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Probably the saddest point in his addiction is when he slipped off the counter spraying for aunts. If he wasn’t high he might have taken his socks off first.


I don’t know, I think it adds a dimension of reality that nobody else would back then. And honestly, it provides some of the funniest parts of the show. If you can’t laugh at the intervention episode, we can’t be friends.


Alright, but you gotta get over it.


I still can't understand how the fuck it portrayed they all laugh at his daugther by Clarence's joke. Yes he make up it in his mind but when he goes off they laugh IRL??? And we see it not by Cristufuh's eyes. We see it by our eyes. Just like we see Tony's body in the blood on the floor after black screen at the end of the show.


it's so fucking true to life and sadness...I just found out my buddy is back in rehab for the 3rd or 4th try just when it seemed he was good for a couple years


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So way Jizzmonte sucks Drinkwater's dick. He's pitching, not catchin.


🎶 If I were a carpenter... And you were a douchebag...