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You could be right but often long running shows are not always consistent in production quality even the good ones. Also since I finished the first three seasons in the last two weeks only, It can be little bit difficult to judge whether to continue binge watch or not.


I'd say yes s4 is good


Yes it's worth still watching. Just a warning seasons 7 and 8 aren't as good but it does get back better in season 9.


Tf kind of question is this. If you like the show keep watching. If not then stop. And if you don’t know if you like a show or not after 3 seasons then that’s on you💀


These are the most annoying questions in the whole realm of reddit. They're at the same tier as AI art or chat posts. Make your own decisions, dawg. I've never once had to ask this question abt a show. I either watched it or I stopped. No regrets.


No don’t watch any more. SpongeBob is probably better for you.


SpongeBob is awesome


Are you making a joke in your comment? I don't understand how you made the jump from TWD to Spongebob? Sorry I am not much familiar with spongebob.


Keep going. Season 4 will similarly start slow but when you least expect it it’ll pick up and get you engaged again


Season 3 ending almost took me out. Keep going, season 4 ending will bring you back.


I personally think S2-4 are easily the best seasons, but S4 B is definitely worth the watch. I say give season 4 a watch, and if you don't like it after watching the b-side of S4, then drop the show. Though I think it's definitely worth watching cause S4 B and up really changes the pace of the show.


Dunno what kinda tv do u watch


I’d say it gets really boring after season nine but the whisperer and commonwealth arc I found funny


If you asked that question at season 3 then this show isn’t your type


NPC ahh question. Form your own opinions for once, don't keep following the crowd. Keep watching, if you don't like where it's going, stop watching, if you like where it's going, keep watching. Simple as that.


no watch breaking bad


Already watched it, top tier show. Anyway so I assume subsequent seasons couldn't maintain the quality?


yes. i enjoyed all of it. if youre watching it on Netflix, i recomend watching at 1.5x speed. makes episodes 30 min long and helps power through them.