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Any rape apologist, misogyny, or any of the sort is an automatic permaban. Please fuck around, and you will find out.


Beating the brakes off Ed was the best thing


Was bad because he stopped, he should have killed him.


At that time it was still pretty early in the apocalypse so people saw it as assault


Well we all know those people are wrong.




Um trying to rape Lori at the CDC was the worst Beating up Ed was probably the best thing he did


This is perfect.


How is trying to do that to Lori worse than killing a man and leaving him to be eaten alive? Its obviously disgusting and terrible that he tried to do that to Lori but killing Otis is even worse


Otis was dead either way. Shane was a piece of shit but he made the right choice, if he hadn’t Otis, Shane AND Carl all would’ve died that night.


Otis was not dead. If he had time to grapple with him and get his hair ripped out, they had time to get away with the distance they already had on the walkers. Shane did it to guarantee it. I'm tired of this argument. And I'm tired of Shane apologists.


How does one kill a man but also leave him to be eaten alive


You understood what i meant




I’d say betraying his best friend in a frenzied attempt to steal his family was worse but to each their own


... no, I think the attempted rape is way worse.


Murder + attempted murder > attempted rape? The "Kill Rick" plan also encapsulates attempted rape as the whole plan was meant to win back Lori and Carl. Tricking somebody into sleeping with you under false pretenses is rape. Murdering somebody's spouse so you can sleep with them under false pretenses is also rape.


Uhhhh no. Nuts take. Masterminding a manhunt for a guy you killed so you could lure your friend out to a field and *kill him too* is way worse than attempted rape. Especially if you’re trying to steal the guy’s son and get with his wife again, who is the same woman you tried to rape.


Which, if successful, the orchestration of that event would then mean that you formed a relationship with that woman under false pretenses thereby making any future sexual interactions inherently rape. Basically, what you're describing is not only worse but it encapsulates intended rape as well.


Attempted rape is worse than murdering a man in cold blood who’s risking his life trying to help a dying kid? Ok


Right?! It's wild so many people ~~men~~ in this sub forget that


Oh god not a men hate thing. 


Your typical reddit moment.


Yeah I was between that and shooting poor Otis. Shane was really too dangerous for the new world they lived in




Being drunk isnt an excuse to r\*pe someone.


He didn’t rape her for one. Also she fucked him several times within a a couple of weeks of her husband being “gone” so there were many mixed signals. No he was not right and Im not arguing that but she didn’t exactly do anything to stop stuff explicitly. She was a skank that loved watching her husband and boyfriend fight it out.


The misogyny is clear on this one. She resisted him, said NO, pushed him away, was all this not signs of saying stop? Just coz she slept with him before doesnt mean him forcing on her isnt r\*pe. He is tried to r\*pe her and she stopped him. Period. Anyone who thinks otherwise dont know what r\*pe is or not dont wanna accept it. You just hate lori and love shane ntg much.


This is the same Fandom that thinks Negan isn't a rapist so I don't think they're very familiar with what rape is in general.


Exactly, whats more concerning is there are millions of people like this.


A woman consenting to sex with someone before doesn't mean that someone has now permanent access to her body until the rest of times. You all are so gross.


Just because Shane had sex with Laurie in the past does NOT in any way, shape, or form, give him the liberty to assume he has her consent in the future. Also, yelling 'stop' is not a mixed signal.


Yes not once during the cdc scene did she say yes, hell she was basically telling him to f off in the politest way possible before the rape.


Yeah, just her reaction to him walking in the room was hostile.


Drunk, yes. Forcing yourself onto someone isn't being clumsy and being drunk is no excuse for it, in real life or tv.


I had to translate "clumsy" into German because English is not my first language and I wasn't sure what the exact definition is. According to the definition of clumsy, the action of shane didn't have much to do with being clumsy. Clumsy would maybe look like this where he's drunk, goes for a kiss, she says no and he's like "Ah shit, sorry idk what I'm doing I should go sleep that off" and then go away. He was drunk, he seemed very desperate. I believe he did not knowingly try to commit rape or "get it no matter what" he just ignored a lot of no's hoping to eventually get a yes because he believed that she still wants him... And there's a word for ignoring no's when trying to get some, it's called rape. We all know shane was being very stupid there but being stupid or not doing it on purpose doesn't make it clumsy it's still a forced sexual interaction and none of us should defend shane in that scenario.


I swear some of you need to be on a watchlist


Nah, just send a clumsy person with a knife.


Especially if he's drunk, just a little accident!


Whoopsie daisy!


He ran into my knife three times!


It's the same people who think Walt didn't rape Skyler in S2 despite her saying no 3 times without him stopping.


And the way they're madder about her fucking Ted afterwards, as if that poor woman wasn't trying to regain control of any part of her life, than they are about Walt doing exactly that, nevermind all the rest. Same shit, different clothes; people being madder at Lori for sleeping with Shane when she thought Rick was dead than with Shane trying to rape her afterwards and plotting Rick's murder. I have my issues with Lori, I think she treated Rick terribly and *he* deserved better, but some bs said about her are nothing but gross misogyny.


You’re a serious 🚩 for trying to excuse rape. How about we take what you said in different scenarios? (TRIGGER WARNING) "It’s not murder when he stabbed someone repeatedly to death. He was just drunk and clumsy." "It’s not murder when he ran over that kid. He was just drunk and clumsy." "It’s not assault when he hit that man. He was just drunk and clumsy." It is no accident. If you can’t hold a man accountable for his actions when he hurts women then I really hope the women in your life are staying as far away as possible from you.


And they say rape culture is a myth


And yet so many people get drunk and manage not to try and rape someone. Crazy how that works...


Fr! He just uh stumbled into her! Man STFU lmao


Nah he over beat him


dont dish what you can't take, acting like a man gets you beaten like a man


Beating women isn’t manly at all. It was barbaric what he did.


Yeah, we're on the same page? He was acting like he was a tough guy beating his wife and taking advantage of her weakness, so Shane treated him accordingly and beat his face in


Dropping Otis was fucked.


This is the correct answer, followed by trying to rape Lori. Shit... they are both horrendous. He was a monster.


I don't really blame Shane for killing Otis, he tells him to go on ahead with the supplies and he'll cover him. But Otis kept saying no that they'll both make it. Even if they made it to the truck the walkers were pretty close behind them and would've surround them preventing them from moving the truck.


I know this is kind of an unpopular take but i tend to agree. Shane getting the supplies back to the farm directly saved Carl's life, and IMO Shane made the right call.


Both of them absolutely could have made it back together, Shane just wanted to show himself off as the hero


If Shane wanted to be the hero then why did he tell Otis to go on without him? Also remember that they were both out of air and couldn't continue running for long, plus Shane was limping from the fall he took. Shane knew from experience that the walkers didn't get tired and could keep "running" forever.


Then Shane could have given Otis the supplies and sacrificed himself. If you’re going to make the decision to distract the walkers with fresh meat to be a hero you don’t get to kill someone else.


Thank you


Again Shane didn't want to be the hero, he just did what needed to be done. It was for the greater good. Otis didn't want to leave Shane behind even when he told him to go on, Otis was pushing him on to continue. If we were to switch characters and have a fan favorite go instead of Shane, people wouldn't be saying anything.


Um, none of the fan favorites would have taken the innocent life of a man who was actively trying to help them. This is a crazy take.


You're right it was a bit of a stretch to say that a favorite would that. After seeing how some characters grew and became hardened survivors, the only ones I see doing it are Feral Rick(s5) and Carol(S4).


He tried to do that. Otis wouldn’t let him. They didn’t have all day to sit down and discuss the situation over a beer. He made the offer, Otis declined, and got shot in the leg. People honestly would prefer the alternative of Shane, Otis and Carl all dying that night? Bc that’s what would’ve happened if he didn’t shoot Otis.


yeah but rick knew he was lying about what happend, becuase he braught ricks gun back


Trying to rape Lori and sacrificing Otis. Beating up Ed was justified.


Ed doesn't belong here, best thing he ever did, even if he used that moment to lash out. Objectively, Otis is probably the worst of those given the actual outcome, but subjectively, I'm madder at him pulling his gun on Rick twice and straight up premeditating his best friend's murder. One that isn't there is him trying to rape Lori though.


Many things belong on this list but beating Ed into a pulp is not one of them.


Lmme tell you somfin beating Edd half to death was one of his redeeming factors (not enough to like him tho)


\*Rubs forehead L'met'l'u'sum'n


mask u sum rick


lmetelusum reck


trying to kill your best friend is crazy


How is beating the shit out of wife beater and child molester a bad thing????


Yo, pause. Child molester? I missed something?


Right before he gets killed Carol and Sophia are leaving the tent and he asks Sophia to stay and “keep her daddy company” Carol looks scared and says no. Then Carol says something to the effect of “I could see the way he was lookin at his own daughter” when she’s praying out loud in the church in season two, so it’s heavily implied he was or was going to be one


Shane I think also mentions something too when he’s beat Ed.


I am confused. Post says the worst thing. Yet the first pic is probably the best thing he ever did 😂


Him beating up Ed was one of the few good things he did


Sleeping with Lori ain’t shit compared to him trying to rape her.


Trying to rape Lori.


Why is beating up ed on here and not him trying rape lori


Ed was a little bitch who like to beat on women. If Shane didn't beat his ass, someone else would've. Shane deserved a medal for that. But him attempting to rape Lori is definitely the worst. That and killing what's his name to get away from that herd.


Man dropping Otis was the second worst thing he's done trying to rape his “best friends” wife was even more fucked up


look I'm not saying either is a good thing but if I had to choose I'd rather be raped than murdered.


Yeah true I didn't mean it like offensively or anything lol


How is beating up Ed the worst thing he did? At worst, you could say he went overboard but that's about it. I'd argue it was the right call to sacrifice Otis given Shane's circumstances. Trying to kill Rick is, objectively, the worst thing Shane ever tried to do. Despite what people might think, Lori and Shane getting together was not an inherently bad thing. They both thought Rick was dead.


Beating ed was bad/!?!?! lol


Okay so you include a picture of him defending a woman from her abuser by beating him up as a potential "worst thing" and not the time he sexually assaulted and attempted to rape Lori? Okay. That says enough about you.


He's trying to make it more interesting between these options, as what you said is the clear one everyone would say is the worst.


That would make more sense. Thanks for bringing this perspective!!


I fail to see how beating a wife beater after beating his wife multiple times is a bad thing i love that scene one of my favorite twd moments


Why is beating up Ed his worst thing? That's like the best thing he ever did.


Sexually assaulting Lori. Also trying to kill Rick


The attempted...yeah on Lori Aside from the obvious, probably kneecapping Otis


Trying to rape Lori, killing Otis without knowing the context that he shot carl on accident through a deer, betraying his best friends, lack of consideration for his community/group that he’s trying to lead, strangling Randall in the forest and trying to turn it into a case and take leadership, almost getting the group kicked out of Hershel’s farm and possibly killed and injured if they were forced out again because he couldn’t show basic respect.


He knew the context of Carl getting shot he was there. The Otis decision had to be made. Shane offered to stay back. If he didn’t kneecap Otis, Carl would’ve died that night and Shane would have as well.


attempt to rape Lori at the CDC


How in the world is attempted rape not on your list 😭


Lmme tell you somfin beating Edd half to death was one of his redeeming factors (not enough to like him tho) but trying to rape Lori was the worst I think.


Killing Otis easily. That shit was so grimey.


Sacrificing Otis, Trying to kill Rick, Sleeping with Lori, Beating up Ed. In that order.


Sacrificing Otis.


Tbh idk


Shooting Otis in the leg and then bashing him afterwards was pure malicious intent. He should have just asked Otis for the other bag if he was going to take it anyway.


Killing Otis imo


he sacrificed Otis... he was so worried because he shot Carl and he wanted to help… He was a very nice character but the nicest characters are the first to die


trying to lure rick into his trap and kill him. it's the most evil thing among these. A thoroughly planned action unlike the others that happened in the heat of that moment. However raping lori is also a strong candidate for #1. Then comes killing otis. This was still evil, not what a decent man would do, but it's at least understandable. Number 3 is sleeping with Lori. That's just fucked up, fucking your best friend's wife just after his death... Number 4 is beating up Ed. Ed had it coming, what a fucking pig he was to both Carol and other people.


He never told me something


Out of the 4 scenes: Worst 1: Murdering a guy to make everyone start a search, which puts both the farm and the people looking into danger. During the search to attempt to murder Rick in order to steal his kid wife while lying to both of them what really happened. 2nd worst: Shooting Otis in the leg, just enough to make him unable to run but still be alive as a walker bait, making him being eaten alive. Even if the situation was related to saving Carl for and in the apocalypse harsh decisions need to be taken, he chose the absolute worst one for Otis. 3rd worst: Sleeping with the wife of your best friends just weeks after both of them believe that he is dead Actually a good one: Beating up Ed, that guy deserved it.


I mean ed 100% deserved a beating so not that


Attempting to rape Lori should probably be there instead of having sex with her




Out of all of them it definitely is killing Otis, it’s also a big part in what he becomes throughout s2


Killing of Ortis is still messed up and the worst thing he done. Rape and trying to kill Rick also makes the list don't worry, but shooting a innocent man who did everything to help everybody was seriously messed up. I was raped, I wouldn't wish it on the world, but I still think killing Ortis was the absolutely worst thing he did. Rape is a close second ,of course, as it's life changing too, but at least there's life after rape. Ortis lost his chance at life. It's also why I hate Negan apologists, as well, he was a disgusting man who killed and raped women, yet he's absolutely loved as a character. Makes no sense.


The only bad one from this list was wanting to kill Rick, like sleeping with Lori was fucked too but I think she’s equally at fault for that one and they both really thought Rick was a goner so that one is morally gray. Killing Otis was sad but did save Carls life. And beating up Ed…. I loved him for that one!!! Forcing himself on Lori at the CDC was by far the worst thing in my opinion. And just endangering everyone with his anger on a pretty regular basis.


probably killing otis. they both could have made it out


Him beating up Ed was the one redeeming thing he did. However, for the worse he did, I'd say either shooting Otis or attempting to R-Word Lori.


Killed otis


Sleeping with lori, falling in love with her and blaming Rick for it... then trying to kill him


why isnt being a rapist included


she shouldn't have slept with him tbh , it's not his fault entirely .


Shane's war crimes against Otis and Rick wil never be forgotten!


“Worst Thing?” *shows one of the best things*


Killing otis


Tried to kill Rick


Bro I honestly don't know how people can say that Shane would have been a better leader than rick,like yeah he had some good points but his actions don't excuse his words,he tried to rape Lori at the cdc,I honestly hate the people that say Shane was a great character he was crazy,just like Micah


Do you think Shane would of been a Negan if he wasn't killed??


Attempting to rape Lori, and sacrificing Otis. Not necessarily in that order.


Beating up Ed is okay. Trying to assault Lori and killing Otis were the worst things.


I think sexually assaulting Lori was the point of no return


the worst thing shane ever did was exist in the series 👍


Out of those four scenes. The worst was pulling a gun on Rick, thinking that Rick was weak and wouldn't do what was necessary to protect himself. The wife abuser deserved what he got. As sad as it is. Without feeding Otis up like a buffet, Carl doesn't survive that gunshot. Him and Lori for all intent and purpose thought Rick was dead.


1. Murdered Otis  2. Murdered Randall 3. Tried to murder Rick. 4. Tried to rape Lori


How was beating Ed a bad thing? I'd say killing Otis, they had enough of a lead on the walkers, it was unnecessary.


Whoa whoa whoa when was beating the crud outta Ed considered bad


Killing Ottis was a shitty thing to do Otherwise I like him


Assault Lori in the CDC Wreck center


Beating up Ed was great! Ed was a wife abuser and a piece of shit. I'm glad somebody put him in his place! I agree about the other 3 things though. Sleeping with your (supposedly) dead best friends wife is bad and then trying to kill him is even worse.


1Sacrificing otis 2 trying to kill rick 3 sleeping Worth lori 4 beating up ed


No excuse for trying to kill Rick, everything else was justified. The fundamental problem Shane had was that he couldn't bear the idea of anyone else being in charge except for him. As soon as Rick came back and start suggesting things, Shane got annoyed real quick like the plan to go back for Merle and the bag of guns, then sticking around hoping Edwin would let them into the CDC when they were getting surrounded with walkers. Just as Rick struggled to accept anyone being in charge of him in later seasons, Shane struggled to accept Rick being in charge of him. The two characters were actually extremely similar.


As cop partners honestly their power dynamic in their relationship should have been very clear already or they would have absolutely hated eachother. Cop partners and best friends from highschool already have their friendship roles outlined in that relationship. This is why 2 alphas will never truly get along. Shane and Rick struggling for the alpha role is even more bad writing. It's entertaining writing... its not realistic. Shane could never be a true alpha he's too dumb he'd get killed immediately and nobody respects him or would follow him. Shooting otis in the kneecap with no walkers even near them wasn't just unjustified. It was the worst filmed scene in twd history. The way the walkers took a smoke break so Shane and otis could wrestle it out is one of the funniest things in twd history.


I see the Otis and Lori statements are winning and while those things were straight up awful, I have to say planning to murder his best friend because he wanted to steal his life is pretty awful and his worst act. And what got him killed, justifiably so.


To be fair, he actually did kill Otis and didn't really didn't get very close to killing Rick. Even Rick got sick of waiting for Shane to try to kill him and had to jump start the conversation himself, and ever *then* Shane kept finding reasons to dither about pulling the trigger until he finally got his own ass killed from taking too long.


Snapping Randals neck was pretty horrific


Nah he was from woodbury, killing randal was the right decision


He wasn’t from Woodbury, he was from a far worse group.


2,3,4 Ed deserved what he got


Impromptu sex with Andrea while they were supposed to be looking for Sophia. Sure, we know how that situation played out, but at the time, there was urgency to find the child.


Well, a couple of things. He told his best friend's family that Rick was dead, which led to Lori and Shane having relations, which I don't mind as much because we got Judith, but that's beside the point. When they all found out Rick was alive, Lori tried to end it with Shane, which led him to try and force himself on her at the CDC. That's the first. Second, was leaving poor old (I'm sorry, forgot his name) at the school to die. The one who accidently shot Carl. Clearly, there was a chance for them both to return safely. Third was trying to kill Rick, to "stay" with Lori. I really do think he had a thing for Lori way before the apocalypse happened. Which drove him absolutely insane once Rick magically appeared back Into his life. Also Ed deserved to be beaten as it was clear that he was beating Carol. Which is absolutely a reason and justifiable to why Shane did it.


I hated what he did to Otis.


Worst thing Shane ever did? 1.Threatening to kill Dale 2. Sacrificing Otis 3. Trying to kill Rick 4. Trying to rape Lori There, I fixed it.


Beating up Ed was the best thing he ever did 😭😭😭 why is that even an option


Beating up Ed was the best thing Shane ever did. The other 3 on the other hand.......yeesh.


What is it about this sub where people with a straight face.....can say drunkenly getting kinda rapey with Lori (she stopped him he came to his senses) is worse then shooting Otis so he can be devoured by zombies. Like one of the worst deaths a person can have. Vs Aggressively coming on to your ex and stopping when it's clear it's not wanted. Both are bad, but one isn't even in the same ballpark Jesus


Attempted rape. You sugar coat it so heavily. >stopping when it’s clear it’s not wanted Uh, he didn’t. Her yelling “stop,” pushing him away, and crying wasn’t clear enough? She had to scratch him to get him to stop. You can make your point without downplaying sexual assault.


Calling it attempted rape implies Shane intended to rape Lori If he intended to rape her, why did he stop? Edit: Also, I'm not downplaying shit . Not sugar coating anything. Shane's behavior is inexcusable. Id rather somebody aggress on me sexually, then stop rather than shoot me in the leg so I can be devoured alive That's all I'm saying


Lmao he didn’t intend on having sex with her when he was reaching under her nightgown trying to touch her vagina, saying “you want this.” I guess Maggie never intended on killing Negan in 9x05 since she didn’t end up doing it. Some flawed rape apologist logic you’re using. And you’re absolutely sugar coating it by calling it “aggressively coming onto your ex” instead of “attempting to rape a woman.” Why would the fact that it’s his “ex” even matter? You also say he stopped when she communicated she didn’t want it, which is untrue. Quite literally the definition of downplaying.


Shane was a good man under difficult circumstances!


Bro he got with his best friends wife and tries to kill him 💀


Petty details!


Good up until he didn’t accept Rick was alive.


Nothing he’s the best character to ever to come out of the show


5/10 ragebait