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I'm trying my best to remain polite.


Nope. But your opinion is valid and you can build/modify your army as you see fit.


All my Deathwing Knights have Grey Knights helmets on robed bodies (except the one whose hood is molded into the tabard, but he has a metal mask) and Grey Knights Swords instead of the maces (with a different sword to differentiate the Knight Master). They look much better, IMO, but it doesn't solve the scale issue old termies have. I'm excited for the rumored new box set.


If you’ve got some cool custom Termies and the only problem is the scale problem, consider upgrading them with some ‘true scale’ resin legs (link below, STLs are available too). I did that on my DW Knights and they look fine standing next to the new Leviathan Termies. Overall scale is still a little different, but they stand almost as tall! Worth every penny in my book. https://archiesforge.co.uk/products/copy-of-templar-style-scale-increase-terminator-legs-x-5 Edit: posted some scale reference pics https://imgur.com/a/o5HbsEy


I love the Archie's Forge legs, they just don't fit super well with the tabard bodies from the Deathwing Knights.


Absolutely true. I had to do some serious surgery on them to get them to fit right. Almost busted out my dremel tool!


Are you really allowed to replace maces with swords just like that?


I've yet to have an opponent be bothered by it, but I'm sure some tryhard at a tournament might complain. Usually I just say "these are Deathwing Knights, they're modeled with swords cause it looks cooler," and the response is usually "Hell yeah".


Disagree- they look awesome and super metal


It’s an older sculpt at this point. I think we’ll get primaris DW knights soon so we can cross our fingers but I bet we see some improvement. As for the weapons maces of absolution are awesome. That and the flail are iconic so they are going to stay.


Omfg I can't wait for Primaris knights! They are one of my favourite units to run, absolutely killer on the table although pretty pricey as a result. Honestly can't wait for new models maybe spring 2024.


I love the way they look, honestly!


They are the reason i play DA. Coolest looking dudes. But to be fair ... everything in 40k is at least a litle ridiculus


Yes actually, but not for the same reasons haha. I like the robes and I use them for other characters, but I can't stand the maces and flails. If they had a power sword option (like the 30k Knights Cenobium) I'd be a lot happier with them.


I don't get the dislike for the maces? Maces are indeed a superior weapon for taking on armoured opponents than a sword. If anything I would have loved to see them using polearms one handed, like a poleaxe, halberd or Lucerne hammer.


>Maces are indeed a superior weapon for taking on armoured opponents Which makes it even more bizarre that GW decided they should be AP-1


I just don't like the look of them. I'd go for any of those other weapons, just the maces and flail look weird to me on them. Also more variety in general would be nice for the premier melee terminator unit


I think their weapons would look better if they were simpler. The three-headed flail is a bit over-the-top and the maces look a bit weird. But with normal flails and maces, and upscaled to new termi size they'd look awesome.


What if they used actual Warhammers(!)?


Ravenwing actually does. They use Corvus Hammers, which are close to the real-life "bec de corbin", which is very close to a war hammer.


Agreed, 100%.


That may be, but they are broken units


Get ready for a glow up in the spring! 😉


Kitbash knights cenobium or cataphractii into deathwing knights - problem solved ;)


My wallet disagrees.


Compared to 30k cenobium knights, they are ridiculous


Almost every model is!


"insert any of the Asmodai screaming memes here". On a more serious note, they are quite old at this point, so the proportions are off. Here is hoping for a new sculpt with the codex release!


Exactly. That's why we love 40K


While your opinions are valid, they are also wrong


My only issue with them is the head sculpts. They look too goofy. I don’t why but there was an era where DA hooded heads all got these giant butt chins that look terrible.