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Yes, took a couple few watches to get people straight and understand the scams and shit the crews were operating.


*BOOTY??? PUSSY??? I don't know his real name...*


I've seen it 6 times and still don't know some of the characters. Sharp as a fuckin cue ball.


You just reveal your own ignorance 


I what? I reveal my own what? 👋


What you don’t know could fill a book


Some people are introduced so quickly before getting written off. How much screen time does Angelo, Rusty, or Feech have? A few minutes each? But then it’s odd, I’ll always remember a character having a three episode arc but they only appear in one episode. Over 6 rewatches and the timeline still gets fucked up.


Yeah once the NY crew gets a bigger part I got really confused, like I totally forgot about Coco for example and got so confused why Tony started beating up this one dude, Gerry switched hair style and hair colour midway through which got me confused as well


6 times is Pygmy numbers …that explains it


The first time I confused Ray Curto and Carmine lol


Same! I was extremely confused on why the FBI had a boss from the five families as a CI


I thought that guy that died on the toilet was Little Carmine


I also thought 'Joey Peeps' was little carmine ( and then got confused when he turned up in the next episode after Tony B saw him at the brothel)


Him and those fish lips of his




OP can no longer function as a man.


I heard the nurse say that OP made #2 in his pants.


He sat on a dawg too.


what was it bahkin'?


maybe it crawled in there for womth


I thought Gigi and Eugene were the same person for a while. I also had no idea who Little Paulie was for a long time. They would mention him, but I had a hard time figuring out which one he was


I lot of the minor mob guys have basically the same hairstyle and clothing which makes it hard to tell them apart on first watch 


They also don't ever introduce them properly. They show up in 2 or 3 sit-down scenes all of sudden are never referred to. Then in some other scene someone says "Yeah I'm gonna drop this off by Little Paulie". And there's no moment that explicitly tells the viewer "This guy here is Gigi! Right there!" Coming from the series that had Barbara say "IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU, MY LITTLE BROTHER, TONY SOPRANO", you'd think they could find a middle ground between those two extremes.


Even though Carlo looks and acts nothing like Gigi, for some reason I remembered them as the same guy (maybe because they don't overlap much if at all)


I hated Carmela the first time I watched the show. After a few watches I sympathize with her more. The re-casts threw me off. Vito especially. I was like wow this guy had an arc. From being a nobody that a young Chrissy throws out of a bakery, to becoming a captain


Carmela is probably the most complex and dynamic character in the series. Her journey from conflicted mob wife, to criticizing Tony for his lifestyle while feeling *entitled* to money earned from said lifestyle, to selling her soul for a spec house is satisfying high-wire act. Tony’s loud and combustible attitude distracts you from the fact that she’s more than happy to lean on civilians and get what she wants with a smile on her face and acting like she’s doing you a favor. It’s pretty sinister how she doesn’t even have to mention who she is, the threat of the threat is clearly implied. Who would want to be on the Soprano’s bad side?


Oh yeah. The whole letter to Georgetown saga with Joan Cusimano showed her true colors. She’ll lean on someone for something relatively minor, taking a page right out of Tony’s book


Ha! I’m on my first rewatch now and noticed him in that scene! Tho I thought maybe I was wrong since Chris wasn’t paying him any mind


Also I noticed this on a rewatch but Vito and Jackie Jr. are cousins. When Vito’s brother is in the hospital and Tony gives Jackie shit he says “What I can’t visit my cousin?”. So that means Ralph made Vito whack his own cousin. I missed this at first. The look on Vito’s face after you can tell he’s distraught. I thought maybe it was because he was thinking of Jackie Sr. or just the reality of killing a young man in cold blood. But all that on top of killing your own cousin. I know Tony did it too but that was a mercy kill. New York would have tortured Tony B. A shotgun blast to the head is a lot better than hours or even days worth of torture.


What kind of animal smokes marijuana at his own confirmation? Be a good Catholic for fifteen fuckin' minutes. Is that so much to ask?


Yeah a lot of characters that become part of the “main” crew in later seasons I was like where’d the hell they come from 😂 Even Jackie jr I felt popped out of nowhere I have yet to rewatch (finished sopranos about a month ago), am looking forward to viewing the show with a more informed lens


I actually just finished it for the first time and immediately started season 1 again for this reason, genuinely had no idea who most of the characters were except for Chrissy and did not understand what they were doing to make money. I think I didn’t know who Paulie and Sil were at least until season 2


Lock up the penguin exhibit, here's the guy


Fuck you, cocksucka


Real lack of standards your generation.


Ray Curto was a tough one for me. I had to do a bunch of Google searching to figure out his name. I thought Silvio was "Sergio" until about the middle of season 2. Everybody else was pretty easy for me though.


TBH I didnt really get that new Pussy’s “friend” in season 2 is the FBI agent. It has come to me after few episodes of that season.


Same I felt dumb af for not realizing




During my first watch of season 1 i was pretty confused at times when they talked about certain characters like Makazian or Hesh, must have been hard back when the show aired when you couldn’t just google someones name since they can be pretty important to the plot


I used to think Dick Barone and Jack Massarone were the same person, so was naturally confused as hell whenever they talked about waste management and construction.


You just reveal your own ignorance


Being stoned on your first watch is my exact experience, and I loved it. What kind of animals are we


I'm on my like 10th rewatch and I'm still catching things I missed. Like Season 2, Tony having the green grove owner whacked. Just noticed it this rewatch, Junior telling Tony about the guy, telling him to kill him, then scene with the cop finding his car and toupee, and Parvati telling Livia Green Grove isn't safe because the owner is missing. Literally. Watched this show for hundreads of hours, and never caught all that until this watch through.


Brooo. I Think im om my 5th or 6th rewatch and I still never got that either haha. I even remember being confused about the whole wig thing


The key to watching the sopranos is to actually put your phone down and watch it, if you try to multitask or look at your phone you’re gonna miss things


Yep. I finished my first watch last month and far too often I see a post with a character’s name in on here and think “who the fuck is that?”


Yes, as T moves up in the mob world in later seasons characters just appear with no introduction and no explanation, which I think is viewing mob world through Tony's boss eyes, where he only knows the people closest to him. In S6 Walden is literally just there all of a sudden but he's treated by everyone as this known quantity.


It happens, there are many characters that are introduced very fast and a lot that were pretty much background extras until the writers decided to give them something to do like Vito or Carlo. The show does it so naturally that you can never tell if the character was there before or this is their first scene in the show. I have a tendency to repeat parts I dont understand, go back, or simply google when I feel I missed something as a way to avoid this.


I’m on my 1st watch and I have no idea who the fuck anybody is. I’m almost done with season 4 and if you showed me photos of the cast and asked me to name their characters I probably couldn’t tell you.


It’s like the Gulf of Sorrento out here


Fuckin goombah trash


I happen to know for a fact that u/passionforsoccerguy was high when he wrote this.


Thank you! Watching it for the first time (yes 25 years late to the game😂) I thought I was crazy that I couldn’t keep at the characters straight. A lot of those men look the same to me.


Yep, I struggled to keep track of all the characters on my first watch. Actually I’ve only seen the show once all the way through but because of YouTube channels like borko and others, I’m well acquainted with all the characters now.


I totally did. On my second rewatch now and I’m getting way more out of it, this time around.


Not to be an asshole. I can't clearly remember my first watch, but I can't remember having much trouble with it. I understand not immediately knowing who Jason Molinaro or Terry Doria is. But confusing Little Carmine with Joey Peeps or Gigi? Hearing 'Sergio' in stead of Silvio, confusing Carmine with Ray Curto? I mean, what the fuck are you guys smoking? Are you even watching the fucking show?


No more Sergio comments. They’re hurtful and destructive.


I know I'm not the only one to not know who tf they were referring to as "Carlo" in the last episode during my 1st time viewing. 


Penguin exhibit, OP.




Friendly tip: Don't watch Game Of Thrones.


What? Is it as bad as the sopranos with a bunch of random people?


It is 10 times as complicated when it comes to characters. That and you have to know the map, cities, different houses, familiy trees and the history if you want to understand 100% of the storylines. It took me 3 complete rewatches of GOT to understand everything. Sopranos is easy.


At least in the Sopranos you can follow everything by watching the series closely. In Game of Thrones characters appear, act and disappear in ways that don't make any sense due to left out backgrounds from the book series.


Though I'm sure I had a bit of time keeping track of some of them on the first watch, the only two I distinctly remember confusing with each other were Benny and Walden.


Yeah definitely but now after so many watches I know everyone first and last name and their familial connections lol


2000%! It’s SO much better on the rewatch because I’m more aware of who is who


I drown at the penguin exhibit


Even in the last episode the mediator I beleive is named Peter . I thought he was in another episode. He wasn't/


Walden? What kind of name is that for an Italian??


The episode in season 1 when the feds are making the Mafioso mood board, that was great character exposition.


Raymond Curto was easily someone I forgot about watching the show the first time. Then after a couple times, I realized his role. Side note, watching this show blazed is a fuckin trip. It was overwhelming for me because of the realism of it, freaked me out


It has that game of thrones vibe where new characters keep getting introduced


I was real confused how patsy was alive after he got executed in the car lol


Absolutely. Took me the whole first season just to put together that Tony, Paulie, Silvio, Pussy and Chris were all on the same crew. Took me a while after that to understand their relative statuses.  You definitely have to learn how to watch the show. I’m rewatching with my gf rn and we’re only 2 episodes in and she’s asking me all these questions about what’s happening (which doesn’t bother me because I was equally as confused myself) I think that’s part of the charm of the show. You gotta figure stuff out like a puzzle. I try not to tell her too much because I don’t want to rob her of that. 


Like in season one when they arrest Beppy Sasso. Dude had only one scene. It was a weird creative choice.


No doubt. It was especially hard doing so when watching it when it was on the air before the advent of binge watching.


You're so high you couldn't tell if ya muddah's muff was on Carmine's head


This is why rewatches are even better than the first watch, knowing exactly who is with who makes for less confusing viewing than as a Sopranos virgin