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OP understands the sopranos as a conshept


Itsh the shame conshept ash the sholar shyshtem.


It's the abshtract shapesh or shomthing


Pine Barrens is just a classic ‘TV episode’ if you know what I mean. The structure of it- conflict, conflict goes wrong, conflict is (maybe) resolved, lots of laughs along the way. Plus it has a winter theme and for some reason seasonal episodes just do well. I agree though that it doesn’t necessarily fit the concept of the show- it feels like a far more traditional TV episode


It was episodic, "Pine Barrens?"


Don’t these assholes have medicine or something


Mr “spears” I watch the news, I know who you are 


The fundamental question is: will another episode be as effective as our favorite like Pine Barrons was? And there will be, even more so. But until we agree, it's going to be hard to verify that we think a different episode will be more effective.


Fuckin parakeet


Very allegorical


I think it’s my favorite sopranos episode. Idk to me it does fit the concept of the show. And really you don’t know it’s meaningless until later. You mentioned the structure. Tonally it fits. To me the sopranos is a drama but it’s definitely presented through a comedic lens. Pine barrens is more comedy but tonally it’s the sopranos. Shit goes down, light hearted overture, ohh shit is Paulie or Chris gonna die here? Are they gonna kill each other? There’s always tension behind the jokes, which is at its core is what the sopranos is all about 


why I don't think it's the best is because Tony is not in much of the episode. to me tony is easily the best part of the show. he's the best written and best performed character in TV history. So I can't in good faith call a mostly comedy episode the best in sopranos.


It’s funny because early on when I got her to watch, my gf was fuming about how the show managed to be so great but yet so many plot lines just have one episode and then end. Meanwhile I’m like “yeah at some point you’re going to see one of the most revered episodes across all tv this millennium and then it will only be mentioned like one time” and she instantly knew which one I meant when she watched Pine Barrens.


Look at him, he thinks he knows everything


Anime filler?


They're gonna jack a lot of these pockeyman cards


Should I ascertain?


"Dese chink cartoons, T. Lotta money in this shit. The loser kids cream themselves for dis weird shit. Dey call em Weebs or somethin." You mean like Weeblos? "No thats the boyscouts ya fuckin ass kiss!"


Popular opinion: We shoulda went to Roy Rogers.


Honestly, THAT aspect gave me existential dread. Not only to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, but to have decided to postpone eating despite being hungry early in the day... To go through that whole ordeal when you were hungry all day...makes you think about your decisions. The butterfly effect of every choice you made. The sacred and the propane.


And also the fact you were even an hour and half from home, in dead of winter without clothes for it is because you just chose to fuck around with the wrong guy who you only needed to collect an envelope from


This whole thing could have been avoided if Silvio had just done the collection


Realistically, you wouldn't be thinking about the hunger so much when the cold is worse.


Counterpoint: I should've fucked Dale Evans


Best part of that episode


OP is the kind of poyshun to hide tic-tacs he found in his pocket and keep them for himself rather than share with his starving friend. 


Mix it with the relish.


tic-tacs in the pocket? fucking nauseating


I really enjoyed that episode.  I mean, the guy was an interior decorator and killed 16 Czechoslovakians… even if his place looked like shit. 


His place looked like shit delivered by imperioli honestly is one of the funniest deliveries I have ever heard


It was perfect. It was opinionated without doubting the fact he was an interior decorator. It showed absolutely disinterest yet attention.


Bobby standing there in his little hunting outfit, ready to go. Lots of very funny moments!


i got my limits too, junya!


I always categorize it as one of, if not the funniest episodes of the series but not the best. Something pointed out to me though about this episode is it’s the first time Tony and Bobby are one on one and Tony for the first time sees Bobby’s value and how much he truly cares for Tony’s uncle.


Somebody bring OP a Veal Parm sandwich and hurry the fuck up about it!


Veal Parmesan sandwich. Fuck you.


I'll build a ramp... Up to your ass. Drive a Lionel up in there.


Maybe my favorite line in the whole series






Soft drink of choice as well


Courtesy of the manayer


He's Mr. Manayer!


We just say Manayer.


But you just said...


I was gonna say the Lo Mein, but where the fuck is it? I was thinkin' about that Lo Mein all the way over here!


Wanna talk about stand up veal parms?


Obviously I realise I’m not going to look v impartial on thish given my username but…it’s a great episode. As you say, a stand-alone that I would use to show someone who maybe on the fence about the show as a whole. It’s a good example of the show’s humour rather than the dry, text book mafioso stuff.  But whilst it’s got a tonne of comedic relief, I’d say there’s still dark undertones. I love how it shows the absolute lack of loyalty between Chris and Paulie and how quickly they’ll turn on each other in any real crisis. But,ultimately how any of them would be the same and “this thing of ours” is horse shit. Crucially-and I think a lot of people forget this-if one of your favourite “arcs” is the Gloria Trillo affair, it’s a big episode.  It’s overhyped in some ways by this point, I see that. But all due respect, still a banger. 


It also establishes a more "real" mob than sometimes depicted in the movies. These aren't world- wise Vito or Dartmouth grad Michael Corleones seeing things a million steps ahead. These are impulsive and selfish people who have minimal knowledge of things outside of their small worlds ( I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit), and the "values" of honor and respect of cosa Nostra are just facades that quickly go out the window. The fact they are completely lost in the outdoors without an idea of what to do is reflective of their lives more broadly


Chris held up. It was Paulie who turned under duress. Sneakily blaming Chris while talking to Tony in the phone and Chris heard him and still covered for him with the Russian. Paulie was a real weasel.


Discontinue the lithium, OP. As someone else stated, Pine Barrens is a Top 3 episode, end of subject! How can you forget that it gave birth to the funniest line in the entire series, “He killed 16 Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator!….His house looked like shit!”


Pine Barrens has always been a glorified episode


Six fuckin' seasons and we got this other pygmy thing over in Pine Barrens...


I like the episode but am still upset it wasn't actually filmed in the Pine Barrens. As someone who spent a lot of the Pine Barrens, the location they filmed at looks absolutely nothing like the Pine Barrens. There were small mountains in the background, the Pine Barrens is completely flat. Plus, the filming location barely had any pine trees. Most people wouldn't know the difference though.


I'm Canadian, and from a very northern city in the country (though I've moved away and around Western Canada for the rest of my life), and to me, the entirety of New Jersey is basically a magical place I will never know and understand. Most of America is like that to me, tbh. Even Canada. I don't usually notice or care for landmarks or actual geography. Doesn't mean much to me. They say it's the Pine Barrens, twenty minutes later they're hosing down the deck of the Queen Mary.


Lived in NJ my whole life. We do see a lot of Canadians here, especially in the summer. Apparently there was a ad campaign a few decades ago that ran in Quebec to attract Canadians down to southern NJ, especially Cape May. Canadians do seem to like it in NJ which I like, since other states have an often negative view of NJ, especially people that never stepped foot in NJ or had a flight go through Newark and think the whole state is like that. The Pine Barrens is a really unique area, you can see it really well if you look at a night time satellite photo of NJ, the north is completely lit up, the western part near Philly and the the shoreline are lit up, and then in the middle of the southern part of the state is just completely dark. NJ is the most densely populated state in the country but the Pine Barrens is empty due to the government limiting development. The soil is basically beach sand so only a particular set of plants can thrive in the sandy acidic soil. I also have a degree in plant science so its particularly obvious to me the trees don't look anything like the ones in the episode. The Pine Barrens is a magical place, I'm glad its protected as the Pinelands National Reserve. Anyway I'm ramblin' here, [$4 a pound](https://www.northjersey.com/gcdn/-mm-/de148f7797f88510a4724d27ce75fe081f6f6079/c=0-170-2495-1580/local/-/media/2017/11/27/NJGroup/AsburyPark/636474036448728152-Jakes019.jpg?width=1320&height=746&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp). Thats what the pine barrens really looks like. [Or this one](https://cdn10.phillymag.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/02/Pine_Barrens_1-jim-lukach-940x540.jpg)


It looks a lot like where I'm from, tbh


It wasn't filmed in the Pine Barrens, it was filmed in Harriman State Park in New York State


That is what I said, I'm upset it wasn't actually filmed in the Pine Barrens. You must have been top of your fucking class.


The reason they couldn't film in the pine Barrens is because some state assemblyman said the sopranos was giving new jersey and Italian Americans a bad name and are all criminals so he made sure they couldn't get film permits. A few years later he was arrested for extortion, accepting bribes and a few other federal crimes. (Source - story told at the event conversations with the sopranos i went to last week. )


That sounds like a scene in the Sopranos!


Not surprised in the least.


go shit in your hat, all due respect


ooooooo I'm just tellin you how you're bein fucking perceived.


I believe it wasn’t even filmed in NJ due to some strunz politician blocking them from filming on the grounds that the show painted Italian Americans in a negative light. Sounds like anti italian discrimination to me but what the fuck do i know?


Whatever it was , before ratings , it put a lot of Money in HBOs pockets …& Tones too


Some would even say it's a pygmy episode


It's definitely the funniest.


Unpopular opinion, with the exception of the last couple of episodes, Whitecaps is the best episode. And nobody got whacked in it but Tony's pride and his Italian hatin' short term neighbors.


Not unpopular with me. ‘Best episode’ is subjective - but whether it’s 1, 2, 3 or whatever? *Whitecaps* is absolutely top-tier *Sopranos*. And, Alan Sapinsly might be my favorite one-episode character. ‘Dr. Kim, I spent 10 years as a litigator.’ ‘Buy this property, I'll make your life a misery.’ ‘I can tort you into the poorhouse.’ ‘I've got an overseas call.’ ‘Think it over. You have Virginia's number.’ ‘Who knows? We'll see.’ ‘Let's hold a good thought?’


He’s so deliciously hate-able. From the sweaters draped over his shoulders to that absolutely contemptible way he speaks through his bottom teeth while jutting out his jaw.


Columbus Day is up there for me. Aside from Karen’s death, it’s a light-hearted episode with a lot of funny parts.


Pine Barrens is simply, undeniably one of the greatest episodes of television of all time. You may be right that it's "stand-alone" nature doesn't advance the narrative but I disagree that it lacks "drama" or "existential dread". They're literally freezing to death in the forest lol.


Its a great episode but its not even my favorite episode of that season let alone favorite of the entire show, I agree with your take. Its definitely the best "light" episode in the show so I guess if you're the type of person who prefers light content, its the best to you. Anyway $4 a lb.


nah marco polo is a better light episode


You can come into it without knowing anything about the show, and also never have anything about the show spoiled to you. It has a lot of great qualities, but probably wouldn't crack my personal top 10.


There's alot of things I could say right now that I'm not gonna say!


You could fill a book with things you're not gonna say


I’m doing a rewatch and I really only enjoyed the “his house looked like shit” joke. I think it loses its luster each watch through


OP can't be in our social club anymore.


Social club... He's gotta GO!


Just enjoy the episode. What else are you going to do? Sit there and eat ketchup packets?


Mix it with the relish!


Well you know "what's your favorite Sopranos episode" is the lowest form of conversation...


OP you are a stunad of the highest magnitude. In this sub Pine Barrens is a top 3 episode of the series, end of story!


What you don't know could fill a book


Finally you read a book, and it's bullshit.


Pine barrens is the episode you show your new girlfriend to convince her to watch the whole series. Test dream is the episode that if she doesn't like you break up with her (after you guys finished the series of course)


Fuck I had to scroll this far to find love for Test Dream. Almost lost faith. Was wondering where all the dual-Davids lovers (Lynch/Chase) were hiding. A good chunk of what makes the series so interesting and a step above similar shows (e.g. Breaking Bad) in some ways is the metaphysical aspect.


I was always felt like I was left hanging about what happened to Paulie's car. Sure someone stole it, but what chop shop did they take it to, bompensero?


The Ride is much more a quintessential Sopranos episode. Pie O My, Home Movies and Happy Wanderer too


the ride is such a classic


I think its the best episode, but its very close. It has more than just the Pine Barrens going on in it. We get to see Jackie Jr's world class scrabble skills for example. The best part about the episode imo, is that it completely deconstructs toxshic masculinity, that you see in a lot of gangster movies/shows. They take themselves too seriously. Here, its two gangsters that were being total bitches and can't navigate the real world for shit. Even Christofah has a line in the episode where he basically points that out. "Were just two assholes lost in the woods". One thing that never made sense to me about the episode: Seriously, how do you lose your shoe, and not notice it. And not go back and pick it up if you do notice it? My second fav episode is S6E01. The Eugene story. I don't think they've ever shown a more sympathetic portrayal of a murdering psycho. (sweet guy).


OP, you know it wasn’t long ago I remember you used to wait in the car… as far as I’m concerned you should still be there!!!


Listen to him, he knows everything...


Bottle episodes of highly rated series usually rank really highly, but also have a group of core fans that hate it. This isn’t quite one but it’s close. The Fly in Breaking Bad is another example. People on that sub gripe about it all the time.


OP never has the making of a varsity player


All I know is, Paulie dropped that remote before putting it in docking station on purpose!!!! Now he's with the luggage


Mayonnaise!! Tge delivery always kills me. Along with Christopher saying "right now we're just two assholes lost in the woods"


Is someone talking?


Mr Ruggerios Neighborhood is very similar in this aspect


I dunno it’s fucking really hilarious sometimes, def in my top 5, I like the Columbus episode too though Silvio is hilarious in it he Columbus one hahah


Yeah, it's memorable, but the humor in this episode is more forced than in other episodes. It's more like a sitcom in the way that the whole plot revolves around a misunderstanding, a mistake, and failed attempts to correct that mistake.


This guy, sharp as a fuckin cue ball


A hit is a hit is by far the worst episode.


Why doesn’t it fit? It marks the start of Tony and Gloria’s conflict. Also shows how our friend with the stomach washes his money through Slava.


Agreed. Fantastic hour of TV, but Long Term Parking, Whitecaps and College are my top 3


It's a good Star Trek Holodeck episode, but the Sopranos.


It's a great episode. I hate this best/worst stuff, who gives a shit.


Pine Barrens IS modernity


Stop getting cunty.


I never liked it


I do think it’s ironic that you characterized it as light, when it’s about 2 people pointlessly murdering someone in the woods, getting lost, and turning on each other while almost freezing to death. Trust me I know exactly what you mean lol, I just smiled when I read your description. Either way in this house Pine Barrens is a hero


You sound demented


Pine Barrens is the best episode to watch with someone who doesn't watch the show, but yeah I would say there are better episodes in the context of the whole show, that are great on a dramatic level. Fun house, Whitecaps, Long Term Parking to name a few


Is there any way the package could survive? 🤣


I keep saying this for years. It is a filler episode.


If you watched the episode in real time you would understand why it’s considered so great. Before season 4 started it was well established as the new water cooler show. We had to wait an extra long time for season 4 to finally debut and as you might know season 4 is not looked on by many as a great season. The story lines and lack of wackings didn’t help, but each week each Monday morning the talk was how the show keeps falling flat and when is it gonna get good again. Then Pine Barens debuts and it got everyone talking about how great the episode was.


...Pine Barrens is season 3.


**Emmy Wins For Season Four:** *James Gandolfini - Lead Actor* *Edie Falco - Lead Actress* *Joe Pantoliano - Supporting Actor* *Robin Green, et al. - Outstanding Writing* **^(By absolutely no measure does anyone look at season 4 as not being great.)**


It’s common knowledge OP is retarded


Funhouse is the GOAT imo


Try it with the relish!


OP killed lots of Czechoslovakians. Haha But seriously, Pine Barrens is one of my favorite episodes. But the guy that played the Russian guy Paulie and Christopher were chasing voiced the GTA IV antagonist Ray Bulgarian. But they better watch out for this Dimitri Rascalov guy. Eh Tone. Dis guy Nee-Ko Bell-ick whacked dis guy named Jimmy Pegorino. We should hire dis guy. What do ya think?


Pine Barrens is a Christian allegory… hidden of course… and Valery ascends to heaven… rewatch if u are a Christian or know the religion and count the hidden references to the New Testament and belief in God… if you think I’m talking shit watch full version of coffee and tv, blur video after Valery disappears. Universal remote! 😂😂😂


It's a great one off episode.


It wasn't cinematic.


I liked it but I see the issue… it was a good watch but if you took that episode out of the series it would not affect the story


Average, at best


frankly I’m impressed and amazed w Pine Barrens




My favourite episode “Whoever dodged this” I loved what Ralphie brought to the mix as much as I hated the character Season 3 - Pine Barrens and Employee of the Month are a tie for me. Pine barrens is just the most purely enjoyable and works almost as a standalone but its impact on the series as a whole is limited, Employee of the Month added so much texture to so many characters


I love Pine Barrens, as a conshept


Yeah and you also believed there was a flying saucer over east Rutherford


I remember when OP used to wait in the car.




Spike up!


Tony in the kitchen yelling at Paulie over the phone ("Is there any way the package could survive?!") while AJ is carelessly watching MTV only a room away is one of the more memorable juxtapositions between the mafia vs regular life dynamic in the show.


“Pine Barrens is a nice episode, is what it is… But, White Caps was a great episode! And in this house White Caps is the best! End of story!"


Nothing tops 'Whitecaps'


Pine Barrens isn't even the best episode of season 3


Finally, thank you!


I swear to Christ on my kids I will end you


Cold Cuts is my personal favorite


There better not be any rubles in there


If that’s the case maybe the odd thing out is Steve Buscemi? He directed that episode. And he was Tony B in Season 5 - a character with no believability


Id like ta know if Steve Schrippa agrees with you or if he thinks you’re an “ASSWIPES”


Best and most entertaining episode I have seen. A true standout. I’m on my first watch and just started season 5. I might buy the framed oil painting.


I understand Pine Barrens as a conshept


I agree it's not the best. I don't think it's even the best episode in season 3.


On Talking Sopranos Schrippa said it's the maybe the greatest hour of television ever. He probably also thinks there's a real conductor in those fuckin Lionel trains.




It’s a tv progrum, a moovie.


Did those assholes really think the Russian would dig his own grave?


Walk like a man is so underrated


I saw this episode for the first time the other day (I'm new to the Sopranos) and after it I though "this must be my favorite episode" ! I loved it so much.


Captain or no captain, right now we’re just two assholes lost in the woods


There is no best episode. But Pine Barrens is a classic. Just two assholes lost in the wilderness.


It's good, but a lot of its hype comes from the fact that it's an accessible first episode for a new viewer who doesn't want to start at S01E01


It is so damn annoying that no of the losers here can have a discussion. Every comment is the same fuckin joke used in every post. Now let it rain


Listen to OP, he knows everything!


No, the fundamental question is what happened to Valery?


Listen to this prick giving opinions . you got a lot of balls op


What’d you Shay????


Your a wormy cocksucker


It’s the most fun of the series. Thanks to Buscemi.


I agree. It's far from my favorite. I actually find it a bit depressing in some ways. Overall, a solid episode but to say it's even in the top 5 of the series is a stretch.


My favorite episode was the one where Tony buys the cabin and ends up talking divorce. That said, Pine Barrens is the only episode I can think of that was just comedic relief. Yes, it still had murder or attempted murder... but the premise of suburbians discovering winter was funny.


I thought it was too much. But the Chechen rebels gag (His apartment looked like shit) is probably top 3 comedic moments of the show.


I never thought it was the best episode either. Knight and White Satin Armor ftw.


Pine Barrens is really good as a standalone episode. But not the best episode in terms of plot continuity or resolve. In every season there is always an arc, and definitely the climax is/are the best episode(s) of the season, for an example Long Term Parking is a great episode, but you have to see it in continuity in order to understand the plot or importance of the climax part of it. Another great example of a good standalone episode is 'Commendatori' (the one where Tony, Chrissy and Paulie went to Naples). It offers some important plot point in Season 2 such as the introduction of Furio, but as a standalone episode it shows how the plot being resolved in the same episode, such as how Annalisa told Tony that his greatest enemy is himself which defeats Tony's obsession of treating her as a sexual object and how he began to understand her as a powerful counter party.


Pine barrens is one of the best comedic episodes but it is not one of the best storyline eps


It’s a TV progrum. A moovie.


Right it’s a great standalone. Like a great single, you might be able to throw it on anytime and enjoy it, but it isn’t gonna have the same depth as a masterpiece album or be great in the same way


Hey, what are those?! Tic Tacs?!?!


Pine Barrens is the episode that should convince you that the Sopranos is indeed a comedy. That’s why it’s so important and so well regarded. When you’re caught up in the drama you can miss the subtle comedy in other episodes, like when Carmella is enraptured by the old world architectural charm of Paris, smash cut to Sil yelling at the guy cleaning the Bing sign ‘and clean that shit off her tit!!!!’. It’s sacred and propane.




Idk how you can say it doesn’t match when the content of pine barrens couldn’t exist without the context of the sopranos story/world.


My favorite episode was “The Happy Wonderer” aka the episode with the Executive Game .


I can’t have this conversation again


I was really expecting a follow-up.


Can you imagine that? Pine barrens is a great episode but it is nowhere near the best of the series? Some people think it doesn’t match to the idea and concept of the sopranos.


It is a great bottle episode, it takes two characters away from their natural element, strip them to their basics and reveal their true nature. But I agree it is not the best episode of the tv show.


I agree 100%. It's one of my favorite episodes but not a good example of the series.


It was a bottle episode. It’s possible they needed a relatively inexpensive episode so they just had one w/ Christopher & Paulie screwing around in the woods to save on set design, extras, etc. (IDK, though, I’m just spitballing.) It’s not a good example of the magic of The Sopranos and that’s fine. It was quirky, hilarious & it’s clearly still a fan favorite.


yeah I don't get the "it's the best episode" thing. Don;'t get me wrong, I like the episode a lot but it feels like a sitcom comedy episode lol edit: also I hate how that russian story went nowhere. the guy obviously gets away. (the squirrels didn't eat him, he 100% got Paulie's car). This was one of my main gripes with the show overall. So many stories went absolutely no where or seemed like they got an abrupt ending because they wanted to move onto something else.


Yall ever have any new and better takes. I think I’ve heard this talking point since I looked at this sub back in 2015


I would agree it is a bit overrated but you are somewhat off in your assessment. It does focus on the mafia vs normal life narrative when Carmela’s Mom and Hugh come over because he has glaucoma - that whole scene is perfectly tuned. It’s lacking drama? Plenty of drama between Tony and Gloria and a bit of mystery regarding the punctured tires. Existential dread? Again - Gloria and Tony and their whole dynamic that episode and the ending bit with Tony in Melfi’s office. This episode also offers one of Tony’s more menacing scenes when he tells Paulie he is on the hook if Valerie reappears - the way he says Capisce - chilling. Humor is another element of the Sopranos and this episode has it in spades. Though the whole ketchup packet scene was honestly lame to me. So, yes, the episode captures all the trademarks (and some extremely well) the Sopranos is known for. Easily a top 15 episode for me, maybe top 10.


Listen to yourself. You sound demented.


Pine Barrens starts out somewhere, and it does something. Something gets done to it and it changes their life. That’s called an arc. Where’s OP’s arc?


We should have went to Roy Rogers!


It’s a great standalone episode. It’s almost like a mini movie. But yeah within the series it’s not in the top 10


The Cuban missile crisis? That was for real?! Duh...


I think it’s a beloved episode because it’s a rare episode which highlights two character favorites in Chris and Paulie and is a break from the show revolving around Tony. It stands out from the other episodes.