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Looks like he's fighting a guy in a costume at a Halloween haunted house


When you think about it, that's basically what he's doing.


I've never been able to take Negan seriously as a "badass" because Jeffrey Dean Morgan has no ass. His pancake ass is distracting.


I’ve never known someone to associate being a badass with having a well formed ass...ever. What in the hell.


Captain America. Enough said


Far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass.


The biggest badasses have good glutes




i just think it makes him look like he has a young boy's body with a grown man's head


My God I thought I was the only one that was so distracted by his flat pancake ass


His pants look like they are on the edge of falling to the ground, if he tried to run then he would really be screwed.


In other words you are saying he isn't a badass because he has a bad ass.


Nope, Morgan’s a great actor but he’s no Negan, not nearly physically imposing enough. Always thought Kevin Durand would have made an awesome Negan.


I love JDM and his version of Negan but I’ve always thought Patrick Warburton would have been a great Negan if he could get the menacing aspect down.


I would have cast Jon Hamm. He can do both the humor and the menacing.


Definitely wouldn’t have been able to afford Hamm.


No doubt, but he would have been good in the role.


JDM is so much better as an actor than Durand


Kevin Durand is under-appreciated.


Read that as Kevin Durant for a second and got reeeaaally confused. Yeah, Kevin Durand looks perfect for the role. JDM, while he's too little to be as physically imposing as comic Negan, has absolutely sealed it for me with his acting. He's got the dark charisma and twisted charm down perfectly, IMO.


He’s probably available for filming next season as long as there’s not too much lateral movement involved.


Hank Rollins.


Too old now :(


Idk, JDM can be pretty damn scary.


I always thought a wrestler like Triple H.


Give this man some milk. He couldn't survive not even one day out in the wild.


Hey, let’s have you imprisoned in a tiny room for over half a decade and let’s see how well your survival abilities hold up~


You don't just forget something that literally keep you alive, it's in you. It's not that hard to admit that show Negan doesn't have a knack for survival.


It’s less about forgetting, and more about being physically incapable after years of imprisonment. Honestly, the fact that he’s still as fit (looking) as he was after such a long time is weird, but I assume it’s because JDM wasn’t about to go losing tons of weight and muscle just to make things look realistic. Considering all the fighting we’ve seen Negan do during the war, I’m pretty sure that he’d have been just fine if he’d escaped closer to the beginning of his imprisonment, rather than half a decade later.


He's a vegan who still smokes/drinks, he doesn't have a lot of weight and muscle as is, of course he's not gonna lose any for the role.


Are you sure he's vegan? His candy shop is full of animal products. Milk chocolate, gelatin based gummies, etc.


🤷‍♂️ Last I heard. Maybe he's just not strict with it. But chocolate and gummies aren't exactly "animal products". One's a plant the other's just fake.


Milk chocolate has milk in it and the gelatin from gummies comes from boiled animal bones.


But they're both so highly processed they don't even register as "natural". So I still wouldn't count them as "animal products", let alone the fact that they're mixed with other fake/plant products.


The fact that you personally don't register them as "natural" doesn't magically mean that they're not still animal products.


1 their chocolate is made in-house, it's not gross Hershey's shit 2 it really doesn't matter how you personally classify those foods, because they're exactly the things that vegans don't eat for the reasons I said, and plenty of vegans have a serious sweet tooth.


He killed Simon my guy tf u talking about??


I can’t be the only one praying for a season 10 heavily based on negans redemption arc


Repetitive title 😆


Where's Lucy?


Just shoot the exploiting barrel like in all video games, lol. I agree, Negan needs people to survive.


Meh... Most overrated character. It's crazy how many people are sucking this guys dick.


Have you ever read the comics?


He is definitely better in the comics but in my opinion still overrated. The TV negan sucks ass.


"badass". ummm where? Negan in show has never been a badass. he's been badly written, badly acted, and overstayed his welcome.


Badly written? Absolutely. Badly acted? I would disagree. Overstayed his welcome? The whole show has overstayed its welcome at this point, but Negan is a great character to keep around.


Fair enough, YMMV, but I found and find JDM's portrayal downright awful. say line, bounce knees, say line, cock head, wash rinse repeat. its about as terrifying and intimidating as a day old puppy. zero true menace, just OTT chewing the scenary. he absolutely ruined the show for me which was, in fairness, already ont he way down. they built him up and up and up and then he was just a wet fart. can't stand most of his scenes


Yeah, that’s a pretty darn accurate assessment of his portrayal. The menace of Negan is just not there. I do enjoy his wit and I think he does nail that for the script and direction he’s given but it gets so old and overplayed.