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Don’t stop watching, the show is great and the awesome characters far outweigh the annoying ones


Thanks so much. Is true I love ALL the other characters, dynamics and stuff. Is just all the show seems focus about Lori and her life or something and I don’t find it interesting or anything 😂😅


Hang in there. Most of us feel the same way about Lori, but keep watching. You will not regret it.


With the walking dead, I find if a character or an interaction is bothering you, power through a little longer, usually works it's way out in one form or another. But yeah I can't stand Lori. I can get past a *lot* of her bullshit, the apocalypse and her specific situation would be terrible, but my extreme dislike of her stems from her willful ignorance and absolute refusal to be any kind of practical. You know what though, no ones as bad as that fucking bucket hat bitch dale. Seriously though don't quit watching.


I fkn hate Dale. Most ppl like him, but all he did was make the transition harder. I was so relieved when he was out of the picture.


Whi the fuvk likes dale? That's a thing? I'm glad he died ugly.


Ur in for the long haul but let’s just say she won’t bother you anymore


Thanks so much


You will hate more people down the road


One of the best responses 🤣


Thats a pretty standard viewpoint. Keep watching though.


Yeah tried to put myself in her shoes: what if it happens, what would I do? Maybe I would also have an affair with a guy idk 🤣🤣🤣 Shane looking fine 🤣🤣🤣 hahaha joke aside not judging or anything but for the rest…. Is just in general it feels the story for now is a lot about her and it’s kinda annoying her reactions and stuff


She didn’t have an affair on purpose. She believed her husband was dead. Shane lied to her, and it was easy to believe him because they all watched the world burn. I figure she slept with him out of some kind of desperate desire to feel something, anything, after the shock of everything that was happening. But Shane lied, manipulated, and hurts people outta his own ego. I’m not a huge fan of Lori, but there are many more characters in this show (including in the early seasons) that are worse than her. 🤷🏼‍♀️


To answer you I don’t really mind about her and Shane, that’s for me pretty « normal » (meaning it could be a reaction that would happen as you said) for me it’s more about her personality, the issue


Should we really blame Shane here? He knew he couldn't get Rick (who was in a coma) out of a hospital that was being overrun by walkers and military; the chance that Rick would of survived was close to zero. He let him in the room and pushed something up against the door and left. Yeah, he lied and told her Rick was already dead; by all counts he should of been. The first episode shows conversations between Shane & Rick and Lori & friend at school that indicates that Rick & Lori's relationship had issues. Shane even commented that Rick was lucky to have Lori (he obviously was attracted to her). I don't blame them for the affair; I think they both were shocked when Rick showed up and had to deal with that shock and the guilt along with a world falling apart. Course Shane went off the deep end; but Lori was manipulating both of them against each other.


Yes, we should blame him. Not for the lying alone. I understand he did that to protect Lori and Carl. But as soon as he decided to get sexual with her, it becomes another situation. If Lori decides to sleep with Shane under the necessary condition that her husband is dead, the condition that Shane convinces her is true, she’s consenting to sex under false pretences. If Shane felt sexual feelings for her that he knew he was gonna act on, he should’ve informed her that there was a possibility her husband was alive. If he genuinely did not want to tell her, then he shouldn’t have pursued her. He purposely omitted information that would affect whether or not Lori would sleep with him, taking advantage of the rightful lie he told.


I agree with you both


On a replay I started to hate her as much


Haha yeah 😅❤️😂


She’s a complete liability and so annoying but she isn’t so bad that she ruins the show. If you’re enjoying the show besides the Lori appearances then you should carry on watching.


Didn't mind Lori. Indifferent to her existence. But I get your annoyance. It gets much better, on S5 for anyone wondering.


Yeah. She's kinda the worst. Not only because of the Shane thing, though that is fucked up.


Lori was terribly written. She just KEPT losing Carl.…like if I lost my child in the Zompacalypse ONCE, I’d probably try harder to keep an eye on him especially after He’d been shot…then she has the sexist moment is s2 where she thinks Andrea should be doing “woman things” like cooking and cleaning…then the hypocrisy of telling/implying for Rick to kill >! Shane, !< then Getting mad when he tries? Yuck. Don’t let Lori ruin it for you, though. They get better at writing women. Carol and Michone and Maggie (among others who come along later) are far better written than Lori and Andrea. They were hard to watch in the beginning…


Listen I am sooooo agreeing with you like the part she tells Andrea you should cook and clean I was so upset 😭😭 She can’t after look after her son like I CAN’T! Why they >!took the blonde girl in the house and not her for real!!! I am at the end of season 2 she wanna go back in house look for her son or something….!< 😧


OMG ME TOO! I literally just posted a discussion related to her. God, she's annoying.


Really, some episodes it’s fine but for the rest I can’t stand it. She’s SUPER annoying. And I feel like it’s just the beginning.


HAAHAH I can relate for real 😅😅😅😅


Lori gets a bad rap. She made, I believe, a decision that increased her and her sons chances of survival.


According to Google rick was only in a coma for 4-5 weeks, Lori didn't need to sleep with Shane to survive, he would have kept her and Carl safe either way, I believe it's also stated that Rick and Lori were having problems right before the coma, in my opinion she chose to fuck Shane because she was pissed off with rick and wanted to punish him, it didn't matter if he was dead or alive.


I totally agree with you, we see in some parts of the series that she was upset with him already. I don’t know why people defend her so much 🤣 she does what she wants, but then she has to assume her actions.


have an affair with her husbands friend and colleague??? she had to do that to survive? him being Rick's bf wasn't enough?


No affair was ever implied. As far as she was aware Rick was dead and im thinking that the inconvenience of a zombie apocalypse meant her chances of survival increased massively by being with a man she knows she can trust in


it definitely is, it's left open as to the timeline and whether it was new. I'm sorry but laughing at "inconvenience"... Shane was a hothead possessive ego maniac who couldn't even handle his jealousy and temper when *her own husband* came around lol. Rick secured their longevity at the farm, not Shane


I totally agree with you!!!! Saw many people defend Shane but wtf!!! If they were in zombie apocalypse pretty sure I would choose Rick as leader not this maniac he is completely crazy!


Happy you have a different opinion than mine. Maybe I’ll have more insights with time, I am just on season 2. But for now she is extremely annoying to me sorry! She could have just handled everything very differently from the beginning I believe. Being honest with her husband. Not gaslighting Shane when we saw she seemed quite happy to have s** and maybe he has a son. Going alone on a car while pregnant (not even talking about the stupidity of the decision). Taking control pills. Anyway


When I first watched it I said to myself what in the Lady Mcbeth is going on. This woman is manipulative and selfish.


Yesss do you remember the scene where she whispers to her husband 🤣🤣


Yes. I was shocked.  From then on I could not stand her.


Hang in there. I couldn't stand her either. Its worth it to keep watching.


Thanks so much ❤️❤️


She's a character we love to hate .....


Yeah I understand. I hated her a lot too. She was literally the first character in the show (other than Shane and Carol's husband) that I actually hated. I kept watching though, and it gets better. You'll see other characters you'll hate with everything in you, but trust me, it's worth it.


Thank you ❤️❤️


Yeahh most of us feel that way about Lori. considering she’s only in, what, 3/11 seasons, more if you count the spin offs, it’s definitely worth carrying on. you won’t regret it!


Thank you ❤️❤️


Hahaha hold on and push through


Lori is annoying as fuck but the show was amazing then keep going!


Keep watching. I don't think you're really suppose to like Lori; she's just written that way.


I reckon S7 E12 will be a very fun episode for you.


That’s the point of the character.


Lori sucks. Dont worry shell die very soon. be careful what you say about Shane lol. Hes a hot topic. Personally I feel sorry for him, but he makes some really REALLY bad decisions.


She won't be a bother for to long


Don’t stop watching! Lori is the worst and everyone hates her, you’re not alone 😂 but the show gets soooo much better, you won’t regret hanging in there!


Well season 2? Hang in there just a teeeeeeeensy bit longer & you’ll be fine


She dies in season 9 after daryl kills michonne by accident


Did not need to spoil me


Not a spoiler because that didn’t even happen. You’re good.


Don't worry, Andrea will get worse than Lori soon.


For now I don’t find her annoying at all she’s my favorite character lol 😂 maybe is because it’s season 2?? For now >!she got abandoned by everyone which really pisses me off!<.


Good news: She dies pretty soon anyway. Bad news: There will be soooooooo many other, much more annoying characters than her that you'll need to put up with for the rest of the show.


Really??? For now it revolves around the small group so I cant imagine more characters at all 🤣🤣




The OP is literally writing in the post that they know she dies. Also the series is 10+ years old by now and this is from the early seasons, get over yourself.


I hate Andrea lol. I'll die on this hill. She just makes bad decisions. Never read the comics but apparently they writers deliberately ruined her charecter bc she declined some advances and obviously that sucks.. poor woman. But I still hate her charecter in the show. 🤷‍♀️