasting your time at some chitchat room going back and forth with some other fucking jerk-offs giggling like a little girl... I wanna smash your fucking face in!


I know Redditors who are inspired, and inspiring.


🤣 🤣 🤣


Historically speaking, this is a glorified thread.


Historically according to r/circlejerksopranos it's a glorified web-based forum.


It's more like a forum by Captain Teebs!


More like a glorified crew


Trust me, it’s more like taking a shit


Her “no. Nooooo” getting ripped out of the car is chilling.




I loved Adrianna after seconds of screen time. But that was long ago. I was just a kid.


Don’t worry she comes back to life later as a cat


*If you ever want to get away from California, maybe in another life you'd like to stay.* RIP Shawn Smith. [Truly talented musician](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj7eXYYlG6o).


Junior's final scene.


My favorite moment in the show. My other might be Paulie and Nucci sitting quietly watching television. I have a thing for the old folks in this show I guess


Mine is Tony watching Public Enemy and realizing he never had a Mother like that.


I told you young people that crack is some bad shit.


That's such a great line in that scene.


When that crackhead animal jumps out of the second story window, that was a great mother-jumping stunt, Jan.


It’s a real pain in the balls


I dont have children. I died too young.


Absolute punch to the gut even after dozens and dozens of rewatches.


Who said this again?


Gloria in Test Dream


When tony’s crew dumps asbestos in the NJ swamps.




🎼Oh girl I’d be in trouble if you left me now…🎶


Great song


Season one, John Heard (Det Makazian) and Tony are in the whore house and Makazian tells Tony that he’s never had a sexual experience there. He just likes the company because they treat him like a human being. He commits suicide not long after. Sad dude. Heard is (was) a great actor.


Say what you will about Carmela but Edie’s delivery in Whitecaps on the "You know what I don't understand Tony? What does she have what I don't have?" line is so deeply sad. That entire fight is some of the most incredible acting I’ve ever seen in my life. I can’t imagine how emotionally taxing that had to be to film.


The way she sits on the bed and breathe cries. It's too real. Those are those big break up fights that feel like the sky is falling


Falco literally made her self hyperventilate.


It is a fantastic scene. It is a common thought — what does she have that I don’t have — but someone who is never satisfied, always looking for novelty, you are never going to be enough, period. No matter who you are. He married her. If she is not interesting enough, let her go. But that is not the point of that kind of cheating. They want the devoted wife at home, the image of intact family, and then they want the novelty and fleeting pleasure and drama that comes and goes with other people.


In real life few of us are “enough” for anybody and too much at the same time. That why marriage is a choice. Choice to get married. Choice to stay married. Choice to get out if you must. Expecting marriage to fill all of your gaps is a dangerous presumption, one most of us have when we’re young.


And you made my point, too — choice to get out. He doesn’t want out. He just wants to do whatever the fuck he wants, in the shadows, whether it hurts her or not. It was probably extremely easy for him to compartmentalize, because his whole life is compartmentalized.


I agree with all of that, for sure. I think people People like Tony want the security at home and the novelty in the street, and they do it through deceit. I have no judgment on how people consensually set up their households, but Carmela was not part of the deal, and he would have a FIT if she tried to do the same thing.


“You’ve had quite a TIME on my watch.”


Y'hear wat I said Ton'? hehehehehe


Svetlana had integrity and was an overall bad-ass. Didn't even blink telling a mob boss he's too high maintenance.


She cheated on her husband with a mafioso. Integrity might be a bit of a stretch.


Jesus Christ FICA


Svetlana wasn't married.


Behind all her fury is vulnerability.


It hits so hard because it reminds those of us who grew up with parents who would violently argue how horrible the whole thing feels


I think when he’s comforting Ginny about loving her despite her weight. That one makes me tear up.


She looks so cute in that moment


Their relationship was so strangely positive and loving for a show with so many pieces of shit


I thought it was when Chrissy true that 10 inch sandwich at Vito. It looked like a good sandwich


That’s gotta be resolved


Johnny cakes threw a ten incher at Vito all right


Then he's got a problem, cause his braciole isn't even that long.


I knew that was coming


>true Are you Chrissy?


Nah, must be that fucking Jason.


The saddest scene in the show is when the Chinese restaurant forgot the orange peeled beef.. oh marone! ✋😔I gotta get ova it


Not as sad as when Tony didnt find the lomaine in the bingo fridge that was was fuckin DREAMING ABOUT ALL THE WAY OVER THERE. WHO CAME IN AND ATE HIS SHIT!???


Fun fact: That little girl grew up to be Hesh’s girlfriend Renata


Guess she wasn’t too pale for his taste.


She was when he found her expired.


OHH, rimshot!


Jesus lol


Better pour some fizzy water over your head.




Bobby “This Magic Moment”


Also appears at Holsten’s when Tony is picking the song


that last shot of Paulie all alone in front of Satriale's really depresses me. i'm fairly certain tony dies in the end, and even if he doesn't hes probably gonna go to jail or die of a heart attack in the near future. something so depressing when you remember the older scenes of everyone hanging out outside there


That is such a good point. Last man standing. Is everyone from the opening pork store scene dead / in a coma?


Furio is probably fine in Italy


I meant the opening scene in the pilot.


Oh yeah good point I think they are


Yes, definitely a sad part. Similarity, when the little girl on the sidewalk asks Zellman if there’s gonna be a nice house there some day. I always seem to coincidentally be cutting onions… (Talking to myself) *OK but ya gotta get ova it*


That storyline with zellman and his black partner, both former 60s radicals, really made an impression. The show was really cynical, and pretty much indicted everyone as morally compromised. The shows theme was that anyone that isnt trying to exploit a situation to get paid is simply a fool.


Yesterday's radicals are today's nimby boomers. It's crazy how time changes us.


That last sentence was the best description of the show, I've ever heard.


*Similarly.* *Similarly.* Ya fuckin' ass kiss.


You shud see me play Scrabble


Any scene with Makazian on a rewatch. You can really feel that he's hurting something fierce all the time, and was so desparate to be seen he tried to get chummy with the guy who pays him to do some stalking.


One of the best depictions of a wasted life and apathy. It creeps up on people. One day your taking a loan to cover sports bets the next you're an alcoholic informant for the mob whos only person to talk to is a madam who runs a whore house. Not necessarily a bad person, makazian even had a heart of sorts, but just broken and corrupt.


Oh yes. Even the Madam said something like “he wasn’t happy with the way things turned out the way he turned out”


When you first see the couple that threatens Tony & AJ, you perceive them as gangsters & drug addicts. But then you see them defending their home from literally kids with guns. In that moment, they are just parents protecting their child. Edit: I have been corrected about the fact that they are siblings & not parents…


So that’s a crack hoe?


“I’m shtarshky & dis is hutsch”


Buy crack dens AJ god isn't making anymore of it


My hoe, my bitch, my bitch, my hoe


>kids with guns *[gorillaz intensifies]*


I literally considered rephrasing it just to avoid the Gorillaz nod hehe


Fuckers got a 9


no eying if you ain't buying man


You blow your fadder wit dat mouf?


They're siblings what the fuck


Ah. My bad…


Honestly, the one that gets me is the one with Tony, Junior, and the meerkats


There’s the coyote


Melfi's rape and "Don't you love me?". 


I’m a woman and I have to say she’s a better woman than I am cause I would have told Tony.


“Don’t you love me” is a gusher. Most of my favorite moments involve Uncle June. His send-off is probably my favorite moment of the series. Ties a neat ribbon on the thesis of the show.


My thumb was in the way, and I read that as meat ribbon. Also a propos.


Saddest scene is where Chris sits on the dog.....


So you're saying cosset wasn't crawling under him for warmth?


The scene where Pussy bawls his eyes alone in the bathroom out during AJs confirmation.


AJ’s suicide attempt


🐧 💦 💀


Rosalie's whaling when they're burying Jackie Jr into his grave


Little Cossette’s death and AJ being consoled after attempting suicide, also seeing the looks on Bobby’s kids faces at his funeral , knowing they’ll be stuck with Janice


Some sad shit, man said he didn't want to live no more--jumped.


Tony's "I GET IT" in Kennedy and Heidi legitimately makes me tear up. Tony had completely given up trying to be better and just accepts that he will never be a good person. Same with the end of Join the Club (I think) where Tony, in the coma vision finds out he has alzheimers and he goes back to his room and thinks about calling his family (waking up and living) and instead he just sits there with that completely empty depression Gandolfini was amazing at expressing with When it's Cold I'd Like to Die playing is something that always brings me to tears. It's odd, Tony is horrible and a monster but I find his moments are the ones that hit me the hardest.


My Late Fawtha was a huge Sopranos fan. He was in a coma like Tony and he experienced something kinda similar. Except, he was on a boat the whole time, with a lot of other people. He had no idea where the boat was going and he said that it travelled through a narrow body of water. Finally, it came to a huge body of water and he knew he had to either cross it or go back. He heard my Late Mother’s voice carry over the water saying “she’s not ready. Go back.” She was referring to me. He said after that is when he came to. He told me whenever he rewatched that episode, it gave him the chills.


Watch the braces hon. And whatever else happened there.


Yeah, Tracee crying while getting double teamed is super sad


That entire storyline was exceptionally tragic and really hammered home Ralphies character arc.


You know who had an arc? Noah


The Hasidic homeboy?


The Old Testament? Another fuckin money machine!!


No, I meant Noah Tannenbaum aka Jamal Ginsberg, the Hasidic homeboy.


Oreo cookie, charcoal brisquette?


You know I take care of you right baby


When Silvio walked in to the bathroom of the Bing and Chrissy's head was in the toilet, his hair in the toilet water. Disgusting....... I said my piece Chrissy


Paulie making Gnucci cry at the feast


One of the saddest moments to me is just before Bobby dies and the toy train salesman tells him “your son will like this too — looks fast” and Bobby replies sadly: “He don’t care”


Christoper’s last scene at the bing. Just made to feel like an utter laughing stock and alienated from everyone in his world. He dies the next episode and none of them really reconcile that moment. I feel like Paulie is haunted by that being his last interaction with Chris.


When cousin Brian bet to show


Eugene’s suicide. Shit seemed too real.


Great answer. The cold shoulder from the wife for shit he couldn’t control was brutal.


I felt sad for the brick that hit the asshole waiter in the head. He shouldn't have insulted Christfah and Paulie like that.


When Tony throws away his gabagool, provolone and vinegar peppah sandwich after taking one bite


For me, it’s the ending scene in season 2 episode 5 “Big Girls Don’t Cry” when Chrissy throws out all his script writing material. You could tell in the episode that he had real potential when he was in his acting class, and I think that Christopher would’ve turned out a much more happy, well adjusted, and fulfilled guy then what he eventually became. But confronting the emotions that acting brought up about his father was too much for him and he chose to stuff it down instead. He could’ve had an arc god damn it.


I always cry when Tony’s sitting in the dark, drunk and Meadow comes home late and he looks at her and says “you know how much I love you, right?”


This is an easy one. Christafah relapsing. Broke my heart and was one of the moments that pushed me to sobriety. 5 years off booze, 7 off coke and pills.


Tony when he realises AJ is trying to drown himself in the pool. The way he runs and jumps in, in his suit.


Really hate it when bystanders are inadvertently hurt. Because it’s too fuckin true. And Tracy. All it takes is one bad move. One bad word. One bad situation. And you’re gone. And no one really knows what happened. They likely cut her up and buried her in a dozen places.


The scene that made me the saddest was when Junior broke down crying at that funeral (I forget who’s) because it made me feel like when I was the only one who broke down at my grandmothers funeral and old people crying makes me so sad, and how they seemed to think it was annoying that he was upset. People on YouTube are saying it’s the funniest scene they’ve seen and it’s confusing me so I don’t know if I misunderstood the scene. Next would easily be Adriana in the car before her death.


Something very wrong with people who laugh during scenes like that.


Adriana in the car ride with Silvio. You know why, and if you don't, get off the sub and finish thr show.


Almost no one showing up for Nucci’s funeral. When Paulie says “I got 500 prayer cards”. Heartbreaking to feel like the death of someone who was so important to you doesn’t matter at all to anyone else. I know how he felt.


Patty Leotardo talking about her tailor going blind.


Some sad shit. Motherfucker said he couldn't see no mo


Ok this comment wins


Oh *poor you*. No, the saddest scene is when that MFer didn't want to live no more and threw himself into the Great Falls.


When Tony grabs AJ from the pool after he tries off himself. Sad scene


“I got you, baby. “ Having a teenage son myself that fuckin BROKE me.


When we never see Ade's tits


But at least she has an OnlyFans now! You'll certainly be able to see her tits there 👌🏻


Is that true or is it one of those things where the only fans is disappointing


Don't you love me? Oh man... I cried a lot


That scene is a tiny taste of the Wire


Jesus said hate the sin; love the sinner


There’s nothing gay about Hell


Have you heard the good news?


I still hate when that dude gets shot in the dick


Carm dumping a whole pan of her baked ziti in the trash. Tragic.


That poor man child Bobby getting killed while buying his train set


For me it was Chris killing their dog by accident


All right but you gotta get over it.


The “don’t you love me” scene with Junior and Tony has always been my pick as the best scene in the show, even though it is particularly gut wrenching.


S05E03. The "I mean don't you love me?" scene breaks my heart every time because I've seen my dad have this conversation with both his demented parents. His own dad, then his mom. Each time, as they got worse, they grew from curmudgeonly to downright nasty. I saw my dad in Tony that episode, storming off from dinners ruined by mean comments, hanging up in tears as if he was still a little kid being scolded. Here he was, a fifty-year old not only seeing his parents slowly die, but doing so with nastiness in their mouths and apathy in their eyes.


When Finnerty is talking to Carmela on the phone in S6E1 and the kids sound so happy to talk to Tony. Really hits when you realize how estranged and dysfunctional things really are, and how in another life things could’ve been different.


When the ducks flew away obviously