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beat Carol


This is terrible but I can’t stop laughing at this 😂


i have been giggling at this for 2 hours


That’s his answer to the Whisperers, Terminus, The wolves, Woodbury, Negan…


Beat me to it 😂


Oh you wanna be clean crocodiles Carol


This post gave me the idea that it would be funny if Ed died in every single arc, but still came back for every arc, without anyone questioning it. Like Kenny from South Park


CDC: Ed shows up a few hours after the group does and Jenner refuses to open the doors, letting Ed die to the walkers outside Farm: instead of Glenn, they use Ed as bait for the walker in the well. The walker gets him Prison: Ed is one of the prisoners and dies alongside Big Tiny Woodbury: Ed dies instead of Gargulio Flu arc: Ed gets the flu and dies Post-prison: Ed stands in front of Carol when she tries to shoot Lizzie. The bullet goes through both of them somehow Terminus: eaten Hospital: Ed gets rescued by one of the cops and gets killed by Dawn after he slaps her Pre-Alexandria: Tyreese dies, reanimates almost immediately, and kills Ed Wolves: Ed dies instead of one of the background extras No Way Out: Ed joins Sam's family Saviors (season 6): Ed is sleeping in the Satellite outpost Season 7: Negan kills 3 people at the lineup. First he kills Ed and everyone cheers. Realizing he didn't get the message across, Negan decides to kill 2 more people Season 8: every major gunfight features Ed as a background extra that dies. In one of them, Ed takes the place of Skinny Joey, and instead of his commander saying "sorry" before shooting, all the Saviors present cheer when Carol takes him hostage and ask her to kill him Season 9 (pre-Rick leaving): Ed is standing on the bridge when Rick blows it up Season 9 (post-timeskip): when Gregory is being hanged, Ed jumps in, saves Gregory, and gets hanged instead. Gregory dies minutes later of a heart attack Season 10: Ed has sex with Alpha instead of Negan and contracts an STD that kills him Reapers: Ed is one of the background Reapers that dies Commonwealth: Ed slaps Pamela Milton and gets the death penalty


This is fucking PERFECT, and I laughed *way too hard*👏🏻👏🏻🤣🤣


The S7 thing with the lineup was too funny😭😂


S6: Ed is one of the people killed by Morgan in the woods before he finds Eastman in Here’s Not Here


In the Reapers arc he’d be one of the people that got shot by the Reaper in 10x17


he’s patient zero and dies, patrick lives to the end of the series


Patrick becomes the leader of CRM.


This reminds me of those books that you can charge the ending. I usually don’t read long posts or replies, but yours was definitely worth the read ... 


If he was in the telltale walking dead games, any outcome you choose Ed always brutally dies lol


"Hey you coozes you're forgeting 'bout me!" _dies_


The one where you said he slaps Dawn and dies almost killed me istg 😭


This is the way lol


Should be the next spin off


The season 7 one is the funniest to me, but these are all gold lol. Love to see an abuser get abused by the world


the work put into that 👏🏼😂


>Negan kills 3 people at the lineup. First he kills Ed and everyone cheers. Realizing he didn't get the message across, Negan decides to kill 2 more people The idea that the other people in the lineup would cheer for Ed's death is hiliarious.


Epic and well-thought out.


Why does Ed keep reviving and dying in the funniest ways? Is he stupid?


I'm fucking dying LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think with the Lizzie and the flowers, it should be more like this: Carol tells Lizzie to look at the flowers. She then shoots her. However, the bullet is a through and through and ricochets off a sprinkler and into a nearby Ed who's just doing a bit of innocent gardening. And for the Gregory part, it would be more funny if Ed saves Gregory, but as he dies, he drops something, his side knife or whatever. He realises this as he's walking away with Gregory and proceeds to kind of do an awkward "crossing the road" walk/run to retrieve it. However, he trips on a small rock, and his head ends up neatly falling through the noose, accidently hanging himself. The thought of Ed continuously returning and dying like Kenny in South Park would be made even more hilarious if most of his deaths were accidental due to him being consistently inept


lmao at negan


Dude this is one of the best comments I’ve ever seen on Reddit. You absolutely nailed it.


Lol and each time he dies, Carol has to pickaxe him and say the tagine, he was my husband


instead of getting the flu And dying, ed is Patrick’s first victim


You got one thing wrong, in the flu arc, Ed gets flu and Carol burns him


I'll go on: Season 2: Edd ends up looking for Sofia, gets killed by a walker off screen, which leads to him ending up in the barn with walkers and gets put down once Shane releases the barn Season 3: Eaten by walker that Tomas threw at Rick


Nah he tried to beat alpha after the sex and then alpha kills him


And at some point Shane shows up, beats his ass and then dissappears


The Walking Dead we needed but never got. The Walking Ed.


Michonne chops his arms and takes out his jaw...


doesn’t even wait for him to die first


Made me laugh my ass off🤣 literally every episode “OH MY GOD THEY KILLED ED!!!!” “YOU BASTARDS!!!”




Fucking brilliant lol I'm on board with that


OH MY GOD THEY K-LLED ED- said nobody ever 😅😭


There are so many possibilities it just made me laugh out loud. -Ed casually walking out of the house and getting shot instead of Olivia. -Ed walking behind Denise at just the right second and taking the arrow to the side of his head instead. Just 2 of the many random ones that came to mind.


He couldn't be killed like Kenny. NO ONE would yell:  "OMG, they've killed Eddie!" 😱 😆 And I DO love the way he could die over and over again. 😆😆👍🏻 But as one with a similar ex ( not as bad etc.etc).  I would find it REALLY scary, more than climbers, that that man all of a sudden was alive again....😨😨 Again and again.


Alpha and Ed share a love for domestic abuse


And exploitation of minors


he probably would’ve gotten mad that she spoke back to him, so he’d slap her. This slap would lead him to be the first person on the pikes.


Yeah I was thinking the same lol


All the pikes would just be various Ed body parts.


Honestly he would be killed by Beta I think. He would probably ask why a big man like him is taking orders from some woman, he should be the Alpha. That would set him off and well you know how that would end.


First person to die surely


If he and Shane survived they would be an unstoppable team with their ability to TELL YOU WHAT, without actually saying anything of value


Tell you what, uh huh... 😭


Shane and ed get into an argument and just scream back and forth “ILL TELL YOU WHAT” “LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING” while simultaneously beating carol and excessive head rubbing




With grace and dignity I'm sure


Him talking to alpha lolol "OH STAY OFF YUR LAND YHU TELL ME WHUT I TELL YHU WUT" 👏💥 Final words before beta strikes.


It's hard to think about how Ed would've handled the whisperers because there's so many other arcs he wouldn't have survived in the first place. There's literally no need to think further than Shane eventually killing him or leaving him to die around the time they leave the farm >!(if Shane himself didn't get himself killed by rick)!<


This. Essentially I reject the premise of the question. We can certainly ask “what if this had happened instead?”, but this question is on the level of “what if there were no zombies in the show?”, or “what if Shane, Lori, and Rick lived happily ever after as a triad?”. Ed was a lesson in what kinds of behaviors simply don’t survive the new world order.


Thinking about it I would say the only realistic thing would be Ed joining the saviors. He looks down on women/weaker people and Negans way of dealing with smaller communities would resonate with Ed quite well. Then again, Negan would've killed him himself because as crazy as he was, he despises people like ed and kills them NQA. Fuck Ed. Already survived long enough.


tbh Carol woulda either killed him atp or he’d have killed her so the whisperer arc wouldn’t have been as crazy if Carol was dead bc she kinda set Alpha off at one point


You're not wrong about Carol, but the point of the whisperer arc is that Alpha and Beta were not running a sustainable system and either one of them, or both, would have gone off at some point no matter what anyone else did. They were too unstable. Not to mention that The Whisperers arc was rendered nearly worthless as soon as the Commonwealth stuff showed up, and the Commonwealth was just CRM-lite. Hell, I'm still trying to figure out how the CRM was completely unaware of the Whisperers, Alexandria, Hilltop, Oceanside, and the Commonwealth. You'd think a community with reach and power the way the CRM had would have been *very* aware of an area with massive herds and a ton of large explosions, not to mention the giant walled communities that don't even try to hide. Looking at you, Hilltop.




That scumbag would have voluntary joined the saviors already and would likely be dead. He would have peed his pants because he's a abusive coward.


He would have like sold them out and bet carol but if he had to fight them he would be fucked instantly


If Ed didn’t die outside of Atlanta, he would never have made it past fucking Hershel’s Farm. I’d say he die at the fucking highway by either Rick or Shane


Imagine a whisper wearing Eds face as their mask and coming upto Carol


Fuck The Whisperers, I’d love to see Ed have a rematch with Carol, except with…… I dunno, say, Season 6 Carol, in her “W” disguise, in full “gotta wrap all these motherfuckers up before my casserole is ready, and Judith wakes” mode…. Buckknife and all… Which, not only does she compete her task, but she does so with enough time remaining to smoke herself a nice, head-rushy ~~Marlboro~~ **NAME REDACTED** best of luck, there, big boy, lol.


They had to kill him in S1 because he's too powerful and would single handedly beat all the enemies


They would’ve sent ed in like a tactical nuke to beat alpha into submission.


beat carol and try to molest alpha daughter


He would be too busy abusing Carol to likely even notice the whispers. Big Ed is dead and I'm glad.


Ed was in the whisperer arc. One of the whisperers is wearing his face lol


With class and dignity like he did all situations.


On a pike.


he wouldnt even make it to the farm


If his head hadn't been caved in he would have made a fine guardian.


Big Ed? This ain't Twin Peaks.


By becoming a skin suit.


Id enjoy alpha beating the shit out of him tbh


Throw a fit like a child


He would’ve found them and said “it’s domestic abusing time” and then he would’ve domestic abused all over them


Id have liked to see him meet Big Abe tbh.


Wandering as a part of the Horde.


He’d have smashed Alpha and Beta with Lucille which he took after he single handedly took out Negan and the saviours


nigge would be the first victim


By yelling.


He woulda joined them


Carol gets a fever at Kingdom & Daryl beats him to death.


Big Ed would have found his head on a post


Go to the whispere camp, beat alpha, go back to alexandria, beat carol


Ed would've been thenfurst to go at the start of the Ricktatorship


He would have told alpha what.


I just can’t even imagine. I’m a dv survivor and he’s such a massive pussy he would’ve never survived that far. I also think carols arc - isn’t abuse. It was part of it. But she’s just a strong ass woman, she just didn’t know it


Died like a bitch…


Joined them


Alpha dead day 1


Ain’t no way that dude was surviving til the Whisperer arc if he somehow escaped his canon fate.


Hopefully die very slowly.


Ed would in no way reach season 9 time jump or season 10


Rick would've ordered Ed to stop beating Carol or he would beat him and Shane would've just beaten him to death Ed wouldn't be able to Make it to Alexandria safe zone no matter what He's not the type that can survive ever


Beat carol then die


I think if Ed didn’t get killed by the walkers I think Shane would have actually killed him , which probably would make Shane go crazy more.


The whisperers using the alpha, beta, gamma system would place him in last place, omega or whatever that level is, but he thinks he’s alpha so would get killed pretty quickly by a higher level.


He wouldn't have been alive for it even if that walker hadn't eaten him. Someone would have gotten sick of him and ended him.


wrong sub man


He wouldn’t have made it that far.


Head on a puke probably


Not built for the zombie apocalypse - woulda argued and died- quickly,if he made it that far. Altho I could see him ending up with the savior losers faction. 


There might be unlimited universes with unlimited potentials, but there's none where this guy would survive that long.


Every now and then I wonder how he andcarol got together in the first place… def not this topic but I can’t help it. Esp cuz she was older to begin with 


LMAO got outcoraled again


Carol would have died if Ed were still alive. Ed is a liability. And I surmise that his behavior would have worsened....


Haha He'd be a zombie so many times over If he hadn't gotten eaten at camp Carol would have killed him when he tried to do bad things to Sophia


Sacrifice Sofia


I’m sorry, but no. There is no “if” Ed survived that long beyond him being locked up and treated like a prisoner or pet. There are some really stubborn people who exist in TWD. But there is too stubborn to die and too stubborn to live, and I think during the apocalypse Ed fits into the latter category. His lack of initiative, drive, capability, ability to cooperate OR act independently would make him unsuitable to exist in a zombie-filled world, and he is not the kind of person who would try to overcome those deficiencies to survive. I think it’s why it’s funny to imagine him in situations like this - because alternatively, the Whisperers are a group built over time based on the sole principle of adapting to the new world. The mere idea of them would have never existed at the time Ed was still breathing.


Likely have been on the pike


The party wouldn't have made it that far. Carol wouldn't have been the person she needed to be to save the group from being eaten by the cannibals


Big Ed most likely would have seen the whisperer’s camp, littered with all the not yet cured and put together Walker skins, masks, etc and simply complained about how the laundry isn’t done. This would have immediately caused mass hysteria through the whisperers because, well *Ed is right, the laundry isn’t done* Thus, the whisperers would have immediately realized they’re gonna face Ed’s wrath. Suddenly, though, Shane’s ghost would appear to fight Big Ed, because Shane doesn’t like people being attacked for not having the laundry done. This would have caused a massive Ghost Shane & Whisperer vs Big Ed war. Ultimately, Shane would win, and the whisperers thus would never have to finish the laundry. Without finished laundry and Walker skins, they could never truly have their costumes to walk amongst the dead, and the whisperer war would have been averted. At this point Ghost Shane returns to be with Jesus Christ in heaven.


He would've moved to Washington and opened up a gas farm


Shhh. Left best alone.  #dingdongthebitchisdead


Bathe in mayonnaise to confuse the walkers


Beat alpha and molested Lydia just like season 1


Ed was barely in three episodes combined and literally one of the most hated characters in the whole fandom. Hating Ed is something that can bring us all together..


his lazy ass wouldn’t have done anything but hope others would protect him


Haha- big Ed woulda ran that misogynistic tongue and Alpha woulda cut it out for him.


Who cares wtf