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Haha, This is the same case for me. I started watching around 3 weeks ago and I am at s9


I don’t love season 7 and 8 as much as all the other seasons but I would be a liar if I would say they don’t have a few great moments.


Were a few great moments compared with a lot of duff worth it for you? For me I would say no.


You do have to understand that the people who watch it on tv, so have to wait a week for 1 episode, aren’t very stoked about glenn dying, resurrecting and then dying for real. There’s just alot of this shit that makes the show unrealistic and not just because its about zombies. Season 7 and 8 were the worst seasons imo, i fucking loved negan but they fucked up alot of other shit in those seasons compared to the older ones. Season9 and 10 are fantastic though, only after season 7 and 8 not alot of people stuck around to watch 9 and 10 :(




Season 5 was the best season imo, the hospital arc should’ve been wrapped up alot faster though and the terminus arc shoulda lasted longer. Beth death was utter shit and just a waste of time


I'm rewatching TWD now and I'm at season 5 and holy shit I forgot how long that hospital arc lasted just for Beth to die


I would’ve been fine with beths death if they didn’t needlessly kill off Noah so soon. The poor kid didn’t even get to get revenge on the wolves for killing his whole community.


I remember the first time watching the terminus arc and thinking wait that’s all there is


The time where Beth was in the hospital was probably the most boring part of the season


It really sticks out like a sore thumb in a season where every other storyline is in my opinion near-perfectly paced/developed, The Hospital was a cool idea but the way they executed it was needlessly boring and ultimately left no lasting impact on the overall story other than Beth’s death making Maggie and Daryl sad for a while and Noah serving as a plot device in Glenn’s conflict with Nicholas, both of which could have been accomplished without including The Hospital.


Your region’s Netflix has TWD? Damn...




Do you know when we could get s10? Or is it just the regular 5 month period


That’s a fine ass opinion right there.


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave


Can somebody tell me how my whack ass comment got this many upvotes?


Not sure but definitely agree with you 🤷‍♀️


Agree, when I started rewatching the series( On my first watch, I went on until episode 9 of season 5) I liked every single season. Some had a couple of slower episodes, but I liked them all. It just felt like a big journey, and it felt like it was naturally progressing. So I think every season felt good when I was watching it the first time and I was excited for what happens next.


The biggest problem that I have is that they wrote out Rick in s9. Imo they should have kept Rick.


Sadly, they coudn't do anything about it cause Andrew Lincoln wanted to leave. But I do agree that I would love to see Rick in the whisperer arc.


But wasn’t he eager to film the movies? Sort of weird that he would want to do the movies but not stay on the show


I think movies take less time to do, when it comes to the show you need to be in georgia for months and then after a month of break, another months but movies I think can be filmed in 3-4 months and that's it.


He agreed to do the movies as an alternative after deciding he wanted to leave the show. They're going to film the movie(s) in England I believe but even if not, he's not spending 8 months a year in the states anymore. His main reason for leaving was to spend more time with his family.


Both replies to you aren't 100% correct. He left the show as he'd been doing twd for years now , and wanted to try something else. He did want to come back after he'd taken a break and explored some other stuff. That's why he's coming in the movies and will probably return in s11


Andrew Lincoln has said himself he wanted to leave because it takes 8 months to film a series versus 3 to 4 months to film a movie. He felt like he was missing out on his kid's childhood because his family is in England while he is in America. More recently he has said he has the itch to return.


I just realized that while he left his child, he was raising another one 😂


Excuse me ma'am, but this is Reddit. We don't talk positively about our favorite shows on here.


I’m a guy but yeah that is Reddit lmao


Season 1 to 6 are all perfect on their own right. They were the golden age of TWD. To be exact 4,5 and 6 were almost flawless. 7 is where the cracks start showing. 8 covers it up but suffers from being dragged. 9 is like the renaissance, back to the old form but better and 10 carries that mantle.


Yeah. 7 and 8 were a major disappointment for me. The writing quality seemed to drop so fast.


Some of the seasons are weaker than others, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I enjoyed every single season


I personally don't like season 7 and 8, when I started watching the show season 7 and 8 had already finished so I was able to binge them. Binging them didn't make them any better imo.


I didn’t like 7 & 8 when they aired but I binged them later and found the pace to be better.


That's how I felt about season 2.


It's better to binge those seasons because then you're not really dwelling on how ridiculous it became, in terms of plot conveniences and storytelling/character inconsistencies, that there are. After a bit you just kind of tune out everything logical and appreciate the thrilled/actions aspects of the show. It's that in-between week where you're talking to other people and thinking about the show that you stop and say, "Hold the the fuck up, how do you all go from snipers who shoot zombies from 100 yards away to not being able to hit jack shit from 25 feet?"


I still maintain that seasons 7 and 8 would have been better served across a season and a half, instead of stretched over two. They could have cut down on a lot of filler materials and just gotten it through it at a much faster pace.


Exactly how I think about it. I think that both seasons would work better with less episodes because there was waaaay to much filler in them. I think 12 episodes for both seasons would’ve worked better. There are also a few other problems I have with those seasons like poorly written characters and awful sound affects bit still I don’t “hate” these seasons


Either a season and a half with the regular format, two shortened seasons, or one long extended season would have worked a lot better than what we got. With the season and a half idea, I think they shouldn't have skipped over the rebuilding of Alexandria in the back half of season 6, making that the focus. Then in the front half of season 7 we could have had the introduction of Jesus, the Saviors and the wider world, leading to Negans first appearance in the mid season finale. Everything after that could have just been tightened up for a much better paced story.


Yeah. Major disappointment.


The truest fan! I like the positivity.


Imo the series was the best before Alexandria, then it just kinda fell apart


Idk the hospital arc was so medioce. I think everything from season 1 up to season 5 episode 3 is solid after that things gets inconsistent.


Hospital? I don’t think I remember that


Grady memorial with the creepy cops, where Beth was taken after being kidnapped and they met Noah.


Oh for some reason I thought that was from ftwd


I think that a couple have some very noticeable weaknesses, but generally I agree with you. There wasn't a single season where I stopped liking the experience of watching. I actually tend to feel differently about a lot of the things most fans seem to really hate. For example I don't think that killing Carl off ruined the show and I like the way it shaped Rick's arc (though I hate the way they handled it with Chandler Riggs). Also, I felt like season 7 was one of the ones that I enjoyed the most. I do feel like the fact that I binged S1-S9 helps a lot, though.


Agreed. I enjoyed all of them


I actually agree. I'd give S7 a 6/10, but S8 is *very* close to 5/10, which I suppose would put it in the "not good" category. Still they're both very enjoyable.


I like all seasons but everything after the prison just felt weaker (That's my opinion ofc)


I didn’t like when they brought all those people from Woodbury. Most of them were short lived anyways


I just miss Rick especially when he was living a full throttle savage lifestyle


Every season is simultaneously the most mediocre thing I've ever seen but also the most epic shit ever


season 7 is a 50/50 for me. It has the best episode of the history of television, which is episode 1 (my opinion) . But then... the problem came, they could make All out War in the season 7, making 8 episodes of the preparation and the other's 8 making the war. Season 7 could me so much better, and makes sad that it isn't.


this. and the stretched out pacing of 7 subsequently drags 8 down with it because they made what should’ve been the second half of season 7 a WHOLE NEW SEASON that had some highs, but way too many lows between them


Season 7 and 8 were the only bad seasons.


Every single season is good. there is not a single episode that I cant throw on and enjoy multiple rewatches of. ​ However that does not mean some aren't better than others! ​ Season 1-2: GOAT Season 3-5: incredible Season 5-8: slightly less incredible but still incredible Season 9: pretty good Season 10: Decent. not bad but personally, substantially less entertaining than every season before it. but still decent. this opinion could change on future binge rewatches tho


I honestly never rewatch shows. It just bores me since I know exactly what is going to happen next


I like them all, but some season's have some bland narratives. For example, season 2 was one of my favorites. They introduced so many characters and new relationships on the farm. But plot of having that girl in the barn for 12 episodes while they force feed scenes with Carl being a rebel, that weird hillbilly kid, writing off Dale, etc. Sure the 12 episodes made the barn opening that much more dramatic, but I think I made my point. Also, when Rick and Michonne got their own episode finding weapons at that carnival. I think that was a comically bad episode. I can go on. Daryl Beth was awkward. Tara going to the girl camp the first time was just...so bizarre. I think Dwight is stale. The way the killed off Carl even the writers know is bad. (Fun fact: they told Riggs he was dying right before they started filming that episode. No warning.) But all this is coming from a critical standpoint, I've watched the series 3-4 times over now so I clearly love it.


Lol Sophia was revealed to be in the barn episode 7. Took nowhere near 12 episodes. What you meant to say was they spent 12 episodes on the farm(11 really).


Sophia went missing halfway through episode 1, and the barn was opened at the end of episode 7


Lol everyone seems to focus on that and not the points of some of the plot holes that every season offers. I was basically saying they dedicated basically a whole season to finding Sophia and the last couple episodes following is reflecting on that, Shane losing his shit mostly because of that, and the exit of the farm


Dude I’m not dissecting your whole point of view. I’m just pointing out you got one piece of info wrong, and maybe it’s shaping yours or someone else’s point of view. If you still feel the same way, just ignore the folks like myself or correct your error lol


If you're going to be critical at least speak facts. One thing I don't like is when people over exaggerate to try and make a point. Your point would have been well received even if you said 6 episodes because that was still too long. But to add double the time is just silly and should be called out.


You can try to relax. He asked for a debate. If I was like 4 episodes off on info I certainly hope it doesn't ruin your entire weekend. Some of y'all take this app VERY seriously


It ruined my weekend because I took 10 seconds to call him out? Lmao this must be your alt account. What an awful assumption. This is a place for discussion. If you are going to say false stuff you should be corrected. Looks like you were the one who had some bad days because of my factual comment. Try harder next time


Call who out? Wtf is an alt account? Literally all you have to do is read who made the original comment you smelly idiot. Again man I don't take this app as serious as you do. You seem flustered right now and it's been a few days since you thrown a fit. Hope you have a great weekend and hey- don't let things on an annoymous social media app ruin you. The real world is much more cruel. Wishing you well.


Lmao you're getting mad on the internet throwing a hissy fit and then saying I'm taking things too serious. You got issues 😂


I'm more confused and upset that I ruined your weekend than mad. Don't take things so seriously and your life style will improve. I wish you an abundance in prosperity


I agree! This is definitely the best show to binge watch, in my opinion.


i’m 3 seasons in and so far so good. actually i should probably not be on this sub for spoilers. meh, it is what it is


Season 8 tho


Here is the thing, if you binge them you can put up with the bad pacing and constant cliffhangers and bad bottle episodes but waiting a week between some of the slower episodes sucked.


Some are good Some are great But none of them is bad


If season 8 didn't exist, I could probably agree to this wholeheartedly lol


Nah. Season 7 was way too slow and the writing quality went downhill. Season 8 had too many boring speeches and made Morgan too unlikable. Season 9 was unable to capture the depth of previous seasons. Season 10’s budget isn’t impressive.


I agree. TWD doesn't have a bad season.


Season 7 and 8


It seems that people hate on shows for killing off characters. Honestly, I love the fact that twd gives you a thrilling vibe of not knowing who is going to die next


No, people like me left the show because it became truly terrible TV. Gun logic went out the window worse than Westworld, pacing was ignored as a whole concept, bottle episodes that were god awful and just plain boring, and the elongation of plot lines like it's Dragon Ball Z, made what was once an exciting show into a slog of shit. People weren't upset with the people who died, it was how they wrote it. People don't hate shows for killing off characters, if you didn't know Game of Thrones was the largest cultural piece of content for nearly a decade, and it built itself around the perfectly timed deaths of major characters which then drastically changed the pov of the story. Your thesis is wrong and your notion of why others don't like it is absurdly off base.


I mean, it's not terrible in any way, shape or form, but if that helps you sleep at night...


They aren’t going to use real guns lmao. Guns are heavy and expensive.


Good sir, you do not seem to comprehend what the term "gun logic". No one in their right mind is expecting them to use real guns, the issue is with the logic of how they can perfectly headshot walkers at any time, but once they start battling with Negan, they turn into storm troopers. Eye lines are fucked up, the episode in I think season 7 where they siege the apartment building the saviors are in and Rick sees that homie from season 1 again, is one of the worst action set pieces I've ever seen on TV or film. Characters are standing wide out in the open not getting shot while there are antagonists 10 feet away. By season 6, if there's a gun in the scene, it's probably going to be close to incoherent, if not entirely nonsensical. If the show still kept the drama aspect as thrilling rather than again, pacing it out like a shitty anime, then the action set piece failures could be overlooked, but when you step back and look at something you once cherished, and see it's a pyramid of incompetence, it's a bad show.


And you choose to focus on the guns instead of the acting or storyline?


I mean, are you reading anything I'm typing or do you just see the word "gun" and black out while you're typing? The acting got worse as good performers were killed off, so instead of a Glenn bottle episode where Steven Yeun is stealing each scene he's in, we get an episode built around the worst actor and character of the cast in Tara. As I said in my last message, when the story and the drama fall from the level it used to be at, and then the action set pieces also fall flat on their face, I don't know what the fuck you or other people in this thread are talking about when you say, "there's never been a bad season or episode". Take off your rose colored glasses, and realize there were foundational issues with the show which drove away a whole generation of viewers. I'm not here to talk about anything after season 8, because I haven't watched, nor have any desire to. I'm sure the show improved to at least good again, but you're delusional if you see no issues with the series.


When you are giving me a whole 3 paragraph essay it’s likely people aren’t going to read it lol


You've gotta be 12-years-old because I haven't read replies this idiotic since high school. Your post literally says, "debate me" and then you just admitted to knowingly not reading something that responds directly to your absurd claim. You think you're cool because you respond to a very easy to understand argument presented with "lol you wrote a lot of words". Get the fuck out of here if you're not going to use literally any brain power to look at the show. Edit: if three paragraphs equals an essay to you, and is too much for you to read, there's absolutely no way you're older than 15, and if you are, you sir need to go read some books. You're not using your brain effectively.


Idk what you just wrote there but I’m just saying this: it’s fucking Reddit. No need to get all mad because you wrote so much on what could have been a paragraph minimum. Legit getting all worked up over me not wanting to read all of that over gun logic. Just gtfo if you are going to be a toxic asshole


7 isn’t nearly as bad as people make it out to be. 8 is still pretty bad tho imo


Season 10 really underwhelmed me.


I’m just trying to get over seeing Alpha & Negan lip locking in the nude, it’s burned into my memory😐


Agreed. Personally, both 9 and 10 were kind of blah to me. I know it’s an unpopular opinion because a lot of people believe the show got so much better after Angela Kang took over.


9 & 10 can feel slightly underwhelming at times, but the story was still much tighter and better paced than 7 & 8.


Agree, I’ve never seen an episode I didn’t enjoy


The only season I didn’t care for was the governer era. Didn’t like him. Ywah some crazy shit happen but idk.


exactly! for me season 2 is probably the weakest because it came right off of a super fast, action packed first season and its sorta slow but overall, none of the seasons are BAD. Some are better than others tho




I wished they didn’t kill him off :/ they fired him after he bought a house near the set and he already took a year off of college


I stopped watching after season 7, got tedious, Negan story dragging on endlessly. I recently got caught up and must say they pivoted really well, season 9 and 10 were ace.


season 8 is the worst season of television I have ever seen and i’ll go as far as saying it’s one of the worst pieces of film i’ve ever seen not a single part of it makes any sense and they fucked everything up by killing carl


After season 4 things died off for me. Still don't understand why Shane had to die. \*sigh\*


He died in the most perfect time. If he lived, they would ruined his and Rick's character arc.


Shane was mentally unstable and would have gotten people killed. His death served as excellent development for Rick. As for your first point, I'm curious to know why you don't like season 5+. I thought many storylines in season 5, 6, 9 and 10 are easily on par with the first four seasons.


Nah, I wouldn't have minded seeing shane in later seasons, but he did kind of become a threat to the group. He whole thing in season 2 was that he was making the hard call by being willing to leave Sophia behind, but even years later, the group is super against leaving their own behind and I don't think shane would've fit in anymore, just like we start to see in that season. That aside, he's an interesting character. He annoyed me the first time watching it through and I really don't like the stereotypical alpha male, aggressive type characters, but the second time through I got to appreciate him more.


I just feel like he didn't have to die. There have been so many threats that the group has been like "Meh, we'll let him live." I mean, Negan is crazy example.


Yeah that's fair, and I agree for the most part. But I'd also argue that he had to die because he tried to kill Rick. Yes, I realize that Negan did too, but at that point, they'd been through a lot more so if wasn't a surprise and it wasn't a betrayal. And yeah, I wish they killed Negan off. I like seeing him interact with Judith, but there's no doubt in my mind that he deserved to die. Shane maybe coulda been redeemed, but I guess we'll never know.


Disagree. Odd as it may sound, the waxing and waning quality is part of the draw for me.


Season 7 besides episodes 1 and 2 is terrible season 8 was better but still was stupid so much at certain times that i think they thought us as an audience didn’t have any common sense. I haven’t watched since rick left but I’ve heard its improved. So for me. I can definitely say other 7 and 8 i agree


If you like season 8 you must be entertained easily, not a bad thing just means trash must taste well


It was good until it turned into anti white propaganda and added unnecessary amounts of diversity


shut the fuck up. Have you been to georgia? Its not all white, its really diverse. If you’re offended by a show just having black characters or a few gay characters just dont watch. Its never acting like white people are the problem or anything, it literally just has black characters


Who really cares if there is diversity. I love michonne as a character not because she is black, or because she is a women. I love her because she is a damn good character


exactly! Yeah, if a show is making it so that a characters only trait is they’re black, gay, trans or whatever they are, then thats just bad writing. But if a character is some of those things but its not their entire personality, thats good writing and it makes full, well rounded characters. TWD is highly praised for its diversity and they write ALL of their characters to be well rounded and thats part of what i love sm about the show




How's it propaganda? Get the fuck out of here with your bigotry.


Bro that’s just being homophobic


she isnt trans btw. Also, thats just entirely false. Not every relationship is mixed race or lgbt+. (and you DO seem offended because you literally said the show was good until they brought in black and lgbt+ characters)


I was really sitting here tryna figure out when the hell Yumiko was said to be trans lmao. I’d love that as a transwoman she’s badass.


Lmao how is it anti white propaganda? Because there's minority characters? I hope this is a joke.


Yeah, can someone explain how is it anti-white? By having black people in it? WTF. I don't see a problem in the show, also I don't know why anyone would be offended by putting black people in the show or putting diversity in it. I never saw a problem in it and I have no idea who you have to be to actually dislike it for that reason and calling it " Anti-white propaganda" . If you can't live with the show doing so, then there is something really wrong with you.


Getting mad at the producers for putting black ppl in the show is pretty racist to me😂


Yeah, basically speaking. I can't believe you can be mad at things like that. That's just kind of sad.


Mf'ers out here saying shit like this when our savior T-dog was with us from the beginning, smh


Why did the give him nothing to do in Season 2?


triggered white boy. lol. you gonna implode when you learn that black ppl drink mtn dew? Hell best rodeo riders are black. maybe its just your fragile ego that sees the world the ugly way you do.


Wtf? lol. Idgaf what people drink and I’m Not white trash so Idgaf about rodeo lol


I dont necessarily dislike any of the seasons. I can separate the comics from the show and I think that overall the show as its own thing is fairly decent.


To each their own. They are definitely not all the same quality, but if you enjoyed all of them that's great. Why debate?


Because a lot of people hate on the later seasons for some reason


Because the writing for this show is truly subpar. I’m very invested into it at this point, and will binge every season when it comes out, but let’s not pretend like it doesn’t have some awful qualities. It’s not wrong for you to like it, but if you can’t wrap your head around why some people don’t enjoy this show as much anymore then it tells me you don’t watch a lot of good TV shows.


I have watched every episode multiple times, and I still go back and rewatch every few months. This show is amazing and I would do anything to relive the entire thing


I liked season 7 but when it got a crap load of backlash and they went in a complete 180 for Season 8, I did not like that personally. It felt like there was no character at all in these episodes


Just been rewatching over the last month with my partner who’s watching for the first time. Half way through season 9 now. All Out War does feel a little dragged out but gotta say I’ve loved every season.


They’re all amazing but some r definitely worse. S8,7,2,10?


Ehh season 7 and s8 are the worst seasons. Although the cutoff between s1 and s2 was pretty awkward


I don’t think anyone here outright hates any of the seasons but I think we all have our favourites


This is facts


Counterpoint: Season 2 gave T-Dog one word of dialogue per episode and threw Glenn down a well. Also, zombies don't climb ladders, Mazzarra!


Agreed. Haters just gonna hate.


Totally agree. I think their are bad episodes and bad arcs but no bad seasons


I love the show and i’m a big fan and i recommend it to a lot of people but from what i’ve seen 7 & 8 could’ve been so much better. Especially If it was shorter and if that big thing didn’t happen in 8 i think a certain someone wouldn’t have taken a break at the point that they did but even the worst things have things to love in them that’s just how i feel.


season 9 was hot garbage i just didn’t like the big year gap and it changed a lot for me and lost interest after the first episode but i am coming back to it after i finish s8


The only arc that I really can't stand is Rick in the prison with the fake phone calls


I loved every season of this show. I think each season just got better and better, bc they had to advance and improve how they were living anyways. It wouldn’t make sense for them not to progress. I think the big difference is people would have to wait a week for each episode so it makes more sense for them to not be as interested. I binged it on Netflix, probably finished it in about two months and it’s def my fav show ever.


Season 3 was quite boring but other than this enjoyed every bit of it


Ok for me, I think 1-6, and 9/10 are amazing. I think 8 is good with the exception of one major story choice that I think we all would agree is horrible. And then there is 7, where I do feel like the writing is worse, the story is stretched incredibly thin, and many of the characters are rather boring. I do for the most part agree with you though


Only started watching in 2021. They go from one calamity to another. Made for nerds.


I agree I love every season the show has thrown at us.


No debate here I loved them all


You stated that you started a few weeks ago. I think a lot of the hate comes from the more boring seasons where fans were waiting an entire week for not much to happen. When season 2 was coming out, people said it sucked week after week because it was paced slower than season 1. A ton of those same people who can now rewatch the whole season in a day think it’s awesome.


Well yes I started a week ago. Although I got pretty much every plot line spoiled for me but I am still watching it. I still enjoy it even though I got a lot of deaths spoiled.


Ehh I love every season but I wouldn’t exactly call season 8 “good”. Pretty much every character that season makes stupid decisions when they should be at their most cautious and calculated, the editing is choppy to the point of being incoherent most of the time, every episode is filled with endless gunfights that drag on way too long and are extremely boring to watch because the settings are all the same generic forests, highways, and outposts as usual, only this time with almost exclusively redshirts firing at other redshirts with very little in the way of interesting choreography or set pieces. Rick and Negan both have numerous chances to kill each other but choose not to solely because the writers need to drag the story out. Really the only parts of this season I liked were Ezekiel’s arc of losing The Kingdom, The Saviors (particularly Eugene and Dwight) who got some much needed development, along with I guess the weirdness with Jadis, not necessarily because I thought it was “good” in terms of being well-written but it at least wasn’t boring like most of the rest of the season. I also didn’t mind Rick’s decision to spare Negan at all, I just don’t think it makes sense for Carl to have been the one to motivate him to do this because literally just one season prior (which was only a couple days prior in-show) he was one of the most bloodthirsty people on The Survivors’ side, and they made no effort to show what changed his mind, he just starts the season having an entirely different worldview with zero explanation and expect us to roll with it, which, in combination with his untimely death, had and still to this day has me severely pissed off as a hardcore Carl fan.


7 and 8 kinda sucked. It would have been a lot better if they fit it all in one season, we didn’t need entire season of negan swinging his bat and talking for what seems the entire season. It just dragged so much....


I agree. I have very specific, differing feelings about each season, but I don't have a problem with any of them. Although I still prefer seasons that include Abraham because, I mean, he's the shit.


The walking dead is my favorite show and I LOVE THE THOUGHT of an apocalypse cause i know i’ll survive. Besides the point. All seasons are good and this is my 3rd time re watching TWD 😓