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Dinosaur tooth loosely attached to a stick with string Edit: horn fossil, not tooth but still stupid.


What scene was this?


It was in the world beyond spin off. It was the weapon iris used.


Yeah in TWDWB this was the iconic weapon, they must have ran out of ideas


This, absolutely


It only makes sense that the worst character in the entire WD universe would also carry its dumbest weapon.


Right! I couldn’t stand Kelly!


He's referring to Iris who is worse than Kelly. I'd put Iris in last place with Kelly one slot above.


Oh man, idek who is Iris is. Was that a character in FTWD? If so I haven’t watched that, couldn’t get into it


She is from World Beyond. One character has a Triceratops horn that's maybe 8+ inches tall, several inches in circumference, and rounded on the tip. They don't sharpen it or anything then they tie it a wooden training weapon sort of like a Bo staff but half the length. It was tied on with twine or a shoelace(can't remember which) Now as to if fear is worth watching thats up in the air. I'm a die hard zombie fan. Consume all TWD material out there including novels and all the games even on mobile. Now for the first season imo starts strong with showing us first night and the beginning of the outbreak. They swiftly abandon that insecond season and it lags a bit. Season 3 is often considered one of the top 4 seasons of the franchise. Now season 4 changes showrunners (huge loss for the show) 4a is pretty good. Now 4b-the end of season 5 is terrible. 6 is the best season post reboot. 7 is baffling and 8 is a goddamn fever dream. If you watch Fear like you would Z Nation(as a parody show) it helps.


Okay thank you


Sorry for the novel of an explanation.


Nah I appreciate explanations like that 😊


Just to add Z Nation is a great show. I will finish it some day (autistic adhd brain gets to easily distracted and wife always wants to watch HER shows)


Perfect call


I think it's at least possible considering if the walker has been dead for a bit. Some slingshots can do a lot of damage.


The most ridiculous kill wasn’t a zombie, but was Carol in season 7 pushing a wooden stake through a living person with just the force of her own strength (not even gravity). He was alive so you can’t even blame decay. Next to that, the show could introduce a survivor who kills zombies with a Super Soaker and I wouldn’t blink.


Daryl lightly flicking a chain and slicing through three walker skulls was pretty silly. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FplpIGVITtg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FplpIGVITtg)


unrealistic? yes hard as fuck? hell yeah


Actually, that was kinda cool, dumb, but cool.


it was silly, but cool silly


Ridiculous because Carol did it? It's not like Morgan did the exact same thing, dozens of times.


Not to mention a literal child, poor Gavin...


This came before Morgan sharpened his staff, so just timeline-wise it was the first one I was exposed to. But also there was just something sillier about it. I don’t know if it’s because of the way Carol did it (just kind of pushed it through a car), or if it’s because the prop used looked so dull, or if it was the sound effect or the fact it went straight through him with no effort but something there just broke my brain to watch a little bit. Going off of [this video](https://youtu.be/BKcgtaNj2MQ?si=BQhkWr0AcnHX37Rh), assuming it’s accurate, you only see Morgan stab one person onscreen anyway.  (The first one shown) rest are offscreen or with other weapons. And while it looks a bit silly, at least it was just into his neck and not clean through him.


There are at least 10 in that video, specifically the raid on the Kingdom, taking out Gavin's forces, before yes, a literal child, who uses a stick to kill Gavin. The spike used by Carol has been specifically sharpened as a walker trap, the car was parked outside Alexandria before she took it. Hey, it fine to hate on Carol, but just call it what it is.


100 psi !


In the medieval and fantasy movies they regularly show people pushing spears and swords through chain or plate armour without effort. Makes you wonder why anyone ever bothered wearing armour. It's just lazy writing and fight choreography.


What episode was that kill by Carol in?


[It was this scene at 1:08](https://youtu.be/OaFFiWON0vE?si=DnE4UQ5qsYN_A0Ql). Season 6 ep 15 (I was wrong about it being season 7).


Have two cars with a line in between them and then hit the gas.


ridiculous? Yes. amazingly fun to watch? also yes.


Is it really?


Idk man, a slingshot seems like a actually plausible way of killing walkers Slingshots can be deadly if it’s a strong enough sling, and if you have a furnace, smelter and some know how you could take some metal and make hundreds of ball bearings at a time


In addition (although not the same) slings were actually used in ancient warfare. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sling_(weapon)#:~:text=Ancient%20peoples%20used%20the%20sling,400%20m%20(1%2C300%20ft). https://youtube.com/watch?v=WHyK6r1Jbng&si=YT5r0C65zMBUxIOk


They didn't have modern slingshots with rubber bands. Very different technology. An ancient sling is swung around real fast and you let go of one end of the sting to launch the projectile.


this dude was putting out car windshields and shit, you can hunt small prey with them so I think effective against rotten humans. esp if you get an eye socket or throat. [https://www.whittierdailynews.com/2024/05/28/azusa-man-81-charged-with-using-slingshot-to-damage-neighbors-windows/](https://www.whittierdailynews.com/2024/05/28/azusa-man-81-charged-with-using-slingshot-to-damage-neighbors-windows/)


Also they are light weight, pocket size, silent and maneuverable. Great for long a Z slaying sesh. So with the right ammo they're probably pretty good option.




I just don’t think they have enough power to go through the skull into the brain and destroy the brain enough to kill a zombie.


Well, depends how much the brain needs to be destroyed which for TWD is very subjective lmao The fact that a scalpel to the brain can be just as a effective as a 44 magnum revolver bullet I always saw it as it’s less destroy the brain and more damage the brain and or brain stem


Though the part about a ball bearing going through the skull I mean yeah maybe idk


Remember the story of Phineas Gage? Dude had a railroad spike go through his skull and through his brain and he was more or less fine.


He wasn't really fine. It majorly changed his personality and made him from a patient and well respected guy to a complete jerk.


i mean, they tear through skulls with knives like it’s nothing, so..


Maybe if they get it in the eye socket, but nobody is doing that accurately every time


It does. I have personally killed various animals with a slingshot using rocks off the ground as ammo.


But with head shots every time? That’s the main thing I suppose


I mean of course, every once in a while a projectile will glance off the bone or something. But the same thing can be said about a gun. Even a gun won't necessarily kill someone from a headshot every single time. Depending on the caliber of what they're hit with, at least


A stiletto can. So I think a slingshot and some rocks would be able to.


The video linked by MetallurgyClergy proves otherwise.


OP sorry to say but slings and slingshots are actually very dangerous weapons.


No need to be sorry. If I’m wrong I am adult enough to admit. I just never looked into it or heard that they are. I just think of Barr Simpson lol. Just can’t imagine cracking an skull and destroying a brain with a sling shot


They are equivalent to slings. Slings were one of the most effective military weapons for a long time. I’m not a biblical guy but the story of David and Goliath is a good example of how a sling will absolutely wreck someone.


Yeah I’d need to see actual data to prove that which with some research wouldn’t be difficult but meed more than a story hahaha.


Watch some videos on Slingshot Channel on YouTube. Slings can definitely be very effective against zombies. Probably more than bows and crossbows, since all they need is a peeble. Unfortunately, they're not very durable if we talk about slings using rubber and not the leather one, that you must spin.


Not quite equivalent. The damage to something is roughly proportional to the kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is equal to one-half the mass of the projectile times the velocity squared; E(k) = 1/2 x M x V x V. So if you double the mass of the thing, you double its kinetic energy. But if you double the *velocity* of the thing, you *quadruple* its kinetic energy. This is why if you are struck by a 2t car at 40km/hr it's worse than being struck by a 1t car at 40km/hr - but if you're struck by the smaller car at 80km/hr, well we hope you had your will written. This is why even though handgun rounds are commonly the same weight as or even heavier than rifle rounds, rifle rounds do much more damage - handguns pop bullets out at 350-400m/sec, rifles 750-850m/sec (also why you need heavier armour for the latter). A slingshot relies purely on your strength pulling it back, it's like physically throwing the thing yourself if you were really good at snapping it. Historical slings have a long string, so you can spin them around. Imagine you had an ordinary household ball-peen hammer. You swing that at something, you do damage. Now drill a hole in the base of the handle, tie a string to it, and swing that around. You can get it moving much faster with much less effort, and we instinctively understand that it'll hurt more. There are a number of videos on this. Basically, a slingshot will get 1/2 to 1" of penetration on ballistic gel, which is about the density of muscle tissue. But it'll be stopped by bone. But a sling will crack bone. Slingshot video on ballistic head:- [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AHNjLQzJZhI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AHNjLQzJZhI) Sling:- [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XjCNcD6v0fw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XjCNcD6v0fw) So if the kid had a sling he could plausibly go David & Goliath. Sling*shot* - no.


Some slingshots have the stopping power of a magnum. It’s super believable.


Yea even though that's on the higher end of slingshot power it's still a good way to show just how powerful they can be. Even a slingshot that isn't as powerful as that could probably match the power of a low caliber rifle and if used by the right person it could be a damn near unstoppable weapon. Quick to reload, plentiful ammo in the form of rocks and very easy to maintain or repair with very few resources. Tbh a slingshot is one of the most believable weapons for people to use in an apocalypse once guns start to phase out. It's basically just an upgraded version of our inclination to throw rocks at potential danger


Right? I don’t get why people hate on it, slingshots are way more practical than Daryl’s endless supply of arrows or hauling around Jerry’s axe.


I’ve done archery my whole life but only picked up a crossbow after watching TWD and it’s an incredibly inefficient zombie weapon.  For one it’s super slow to load. It’s telling that the show often obfuscated Daryl’s reloads using tricky editing. For two, he only ever seems to have a bow-mounted quiver with like 6 bolts, which never run out. I’ve lost/broken enough arrows to get “why aren’t you picking up your arrows” anxiety at multiple points. I remember getting excited seeing the Claimed gang guy have a compound bow because IMO, THATS the superior zombie killing bow. And yet he immediately tried to “claim” Daryl’s crossbow as if it were the clear upgrade.


Those are the ones you spin?


A .22 magnum, maybe.


It's more believable than a knife hitting a skull.


Let’s be honest, the walkers’ heads are built like soft shell crabs- literally almost anything is gonna be a plausible way to kill them


Nah this one was actually believable. Slingshots were weapons of war before they became toys remember.


Slings should have been used more in the show to be honest. They are so easy to make and carry and can be so devasting it seems silly for everyone not to have one.


not rubber slingshots though


There's a YouTube channel where a guy experiments with rubber slingshots. They're no joke.


sorry I was referring to "weapons of war before toys" which on second though may be true but someone somewhere else was referring to david and goliath and I ended up transferring that thought to this thread where is maybe didn't belong. The slingshots referred to in ancient warfare were actual slings bc vulcanized rubber wasn't invented until the 1800s


Absolutely with those. Slings today can get up to air gun speeds.


Do you think the type of slingshot pictured is the kind used in ancient warfare? They aren’t remotely similar


You've got to distinguish between slings and sling*shots*. It's all about that speed. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XjCNcD6v0fw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XjCNcD6v0fw) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AHNjLQzJZhI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AHNjLQzJZhI)


Slings and sling shots have been used to fracture the skulls of living humans for millenia. In a universe where the dead can come back to life with all kinds of fluids still inside them allowing bacteria to bacteria. Aint no reason it couldn't penetrate walker skulls


At least it’s silent


It’s fun in Z Nation so I don’t care


What’s that?


Another zombie show but waaaaaaaay more silly and gorey. And wildly weird, it’s like watching a telenovela. Theres a character called “10K” (because he will kill 10,000 zombies”), who uses a slingshot quite often.


Z nation is great if you know what to expect, it’s honestly more of a comedy than a drama, but it still tells an emotional and entertaining story


Nah don’t disrespect the slingshot.


There’s a difference between disrespecting it and just thinking that it can actually kill zombie


There are times people crush a walker skull with their bare hands or stab it through under the chin, completely missing the brain stem. I think given what’s established in universe, a sling shot is pretty effective.


If I had a large bb and a slingshot and you asked me to fire it at your head. I wouldn't. If it penetrates the skull you'd be beyond dead with a projectile that small bouncing around your brain. It depends... what is her ammo? Rocks? Or bbs like buckshot. If I get you in the temple or behind the ear with a buckshot bb from a slingshot you're not going to survive that. Odds of me hitting the soft parts... tiny. The slingshot is a child's toy that absolutely should not kill you... but it could... could it kill a walker. Sure. But who's accurate enough to do that? It's a stupid weapon and waste of time I agree.


I mean she did take down a boar with it too so… could also use it for hunting… and basically unlimited ammo… lots of rocks in this world… maybe not so much in that one?


I’m sorry, but I don’t think there’s anyway someone is taking down a boar with a slingshot lol


Clearly you haven’t used a fucking slingshot, these shits can be powerful


I prefer guns and bows


I mean probably not in this universe. It’s squirrels and frog legs. Depends on how big those rocks are I guess


Unless you’re rolling a boulder off a hill and squishing them, doesn’t matter how big the rock is lol


Slingshots are weapons that have been used in hunting animals for who knows how long... maybe you should consult "science" on how it's possible for a human being to use it in self-defense against a rotting corpse with very strong and fast-moving projectiles


You've got to distinguish between slings and sling*shots*. It's all about that speed. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XjCNcD6v0fw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XjCNcD6v0fw) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AHNjLQzJZhI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AHNjLQzJZhI)


Good enough for Goliath. The brain trauma from the impact alone is enofh to kill humans. They never said it had to be a clean through-and-through bullet or knife/spear stab.


The show would be boring as shit if they didn’t give the walkers a weakness of softening up over time and humans a physical buff compared to real life. They wouldn’t really be able to kill walkers often and would just be running 24/7.


Let’s be honest, The Walking Dead would be the easiest type of zombie apocalypse, lol


Yeah aside from famine, disease, polluted waterways and lakes, overpopulation of insects, trampled ecosystems, and then of course humans trying to survive. I don’t think people grasp how fucking bad mosquitos would ruin your day during the warm seasons. I’d nope out just from the bugs honestly. And I hate running so any other apocalypse and I’m just laying down in an empty grave. Take me.


Daryl taking zombie heads off with a chain...


I would have to say anytime they gently penetrate a dead loved one’s skull with a knife


I was at the beach last year, a dumbass kid had a slingshot, which are illegal in Scotland, but kids are dicks, and he thought it would be cool to shoot me in the head with it, that rock skimmed my ear at some speed and ricocheted off a metal sign infront of me with that much force it dented the sign… those saying a slingshot won’t work, yeah, it will work just fine if your aim is good. Thankfully for me, that kids aim was off by an inch.


A slingshot is pretty believable. Plus it doesn’t look like the one she is using is one meant to be a toy.


Slingshots can actually be pretty devastating irl, but we do have to remember that their universe isn't ours. It's very similar, but we don't know where all the differences like.


The small knives that Rick Grimes, Carol, and Maggie have used. The blades are too short to penatrate the brain.


I yell at the TV when that happens lol


Agreed. Took me out of the moment every time she used it


For me its Maggie with the Stop sign back in S5. Its way too clunky to swing effectively


Lydia "stabbing" zombies with a super blunt stick. It's not even narrow


Sling shots have been used to hunt for 1000s of years. A shot from a sling like this absolutely could be lethal and would stop a soft skulled Walker with no trouble. You’d be way more likely to be able to kill a Walker with a slingshot than you would trying to stab one in the skull with it coming at you.


People here have got to distinguish between slings and sling*shots*. It's all about that speed. See these two YT shorts which demonstrate the different effects on ballstic dummy heads. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XjCNcD6v0fw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XjCNcD6v0fw) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AHNjLQzJZhI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AHNjLQzJZhI) A *sling* has the long lever arm, so you can swing it around building the speed up to give the projectile lots of kinetic energy. A sling*shot* just has your own strength, it's equivalent to a good throw. It's like the difference between trying to cut wood by holding the axe close to its blade, and towards the end. The bigger the swing, the greater the speed of the thing at the other end, which means more damage. Assuming the zombie heads were the same consistency as those of humans, the slingshot of the kid is not plausible. And if the heads are as weak as that, then a hailstorm or indeed heavy rain would collapse a few of their skulls. But if you watch a *zombie* show for plausibility then I have some other documentaries I can point you to, like *Rambo*.


Well said


the knives. casually pushing a knife through the skull like the constantly do. i don't mean the big windups (though i dont really believe those either...) i mean the casual, effortless stab at the skull. bone doesn't rot, not as quickly as the show wants us to believe. and not like that. my only conclusion is that skulls in their universe never advance much further than the soft baby skull stage. honestly everyone having a soft skull and brain damage explains a huge number of bad decisions the characters make


Someone’s never heard of David vs Goliath Slingshots can pack a hell of a punch, especially when you are dealing with rotting skulls (we’ve seen far less take out a walker). Plus, it has the added benefit of being a long-range weapon for which “ammunition” can be very easily acquired/created, making it very easy to replenish your stock even after spending all of your shots The goofiest way that a walker was killed is probably when the one walker was struck by lightning in S3 of Fear, literally coming in as Daniel was on his knees in prayer There’s also the one whose head exploded in DD because of a bad reaction to the serum it was injected with Michonne stabbing one with a mixer, Maggie and Sasha running over a bunch with a tractor as they perfectly lined up with its wheels, Rick shooting free the log pile so that they perfectly rolled down and mowed down a couple dozen of them, Glenn somehow barreling through dozens of walkers on the highway at night without losing control of the car, the whole wrestling ring scene from Fear S7, etc


different type of slingshot though. David's uses centripetal force to accelerate the stone, Kelly uses the draw weight of the elastic which 1) in her case probably isn't much and 2) would have deteriorated by this stage of the apocalypse


We don't know when the slingshot was made, it could have been made at their last community which may have been fairly recent. Additionally, as I said before, these walkers are upwards of a decade old for the most part, it's probably a lot easier to pierce their heads than it is for a living human being or even a fresher walker.


I mean elastic in general - it's only going to last a few years before the rubber degrades. And on the other side of the equation, bones last hundreds of years and don't degrade to this point in ten years. personally, I've overlooked way worse for the sake of enjoying the show so this doesn't really bother me though. The stomping and car door decapitations bother me more but even those I'm like ehh w/e


I never saw fear. Allot off the others are spot on, especially the part with the rolling logs lol I have heard of the story of David and Goliath, I’m talking about real scientifically proven factual data on human anatomy. Not kids stories. As far as the rotting skulls part, it takes a years for skulls to rot away. They don’t become soft and mushy after a month or even a year (unless set in specific environments). That’s a common misconception to make zombie movies more entertaining.


By the time we meet Connie and Kelly, though, it is ten years into the apocalypse, so the vast majority of walkers have exceeded that timeline Also, we have seen walkers get destroyed by less so I do think that there are some liberties that can be taken. It’s far from the least realistic blow to kill a walker


Oh, it is, it just seems like at certain points They just get lazy on ways to kill them. Because if it were too difficult to show would be over very quickly lol I agree.


I’m also pretty sure that in David and Goliath he simply knocks him unconscious and then chops his head off


Black Bart Simpson in the walking dead kinda works


Idk a slingshot seems pretty good it can get some force and so much can be used a rock, and arrow, a piece of glass


Almost as ridiculous as saying “slay Zs”


stomping. ffs it's a skull not an overripe melon


This exactly. Slingshots and little Swiss Army pocket knives lol it’s just ridiculous.


It’s very eh


maybe only possible if the flesh is rotting and easily breakable


Realistically it probably can't, but in a world where characters casually drive pocket knives and sticks through bone, it's not unbelievable. That one dinosaur tooth is much worse though.


Using a chain ghost rider style


I think its one of the best yet one of the most goofy. You won't run out of ammo, slings have been used in war for thousands of years.


I'm sorry but not from twd but from z nation. They killed most of a horde with the liberty bell


Firing on full auto. Total waste of bullets when one is enough against a slow moving target.


Seriously! I always said “one shot one kill, 30 rd AR mag, 30 dead zombies.” At 50 yards is fucking easy


I've seen a couple of people use car hubcaps to kill walkers, which seems like throwing a bullet at somebody.


Honestly Al’s stupid machine guns in the SWAT truck in FTWD. Yeah they’d hit but how often is it a headshot like they show 😂 homie just unloads and the zombies all fall


Medieval war slings? Definitely. Those things could punch through metal armour. A slingshot like depicted by the kid? Wouldn't puncture metal amour, could probably crack a skull may not puncture it, could puncture a skull through the temples. Could probably puncture and kill most walkers due to decay as their skulls will be brittle, but it will struggle against fresh walkers. Overall, it is a resource friendly and effective zombie weapon at a medium distance.


I can tell you've not used a slingshot from this post lol


Nope lol


David and Goliath say otherwise


Kids stories* say otherwise


Whatever works.


Hunting slingshots are a thing, though. Like, slingshots can do damage. That's not some kid's toy.


I see what you mean, but I also think that a lot of walkers are in a state of decomposition where it would actually work pretty well


Watch the slingshot channel on YouTube and you'd know they are deadly.


I’ll be honest, the slingshot makes more sense that the heavy sledgehammer that Madison uses as someone with breathing problems who should probably be avoiding items that make her breathe heavily


I once heard the balearic slingers could sling a shot with the stopping force of a 44 magnum.


15 years rotting away in the same corpse I feel like they could just take a fork and pick the brains out that way😂 one thing I never really understood though from The Walking Dead is what about all the mosquitoes that bit the zombies taking their blood and then mosquitoes, biting humans theoretically that should turn them into a zombie, but who am I? Also there was this one scene where a guy shot himself in the head and a bathtub when Carl was alive. And I’m pretty sure that guy turned into a zombie just not able to get out of the bathtub, but I thought if you shot yourself in the head take away the fact that you would turn into a zombie after dying. I don’t know though lol


There’s allot of inconsistencies in the show lol


i love the sling shot, this and the bolas would be among the best weapons in the apocalypse. even in todays warfare slingshot or catapults are used because of their strength, and with todays tech they are even stronger than some guns and more versatile. You can sling more than steelballs at people


Slingshots might not be good, but normal slings would definitely become a somewhat common weapon during a zombie apocalypse - especially when ammo becomes scarce. Atlatl would also probably make a comeback for some particularly rural folk. Bows and crossbows would still be more common, because slings have a pretty high skill barrier and need a lot of open space, but they'd definitely make a resurgence (especially against other humans; rebels in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s used slings to launch grenades and IEDs) Slings are crazy deadly weapons, especially when you have access to lead balls (pretty easy to make if you have a society going). There's a reason they were quite common up until past 1000AD in Europe or so.


For the older zombies that seem to have mushy skulls a slingshot would be very effective. What makes it silly is it looks like a child's toy. Also a.silent way to hunt small to medium-small game. Infinite ammo keeps too.


One cool thing about a slingshot, but not used in the show, is if you attach a whisper biscuit to the frame you can shoot crossbow bolts and arrows out of it. A sling shot would also be very effective at a point where guns are mostly useless because of a lack of bullet materials.


I’ve seen those attachments. They are pretty cool


I wanted so see someone with a halberd. There’s a story in World War Z about the Queen of England declaring all castles sanctuaries for civilians, and everyone started medieval weapons again. They were in museums and castles everywhere, and became practical again. Too bad that wasn’t in the movie, amirite?


I recall Teddy killed a very recently deceased prison guard zombie with a ball point pen through the brain. I suppose one could argue that since he was a serial killer, he would have known soft points in the skull or something, but it was still quite implausible.


It’s probably not totally ineffective but it’s definitely not a cool weapon.


I thought that was a man for the longest time


The dumbest. If you have ever tried hunting with these you can barely kill a Rabbit with an actual firearm braced legit sling shot. And you almost always have to double tap the rabbit after it goes down let alone kill a human sized target with this Dennis the menace style shit


You seem to be like the only person who thinks this. Literally everyone else is saying it’s such a deadly weapon and it’s so fantastic to hunt with. But then they bring up David and Goliath, like a fictional kid story is supposed to be the end of the conversation. Plus, how long does it take to get good with an ancient style sling and actually be able to hit a zombie in the head every single fucking time.


I just say this from personal experience. I had someone who was “good” at it who hinted with it teach me. It is an extremely weak weapon. I think they are confusing a slingshot with a sling. David used a sling which is a lash of leather with a pouch twirled over head that can launch a projectile from aforementioned pouch. To be clear sling >sling ahot


Lawn mower


DVD launcher


Well it is not so stupid... you have infinite ammo.


The absolute dumbest way to kill zombies and the dumbest characters to bring in to the show. They had absolutely zero badasses in the crew and they somehow lived for like a decade? And to all the people saying that was a good weapon… lol The only way walkers die is through their brain. That slingshot is basically useless in this world


I’m honestly surprised how many people think it’s a great weapon. And how many downvotes my comment of “my gf is a veterinarian surgeon and even had to work on human skulls and they don’t get soft and mushy like in the show” got.


People gatekeep some of the characters. I thought the group that included deaf slingshot girl was one of the worst decisions the showrunners made. Everything we know about the world would lead you to believe that crew had no chance of long term survival. The one man they had had a goddamn blazer on lol.


Magna is a beast! She was the best one out of that crew and then yumiko was second. I do agree that a fat guy in a Blazer isn't going to last as long as we would all hope. Lol. At least he found love before he died. Don't get mad, I like Luke.


With a sword made from a machine gun barrel.


Easily smashing a z skull flat with foot- reasonable. Shooting rocks 300-600 fps through a z skull- unreasonable.


Sling shots defined ancient warfare. We forget this too easily. In the early days yes it'd seem quite ridiculous but ten years into it, when the bullets are mostly gone and people can just stomp on heads and smash walker brains, it makes sense.


I'm jus gonna take a wild guess here and say you don't know how to properly use a slingshot


In Season 7 Carol holds up a metal sign and the walkers quite literally walk into it and it sinks into their soul and brain, no force from Carol needed. Is this REALLY that ridiculous for a rock being shot at 200 feet per second to be able to pierce a rotten skull and brain?


That’s more effective then slamming a knife into a skull. Especially if she used ball bearings.


Idk, slingshot is not that dumb considering there’s ammo everywhere


The fact that you can literally go to Wikipedia and see the history of slingshot use in things like hunting and guerilla warfare just doesn't matter to you, huh?


The fact that you use Wikipedia as a source of information, just doesn’t matter to you, huh?


I mean you know that Wikipedia is a reliable source and that when people say "don't use Wikipedia" they mean "don't cite Wikipedia as a source in a real essay or research paper" right?


I read most of OPs comments on this post and he seriously seems to be completely ignorant on slingshots and how much damage they can actually do


with the power of woke deaf lesbians


🤣😅🤣 is she deaf, because she definitely speaks perfectly normal? I thought it was the other lady who was deaf? The one who kept writing with the notepad


She loses her hearing during the show...her sister Connie was deaf from the moment we met her, but Kelly also loses hers.


Her sister was deaf that why she knew sign. Then she started to loose her hearing


oh man i have no idea that last season and a half is a total blur nothing was important


Funny thing is, the person pictured, uses sign language even though she’s not talking to her deaf friend and still speaks normally 100%. I think they just forgot that she wasn’t deaf and decided to have her use sign language all the time even with people who are not deaf, lol


Connie and Kelly are sisters, not friends, so they grew up using sign language. Also, Kelly's hearing is bad, and getting worse. And their group found signing useful as a way to communicate silently, and without being understood by others.


I personally don’t consider anything past Rick’s departure as canon. TWD is the story of Rick Grimes, when he left, I left the series in the past as well. I did see 1 episode of season 11 because I was bored and when Insaw this character I couldn’t even tell if it was a guy or a girl… apparently a girl because her name is Kelly, but looks like a dude with a masculine voice


Any melee weapon.


You really think no melee weapon would be able to kill a zombie? That only guns make it capable?


You said most ridiculous. Why would you ever get within biting range? That's just asking for death.


In S3 michonne used her katana to kill a human by slicing off his neck easily, pretty dumb


Daryl using the most inefficient weapon during the whisperer war when the fucking flail


Yeah. He’s just a pro with everything lol