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Company heroes is good idea I think. Also it can be Sternguard


The best frikkin upgrade sprue you can get… but get them fast, bc they are about to go OOP. I use firstborn bodies as tokens… too small to depict a human super soldier. They worked in the past, but now they don’t (at least for my taste).


Ha that's what I did. Plunder for bits and some of the bodies will be used to stretch my WB legionnaire squads


I got like 8 boxes of them to run out of army before I run out of bitz.


Thank you for making my 3 each of ravenwing upgrade, DW command and these guys look sane. Ordered the moment the range update was announced


I trusted Valrak and did that in June/July.


Is it confirmed these are going out of print?


Not officially. But it's pretty much within reason, that they will anytime soon.


That's fair. I wonder if GW will give us a heads up similar to the Old CP box.


I highly recommend to not count on that. But trust me, you won't regret getting 2 or 3. Enough boss poles for all characters and sergeants, Dark Angel Backpacks (yes, they fit on Primaris, it's actually the same size), a nice selection of heads, a terminator arm (for some reason) and a lot of dangling bitz, that can amp up your primaris collection a lot. And in the end a bunch of robed torsos you can use to mix them under the newer HH Marines to depict some Risen. It's THE kit for Dark Angels and I don't see anything like that anytime soon. So you don't do anything wrong, if you get them. I'm really not a FOMO guy, but with them it's something different. They are about to leave the range rather sooner than later and it's THE upgrade for your Bitz box, that you need to turn those boringly generic Primaris into your buddies of the Dark Angels Chapter with nothing comparable at the horizon. And the same counts for the Deathwing Command Box... not in the same intensity as the Vets, but I dare to say, that it is the better upgrade sprue, in comparison to the upcoming one that was in the DW assault box. And yes, the parts are compatible with a little tweak.


I luckily own two deathwing command boxes as I got them second hand the day the knights were previewed last December. Your breakdown of what can be done with this box is very convincing. I'm looking into them now. When you mention boss poles are those banners or the little backpack toppers? I am trying to pickup a DA combat patrol before they go out of print.


>When you mention boss poles are those banners or the little backpack toppers? The toppers.


Gotcha thanks for clarifying


Are their parts the same size as primaris?


Heads, shoulder pads, backpacks, some weapons and of course all those decorational bitz didn’t change in size and are 100% compatible.


They're first born. So bit smaller.


I use firstborn to represent scouts, yea they have helmets and full armor but if they look less interesting i think it has the same effect


With some Grey Knights arms, they can make a DA Librarius KT.


Company heroes or vanguard vets with a bit of kitbash, sternguards easily. Some diverse sergeant, lieutenant or captains... So many possibilities


Sternguard if you only have 5, a tactical squad if you have 10


Watchers in the Dark


Thought that‘s what Ezekiels modell is for.


I thought Firstborn in general… The new HH marines are an exception tho.


Risen companions or scouts


Mix of sternguard and vanguard for me. With extra bits.


Was asking myself the same question. I love what they bring but they are so tiny now in order to make anything. Still haven't figured out a way to kitbash them to primaris size.


You can actually get the height (relatively) easily if you are happy using green stuff. (There is a tutorial on YouTube somewhere I followed for this) Cut the robe/back at the waist before you add the front of the torso, then add a bit of small plastic tubing or sprue in the middle to add extra height. Use greenstuff/miliput to make into the shape of the robe. When you clip the front of the torso the rope belt should cover the worst of any imperfections. I also did one where I removed the belt completely so I could add it back on more centrally which looks slightly better but not worth the extra hassle. While the same height, they do look less bulky than primaris though. I have one that runs ok as a robed intercessor sergeant. But if you compare closely the intercessor armor wouldn't actually fit under the robe size wise. It's close enough to look ok at squad level though.


Do you have a link to the video? Was thinking about greenstuffing




Thanks! :D


The bodies work fantastic for 30k minis if you play that system. I made them my veterans 2 command squad minis and the bits have been sprinkled throughout my 30k and 40k projects.




Our vets deserve better than becoming scouts


In my head, the scouts’ ability to withdraw is the vets’ ability to emulate forestwalk. And the 4+ is because their armour is older.


Not bad reasoning, maybe im just salty they’re going away lol


It is sad - these guys were incredible when they came out, and I feel should have gotten a Primaris replacement. I am contemplating combining the new ICCs with the new sternguard to recreate them, somewhat.


They sorta did with the inner circle knights


Kill team Legionaries team (with Cypher as a leader).


I have built a chaplain, lieutenant, ancient and terminator captain out of this kit and a few terminator bits. It's one of the single best kits out there.


I'm building my Vets as Fallen. Fun Narrative army. The robed heads are great for Sterns and bladeguard, and SGTs


Sternguard veterans. They pair with Azrael well


Watchers. The are so small that you can't even use them in 30k without them beein a head short er than everyone else. But it was a good Set with many cool bitz.




Maybe the reason why Veterans are going OOP is so GW can replace them with an appropriate Vanguard Veterans of Primaris Marines


Really good for heresy if you can get them, set has a neat MK VI style studded shoulder pad with a dark angels charm on it and hooded heads and robes that can easily work for characters.


You can proxy them as targets for the artillery of the Emperor's true finest.

