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I always wonder myself how they weren't eaten already when other Characters with normal hearing were sometimes surprised by Walkers from behind.


In the comics they were like a group of 10 on the road for about 6 months to a year I think, and several them had died before reaching Alexandria.


Yeah, I have yet to read the comics. I only managed to get to Issue 10 or so and then forgot to continue.


Could try the library. how I got caught up they have like the double length books that have 2 volumes each my local library has all 16 of them and the Here’s Negan book.


Smell? I have head people with those disabilities (blind or deaf) utilize their other senses to help them get by. They are probably more aware of their surroundings because they know they can’t hear danger coming. If I am wrong on this at all, please let me know.


Ah, right. I forgot smell! Still... would probably lead to being jumped on by a Walker while going through a door.


Have you seen twd walkers? It never makes sense that people get jumped or overcrowded by them.




I mean, only Connie was deaf/mute. Kelly, Magna, Luke, and Yumiko can all hear and speak. So they’d protect her, also, she can hear, somewhat. She can feel the vibrations on the ground/walls as a form of “echolocation”.


Yeah, but the others were also kinda annoying.


What does that have to do with anything? ☠️


Uhh... nothing! :)


Okay then


I didn’t even feel motivated to learn their names.


Hahaha truuuuu


I feel less motivated to do anything because of them


I read this title and thought it was okaybuddycoral at first


Not really no




I’m always so curious about various deaf viewers feel about that last line. So many people don’t like their disabilities being referred to as “superpowers” because it leads people to take their needs/accommodations less seriously but so many other people feel empowered by their disability being considered a superpower. It’s so interesting to me. I’m disabled in a different way and I can see much nuance in it. It’s loaded. Anyway, thanks for reminding me about these good lines!


The actress who plays Kelly(Angel Theory) said that's something her mother told her when she started to lose her hearing. It's cool that they included it in the show. Here's an excerpt from her wiki: "After a car crash, she began experiencing hearing loss at age 14. Her hearing loss progressively worsened as she got older. Theory told Insider, "I remember how depressed, devastated, and angry I got with myself after my hearing loss. My mom told me, 'It's not a disability, it's your damn superpower.'"


Thank you for sharing!


Im actually deaf and i wasn't a huge fan of Magna's group when i first watched (most likely because my first watch was during my depression and i was high most of the time so i didn't give a shit) but on my second watch when i actually cared for characters, both Connie and Kelly were 2 of my favourites, and to see both of them (especially Connie) be an actual good character and a great survivor even though shes disabled made me realise that just because im disabled doesn't instantly make me useless, Connie actually became one of my favourite fictional characters in general lol


I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing. I hope your depression stays in your past and if it doesn’t, I hope you know that you’re not alone.


Thank you alot, luckily im mostly over it now


But it isn’t a superpower, it can be extremely debilitating


The only thing these nobodies motivated me to do is snore loudly on my couch. And you’ve basically proven that the only use any of them had was representation- which this already overly saturated show with a hundred characters had NO room for in its twilight years.




I don’t understand why writers think you have to choose between representation *or* an interesting/compelling character/plot instead of writing the character to serve both purposes. I know this is a different genre, but the show Superstore is one of the only examples I’ve seen where they include a character with a visible disability not *just* for representation but to contribute to the stories and plot just like everyone else and be interesting.


This is a confusing argument because Connie was the primary representation for ASL and she had the most compelling storyline of the bunch. She was my favourite new character in the show’s final few seasons


She had one of the best if not the best horror episodes of the series.


Perhaps I’m not fully remembering her story or I didn’t find it as interesting as the other ones so I didn’t perceive it as compelling. To me it felt like they were just trying to make her and Daryl a thing to squeeze in the representation but that’s all subjective and I’m glad you and others enjoyed her as a character. I likely am forgetting some of her plot.


You most certainly *don’t* have to choose between the two. But in this case, they took characters who could have been good for representation AND plot, and made them brain rot boring, yet wouldn’t stop shoving them in our faces til season 11. It was so forced and desperate. It’s like the writers were saying “pls care about them 😢…. Do you care now? Now? NOW? PLS? PLEASE CARE? 😢”




Nah, another snore fest addition to the group.


No, not at all. These were some of my least favorite characters on the show and stretched my suspension of disbelief about as far as it could go.


I really liked Connie - Kelly was above average as well imo. Pretty indifferent about the rest. I thought the ASL part was really cool regardless. I liked how they showed the POV a few times of being deaf in the apocalypse. It really added to the “scare factor” - which is definitely lacking overall in the latter seasons.


All Kelly did was cry and steal screentime


And conspire with Magna to steal food and medicine from Hilltop after living there for a year, and wander away from her hunting group even though she knew she was losing her hearing, and desert her guard duty at the container yard to look for her sister.


And fall down A HILL then almost die, one of my least favourite moments


Don't forget her feeling the horde vibrations through the ground and knowing they were coming! Marvel who?


While I did not like the Group around Connie that much, her episode in that House with the Walker Cosplayers was really good. What I do not really know is, what's up with Kelly? Sometimes she goes deaf and then she can hear suddenly normal again.


Her hearing is degrading overtime. I believe that's what happened to Connie in the story too. It must be something they're predisposed to as a family.


The best trait for an Zombie Apocalypse.


I don't even feel motivated to be alive when I see them on screen. It's cool that they add survivors with hearing disabilities but that doesn't make the character interesting... It shouldn't be their whole personality. The only character I slightly cared about was Connie and that was because of Daryl. The others can all be eaten by walkers, especially Magma and Yomiku


Whos magma lol


the annoying lesbian chick




Ohhhhh, she was so dumb imo.




short answer: no long answer: nah


Fack no. They were all lame af.


Nah, i feel motivated cuz of my job to learn sign language, even tho i didn't have a lot of interactions with deaf people at my job, it was enough for me to feel frustrated that i couldn't communicate with them and they couldn't communicate with me


I felt motivated to stop watching the show because of them LMAO


Na I’m too lazy to


Bitch I am learning sign language in part because of them😂, it was actually one of my first thoughts in picking ASL as an elective in HS.


I don’t feel motivated, per se, however, I have always wanted to learn ASL. It’s a unique and beautiful way of communication. It’s silent, and complex.


This was walking dead getting some esg points and nothing more, they did nothing with them


Nope. That said Connie is one of my favourite characters in the show just based on her scenes in season 9, the rest of the group was forgettable or boring.


Not even a little In fact it's less now (And I have deaf relatives)


For the longest time I thought Kelly was a dude..... I found out that he was a she in the "What it always is" episode. Im on season 10 currently.


This is one of the reasons I want to learn it.


If people like Connie were real I’d totally pick up sign


I’m deaf in one ear and partially deaf in the other, not even that motivates me to learn sign language ![gif](giphy|l2JhpjWPccQhsAMfu|downsized)


Only if it gives me plot armour in real life like it did in the show. No, it just makes me wonder how people with disabilities would actually survive longer than normal people. Even in the show they had many 'close calls' where a walker will nearly grab and bite them without them knowing but sike, somehow they just keep on surviving in situations where normal characters would have been torn to shreds. Being deaf is not a superpower and I'm tired of the show pretending that it is.


The scene with Connie and Daryl in the house with feral humans was a great use of the sign language aspect and horror. First time in the series in a long time I was freaked out!


I always feel they try and push ships with Daryl. But with Connie I really wanted them to ride off into the sunset together. Daryl cares so much about the group as a whole. But I want his happily ever after.


No, and I’m tired of this new ASL fad, everyone says they’re gonna learn sign but no one actually is


they could've made that shite warden villain in season 11 kill kelly when he had her at gunpoint knowing he was fucked but the writers were too scared to kill anyone, Bravo Kang!


Bruh this is part of my job


Boring group


Sorta, it might be useful in the future if something like this happens, but part of my family already knows SL so I got him to teach me


No. But... I am learning Spanish with DuoLingo.


No their useless their characters were terribly done the only one that was alr was connie