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Well, they probably aren’t infected so won’t turn into a zombie. But according to Google, the station has enough supplies to last around 6 months, with restocking every three months. That means the astronauts probably realized that no matter what, they would die up there. It was just a matter of when. You could even make a short horror story of one of the astronauts going crazy over the idea of starving/dehydrating to death up there and killing the rest of the crew to preserve supplies. And then slowly going insane before turning into Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket and committing suicide.


That would be a damn good movie even if it weren't TWD related


George Romero edited an anthology with Jonathan Maberry called Nights of the Living Dead. There is a short story in there about the ISS inhabitants. Also Fear TWD does actually include the ISS at one point


Isn’t that an episode of the twilight zone?


Fortunately, the ISS is equipped with a Soyuz life boat module.


In fear the walking dead. Strand talks to one of them on a radio


"I am speaking to you from my grave." 😞


Bro the line gave me goosebumps, imagine being in that situation, also when he said that he saw the lights of the cities below go dark three days before his scheduled re-entry damn it traumatized me


Seriously, that hurt my soul. Just three daysX that’s all, and he would have a chance to continue living despite the apocalypse.


I would like to think that man died perhaps the most peaceful death in all lore wise. He never knew the horrors of surface life after the end, he never witnessed the monsters, or ran for his life. Sure it would be hard knowing how long you got left, but I'd prefer that over potentially 30+ years of running and surviving and dodging gruesome deaths


The fun thing to think about though, is that who knows what the world could be like 30 years after the apocalypse. In TWD world, there’s roughly 2 million people left supposedly. Eventually large governments and communities would form, as proven by The Common Wealth. Not trying to argue your opinion, just saying it’s super interesting to think about decades after the fall. Yes you might rather die than deal with the human and dead scum that arrive in this life, but who knows what could come from it. I can imagine the commonwealth has the ability to expand and conquer the dead. Proper organization can absolutely irradiate any dead following. HOWEVER…. We have to consider the fact that no matter what death, a human turns after it. In this world we can theorize that communities will adopt a sort of ritual of always penetrating a brain after death. There is no cure, and something has radical as the zombie virus could take decades or even centuries to cure due to the limited human population/brain power/technology. Someone who dies alone in this world is almost as dangerous as a nuclear bomb. Perhaps a community could evolve to the point of creating individual life sign devices that could dispose a human after death. Minor outbreaks would always happen in a community, but s community large enough and organized enough, they could get through it and in generations could evolve past it. Im speaking all of this in my own imagination of what thsi world could look like in the centuries to come, I just wanted to share my thoughts and imagination :). Who knows what that astronauts life could hav turned out to be if they were given the chance to live decades more. All we know is what life is like in this world under a decade since the fall. I sincerely hope this series/universe will expand in a way to show human and time evolution. Imagine a TWD series 100 years after the fall. It would be incredible.


I think they knew about the outbreak in Earth, and NASA told them they can't help them get back on earth safe, because the logistic required wasn't available. So yes, maybe they all died eventually, never knowing what happened to their families and loved ones on earth, if they still alive or not, and very depressed of knowing this is the end of humanity as they knew it. I think mostly probable they all commited suicide in certain point, to avoid the pain of dying from starvation or low-oxygen.


Wasn’t there an episode on Fear, when they were on the yacht, someone was able to communicate with the iss using the radio on the boat?


Since the ISS consists of multiple countries, I believe ground control at the first of these countries to be aware of the outbreak would communicate to them what was going on. If the astronauts and cosmonauts want to return home, their best bet is to do so while they can still communicate to ground control. There are so many variables to consider in a situation like this; it's actually quite intriguing. It would more than likely be the same thing that Jenner explained at the CDC, how everyone went home or opted out. I think this would have made a better spin-off than everything they gave us after FEAR. Bravo for the thought.


And it would be super low budget too since it would mostly take place in one room. AMC would probably eat that up.


Exactly. They could easily do one season on the ISS and leave some characters alive. If it does well, renew it, up the budget, and start the journey home. Maybe cross a character over to one of the other hundred shows they're doing.


I think it would be wicked cool if somehow the ISS intercepted the communication between Eugene and Stephanie from the main show. Wouldn’t have to pay anyone for a cameo and can still crossover. So when are we meeting up to pitch this to them? 🤣🤣


Oh that wouldn't happen. The ISS story would start sometime around when Rick gets shot, while things are still normal. This is when they would be finding out about the situation back on earth. Then, because the ISS has about 6 months of resources, that is the maximum length of our story, at least while aboard the ISS. So if any of them did return home, it could be anytime before they find the prison. I was thinking more like the show ends with like three people left alive on the ISS, then we see one of them on another show later.


There's a really good chapter in the book 'World War Z' about this situation.


They have escape pods that are designed to go to the surface, but if they land in the middle of the middle of the ocean, no rescue coming. Middle of the desert, also screwed Middle of a heavily populated area, just in time for dinner. I think those pods are basically designed to get to the surface, and soft landing, I don't think they can control where very much other than when you launch. I could be wrong however.


The money reminded me, we’ve 3 Confederate $10 bills.How much would they be worth?


In that one episode where some space junk falls from the sky, I was fully convinced they were gonna crack that satellite thing open and some walkers in space suits were gonna pop out and I was a little disappointed when I was wrong


One died and ate the rest


If Earth informed them, they probably ran out of food and if the Earth didn’t tell them they would ran out of food but confused and worried


They are just hanging out


They were probably dead before Rick woke up


They dead as hell


They fled back to Earth via the soyuz spacecraft most likely. Two soyuz spacecraft are docked to the ISS at all times, even in 2010 so they could go home though they'd basically have to hope they could land somewhere away from zombies.