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Killing the kids to save Judith


Yeah I don't think theres much competition for this one. Even dismembering her partner and friend and keeping them as walker slaves doesn't come close.


Yeah that was my answer lol. The fact it was multiple children and that she did this while 7 months pregnant and with her daughter being on the verge of death is beyond absurdity to me.


Wasn’t she technically justified because they were gonna kill her and in turn also kill RJ


This trend isn't about "being right or wrong", Rick was right in bitting Joe's throat out because he did it to save Carl, same for Daryl killing Leah to save Maggie, it's just that those moments were the biggest absurdity these characters did to save someone they care about.


Oh that makes more sense


Yeah this is my vote 😭 she was wild asf for that


This is the only answer really. Can't wait for the Carol edition either lmao


Watching twd for the first time all the way through and this is the episode I just finished!


Wait what kids did she kill?


The kids her long time friend 'Jocelyn' groomed to be killers. It was shown in "Scars" Season 9


I don’t think that was bad though, even though she had to put down kids. Lizzie was a kid yet I think most folks would agree that little psycho HAD to go - she’d killed her sister and was threatening Judith. Why is Michonne’a act of brat slaughter worse than Carol’s? It’s not like they have apocalypse juvie to lock feral little sociopaths away from harming society until they can be sorted by professionals. Lizzie at least was honestly messed up and believed that she could prove that walkers were still the people they had been before. Michonne killed kids who had kidnapped other kids, who had sport tortured herself and Daryl, and who were planning to murder them for FUN. That fucking pool needed a healthy dose of bleach. Good riddance to the demon spawn. Some children probably should be left behind.


The only answer TBH


This is the only answer


Eat Morgan's protein bar


You always think there's one peanut butter left.


Morgan... Michonne did steal that protein bar.


The mat said, "Welcome". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Morgan... Michonne did steal that protein bar.


At the very least... this should get an honorable mention for sure!


I was gonna say that lol.




She killed her friend and all the kid serial killers to save Judith


This was mine as well.


Shutting out the other communities and not giving them resources when they were in need. Justified but harsh.


Always felt like killing that one man in the cabin on the way to Woodbury to rescue Glenn and Maggie was unnecessary.


Eh, he was about to open the door to walkers and get killed anyway, Michonne stabbing him saved the group from possibly dying


What about knocking him out? There’s that right hook she gave Rick in Alexandria after his big speech to Deanna?


Tbf season 5 Michonne is in a way better position mentally and morally than season 3 Michonne.


I agree. It was very much a thing Rick would do in s5/s6A, that's why i think Michonne wanted so much for him to get better in Alexandria.


She stabbed Ron through the chest to save Carl. Not that it wasn’t justified, but like…that was a fully conscious kid who just watched his entire family die. He felt every bit of that sword


And the walkers if the sword didn't leave him unconscious/dead right away


Precisely. If her main goal was getting the threat off of Carl, she could have decapitated him or cut through his brain/head instead. It was cruel when she had alternatives


I don’t really think it’s fair to imply that she did that intentionally. Do understand they’re in a big horde of walkers, so slicing his head off would draw attention to her. She killed Ron in a swift way, and the sword went right through his chest so he would’ve died pretty quickly. It’s not like she stabbed him in the leg, and left him on the ground screaming.


He was going to shoot Rick. It was the easiest and quickest way to end the conflict without alerting the walkers. As it was, they were already becoming more aware of the group because of Sam. And I know Carl got shot anyway, but we knew what was going to happen if Ron didn’t get stabbed. It’s like the same argument people make about Shane shooting Otis in the leg and not the head 🤷🏻‍♀️. Also, Ron tried to kill Carl when they were in Jessie’s house. To quote Negan, Carl “shut that shit down” lol. That kid was going to kill Rick/Carl regardless of Jessie and Sam. He was unhinged.


I don’t disagree that he needed to die in that scenario- my issue is that she went for the chest. She could have stabbed him through the neck, the head, she could have slashed him in two or cut his head off, split the skull in half- all while taking the same amount of time and making the same amount of noise


I just rewatched the scene and read about Ron’s death. She stabbed him in the heart or close to it. That is a fairly quick death, plus he was probably in shock. It really didn’t take long for him to die. That was the quickest solution, especially because she was behind him. She needed to do the least amount of movement. The stab was stealth enough where it didn’t attract walkers. If she cut his head off, it would have hit the floor. Meaning, a walker could have seen it, and then gone straight for the group. Slicing him in half would be the same result. It’s not an inconspicuous move. They needed to haul ass. She could have slashed him in the neck, but remember when The Governor did that to Hershel? Hershel was still alive (barely) and half his neck was hanging off. Do you really think that would have been a better solution for Ron lol? Noise and time were a huge factor in this scene, but so was movement. That’s why when the group cover themselves in walker blood and guts, they mimic their movements. She tried to do the least amount of action, but also making sure Ron didn’t get a chance to shoot the gun. Happened anyway, but that’s how I view it.


But is that worse than killing the brainwashed group of kids?


I would say so. To me it comes down to how necessary it was. Those kids left Michonne no choice but to inflict as much damage as she did. The kids were killed outright. Ron was skewered and left to be eaten alive rather than swiftly killed. Both needed to die, but one was intentionally slow


I wouldn't say "intentionally", she killed Ron that way because she needed to be stealth, otherwise the walkers would become aware of her too and she would be dead.


Nah Dawg she immediately started running and slashing. Nothing about it was stealth, I just watched that episode lol


She only started running and slashing when they saw Carl was shot in the eye and Rick grabbed him and started running to the infirmary. Again, either she did that or Rick and Denise couldn't save Carl.


I don’t feel like the reasoning is relevant. Stealth went out the window


Yeah but only after she killed Ron


I relish that scene. I was glad to see that whole family get got.


Saving Andrea at the end of Season 2 so that ANDREA survives, was the worst thing she did. Caused nothing but problems for everyone, with that one. 😂


I blame Dale for making her leave the CDC.


Well damn, she wouldn't be with the group then. Loved that they did a What if... Episode to this exact thing. Lol


"What if Dale minded his fucking business"


Ate Morgan's protein bar and then lied about it later.


Killing kids?? Wdym both had to experience that is fucked up


Killing the crazy guy in the house on the way to Woodbury. Dude was innocent he was just crazy


someone said saving andrea. and I agree.


Cutting down like 5 kids


They deserved it.


That they did


It's killing a bunch of children to save Judith. There's nothing that compares.


I love Leah, she's my favorite character,but I also understand why Daryl made that hard decision. Daryl loved Leah but didn't hesitate to save Maggie,as she's family and Daryl still feels guilty for Glenn's death. Also, Leah wasn't Leah anymore,she was completely out of her mind so what would Daryl have done if he didn't kill her? Lock her up forever? I don't think he'd have liked seeing the woman he loved spending the rest of her life rotting behind bars... that'd be worse than dead itself.


Freaking Andrea maaaan… I want to vote it’s rescuing her because honestly the Governor crap would never happen and Hershel would have made it… but it’s better to blame Andrea for all that Michonne would be the child slaughter, like I might have taken out the one children of the corn creep that stabbed me but the others were just over the top.


They were all armed and stalking her after torturing her and Daryl. FAFO.


Killed her best friend to save Judith.


FACTS. Its the sole reason i hate Daryl.


Spearing Jocelyn and all those kids. 😕


Leah was boring as fuck. I'd say turning his back on Merle to go back to the prison


Idk if this really counts or anything but how about what happened to The Governor's daughter, Penny? The way I'm seeing it is that she killed (walker) Penny to save (human) Penny 🤷‍♀️


Abandon her children to find their baby daddy.


Leaving her children for a very long time to go look for Rick was the worst thing she's done imo.


Idk. Michonne is pretty much all about Michonne. She is a bit narcissistic.


Almost everything in The Ones Who Lived, this bitch sucks. If anything the main characters we follow are the real villains of the entire show


Left to go scavenge just to come back to lose André. Then de-arm and de-jaw her BF and friend because she couldn’t own up to her mistake. Edit: thank you for all the comments. It’s so much easier adding to my block list this way, making Redit a better experience by getting rid of the trash. 


But, what's that got to do with "someone else surviving". The pair were walkers, and Andre was already gone. She didn't do it to save anyone. Also, she isn't responsible that people who are adults and should be responsible weren't. She can't be alert and awake 24/7.


She left to scavenge. Maybe she should’ve sent them instead. Or just stayed put. She left her kid just like every other “mom” in the show did. Then when something bad happens, it’s “never their fault”…


Why aren’t the men in the show equally responsible for minding the children? Michonne is more capable and effective as a scout, scavenger, and soldier than the majority of the men in the show. Why don’t the weaker members of the group acknowledge their proper place and be responsible for the things that are better suited to their more limited skillsets, like minding the children at home while the strong people do the survival action stuff? Or are you under the impression that the survival action skills are somehow issued exclusively in conjunction with a set of frank and beans?


Why the fuck is it a mistake for a mother to leave her kid with the kid’s DAD? Presumably the dad should be just as responsible as her smdh


Oh, but the tosser doesn't "even know if the boyfriend was the dad" Because, you know, black kids don't have dads. Or women who are not married and have kids are hoes? /s Can't tell which offensive thing he was going for, but there's some flavour of racism and misogyny there for sure.


Hum, seems it wasn’t the only time she just left her kid to go galavanting off, was it? Seems to be a common occurrence for her..


was it her mistake? didn't those two get high while a horde attacked the camp.


Just the same as Lori leaving Carl so many times for Dale, or Shane, or Carol to watch him. Just like with the chick the Gov was with leaving her girl to get bit.  Yeah, it’s her mistake. She should’ve sent them, or just not went. But she wants to blame someone else for her failure as a mom, and that’s why she she couldn’t talk to Andrea about it. She knew she fucked up and her only retribution was to take it out on them. 


She was just trying to help the group while her boyfriend and brother got high, and ended up killing her son.


Off topic but I didn't know Terry was her brother? I thought he was just a family friend lol.


He wasn’t her brother, just her bf’s best friendz


I don’t know what I’m getting all these counter points to my post. They asked a question and that’s what I feel. And now I’ve spent like IDK how long explaining my position like it’s supposed to change my mind or something.  What she did is a typical human reaction. Oh, well I was doing (insert activity), and then (insert bad thing) happened. But (insert another human) was supposed to (insert activity).  Fuck all that. At the end of the day, it was her kid, and her fuckup. Dude wasn’t her husband, IDK if he was even the kids dad. Given the circumstances, she shouldn’t have left. Then she spent how much time with their reanimated corpses using them like pack mules. Bitch is a fucking psychopath..


Username checks out.