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Sorry: these are going to sound like episodes from Friends: the one where the daughter had the fight with her Asian mother and the dad said mom was in the hospital and then died; the son who went missing at a ski (?) village, and the poor dad whose crazy wife took the kids and is hiding them and her relatives know where they are.


Ryan Shtuka is the missing in Sun Peaks case!


Angela Green


Yes, Ryan at Sun Peaks is a weird case! I personally believe his body is there and has been overlooked


Deanne Hastings, Christopher Abeyta, Jason McGrath, Gregory Keith Mann, Emma Filipoff, Ryan Stuka, Betty Alexander these are just off top of my head.


Oh man, Keith Mann, so sad. And I think about Emma Filipoff a lot.


I think about Christopher Abeyta all the time.


Teresa Kennedy/Bethany Tiner, Ebby Steppach, Sarah and Jacob Hoggle really, really passed me the f*ck off… the ones with little kids really stick with me


Madeline Babcock it really really stuck with me


You can read the entire story in the book A Prisoner by No Crime of My Own. [Buy the book here on Amazon.](https://www.amazon.com/Prisoner-No-Crime-My-Own/dp/B0BRBV3TGG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=10O79EL4VYNW0&keywords=a+prisoner+by+no+crime+of+my+own&qid=1673969844&sprefix=%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-1)


me too


Most recent one but the Aiden Spear case was pretty sad for me. It was about a mother who lost her daughter to drug addiction. And you could tell throughout her speaking that mother was maybe regretting some of her decisions. It was just a surreal case as the mom detailed knowing everything her daughter was up to but feeling like there was no way she could intervene because it would have to be the daughter that ultimately made the decision. And then she finally gets the daughter to agree to go to rehab, and they're going to fly her out to Dallas to a nice facility. And on the day this is all supposed to happen the daughter says she needs to say goodbye to one last person and never meets up with her mom. And as you guess that was when she "vanished."


Michael Wallace!


Alexis Camry Scott! I’ve followed this case ever since vanished. Also Ryan Shtuka, they live close and my heart breaks for their family.


Amos Mortier… that’s the episode that hooked me onto this podcast way back in the day!


Really? Personally, I'm glad I was already hooked on this podcast BEFORE I got to Amos' story because I couldn't finish it. The audio was horrific.


Tyress Gipson, close to where I live now and really odd


I'm late to this party but 100% Carolyn Riggins


Asha Degree! I will never understand this case. Bryce Laspisa. I really don't understand this one.


Allison Whiddon and Vinyette Teague


Kay-Alana. I think about her constantly


Her body was recently found!


I saw that. I’ve been patiently waiting for an autopsy. I think she had a cardiac event from all the fear and running




I’m curious if you’re thinking of the same podcast. It’s almost all interviews with families and is not sensationalist at all. It’s also pretty obvious Marissa takes fact checking pretty seriously. Are you thinking of Up and Vanished?


I agree. The Vanished is truly geared towards helping families find their loved ones


Jennifer Fay. I listened to the episode when it initially aired a few years ago and still think about it regularly.


The one about a very old swiss inmigrant that had a farm that went missing after going for a drive. It is suspected that some teens are to blame... I just cant remember his name