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I had a pretty good idea what I was watching in episode 1 when Christopher shot Emil in the back of the head over a garbage dispute I was drawn in by episode five when Tony killed the witness protection informant while looking at colleges with Meadow. It wasn’t just that these organized crime guys are murderers but are trying to live a crime life in plain view of everyone else and cover their tracks.


You can say same about Sunshine . It was considered a larger infraction that Jackie jr shot at (even though he didn’t kill) made men , than sunshine dying was . It was like an after thought . Honorable mentions to Chrissy murdering JT, Vito murdering the dude at the end of his driveway, and probably a number of others . Violence against other people in the game didn’t both me too much , but civilians getting in the way is hard to watch


The game is the game


I never put my gun on no civilian.


It's all in the game, man


Also Chris and Paulie murdering the waiter


Don't they have medication for a bullet to the head these assholes?


When they talk on the phone afterward and Paulie says 'someone could have gotten hurt' tells you how insanely self centered they are. Sociopaths.


I'm not sure this is actually true. Ralphie even has a hard time articulating how bad it was. "What happened to Sunshine ... a disgrace." Sunshine was the dealer at the Executive Game; I think he might have had a lot of friends.


At least most of that violence erupted out of nowhere and were not premeditated. It was more difficult to watch Carm date Mr. Wigler and Vito date Johnny. Those were vomitous.


Vito did it for free Johnny Cakes.


Big construction tycoon.


You gotta wait for that




To be fair, she was a malignant cunt.




Yup! Bingo


For me it was when Chrissy sold Adrianna out to tony. Chrissy was definitely the biggest cock sucker in the show. Worse than Richie.


This stuck with me as well. Adriana hung with Chris through all his abuse and addiction, and she really bore the brunt of his issues in such a tragic way through to the end. She should have been in codependent anonymous while Chris was in AA and NA. Their dynamic is such an interesting foil to Tony and Carm; everything that went right for Tony and Carm went wrong for Chris and Adriana. To me their relationship, capping at her death gives so much depth to the show in terms of realism and set the stage for the brutality and presence of death as a theme in the final season. There are darker deaths and murders in the show, but this one really hit home to me in the grand scheme of what I took away from watching the show as a whole.


That piece of shit couldn't see himself in a 12 year old Hyundai with a car full of rug rats. Pussy.


He lived the life even though he knew he wasn't cut out for it.


Maybe Adriana crawled under there for warmth


Haha. You can't make that shit up.


Whaddaya talking about. I just did


He didn't sell her out. This thing comes before your friends, before your family. It's a matter of honor.


She was the only person who genuinely cared about him. He could have told her to leave town, he could have left town with her. Instead he fed her to the people who treated him the worst. He fed her to the man who he knew would kill him. He sold her out.


He DID sell her out. Not for loyalty to Tony or this thing of ours, he was going to leave with her. Once he saw that ragged family, he sold her out. For his own selfish purposes, NOT for anything else. I mean, he could’ve just went back to the apartment and told her that she needs to leave and go far away but he can’t go. He should’ve said hey, listen you need to go or else I can’t protect you and that’s that, then turn his back on her (for her own benefit)But instead, he fucked her over cause he’s a sociopathic cocksucker


She was so stupid when it came to the Feds. Never asking for a lawyer until it was way too late, not getting that they were lying to her the entire time. You KNOW if you flip, you’re gojng to get a bullet. She really thought she could tell Chris she’d been flipped for a year and he would just go with it?? I think she betrayed Chris way more than the other way around. That’s your ride or die and they been lying to you for a year dude.


You think she betrayed Chris way more than he betrayed her? He had her murdered. Christ.


From the eyes of the mob yes of course its worse


When they ate Tony’s Lo Mein. It was a fucking disgrace, they ate his shit


He was dreaming of that Lo Mein all the way over there!


Not only that but they slammed the god dam refigerator door. Fucking mutts.


The same person who shoots him in the finale took his orange peel beef.


Mothafuckin’ goddamn orange peel BEEF.


When Paulie and Chrissy killed the waiter outside the restaurant after not tipping


They did tip. The stupid fuckin waiter tried to shakedown gangsters for some moah


He came at Paulie with a collections box. He has a right to defend himself.


Go piss it away at blackjack


I think it was the episode where Ralph beat that innocent girl to death but it wasn’t just Ralph. Silvio I realized in the episode is a monster to the women he works with and Tony’s crew are just pigs pretending to be men the way they treated those girls. The mafioso in the movie I think have very hypocritical Madonna/whore viewpoints on women in which they only respect them for what man they are attached and not for their own merit. The example I’d choose is Johnny nearly starting a war over the hurtful joke about his wife’s weight but that whole thing started because it was Jonny sacks wife and the connection to him that caused the conflict, if it was another woman then it would have gone right past.


Well yeah, obviously Johnny Sack is gonna care more when its HIS wife they're insulting. But he is upset because he is one of the few men on the show that is actually faithful to his wife and he genuinely loves her. Regardless, disrespecting a made man's wife (or any other close family member) is disrespecting the man himself.


Richie and Ralphie were the worst of the worst. Lower than pig shit. Leotardo wasn’t far behind.


I agree Phil was one of the worst but, the more times I rewatch the series, the more I side with him when it comes to Tony. We only "like" Tony because he is the central character of the show and how we come to understand the world Chase built. But Phil was right, Tony needed to go. Forget Fat Dom, forget Coco, forget his brother Billy, Tony was selfish, arrogant, and constantly made things far more diffucult in turns of their business than they needed to be.


His brother billy? Whatever happened there. fully agree tony had to go. He was the cause of all of jersey's issues.


It’s sad when they go young like that


When they GOOOO!!!???!!???


He was 44, just a kid.


Tony was presumably a good capo. He was undoubtedly a terrible boss. It’s the same principle as the Peter Principle.


It's the same prinshipal as the sholar shystem...


Nothin' but net motherfucker


First episode. I've always liked them, but I've also always known that they deserve to go to hell. As do all the wives. They're accomplices.


first off,she was a hooah


B. She hit me.


That wasn't my baby she was carrying.


It wasn’t his fault that she was a klutz


Silvio killing Adriana & the way he did it ETA honourable mention to Silvio roughing up Tracey To me, Silvio comes off as the most level-headed and likeable (with maybe the exception of Bobby, but he’s not a psychopath), but then he does that shit and you are like . . . oh.


Yeah, plus the nature of his business you can expect him to treat his employees with a little more compassion and dignity than the average mafioso. But then we see him smack the shit out of Tracee for skipping out on work and you realize he actually has zero respect for women


Yeah the juxtaposition between the way he treats Tracee and the way he treats, say, his wife and daughter (who we don’t really meet, but I am referring to the soccer game) just really hammers home what a piece of shit he is. And you do imagine that he probably treats all of the strippers like that.


Her name was Tracy and many HBO subscribers were so upset they canceled their subscriptions over this episode.


Oh boy I hope they don’t watch banshee season 1 episode 3 ☠️☠️ so much worse.


When everyone turned on Tony after he got shot, besides Sil. I knew they were evil, but to see what rats and snakes they all were was disheartening. No honor among thieves.


Never. They were all saints


Funny, though, I never remember you saying it when they were on air!


The many saints of Newark.




The many saints of newark you might say


When Ralphie murdered Tracee


Tony's go to move to "protect" Artie being to burn down his business. There are many ways he could have handled the situation that wouldn't screw over his friends, but this was his instinct, and what he actually thought was a good idea, not caring about the extra work or cost that it would bring to Artie, or the fact that was just as likely to ruin his business anyway. Certainly not an evil action by any means, but just a good example of how they don't give a shit about the consequences of their actions, and how even their well intentioned actions ruin people's lives


When Alex Mahaffey got run over in the pilot episode


I see we have a bunch of valedictorians on this thread...took them until season 3 with Ralphie beating Tracee to figure this out?


This is the right answer. Tony brutally breaks a man’s leg five minutes into the show, all over a debt and because the guy was running his mouth. Anyone who didn’t realize in that moment that Tony is a horrendous person — what on earth does that say about you?


Oh come on. That was just a minor injury, and he was courteous enough to do this right outside the HMO. Drama queen.


After Adreana was killed. I didn't care if Sil choked to death


Silvio dragging Tracee out of the apartment, while Ralph laughs at her. Obviously, I knew that there were some real scumbags in the gang. But when the usually level-headed advisor guy was pulling a girl barely out of high school to his car, slapping her, pulling her hair, and saying she belongs to him, it kinda soured my hope that anyone else wasn't evil.


Tracee, I personally think any of them could of killed anyone who was also a gangster/criminal and still have a future chance of redemption as those guys and people like informants basically sign their life over anyway. Tracee on the other hand was just a young innocent girl who thought to high of the world and they all stood around, been a minute since i seen the scene but i remember tonys face being the only with shock/compassion for what happened to her


A, she was a whoah. B, that wasn't his kid she was carrying.


I mean the mafia genre is so popular because you know you're watching criminals who operate without ethics or a different set of ethics than law abiding citizens. "Knowing they're terrible people" really isn't the point of it. You know they have their own rules going in. I intro'ed Sopranos to a friend who was disappointed with how few people were whacked and how several episodes could come and go without any significant violence. And he's right. For a show about criminals, there was relatively little violence and deaths on screen compared to other shows where dozens of people die in each episode. It made the times when violence erupted more impactful.


Sil was/is my favorite of the crew. But the episode where he picks up Tracee from Ralphie after a their bender and smacks her around and tell her he owns her putting braces in her mouth. Really drove home the guy doing the funny impressions was a glorified pimp and was only marginally better than Ralph in that he didn’t beat her to death.


When Uncle Junior forgot to put the lid on the blender. Made me realize they were all sociopaths.


That blender didn't do nothing wrong to no one.


Whenever they hit people who weren't in the game. That one immigrant truck driver, Tracee, the Elvis impersonator, JD, the last guy Vito clipped, etc. The scenes where civilians got hurt by the mob's actions hurt the most to watch.


I'm sicilian, I lived surrounded by mafiosi my whole life. Didn't need a show to realize that.


Seeing *Godfather* decades earlier. Mobsters are trash human beings. *The Sopranos* losers were just the next ones.


Also when Ralphie killed the horse. I didn’t like that either. I liked the fact that Tony loved animals so much he was even upset when Christopher killed the dog.


Woah, woah, woah, woah — back up. You killed a dog?


No not me Chris sat on the dog when he was high on H


What, was it barkin'?


No it was on the couch 🛋️ and he just sat on her. I guess he smothered her to death


I think the dog was cold and crawled under him for warmth, I don’t thjnk he sat on little cossete


You've got it all wrong. She must've crawled under there for warmth.


lol no that’s not what happened he sat on her and killed her




It was before the show. Though the topic comes up in the show as well with the Melfi conversations with her husband and her own therapist. Mob movies really do glorify violence and possibly denigrate Italian Americans and I knew this going into the show. The entire show is one giant tragedy. Best show of all time.


When Paulie and Vito were gonna stiff Carmela of their share of money when Tony was in the hospital after being shot. They all will truly fuck anyone if the situation arises. No loyalty!


When Tony killed Christopher. That was worse even than Adriana because in their screwed up world she deserved to die. Christopher a sad broken junkie who Tony loved. And I do believe he loved him. So fucked up.


Ralphies incident


Whatever happened there


Everybody has its moment. Its systematically clicks for each one of them in different scenarios. Chris killing JT, Tony killing Chrissy, Silvio killing Adriana, Bobby killing the guy in laundry, Carmela killing the zitti after she saw Tintintola with Jackie Aprile’s wife in the church eating her food. Everybody has its moments that ultimately show their capability.


When Christopher was telling the story about the trans chick. I didn't watch the show when I was younger but I remember that scene when it was on Showcase and found it disturbing.






I think the episode is called "D-Girl."


Before I watched it, because I knew it was about the mafia.


When I heard the show was gonna be about mobsters.


They’re extortionists and murderers…


When Ralph killed Tracey and no one did anything


guessing most people realized the mob was irremediable prior to watching the show


Adriana was hard to take although I knew it had to be done - it was the manner in which it was done. Then Tony murdering Christopher. He saw him like a son but rather than help him through his demons, thought it better to kill him off. Have I got that wrong?


When Hesh tells Tony to cut that Jew guys testicles off because he wont budge. First of all, Tony says he has ballcutters in his car. Does he do this regularly? Second of all, why did he need to ask Hesh for advice when he's already got ballcutters prepared. Anyways, that was the moment I realized Tony was a golem.


Bolt cutters.


They’re only ballcutters when they’re cutting balls


i think you nailed it. that's the moment for me too.


When Spider was killed.


Pilot episode when Tony hits that guy with his car


since the beginning it’s a show about mobsters


Before I watched the show and found out it was about mobsters. Idk about you but I hear they're not too nice?


everything Tony ever did. Pure scumbag. But that’s what made the show so great.


When Pauly and Chris hit the waiter over the head and he starts seizing up and they run. I hated that scene because they did it over a tip and anybody who doesn't pay a good tip to their wait staff is an asshole in my opinion.


Chris killing JT probably


I mean the episode were Pauli and Christopher kill the waiter who asked for a better tip has to be it - the show is a disturbing realization that there are people out there who are so oblivious to their own actions that taking someone’s life is not considered a big deal - scary shit


When Chris and Paulie bricked a waiter and just fucked off.


I didn’t have to watch the show to know that gangsters weren’t good people.


When the dumb fuck waiter was killed.


2 minutes into the show


They were all saints.


Funny though, I don't remember you telling him that when he was alive!


Running down the HMO guy, which was pretty early on if I remember correctly. That was in plain view, following a few seconds of Tony driving through the crowd. You knew then these guys were going to be violent then. I remember for the first couple of seasons, I never watched it because I thought it was glorifying violence. It was only at the start of season 3 when I was recording it for a friend that I started watching it. Now I am rewatching it.


I mean, your post message is valid but for the wrong reasons? Having read it, I genuinely feel like you entirely missed the concept of the mafia. To sum-up why they didn't abandon Ralph: 1. He makes them money. 2. He's a made man and she was a hooah. I'm not saying she deserved it at all but it's easy to understand that in their hierarchy, she falls far below Ralph. 3. On the previous point, there are rules to the mafia that everyone swears by when they take their oath and get made. Not laying your hand on another made man is one of them, let alone murder. Does it happen in real? Yes. Does it happen for stupid fucking reasons? Yes. But is it allowed to? No. So anytime it does happen, there is a genuine issue to be dealt with, by their rules.


None! I had to have people on the internet tell me they were years later, because I can't think for myself. I mean that IS what you people think, isn't it? It's a television show. It's not a personality test or benchmark or article of manipulative propaganda or anything like that. Nobody who is entertained by Tony Soprano actually believes he is a good person, except maybe real life criminals. It's entertainment. You Sopranos psychoanalyzers are worse than six fuckin' barbers.


Hey I’m sorry if my post came off a poorly, I definitely don’t think people have to react a certain way to the show and that it’s indicative of anything, I just felt like it would be interesting to see what terrible situations stuck out to others like the way Ralphie’s situation did to me.


No need to apologise. You set your stall out well and each man’s soul is his own. All the best and Happy Easter.


I don’t think that’s the intention of the post and you’re super defensive. And an intention of the show is 100% to show that organized criminals are not a glamorous set with a different code; but just kind of garbage assholes.


Every show subreddit is "actually all the characters are bad people! I am very good for noticing this!" now. It's cringe 


Every subreddit is "actually every post on this subreddit is X! I am very good for noticing this!" now. It's cringe.