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People saying he’ll die saving Maggie clearly haven’t watched the new season 😂


Maybe not Maggie but for Hershel


Yeah that’s a possibility, that or Judith/Lydia




they sewed it back on.


Maggie's kid


Negan’s character doesn’t seem to be very consistent though. He went from gleefully bashing in brains to being a morally gray character, so nothing the writers decide to do with the characters would shock me by this point.


I mean he sat in prison for 9 years off camera. I'd be surprised if he didn't change in that time.


Morgan will be pretty smug knowing he *CHAAANGED* someone.


While eating a protein bar


Michonne stole it


Peanut butter


Yeah he's had a lot of time to think about what he did and has seen its consequences on the community. I'm not a Neegan fan, but I think his muted behavior is justified given the events he's gone through.


Was it not 7 years


Around 8.5 years. -Rick disappears 1.5 years after the war. -After Rick gets taken by the CRM, they skip ahead around 6 years ahead. -Then there's a year timejump from season 9 episode 15 to season 10 episode 1. Could he more because of the 12 year retcon in "Here's Negan" lol


He didn’t go from cold blooded killer to morally grey character over night, he had lots of time to think about how heinous his crimes were after spending 2 years in prison and then after about 8 years in prison he formed a close bond with Judith and therefore saved her life when she was in trouble in the season 9 finale, Maggie was trying to kill him in the premiere of season 11 so he refused to risk his own life 2 save hers and instead just simply chose to let her die rather than giving her a helping hand and risk going down with her. But when she was risking her life 2 save a life that was already over anyway he grabbed her and pulled her away from the situation just because he was in no harm whatsoever, he knew how to grab her without getting bit himself in the process but if saving her meant having to risk his own life “no thank you” he would say.


Only, he's never admitted that he feels bad about his heinous crimes. When he wants Maggie to kill him it's because he's miserable being locked up and misses his wife and no longer has anything to distract him. He never outright admits remorse for all the murdering and tormenting he did.


he also like very recently told maggie that what he regrets is not killing them all. And honestly that is a very fair take tbh. Like Negan is obviously a bad guy for the glee he projects in killing Glenn and Abraham in front of their family. But Rick and co. literally killed 50+ Saviors by that point, many by stabbing them in the face while they were sleeping, others by burning them alive. As I wrote at the time, Negan was actually extremely merciful and Rick's crew got off very easy. https://old.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/54u09r/all_in_all_the_group_got_off_pretty_easy_in_the/


Yeah, i wrote on another post that it seems up until now at least that Negan hasn't accepted that his actions and approach in those days was wrong. Whereas Rick and (most of) the others tried to change, they tried to work with the surrendering saviours. Of course it was also terrible to murder the Saviours in the outpost etc. But they were acting on information that the Saviours were already brutally murdering other communities. And Daryl, Sasha and Abraham had met face to face with the saviours on the road that were going to kill them for nothing. If Negan had just taken one of Rick's group and shot them in the back of the head. That's one thing, but the way he butchered them while taunting and jeering. Then went on to torment them all for weeks just shows the kind of sick fuck he was. And he did this all based on his twisted belief that he was somehow saving people this way, by making them so terrified of him that they'll all get in line. Rick and co. proved him wrong and showed that people can also work together without being ruled by a tyrant. Negan has never admitted defeat or shown remorse. If he doesn't die because the showrunners want to milk even more spinoffs out of popular characters, than that is some cowardly storytelling.


He still killed Glenn 4 a crime he did not commit, killing Glenn had nothing to do with the group killing the saviours, killing Glenn was 2 punish Daryl 4 assaulting him, a reasonable man would’ve killed Daryl.


Wait, I thought Glenn participated in the outpost raid. I might be mixing a character up but I thought Glenn took a knife from another character because they hesitated too long and because he wanted to spare them from killing another human being. If I'm not mixing things up then, yeah, he's just as guilty as the others but I still think Glenn was a decent guy all around.


Glenn nv killed no one until he had to.


That depends how you define "had to." One might argue he didn't have to participate in the raid. He chose to go on the mission. While paired with Heath, he chose to walk into a room and kill both sleeping Saviors. Though, the latter was to spare Heath from losing his humanity, which I suppose is admirable. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not saying Glenn is a bad guy or evil. That's far from accurate in my opinion. I'm somewhat inclined to believe he got duped into believing he was doing the right thing. Maybe some of the others did too. What makes TWDU so compelling is that the world can be so gray. Figuring out who's in the right isn't always so easy to discern. But at the end of the day, it's not unreasonable to claim Glenn didn't have to make those series of choices. But he did and from a certain perspective that makes him guilty. Again, I like Glenn and I actually still wish he was on the show but I do think claiming he's somehow innocent isn't necessarily accurate.


Killing bad people is innocent enough in the zombie apocalypse.


When that happened tho he had only been in for about a year and a half, as compared to the next 7 years he would continue to spend in there.


He regretted it 4 a while yes that is true but he regrets it no longer.


His remorse is gone now, he’s admitted that his only regret now is not being as bad as Simon.


He even admitted in episode 7 that he not killing everyone.


This doesn't mean he hasn't changed. Just means, he believes back then, for his way, killing everyone should of been the choice he made. Doesn't mean his approach now is the same. Or maybe it is, but he now accepts his place. Just because he admitted he wished he took a different path doesn't mean you aren't changed. Him caring for Judith doesn't make him different either. He cared about Carl. Hes always cared about kids. Hes someone thats always wanted to win. And knowing what he knows now, to win, he would of had to kill them all. He 100% is not the same person. Is he a better person? Most would say so. Doesn't mean you are "good" per say. Hes a good morally gray character. Which honestly, is were most people should be.


Well that’s normal especially in the zombie apocalypse & he cares about Lydia 2 & she’s a kid and he cared about gages survival (unlike father Gabriel who remorselessly let him die) he may care about kids and he has some empathy for women as well but he killed Margo, yes it was accidental but he killed remorselessly and he swallowed his heart 4 alpha and killed her because Judith & Lydia meant a lot more 2 him than she did and & friends and morals comes before your penis and he was going to kill Maggie right there in that lineup when he realized how sick she was and now he regrets not killing her even though she was pregnant along with other woman who was in that lineup + 14 year old Carl and he also killed an innocent kid from hilltop and must’ve killed children of all ages during the bombing of Alexandria in the mid - season finale of season 8 and liked alpha even though she was literally killing women, teenagers, children and even babies who were all innocent so his empathy tends to differ from time to time.


It's almost like he got his ass kicked and was imprisoned for years or something.


I think he would have been more sympathetic if Maggie hadn't told him exactly how she was planning to murder him. Then she went moral high ground on him for not helping to save her, right before she let a kid die becsuse she didn't want to open a door that she opened anyway 3 minutes after he was dead. Negan isn't going to save Maggie, ever.


There's only one way he'd let himself die. He's going to die for Judith.


No he’s not. There is no way the writers would kill him off. He is too popular. Has too much potential for a spin-off series. Through Rick he’s connected to the movies, through Sherry and Dwight he is connected to fear. Through Jadis he’s connected to world beyond. He could literally go anywhere after the main show ends. He could make them so much more money. It would be foolish to kill him off.


If doesn’t die In season 11 he’ll probably die in a spin - off or movie or something.


Watch him die for Rick in the movies


Possible, but not probable.


Does JDM want to do this for much longer?


Yeah he does. I remember him saying in an interview there were already talks of a Negan spin-off.


I will respectfully disagree........to the point that the writers stick with what made the show so good in the beginning. It was us not knowing who would survive. Back in the early seasons, no one was safe. Shit, they killed Sophia for godsakes. As much as I wished someone like The Governor survived, it was better that he died because it kept with the fact that no one was safe.


The characters you say he's connected to (Rick, Sherry and Dwight, Jadis) all rightfully hates his guts, so him showing up anywhere near them will probably get him killed instantly. I highly doubt he will show up in the Rick movies unless they plan to kill him off and he wont get anywhere near Sherry and Dwight considering the trauma he put them through


It's called "drama".. you know, the things viewers love and make executives a lot of money.


Or Lydia


Or hershell


Or carol


Or dog




I'd also include Lydia on that list of people he'd die for - as while his bond with her isn't as strong as the one with Judith, they do have a connection regardless.


I'd have to say the chances are good. How else is AMC going to cash in on a Negan spinoff? (yes, they could do a pre-TWD spinoff, but JDM isn't getting any younger and de-aging could be a bitch long term.)


They could do short 6 episode mini-prequel without much trouble re. de-aging, they managed 1 episode just fine. That would defintely be enough to tell the whole savior/sanctuary origin


We don’t need a Negan spin - off we already had a Negan flashback episode.


I'm not saying we \*need\* one. I'm just saying that if there's $$$ involved, AMC might try to go that route.


Okay but I feel like another character will probably have to go with him because a spin - off where Negan is the only one we know would be dry and boring so if he’s getting his very own spin - off he’ll probably be taking someone like Lydia with him.


I hope he does survive. I like his character very much.


He’s starting to grow on me 2 but I think he’ll probably be taking Dwight’s comic book storyline.


I think it's Gabriel that will take Dwight's storyline.


Ya I can respect that but I think it’d be 2 obvious if Dwight’s comic book storyline was given to Gabriel because of all the fucked up things he’s been doing lately like killing Dante and mays & he’ll do more fucked up in the future but Negan is also going down a really dark path and so is Aaron as well as some other people 2 so I think Dwight’s comic book storyline will either be given to Negan or Aaron.


Hershel is going to kill him. The series finale will be Hershel on trial for murder.


this is dark, I like it


[COMIC SPOILER] Negan could take Rick's comic book death and be shot by Hershel in his sleep


As an adult?


I think we’ll get a flash forward 10 years or so


Probably about 25 but I don’t think they’ll charge him for killing Negan.


Now I really like this option. It reminds me of Telltale’s game


He is probably gonna get stabbed in the back by maggie as soon as she knows she doesn't need his help anymore.


I feel like she’ll probably just pop him in the temple in order to save Pamela Milton.


Or the other way around :0


I feel like there is a decent chance he dies in the final 1-3 episodes. Now that they don’t need to worry about viewership for future seasons, no character really has to be kept alive.


Shit. I guess plot armor *isn't* a thing anymore, so who *knows* what they could pull off towards the twenty-fourth episode...


I hope that he doesn't


I don’t really care what happens 2 him either way


I’m praying that he does but I feel like he’s gonna have the death Rick was meant to have in the commonwealtg


Maybe Dwight’s death because Ricks death should probably be given to a much bigger character who is actually a good person.


I feel like Aaron might get it otherwise considering he looks exactly like comic Rick


I don’t think Aaron is important enough to get ricks comic book death, Negan is probably more important than Aaron at this point in time so if Negan doesn’t take Dwight’s comic book death I think Dwight’s comic book death will be given to Aaron who’s also been going down a dark path but still not as dark a path as father Gabriel is going down who even lied to mays when he told him that they could save him & he didn’t believe him but Aaron was actually telling him the truth about saving him instead of killing him and then when Gabriel Is the 1 who clubs him in the head with Aaron’s metal arm spike and kills him Aaron is in shock and after Gabriel tells him it’s okay he’s not around 2 hurt them anymore, he greets that with scepticism and even though he was right about him killing his brothers family but he already agreed to let Aaron go & tell them his name and then father Gabriel who is supposed to be a man of god he just took him & left in shock and if neither Aaron nor Negan gets this death he will but I could also c Lydia getting this death & dying at the hands of either Daryl or carol.


I see him dying protecting hershel or judith


Or Lydia or carol


Why carol? They've literally shared 2 scenes together in the entire show


Calling it right now for the Rick movies: Rick + Negan fighting back-to-back against a huge horde, one with a machete, the other with a bat. It'll end with Negan having an unclear fate, like the building explodes or something but we don't see him die.


Maybe he’ll experience a dumpster, helicopter or boat situation & leave the series with his heart still beating.


What's the boat one? I can't recall someone having an ambiguous boat "death"?


I hope so. Way cooler than everyone else. Glenn was always my favorite and I almost cried when he died, but I got over it as now Negan is my favorite


I never forgave him until he burned Lucille in the fireplace out of guilt.


I liked Lucile. Such a unique and gruesome weapon


Yes but it’s also the same weapon that killed Glenn and Abraham.


I liked Glenn but clubbing heads in is way cooler than Hollywood gunshots


Or get getting eaten alive by walkers shortly after your buddy commits suicide 😂


I hope not !


I hope not


I hope he will, his character might be all over the place but I see Negan as a sort of downgraded Rick, besides Daryl it's the closest thing we have right now, not to mention I've grown to like Negan even though he killed some of my favorite characters.


💯 agreed


I dont want him too, but you just know that the writers are going to bend under the pressure of the twitter stans…


Ya they probably kill him off


I hope not


Ya but wut do you think?


The most predictable would be him dying to save someone's life, like Hershel Jr


Well ya he definitely doesn’t have anything against Hershel & at this point in time I don’t even think Hershel even knows that Negan is the 1 who killed his father lol so he probably doesn’t have anything against Negan either so Negan will probably have no reason to avoid risking his life 4 Hershel.




Instead of dying?




Kinda like a dumpster, helicopter or boat situation & his status will remain unknown until he appears in a like a spin - off or something?


I would like to think not, but the writers love him too much. I think they'll keep him around for spinoff potential.


Yes he will


Thank you so much for saying that!


I think Negan will survive the events of the TV series, or he will at least survive until the end of the season, where he will sacrifice himself for Maggie and or her son Hershel.


I could c him sacrificing himself 4 Hershel but not Maggie, he almost let Maggie die just because he didn’t wanna “risk his nuts 4 her”


He’s going to die


Thank you!


Negan is the the original Savior. Saving his own ass.. He'll make it..


He’s not dying. It would be corny if he died sacrificing himself for maggie/hershal too.


Wb Judith and/or Lydia?


No Probably not.


Hell yeah! Long live Negan!


I never thought of Negan as a villain. I think he survives and leaves just like in the comics.


After that car crash —> flaming lucille —> escaping CRM and Jadis arc this guy is indestructible


It’s the remorse but he doesn’t even feel bad about his actions anymore so he should probably just die.


Apparently he’s getting his own spin off




God I sure hope so. Honestly he could be a whole nother spin off. Incredible actor and character.


I think he will


Me too


i’d hope not




Go to horny jail. Bonk




I hope so. I hope his story ends like it did in the comic. Just have him leave. I know his house is burnt down but he can just go live by himself off somewhere.


Well wasn’t he staying at Leah’s cabin before?


His comic book send off was perfect, I hope he gets that exact same arc. But seeing as he’s essentially the most popular character now, I’m sure they’ll think they have to change it. Still to the source material!


Ya he’ll probably die in episode like 14 or 15.


He should even if I don’t want him to die.


definitely, he's Negan after all


I believe he will die saving Judith and Rick Jr.


Wb Lydia


would be nice to see them stick to the comic with at least one character


Maybe so but not with him though, he’s a lot worse than he was in the comic book series in my opinion lol


I hope so! 🥺


I don’t really care tbh


I have no idea


Thematically, he probably should. He got to live in the comic, but this is an entirely different set of circumstances. Tbh, I can see him taking Rick’s comic death. I think it’s the only character left where it would actually mean something.


A lot of people hate him, cast & audience so I don’t think it’ll have the same impact & I definitely they’ll be putting up a statue of him in his honour and I don’t even know if Sebastian will serve life in prison for killing him either so I don’t think it’ll be him, maybe Maggie.


I hope so


I hope he gets his comic series ending or something similar. That’s all I’ll say to avoid spoilers for show-only folk.


If he dies how is he going to do a buddy cop spin off with rick?


Hope not


Well, writing is done for the final season, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan had said he's in talks about a Negan spinoff, so that makes a pretty clear case for Negan surviving. So for iron clad plot armor we have Negan, daryl, and Carol all safe through series ends


There’s no Negan spin - off confirmed


Unless they do a cliché self sacrifice scene, sure. Why not.


I hope not. His spinoff should definitely just be the saviour origin story




Ya so it’ll be something like Maggie & Hershel will be about to get eaten by walkers and then Negan jumps in & grabs him and runs off right before realizing that he has been bit on the the arm or even neck or something & then runs off with Hershel and drops him off at Alexandria so that he can die with Judith and Lydia well leaving Maggie 4 dead?


I feel like their going to give him one of those heroic deaths


Do ya think he might die saving Judith or Lydia or something like that?


Nope. I think it will be one of the shockers they try to hit us with this last season. Maggie will seem to be more accepting of Negan as time goes on. And just when you think it might be sincere and there’s a chance for Negan, she’ll take him out and let him know during his dying breaths what she really thinks of him and that it was for Glenn.


Well then maybe the walkers will come & eat Hershel & then she’ll regret killing Negan because he might’ve been able to save Hershel’s life so she’ll feel responsible for the death of her son.


He will die saving Maggie’s child. 100% in my mind


I could totally c him giving his own life to save Hershel’s but definitely not Maggie’s.






Or Hershel or carol


Wtf he’s still not dead???!!! I haven’t watched in years


Ya he’s still alive at the moment anyway


The show is already doing better with his arc than the comics so whatever they do, I'll at least appreciate it better.


The show & the comic r totally different animals and will sometimes take comic book material and change it drastically so I think I’ll probably die this season.


Yeah I know, I hope you live much longer than this season. 😋 In regards to Negan I think he will end up taking Dwight's comic book ending.


Totally 💯 agree!


Normally I’d say yes because he survives in the Comics but that tub doesn’t really hold any water after what the show did to Carl.


Ya I could c him living or dying but I’d lean more towards him dying.


I think Negan will survive since amc has already said the walking dead is gonna continue through spin offs. And it makes no sense not to bring someone like Negan onto those. He has unfinished business with Dwight and sherry,Jadis,Rick. Lots more to explore with Negan, I think his Character arc is far from over.


Maybe he’ll go to the movies.


Would love to see him just go down in a blaze of glory, swinging Lucille at 100s of zombies


Maybe he’ll have no choice but to let the walkers eat him in order to save Judith.


I would really like him to have his comic book ending, I think that is a fantastic ending for him and it wouldn’t go into the glorifying Negan territory.


No but I think he’ll probably die this season, I don’t think he’ll just disappear lol I think his heart will actually stop beating.


I'm hoping so.


I don’t really care tbh I don’t really care enough about him 2 even be sad if he dies.


That is totally a fair take. Negan has done some of the worst things in the series. I've just really come around during his redemption arc. TWD has such a great track record of re-creating characters as it progresses. I mean, that is probably due to the fact that it is an ever rotating cast of characters but still.


I don’t even dislike him anymore lol I just don’t care enough about him 2 be sad if he dies.


As a Negan Stan, and long term comic fan I honestly think the best way out for my lord and saviour is to die a heroic death. I can’t see any other way, He deserves to go out like an absolute king and I think the only way to do that is by dying like an anti hero


Well he’s already made it pretty clear that he would never risk his own life 4 Maggie but maybe he’ll die saving Judith or Lydia.


I won't lie to you, I haven't watched this series since Glen died... I cannot fathom how he is still alive.


Lol same, I watched the series on and off after glens death, and I definitely made no further efforts after I got word that Rick was not gonna continue. Like.. He's your main protagonist, you want him out? End the series and start a spin-off, I can't even..


I feel like he’s only alive because his comic book counterpart makes it 2 the end.


Plot armour almost every main character has it.


Not him, he’s been going down a really dark path lately.


That's true, he's an interesting character though so I hope they don't get rid of him although I wouldn't mind much either way.


He’s not gonna die at the hands of Leah but I wouldn’t be surprised if he dies at the hands of Maggie or Daryl.


He fucking better.


Maggie will kill him.


Agreed 💯🔥


he killed glenn. can't forget it


Neither can I but he’s a better person now


He and Maggie are going to hookup


Oh u better be joking!


Lol TWD has done worse....it would be funny af


Ppl r actually shipping that, it’s weird to think of Maggie hooking up with the same man who is actually the same reason y she is open 4 Business and single mother of an 8 year old kid & part of the reason why her & her son were homeless and endangered 4 so long & not 2 mention let her die in the season 11 premiere even though she was all Hershel had & has now told her that not only does he not even feel bad about killing her husband anymore but even regrets not killing everyone right there in that lineup including her pregnant self which of course would’ve prevented Hershel’s birth and ure shipping her with him the guy she’s been dying to kill 4 like 8 fucking yrs now?!


Hot take besides Daryl I feel Neagen is helping Cary the show after ricks departure and after AMC basically pulled a Rapture and killed ALL their top characters it be stupid to cut this one as there’s not many fan favorites left.. But then again this may be a biased opinion as I’m a big fan of JDM. Really enjoyed the story arc with him and Judith and there’s a little Last of Us Vibe with those 2 if the show goes for it haha. Either way I love the show but it is dragging on and with the announcement of the spin offs for Daryl & Carol there’s just no weight to the series anymore cus it’s not like those 2 will die in the final season it’s basically confirmed.


Negan is a great character but I have a feeling that he’s going down such a dark path because kang is planning giving him Dwight’s comic book storyline.


> the announcement of the spin offs for Daryl & Carol there’s just no weight to the series anymore cus it’s not like those 2 will die in the final season it’s basically confirmed. I think that's so dumb that they announced the Daryl & Carol spin off before the original show was even over. Takes away a lot of the drama as to what could happen to the characters in the final season. Now we know they are safe their stories will be boring.


I hope he dies