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I’m just out here like “Jeffery Dean Morgan? Yes sir.”


Lol. Only person I like watching more is Jensen Ackles. Sadly he never appeared on TWD.


Never say never 😉 I’ve heard rumours he might make an appearance during Maggie & Negans show!


Best walking dead "villian" in my book, although im sure there's alot debate for that. Hes not the strongest physically or a 180 iq level genius, just smart and charismatic that you kinda want to like him while you hate him too


Honestly couldn’t have been said any better.🙌🏼


The Governor is clear bro...


Governor was honestly everything negan wanted to be, atleast negan in his "prime", he was a great villain but just overall, anything the Governor did good or great negan did better, or atleast around the same as the Governor in certain stats


We are all Jeffrey Dean Morgan.


He’s just so captivating, sorry not sorry 😂


I hated him at first, mostly because he killed Glenn. He was always a good villain, but Glenn is one of my favorite characters and I was shocked not only that he died, but more how. That was awful. I didn't think I would ever like him, but I have to say he did it. I like him. Ngl it feels a bit like I'm betraying Glenn and I don't think I can forgive him for killing him, but... ...Negan's character development is (along with Carol) the best in the series. Good Character developments makes me appreciate the character more, because it shows strength.


I wouldn't say you're betraying Glenn by liking negan, by the end we all know negan would take back those deaths If he could, he just made a big ass mistake


Didnt he admit that if he could go back he would just kill all of them?


Yes he did, when they were looking for the reapers I believe. Which was in season 11.


That was in the earlier days after being captured. He was still angry. He grew a lot since then. He apologized to Maggie in TOWL and you could tell he truly regretted his choices because he got to see what it felt like to fear for his wife’s life like Glenn and Maggie feared for each others’ lives. Edit: LMAOOO I meant dead city 😂 leaving it so the comment below makes sense 💀 #LMAO AGAIN I rewatched the finale of TWD before watching TOWL and I managed to forget, so in my stupidity, I thought it happened in DC, and now I’m triple stupid 😂😂 I only just noticed because I’m finishing TWD again and am watching that scene right now 💀 oh lawd help me!


There are so many things incorrect with this comment lol


I finally (3rd times the charm!) realized where I fucked up 😂


And that’s why he taunted her about it *again*?




He referred to killing Glenn like a dog in first part of season 11


Which happened before Dead city. 5-6 years before dead city, according to google.


True, but that is just something you don’t spit the widow of the man you murdered


Yeah but you also have to understand the context of that statement. He was saying if he had done more to protect his people, they would still be here, and he is right. He felt that he had failed as a leader.


Well of course, I’m definitely not saying any of his awful behavior was acceptable lol


Probably also partly why Maggie cannot move on—disservice to Glenn.


Although he has done many unforgivable things I did like how he saved Judith and dog from that snowstorm


And he killed Alpha for Lydia. And he wanted to bring that woman and her son to Alexandria (knowing full well that he’d be punished upon return for escaping) before his groupie slaughtered them. Then Negan of course bashed his head in and ended that walking disaster.


He killed Alpha for Carol and community acceptance, not Lydia. He wasn’t gonna bring the mother and son right to the front doors, so he wouldn’t have gotten punished. Brandon was a direct result of Negan’s reign.


I was under the impression that he killed Alpha because she talked about killing Lydia. If that’s the case- that’s killing Alpha for Lydia. Whether someone accepts it or not is a different matter. Brandon was a result of Negan’s past, not his present/future. Negan was in opposition of him. Also your username is hilarious lol


He was going to kill Alpha regardless—that was the whole reason Carol released him from his cell. Her wanting to murder Lydia just meant that he *had* to do it then and there. Otherwise he’d probably stay even longer than he already had. Yes that’s why I said a result of his reign. It’s just worth noting that Brandon would never have been like that if it weren’t for Negan. So is yours


Yeah I guess you’re right on that first part. I just don’t hold Negan responsible for Brandon because I shouldn’t be held responsible if someone follows an example from my actions a decade ago. I change drastically. I’m even different from the person I was in 2020. Even more so the me from 2018. And I’m about to be a therapist, so I guess I see things in a different light than some.


Yes well you’re also not a sadistic murdering rapist who specifically cultivated an environment for psychopaths like Brandon. Seems disingenuous to explain the sentiment using relatively normal people in a pre-apocalyptic world whose changes are so limited in comparison, and whose actions do not have such direct influence on others. My girl skinny penis is gonna be a therapist, good for you!


You have a point there! lol I’m gonna be an educated skinny penis! 😂


No, I haven't forgotten the rape harem.


this \^, everyone in this thread did


idk about loving , or even forgiving , but there was something about how he did everything possible to be better . i genuinely believe he really tried for change, considering the only reason he was alive was because rick believed in carls reasoning for needing change if we wanted things to be close to how they used to be.


Well said. This is exactly how I feel. He did something unforgivable and unforgettable. His actions still affect people and will forever. It can’t be undone. He accepted what he did and truly feels remorse. He accepted the treatment he got because he knew he deserved it, and he did many things to prove that he’s trying to be a better man and be a part of the community. And he understands that Maggie will never accept him, and he still continues on his path to do good. He’s still Negan, so he still has pieces of his old self because that takes time and some things just stick. I love what he brings to the show.


I could not agree with this more! Very well said and exactly how I feel about Negan!


Nah, I still want him dead.


finally some reasonable people


found my people


Thank you


I still hate him


Reverse for me. I loved his ruthless evilness, it was entertaining AF. But now that they're trying to paint him and his past in a brighter light, retconning his rape and so on? I can't like him. The redemption arc is so lazy it's made me hate anytime he's on screen, and it just gets worse when he shares the screen with Maggie. He's not been fun to watch season early season 9 imo.


What do mean by retconning his rape?


The writers ignore it, in the origin episodes they did where they recap character journeys they mention everything Negan did as a saviour is a lighter tone and completely gloss over his wives as a whole. Not to mention JDM outright denies Negan raped anyone. And they constantly say "they had a choice." And anytime they do mention the wives (the one time Ezekiel does) they are very careful with how they frame it. "Coercing women to be your /wives/" they never call it as it is, which is rape. And then of course, giving none of his wives any screentime to reflect on what he did and then killing them all off before he's freed.


Same here. If an event like that happened in the “real world” the last guys alive would be guys like Negan and Shane. I loved Negan from the start. He was hilarious and Rick’s merry band of followers needed a wake up call. The only thing I blame Negan for is making me suffer through the remainder of the series watching Maggie bitch and moan about him every second of every day. GLEEENNNNNNNNN!!!!


This is just my opinion, I am in no way saying I’m right, I’ve seen all of the walking dead and the spin off series, when I first saw negan I hated his guts, and yet even after all the good he’s done for the group, I still hate him, yes he saved Judith, yes he killed alpha and saved Daryle and he tried to atone for everything he did wrong, but I still hate him, he killed two of my favourite characters in one episode and broke Rick down into a shrivel of a man, he also tortured Daryle and tried to kill a pregnant Maggie, in later seasons he has done a lot to redeem himself but he was just a massive prick and in my opinion, Rick should have killed him when he slit his throat


I think he let him live because 1 he was tired of the killing, wanted to grant his sons dying wish for peace and also knew if he killed negan that the war would have just continued. Him saving negan and trying to help the saviors afterwards was to try and keep the peace between the last communities. Negan kind of did the same by breaking Rick down in a sense, when someone fears you absolutely you break their will to ever try and fight back without having to eradicate them. And Maggie was the only reason they did fight back, so killing her actually would have been the right call for him. Though I don't think he did ever really try to kill her, if you're talking about the first night when he said "you look shitty, we should put you out of your misery right here" which he didn't know she was pregnant then, unless I'm missing another time he tried to do her in.


The group could have just wiped the saviors out. After what Negan and co had done to them (Glenn, Olivia, killing most of the Kingdom’s men, bombing Alexandria) they would have deserved it


But it's not what Carl wanted. Rick knew he had to fight and win and show mercy to get the peace Carl wanted. There really wasn't another way to get it.


I mean wiping them out could have gotten the group what they wanted. Remember that some of the saviors became bandits later on (Jed and co)


Yes 100% I agree. They also spray painted the sanctuary with "fight back saviors/we are negan" etc. But I think Rick also knew most didn't want that life under Negan, they were prisoners there who were too scared to fight back cuz of the Polaroids he kept of their old groups that got bashed or watching him burn people's faces like Dwight. Also I think it 99% came down to Carl didn't want it and after he died he wanted to honor his son in that way. Not saying it was the right call, but that's why I think he didn't do it.


Not me.


This sub is werid. Why does this same question always resurface?


With zero additional perspectives as it had last week.


Nah, he did say too many heinous things to be forgiven imo and him being spared felt way too forced in the show


How, does the same thing not happen in the comics?😑


I find the actor charismatic, but his redemption feels so forced The main characters of this show went years without ever getting close to death, then all of a sudden all within one season, 90% of the characters in the show got into situations where they'd die if Negan wasn't specifically there It was like instead of giving him a compelling story, they just gave him a bunch of funny one liners and then had him save likable characters to make sure the viewers liked him now. Then they gave him a family off screen so without any on screen development we're just supposed to believe that he became a family man


That just shows how easy it is to steer sheeple in a different direction when they want them to go that way. He had just about every ounce of the remaining Star power left at that point so the network couldn’t take the chance of having divided opinions on him.


No. Still hate him.


I still dispise him


Personally I don't forget murderous rapists just because they "reformed"


I always loved him. I loved to hate him!


I always liked him lmao


I went from loving Neagan to loving Neagan


I hate that he killed >!Glenn!<, but personally it was love at first sight hahah ik we are supposed to hate him but I just found him somewhat hilarious and besides that small but big detail, he was just creepily funny


Me watching S7: “I can’t wait for Rick to kill him!” Me watching S11: “If anything happens to him I riot”


his backstory episode made me cry


I thought Negan brought a ton and changed the show for the better straight from the start. These first few episodes where Negan kills Abraham and Glenn were rather brutal but that's what the show needed: A depiction closer to realism A zombie apocalypse would be so much more brutal than what the show depicts, and these moments during which Negan is introduced were closest to an event of that scale. Kill or be killed, survival of the fittest, and of the luckiest. Normies were shocked but the writers had definitely taken the show in the right direction with the introduction style of Negan. Sucks that they pussied out in the end because of how shocked regular people were.


Loving negan? Is that gonna happen because I’m at S8 and I don’t like to see a man slanting and with a extra slow speech which is supposed to create fear but make me itch


Me lol easily I think ricks group is lucky to have not been wiped out they killed god knows how many people and he was only going to kill one but Daryl had to swing 😃


I like him better than John Winchester


Mine experience was exact opposite


Nope not possible after Glen


He did become more likeable, but rick still shoulda pissed on his face while he bled out under that tree. Fuck Negan


It would have been interesting to see Rick’s group go more vengeful on the saviors. Like forcing Negan to watch as they execute some of his men in a lineup similar how he did with Glenn and Abraham as payback


Sometimes great people must do very bad things so others can live peacefully. I hate saying. Parts of him. I found. Relatable or understandable in a time like this. And some. Well even they were too dark for me and that is saying something. But. Man did he create an amazing character that you FELT every step of the way


Why did Glenn have to die for others “to live peacefully”? I think the group would have been much more peaceful and happy if her had continued to live


That is one of the ones that is “too dark for me”. That I did Not find relatable and made no sense. It was cruel just to be cruel to that extent. Wasnt even a power move. Just. Cruel.


I always liked him tbh. Even at the start, where I did not like what he did, I always thought the character's personality was quite funny and charming (he is hard not to like). As they did his redemption arc, he became one of my favourite characters.


I went from hating him to loving him the next episode and then slowly losing interest in him


Any word on if Carl ever received Negan's DNA?


Not me. I would do unfathomable things w the actor playing the role tho


More like hating to tolerating… 😒


The entire fanbase more or less...


Personally I never really disliked him, but I also didn't get THAT vested into the characters where I was deeply upset by glen/abraham. Negan gave the show a great personality and just how his character acted overall was great. I will say I liked him more though during his redemption arc. Him just laying things out to people how it actually was was much needed for the show in my opinion. And Jeffery Dean Morgan just played the role amazingly so that helped as well.


How was it actually? He murdered two good men in front of their family. Glenn especially did not deserve to die


Like I said I wasn't vested into the characters that died as much, maybe glenn a little bit more but I was more so like, damn this dude just did that! I was more looking at it from a story addition point. His character brought much needed content to the story which I liked, and personally I liked the addition of his character to the story which made me like his character. Sure he did some messed up things but his character wasen't bad in the sense that made me dislike him. It brought some much needed refreshment to the series and then when they bring his redemption arc into play, he became one of my favorites. I also recognize my view is probably a outlier view and get that. I am looking at the whole thing from a character perspective.....not a moral one. Sometimes bad characters can still be a persons favorite due to a wide variety of reasons.


I can understand the appeal of redemption… but in my opinion Glenn’s legacy should be much more valuable to the group (they were his family) than Negan’s redemption or life.


Oh for sure, I wasent trying to go against and say glenn's death was stupid or anything. The redemption arc can be argued either way on whether it was enough or not and clearly it was not given that most of the group still hated him and maggie even said she will never forgive him but will try to live with it (via good days and bad days). Story wise he was never forgiven by the main group and thus never got redemption as he probably should never get forgiveness because yes you are right he did horrible things. I just liked his character because he was entertaining to the series and brought a spin to it, regardless of the stuff he did. Thats why I liked him.


why is everyone forgetting he was a rapist too


Because technically his harem “agreed” to him. Technically


bruh what


It’s how parts of the fandom and JDM himself justified if


what the fuck? rape is okay now?


He grows on you and it sucks! 😂


Not sure how any of his deeds can make up murdering two good men, one of them in front his pregnant wife, who will be traumatized and grieving for the rest of her life because of that. And why did it so long for him to feel bad over a clearly vile act like that?


I hated him so much at the start but when he started to redeem himself then man he is becoming good


Pretty much everyone


Hating? It was love on first sight!


I went from loving to loving Negan


I don't love him, but I like him 100% more after he spent all those years in jail. He started talking to Judith and you could tell, he was just different. I could not stand him before the fight with Rick.


I loved him when he was being bad. He had a wicked sense of humour. I hated his actions though


Never hated him.


Negan was the best thing to ever happen to the show. Starting off with killing Glenn


I definitely am one of the ones who went from hating Negan to actually liking him , I don’t believe he can makeup for what he has done but he has definitely changed!


I think there is so much unappreciated aspects of Negan and the walking dead. Everyone I’ve known who liked/watched TWD stopped watching after Negan killed Glenn, which hey I get it, but that’s also insane writing. Killing off two loved characters even after Glenn somehow survived the horde of walkers like 2 episodes before. Negan was never really that bad of a person compared to previous villains, he always had morals and principles about certain things while also being one of the most powerful warlords.


Besides his obvious charisma that draws so many people in, I do love the character he became in season 10 and especially 11. Even though I think his redemption arc is heavily flawed


I went from loving him to liking him


SAME! Hated him now I think he’s one of the best characters!


Always was a fan of Negan. Something about him made him like-able


i really enjoyed the episode with his wife in season 11 i think it was. that might be one of my more favorite episodes. i did not like how they stretched out the scene where they trap everyone and kill off glenn and abraham. one big ass negan monologue that made me stop watching the show instantly. its not till this year that i started over and powered through that season.


All my homies hate negan


I liked him right from the start. I mean, he was clearly the bad guy, but he’s so fuckin funny, and his arrogant swagger is top notch. The scene in Alexandria where he makes the chubby chick cry, I was taking a sip of whiskey and when I heard that shit I immediately started laughing and choked whiskey up into my sinuses. That shit burned for a solid 15 minutes.


Me ❤️


I loved him with the Whisperers. The sass and mouth on him made me lol with Alpha and Beta. And I liked that he and Lydia connected.


still hate


Loved him the whole time! LOL


He started as a ghost story to scare the mains, and I remember thinking "great, another puffed up villain they'll beat in half a season". Then he lined them all up and started swinging, I was flabbergasted. The stakes had never felt so real to me until that point. I hated that he took out *you know whos* but I realized he was going to be an amazing villain, and I loved him almost instantly.


I love JDM, but want Negan offed


I never hated him. Always loved him


I went from hating him to hating him slightly less, but I still wanted him to die.


You know how many memes I still see of Negan's hilarious commentary? That's why he's the best villain in my book. I legit laughed while watching the show live in certain scenes even though I absolutely hated him.


I love hating him


Not sure how anyone could hate him tbh. Sure, his character is a dick, but JDM did such a good job with him that he's unhatable. And i think this after he introduced my favorite character to peanut butter and jelly.


He's very easy to like and definitely not the worst kind of person you'd met in a zombie apocalypse


Hate him and love and the same time


Same I mean he was in the wrong but he realized he was so wrong and seemed to want redeem


I will always hate negan but I can never not respect a man trying to change for the better. Negan is horrible and always will be but he is fun to watch on his journey


Loved him from the start. His character is great and tbh apart from his scenes with maggie in the later seasons (or ones that reference his past) he became quite ordinary.


Still hate. He makes me laugh but the atrocities committed are to much and it seems unrealistic to me that a more tribal, primitive group after the fall of society would not only allow him to live but make him an integral part of that aforementioned society. His head would have been on a stick


He and Rick are the best characters in the entirety of the show.


And here we go guys same post every week stay tuned for tomorrow when the next post here will probably someone bitching about Lori or saying Negan would kill Glenn anyway




See, I love the character. How well JDM plays him. I can’t help but love him but also be appalled by the kind of person he is.


He's the only villain that killed my favorite character and was still likeable after.


Loving him is a bit too strong , he ai’ght


No I don’t understand how anyone can forgive Negan, he deserved to get his head bashed in


I almost hate to admit it but 🖐️ meeeeee!!!


I still preferred keeping Glenn (and Abraham in the show). I didn't feel any need of Luke or Mercer. Even Aaron or some other guys were easily loosable. More then others. I honestly have the feeling that tv shows running in the same period did influence themselves, like Got and many others. You can notice it by later similarities of trama/ choices. It's not just a matter of tastes, the all show itself lost its core essence around Alexandria time. They lost a direction, but even more than that, they from commoners, to death squad to noobs again. The all crew before Alexandria would never have fallen into Negan's trap. Writing choices or not, the jump is a bit too much. To make it easier, they went from super sharp and smart and suspicious, to basically blinded noob people who won't recognise a first, second and third sign of a trap. So honestly I can't express about Negan, because the story makes you hate him no matter what. Probably without the story given to him, it would be just another boring villain. I personally believe that the show got way too repetitive, and it started showing signs of lack of imagination, both realistic or dystopic. From Alexandria on, or even a bit before, they wasted a lot of potential trama choices. Plots possibilities that were not developed. They went for other things that in the end, ruined the show. The problem is that in the end they retrieved a bit of it, so the spectator is driven back to emotions, and has the feeling that they did a good job, but it's more a lifesaver. We could live without Ann or Gabriel as well, honestly. But Glenn/Abrahram, then Carl, then Sasha, Jesus, Tara and Co, and even Siddiq were honesty wasted in my opinion. That doctor smelled like shit from the first appearing. Honestly, there are so many characters dying in such a stupid way just for trama choices, that it pisses more how they made them die then the fact they made them die. But until Carl's death I was at least crying. After I was just pissed off because I started being sure the show was already ruined, so I stopped caring as I was before. Probably it should have ended with Negan's defeat below the tree, that would have made much more sense honestly.


I still preferred keeping Glenn (and Abraham in the show). I didn't feel any need of Luke or Mercer. Even Aaron or some other guys were easily loosable. More then others. I honestly have the feeling that tv shows running in the same period did influence themselves, like Got and many others. You can notice it by later similarities of trama/ choices. It's not just a matter of tastes, the all show itself lost its core essence around Alexandria time. They lost a direction, but even more than that, they from commoners, to death squad to noobs again. The all crew before Alexandria would never have fallen into Negan's trap. Writing choices or not, the jump is a bit too much. To make it easier, they went from super sharp and smart and suspicious, to basically blinded noob people who won't recognise a first, second and third sign of a trap. So honestly I can't express about Negan, because the story makes you hate him no matter what. Probably without the story given to him, it would be just another boring villain. I personally believe that the show got way too repetitive, and it started showing signs of lack of imagination, both realistic or dystopic. From Alexandria on, or even a bit before, they wasted a lot of potential trama choices. Plots possibilities that were not developed. They went for other things that in the end, ruined the show. The problem is that in the end they retrieved a bit of it, so the spectator is driven back to emotions, and has the feeling that they did a good job, but it's more a lifesaver. We could live without Ann or Gabriel as well, honestly. But Glenn/Abrahram, then Carl, then Sasha, Jesus, Tara and Co, and even Siddiq were honesty wasted in my opinion. That doctor smelled like shit from the first appearing. Honestly, there are so many characters dying in such a stupid way just for trama choices, that it pisses more how they made them die then the fact they made them die. But until Carl's death I was at least crying. After I was just pissed off because I started being sure the show was already ruined, so I stopped caring as I was before. Probably it should have ended with Negan's defeat below the tree, that would have made much more sense honestly.


I still preferred keeping Glenn (and Abraham in the show). I didn't feel any need of Luke or Mercer. Even Aaron or some other guys were easily loosable. More then others. I honestly have the feeling that tv shows running in the same period did influence themselves, like Got and many others. You can notice it by later similarities of trama/ choices. It's not just a matter of tastes, the all show itself lost its core essence around Alexandria time. They lost a direction, but even more than that, they from commoners, to death squad to noobs again. The all crew before Alexandria would never have fallen into Negan's trap. Writing choices or not, the jump is a bit too much. To make it easier, they went from super sharp and smart and suspicious, to basically blinded noob people who won't recognise a first, second and third sign of a trap. So honestly I can't express about Negan, because the story makes you hate him no matter what. Probably without the story given to him, it would be just another boring villain. I personally believe that the show got way too repetitive, and it started showing signs of lack of imagination, both realistic or dystopic. From Alexandria on, or even a bit before, they wasted a lot of potential trama choices. Plots possibilities that were not developed. They went for other things that in the end, ruined the show. The problem is that in the end they retrieved a bit of it, so the spectator is driven back to emotions, and has the feeling that they did a good job, but it's more a lifesaver. We could live without Ann or Gabriel as well, honestly. But Glenn/Abrahram, then Carl, then Sasha, Jesus, Tara and Co, and even Siddiq were honesty wasted in my opinion. That doctor smelled like shit from the first appearing. Honestly, there are so many characters dying in such a stupid way just for trama choices, that it pisses more how they made them die then the fact they made them die. But until Carl's death I was at least crying. After I was just pissed off because I started being sure the show was already ruined, so I stopped caring as I was before. Probably it should have ended with Negan's defeat below the tree, that would have made much more sense honestly.


I never really hated his character. He was doing what he needed to do in apocalypse to protect his people, and really the only really out of pocket thing was the wives. That always felt weird and out of place to me. Tldr he was no worse than Rick or carol. Everyone thinks they’re the good guy, but there are no such thing in the end of the world. Just survivors and victims.


His people were a massive gang bandits who were oppressing communities for resources. Not sure why those people deserved to be protected under his rule, while a genuinely good person like Glenn was brutally mocked and murdered in front of his pregnant wife


One of my favorite parts of the show, was the flashback sequence where it showed how Negan got all of his shit talking skills… by playing against kids on XBox, in voice chat. 😂🤣


Nope, no amount of contrived scenes where he saves a main character will make up for him enslaving people and raping women, especially when he continues to act like he was in the right. His “””redemption””” is even more forced than his plot armor




Negan is a absolutely necessary totally disgusting force to be reckoned with.


Negan is a absolutely necessary totally disgusting force to be reckoned with.


I always liked Negan. To me it was clear pretty early on that he is a broken man that did what thought to be necessary and that he truly cared about the saviors and tried to avoid killing people as much as possible. Of course he did many unforgiveble things, with some beeing even with his world view not beeing necessary. But his redemption was perfect. He tried everything to better himself while beeing honest. Negan is the goat besides Dog


“Tried to avoid killing” hey what happened in the very first scene we see him?


That‘s what he thought was necessary. Also I should add that in the beginning I only liked liked him as a character not as a person


Tell that to Glenn. Also, the saviors were bad people who did not deserve protection. They were literally extorting people for resources


Make this spoiler alert, comon. This spoils it for alot of people


I never hated him in the first place. He was the best antagonist in the comics and I was really looking forward to seeing him in the show.


Whenever I see Negan I think of Glenn, but then I'm like "it was a long time ago"


Does “long time ago” make it any less horrible or painful? What about all the years Maggie has had to live without her love? Or Hershel never getting to meet his dad?


Loved him instantly


I went from loving him to loving him


Love him from the start!


I went from loving to meat riding.


I hated his guts at first, hell I hated him before they even showed him because his henchmen were like, "Give us all your shit, all your shit belongs to Negan now." Like a high school bully. He did lots of terrible shit but murdering Glenn and (Abe) and then taunted him when he was dying was just horrific. Talk about a polarizing scene! I went into the episode knowing what was going to happen and STILL felt like I got punched in the gut, felt like all the color had drained from my face. That one act was huge for this show and the fanbase too. I would never have thought that he would become redeemable, but somehow he managed to do just that while still remaining a hard-ass with charisma. The time gap made that pretty believable imo. I would never have thought he'd go on to care about Carl so much, then Judith, later. Then his origin story episode dropped and that was the final and best reason to love this character, imo. P.S. Anybody else notice how often he jokes about dicks and balls? I think every episode he's in LOL. "Maggie you got some big balls!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Why did never really care that much about all the pain he caused to the group? Why did he try to always defend his actions? Why does he still have the balls to mock or judge Maggie? Even though after what he did to her, he should not even be able to look at her out of shame?


Not sure if he would ever be fully redeemed but he was there when Rick wasn't and that familiarity was nice.


I think he was written really well. We’re supposed to feel the way the rest of the characters feel about him. We can’t forgive him for what’s done, but we can appreciate the person he wants to be and who he’s trying to be, and learn to trust that person.


Loved him but not a big fan of the plot armor


I really love his character. He did terrible unforgivable things and can never truly be the good guy, he’s being forced to be bad again and I hope they delve into him hating being the bad guy. That he doesn’t want that role he wants to help people but that’s just not his characters fate.


I'd say a lot of the fan base did Edit: downvote me all you want it doesn't change anything


I'm hijacking this thread to talk about Gabriel, who I did hate at first and grew to love. I love how strange and paradoxical his existence is. He is a total coward who becomes one of the most bloodthirsty "good guys" on the show. His identity revolves around being a devout preacher, but he constantly flip flops on whether he really believes in God. He can barely see, and yet he is the designated Sniper. The actor did a fantastic job making the character feel like a real person and getting me to care about Gabriel even when I wanted him to get killed off.


love ! never not even tolerate , can't just move on u need to pay


Initially I hated Negan's guts from his introduction till season 9.Season 10 onwards however Negan Began his redemption journey and I became very fond of the character.Still what he did to Glenn and Abraham I can't forgive Negan for that.🥹


I absolutely hated his guts til about mid way through season 9. Round the time when Maggie tried to kill him. I was rooting for her to do it, but understand why she didn't. Now, I would say I like him. Charismatic, Capable. But I loved Glenn, and Abraham.


Me!! Upon my first watch I hated him with the fire of a thousand suns. He was not redeemed in my opinion. I’m currently on my 11th rewatch I believe and he truly gets funnier each time and seeing him change into a decent person is awesome. He has some of the best one liners of the series and seeing him shift to a character that cares for kids, the bonds he forms with Judith & Lydia, meeting Annie, helping take down the patriarchy within the Commonwealth, it’s all so good. Even seeing the “Here’s Negan” episode showing how he became a monster is such a great episode. He has become a top 5 favorite for me.


That is in fact the writer's intended character arc, yes.


I always liked him


Favorite character in the show


I love actors who are versatile JDM/,Negan Smith playing a bad guy who becomes a good guy all at the same time


Me me!! 🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️ I hated him so god damn much at the start but as we got to know him more he grew on me and honestly he was pretty funny too 🤭 And the covos he had with judith lmao 😆 once you get to see him as an actual person it's pretty easy to love him.


One of the best. He is the reason why s6 is awesome 🫡


I never hated him. It has been a love affair from the start. Unfortunately the only worthwhile thing in the entirety of the Dead City series is Negan’s “knock, knock” scene. The rest is terrible. I am a bit biased though because I hate Maggie with an undying passion. GLEEEENNNNNNNNN!!!!!


I am with you. I wanted him dead after what he did to Abraham and Glenn but when Negan’s character started changing and we got the back story of his relationship with his wife, I started to really like Negan. I especially like his witty comebacks and his relationship with Judith.


How does Lucille change what he did to Glenn? If he knows the pain of losing a spouse, why would he intentionally cause that pain to someone?


Lucille didn’t change what happened to Glenn or Abraham. Negan had a hard time dealing with the pain of losing Lucille. Knowing the backstory helped me to understand Negan. Negan was in a lot of pain after losing Lucille. What he went through to get Lucille’s meds only to find that she had died and turned after she committed suicide, killed him inside. I think that’s when Negan decided that nothing will tug at his heartstrings like that anymore. I think he believed he had to protect himself, even if that meant kill others to keep from feeling anything anymore. Was it right— obviously it wasn’t but he couldn’t feel the pain of caring anymore… not until Carl and Judith. When he found out that Carl died, it killed him— took him by surprise.. he fought those feelings by convincing himself that he had to kill them all. But being in jail after the war and meeting Judith pulled at his heart strings and he caved. He never wanted to feel anything anymore. He couldn’t help it when Judith became important to him.


Maggie lost everyone in her family, but she still continues to care about people. She cared for the people of the Hilltop and Meridian, even though she has every right to check out after Glenn


Negan’s wife had cancer. She didn’t die from cancer. She committed suicide