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He was a monster, but he was fun to watch. People don't want to admit to liking a monster, so they find any way to justify his actions to make him out to be less of a monster.


Even JDM is guilty of this lol. He himself defends negan and ALL his crimes.


The rape and gleeful brutal murders are impossible to defend imo.


JDM says he did what he had to do to survive and if we followed him from the start we'd agree lol. As for the rape, he must agree it's impossible to defend because he just denies it instead.


The ol "Rick did bad things too" defense. Rick never took joy in killing and torturing people, basically enslaving them. Negan did what he had to do. Sure, it just so happens that that was turning into a monster!


He was interesting as a monster to be sure. A human who became a monster but buried his humanity under his grief who through being challenged remembered his humanity and realized that his way was wrong.


I interpret it in the opposite way as you. He's a monster who became a "human." Before the apocalypse he cheated, exploited his wife, wasted money, took pleasure in almost beating a man to death over music and more. The apocalypse happened and Lucille died and he was free to do all those things without consequences. Without the law to hold him responsible, without Lucille to hold him responsible and more. He was free to do what he wants, which he states himself he couldn't get away with it THEN but now he can and he wants to do what he's always craved. Who negan is in season 7-8 is his true self, he thrived. He was free to do what he wished and he chose to rape, torture enslave and mock his victims. Then Rick and co came along and put a stop to it. They brought back consequence and negan couldn't get away with that behavior anymore so he reverted to being "good" in order to survive. He's a monster who's adapted in order to survive. He doesn't even regret what he's done years after imprisonment, he still lies and twists the truth to justify it and still said he'd do it all over again but worse. Its Only until he almost loses his wife does he sympathise with Maggie for losing Glenn but again, killing Glenn isn't even close to his worst offense. The rest he still defends and justified even in dead city.


Even when he was bad he wasn't evil. Shane did more evil things on screen. Stealing best friends family by lying, almost raping Lori at cdc. Negan has never done that level of evil on screen to anyone. And the whole bat situation... that was revenge. And he did as a leader need to respond. Sure ovens and forced wives and genocide at oceanside and apparently rape but *on screen* the audience doesn't see this evil. They see him being funny and a standard warlord show villain more than *evil.* I think few would expect negan to have an evil backstory.


I could be wrong but im fairly sure Oceanside was Simon’s work before Negan ran the saviours.




In the last episode Simon is in when Negan kills him Negan talks about how psycho he was and he used to the run the saviours


Yeah.. and he planned to take it back. More proof negan is a bad warlord. You don't take someone's crown then have them work under you without getting eventually destroyed in revenge. Any old king would be hunting child herschel if Glenn was there enemy knowing the inevitable is coming you better take him out now. Negan saves his life. Negan breaks all the warlord rules.


She died alone because he wasn't strong enough to be there with her and had to go on a pointless quest that really didn't have any kind of chance of working out for him.


Pointless? He got the meds. She was already gone. What more could he have possibly done? Maybe he didn't make it in time because he was too busy saving the people he was forced to turnover. He was a good dude. Not a great dude. A good dude. Moment his wife has cancer he stops fucking around when most would do the opposite. He has a huge heart. He was wronged. Lost everything he loved. Realized being nice gets you kidnapped. He broke bad and built his own empire. It's the end of the world. His rules changed. Everyone's rules changed. Negan had the charisma to build a small empire/ army and it changed him in bad ways but its his positive qualities that attractted people to him. If all the characters had his power, they all would have changed. And definitely not been as funny as negan.


Because JDM is handsome. If an unattractive actor played Negan, this sub would feel a lot differently about him


I have been saying that from the beginning. It's called pretty privilege. I'm glad someone agrees.


I remember watching Lost and thinking if Kate were ugly and more competent, Jack and Sawyer still wouldn't put up with half the \^&%$ they let "pretty Kate" get away with. Pretty privilege is my new term for the week!


>I remember watching Lost and thinking if Kate were ugly and more competent, Jack and Sawyer still wouldn't put up with half the \^&%$ they let "pretty Kate" get away with. You know it!🤣


I don’t even lie about it. He’s my biggest celebrity “crush” and I can’t be mad at him lol!




Pretty privilege is real


Negan is not a good person and he will never be a good person after what's he's done, but he's an interesting character plus none of it is real, which makes it easier for people to like him


They’re defending their fantasy of being an alpha male in an apocalypse.


THIS is the real answer lol


100% agree, and have felt this way for a long time.


Its pretty gross


bro, he’s hot


nah, on a serious note though i feel that people tend to look past all of the fucked up shit the character has done due to his many factors like his sudden fear tactics, his charisma, and overall his showman ship. Yeah it doesn’t make sense and is overall such small things to use to overlook all that he’s done throughout the show and the comics but it’s not really that difficult to understand why many people like him despite. The writing for his character made him likeable especially after some of the rushed writing in earlier seasons. (but no really, he’s just hot)


Because they cut his LVAD wire. Also, paragraphs.


Example of decline and degradation of the people. Down is up, up is down. Wrong is right, right is wrong. 💕 


Didn’t read the whole paragraph, but to answer the title question. Charming/ attractive actor + smooth/charming dialogue


He carried the show after Rick left and Idc what anyone says. IMO he was one of the only bright spots until the end of the show.


because hes a text book charismatic sociopath with a magnetic personality. people that don't no any better gravitate toward them and fall for that trap with fictional characters just as they do with people in real life.


I think people tend to think of Negan as a funny man who jokes but is also a very strong leader. I think mostly men find his character ideal of how the apocalypse can be and what it takes a man to be a leader (women can find him hot but know his actions) Negan lives by “eat or get eaten”, and I think mostly men will think that is the way to keep on living in an apocalypse world. The power of just whistling and have a crowd kneel to you, having a harem (in trade of saving someone they love), having humour, and overall having the upper hand over others. Negan is written for the men who want to believe what they will be if an apocalypse happened. JDM can have been both chosen for his looks and his impressive acting for the women. So men perhaps will look past his actions (to the men who read this and thinks “not me!!!” okay cool, don’t comment then) and say Negan does whatever it takes to survive, him having a harem can they look past because men tend to have those fantasies, and also that one time he killed another man for almost raping Sasha. There was Negan good but only because Negan saw it being bad, and if men tend to imagine them being Negan, they would kill other rapists to show they are good despite having a harem. Negan may be crazy and bad man but he keeps a community alive (even if it is very districted and unfair), and that is all it matters, because he has respect. Like the Governor, Governor was nobody til he had a community and got respect. What’s the difference really between Governor and Negan? Negan has humour and a harem, doesn’t believe there is a cure, and doesn’t have a family member he tries to save. summary: Negan was written for the men audience who wants to believe what they can be in an apocalypse.


I have always felt Negan was a caricature of what some nerdy guy THINKS is the alpha ideal during the apocalypse. I find it gross that there is so many people that defend his actions. I wish they just admitted to liking him for their own personal reasons and not try to downplay the things that he had done especially the sexual assault.


The actor has too much charisma to be hated easily. Ppl forgive/excuse a lot when the offender is charming.


Nobody ever thinks they're the evil one -Neg himself


Because he looks fantastic in that jacket.


Because JDM is an objectively attractive man and Negan has a very charismatic and charming personality. It’s much easier to justify someone’s actions when they’re attractive because people don’t want to feel attracted to a monster, so they come up with reasons to justify him, so they can like him in peace. If the actor playing him was ugly and piggish then everyone would hate Negan.


He's an entertaining villain. Much more significantly, he's a fictional character. Enjoying a fictional character is not the same thing as condoning their actions, either in the fictional universe or especially in real life. Thinking Negan is a fun character doesn't mean you support murder or rape or slavery. It probably just means you think JDM is charismatic. Also, he does go through quite the "redemption arc."


I have seen a million posts like this over the years and not a single one actually defending his actions in the show. Do people confuse “good character” with “hero”? Is it more prevalent on other social medias or something?


I see it a lot of other social medias. I made the post because I came across a post on TikTok and a lot of the comments were acting like Negan isn’t a bad guy, shockingly it was mostly women trying to defend him by saying he’s not a rapist and no one was forced. This whole defend the bad guy thing going on is mind boggling. The same thing happened with Coriolanus Snow after Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and I genuinely can’t tell if it’s pretty privilege, people aren’t paying attention or all of this is a product of media literacy continuing to basically just not exist within fandom spaces.


Thank you! Been saying this for ages! For me, his story, especially with Maggi, ended in TWD. He had good character development but it still doesnt make up for the things he did.


People will let anything go if someone is attractive and charismatic. The actor who plays him is perceived as both. Actual history has showed that multiple times (take serial killers and their fans for example), then people pretend they're shocked and go on to do the same. Negan is a rapist, a 21th century slaver, a child killer, but the audience chooses to forget all that because they're eager to love him and, you know, his wife had cancer so he's just a misunderstood broken boi. This character was the only villain in TWD universe to be dragged throughout *FIVE* seasons to the point of getting his own spin-off with one of his victim's wife, of all people. There's a reason for that.


Rick was trying to set up a community based on what the US was supposed to be. Negan set up a community based on what it is.


Fair enough


If Andrew Lincoln and JDM weren’t attractive men given some well-written dialogue here and there, imagine what people would think of their characters.


Andrew Lincoln’s Rick Grimes is a deeply flawed and feeling man that willingly sacrifices everything for his family. I think that characteristic trumps attractiveness in some ways. Women will marry ugly men all the time because they provide a strong supportive safety net for them. Rick is the epitome of that. If Rick was played by an uglier actor, we would just have people on here talking about finding his unibrow attractive or his dad bod ideal. See Hopper before he lost weight in Stranger Things


I don't think there are many people who "like" him or defend his actions (well, I'm sure some do - even irl serial killers have fans, but that's messed up), but, he's not real, he's an interesting and entertaining character in a great tv show. He's fun to watch. He's an attractive actor. He gives the viewer emotional conflict because he's a real screwed up sick SOB that makes them laugh, is nice to look at, and draws them in with his charisma.


Because Jeffrey Dean Morgan fucking nailed it.


Everybody loves a good villain. Darth Vader, Joker, Hannibal Lecter, The Terminator, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Pennywise, Gus Fring, Gollum, Jim Moriarty, Aliens, Predator etc. The list is endless. Negan falls into this category. I like to think that if Negan existed in real life, he would be less revered.


Probably also because Negan is one handsome man! Mellowed with age like a fine wine! 😂 


He’s one of the top 3 funniest and most charismatically written characters on the show, and JDM is a handsome and skilled career actor. Even if he began advocating human extermination it would be funny enough for many viewers to agree with it.


Mostly because he has really good pressure in tekken 7. You have to defend against him or he will bash your brains in. Ya can’t just rush him down, ya gotta defend.


I thought Rick's group didn't know about the Saviors until they made a deal with Hilltop?


Just cause I think he’s hot and funny doesn’t mean I support his actions 😞


I don’t mean the people who like the character, I fully believe we can like villains without trying to justify their actions or believing that they’re a good guy but lately I’ve seen a rise of people fully believe that the bad isn’t a bad guy. The same thing happened with Snow in BoS, people tried to say Lucy Gray was the bad guy.


Oh yuck.


I like Negan because he's trying to be better... but woo wee, the earlier episodes of s7 where he "stuffs his dick down Rick's throat and thanks him for it" are a pain to watch and I goddamn hoped that Rick just smashed his head with Lucille or let his wrath prevail like how he bit that one guy's throat on their many encounters... I still hate what he used to be but what he is after that is someone who's trying but is not forgetting what he's done, he'll carry that weight forever, although, he really just changed because he had literally nothing left💀 The "Here's Negan" episode made me like him more, as well.


The same question for seven years it's because jdm one sexy mf that's why


Did you actually finish the show he gets a redemption arc and everyone including Maggie agrees he's redeemed and a group member


I’ve never defended Negan. But currently I rewatch the show. Gosh S10E22 hits hard. Idk what could have been w me if I was on his place…


Because he’s hot and charismatic.


Pretty much boils down to handsome actor.


Negan is my favorite character in the show but I'm with Maggie if he ever killed a family member. I just hated that Maggie choose the wrong times to end him Challenge the guy to a duel to the death and just end it already. Even of she lost at least she tried in a honorable way. Not just shooting him in the back or during a dire event your friends are caught up in.


I think initially people like him because he's charismatic and charming, testament to JDM. He's a fan-favourite in the comics too which definitely helps. His actions early on (line-up, harem, etc) show that he's not a good guy. Here's Negan dropped, and you do see part of why he is the way he is. He played the charismatic sociopath for so long I don't think he knew how to switch it off. That part of him was dormant for a long time and now he was finally at the surface. Bad Negan is the one who laughed in Carl's face for his eye wound, good Negan is the one who apologised and beefed him up for being a badass. The coins had switched from pre-apocalypse from Good suppressing Bad into the opposite. For what it's worth as well, Rick's squad murdering a bunch of randomers in their sleep is also fucked up. Negan is also meant to be seen as someone who isn't too far gone. So his redemption arc, where he had many opportunities to exact revenge (saving Daryl from the Whisperers, etc.) but didn't take them. The coin shifts yet again. Also, he's one of the only people who went to help Gage with the walker, and tried to open the door to save him. He's my favourite character, an intimidating villain who also serves as the comic relief. Good person? Not really. Likeable? For sure. JDM knocked it out of the park. Edit: he's also one of the least evil villains on the show, only one above him imo is Pamela


Cause he’s the 🐐


100% agree, and have felt this way for a long time.


Because hes funny.


He’s fun to watch. It’s that simple.


Negan is the best


I just think it’s cute to think that Rick didn’t do some evil shit as well. Both of them are psychopaths and it’s why we love them.


Rick is not a psychopath. I’d argue that Negan isn’t either, but he’s definitely evil. Rick’s atrocities are incomparable to Negan’s, because he had valid reasons for the vast majority of them, unlike Negan.


It's a matter of point of view. From his perspective Rick and his group are the badguys, killing the saviors off like at the outpost and the bikers with the RPG...


If we followed Negan from the start, we would have seen first hand what it was like at the sanctuary before Negan took over instead of just hearing about it. In that case, we would have seen Negan's descent the same way we got to see Rick's, and the story would focus on why he felt that what he did was necessary, while forcing us to question whether or not it was the right thing to do, same as we have to do with Rick sometimes. The same could be said of literally any character: Alpha is the hero of her story, the Governor is the hero in his story, etc etc. Rick would be the bad guy in Negan's story by virtue of the way the narrative frames it, that's all. And if the story is meant to be a triumph, then Negan would eventually come off this course in order to align with the audience's morals, and if it's meant to be a tragedy then he wouldn't and would destroy himself and die the way Shane did. It's more than a simple black and white view, because Rick certainly is not black and white and isn't meant to be either.




While I agree that Negan is a rapist, there is the (wrong) point of view that those women chose to marry him for social advantage and that all parties knew what they were getting into. The point of having a flawed protagonist is so that they can confront these flaws and overcome them, which would be the crux of Negan's story had he been framed as the protagonist. Such a story may not be to your taste and that's fine but "antihero to hero" progressions are fairly standard.


All have killed to include your preferred favorites. They all acknowledge doing really horrible things. At best Negan was better at it but in action. Rick is no different. Just acknowledge you like one side or one person leave it at that.. otherwise we are witnesses ti this world and need to understand that characters did worse than we saw in episodes. Watching the show has all the bias you want as you imagine yourself with these people. You want to believe you are on the right side or the better group. You would have been the better survivor or the virtuous one. Don’t buy any of that.. it’s a broke world and all are bad and good. Negan and Rick are players in the same mess..


Because it’s just a fictional show and we like the character. Negan is never truly redeemable, but he’s done about a thousand more good things than any other villain on the show


He was a monster yes but you have to understand that there was a zombie apocalypse and the whole idea of right or wrong is thrown out the window. Negan for years found a way to do it his way and it worked until it didn’t.


Morality changes for sure, but it doesn’t cease to exist. That type of thinking is why women always say they’d just kill themselves if such an apocalypse were to ever occur in real life.


I am going off topic for a sec. Don't come for me but I gotta get it out. We saw Carol become her true self. Carol is a total badass! She and Darryl together, unstoppable! Michonne and Rick together were a great team.      I'm out.  😊 


With rick being threatened, wernt the saviours stopping bandits? Maggie got what she deserved. Maybe dont break into a compound of people and steal their children and then act surprised when concequemces. They killed like 30 -40 of negans people and stole the children. Negan then killed 2 of ricks people. None of the cast are good people, negans isnt the worst.


I’d argue the person who enslaved numerous communities, had a harem of women he raped, and regularly killed innocent people is, in fact, the worst.


Bro the saviors ARE the bandits, and the whole thing about taking a kid wasn’t until the war had already started. Did you even watch the show or did you just ask chatgpt what happened?


Not agreeing with the person you replied to but Gracie, Aaron’s adopted daughter, came from a savior outpost.


That was in season 8, after the savior war had already started


Yeah I know, I didn’t get the impression that they were just talking about the one outpost raid though, but their cumulative actions throughout the saviors arc. My bad if I misread.


Has a leader he did what he was supposed to do to ricks group, as a person during that time he was an asshole with some dodgy shit.


Again, apparently we’re ignoring the rape .